What entry level jobs are there for systems level programming languages like C and Rust? Ask Programming |
- What entry level jobs are there for systems level programming languages like C and Rust?
- Pay cut for 4 day work week?
- How much RAM should I buy?
- How to connect React front-end to C# back-end
- Am I screwed when it comes to internships?
- I need someone to help me. I did a manga store website for an assignment purpose. I tested it with live server in vscode. It worked perfectly. But when i saved it as a html file and opened it back without live server , the pictures and few of my codes features were missing in Chrome. I need help.
- Hobby vs. Career
- Is it possible for machine learning to be only so good?
- DFS | Detecting Cycle in an undirected graph | C++
- A web component based component library
- Do programmers write the entire code for making an SVG file or do they copy from elsewhere?
- Need Advice on a Product Recognition Project
- Help making a letter generator
- How do I softcode nested for-loops? (amount of for-loops increase/decrease according to my dynamic array)
- Advice on deciding next language
- Questions about Blocking functions in Python
- Choosing a language for a code example
- Is there a way to “Insert Row” on my companies webpage?
- What is the real purpose of IoC container?
- Are there any visual aids for learning programming?
- Standardize photo coordinates?
- Ideas on how to make/get a calendar for website where I could place in events easily from db?
What entry level jobs are there for systems level programming languages like C and Rust? Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:31 PM PDT Hello, I am currently learning C and am also planning on picking up Rust sometime in the future. My plan is to gain a deep understanding of these languages, gain a deep understanding of CS concepts in general, work on and contribute to many personal and open source projects, and eventually pursue a job working with systems level languages. My question is what entry level jobs (if any) would realistically be available to me as a self-taught systems level programmer? I know systems level programming is quit broad so another question I have is what possible paths could I go down in regards to systems level programming. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 29 Aug 2021 08:01 PM PDT Hello all, A close friend is seeking tech talent for their startup, but they are just at a seed round and are trying to keep costs low. They're offering benefits, 401k matching, etc. fully remote work, and a 4 day work week. Vacation is 4 weeks. Not officially hiring yet, but they're telling their investors they'll be able to find quality developers working for 15-20% below market rates in exchange for a 4 day work week. So my question is: would you, as a developer, take a 15-20% pay cut for a guaranteed 4 day work week? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 29 Aug 2021 08:23 PM PDT My current 8 gb RAM hits 90-95% usage when i fire up dev servers and during testing, I am currently a web developer, but was looking to experiment with other stuff as in mobile development and desktop as well, so i was looking to upgrade my RAM to either to 16 or to 24 GB. Is 16 gb total enough for what i need to do or should i invest more and get legroom for future. the price for ram sticks are $47 for 8 Gb and 105 for 16 Gb. I already have an 8 gig installed. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
How to connect React front-end to C# back-end Posted: 29 Aug 2021 08:27 PM PDT I've worked with full-stack sites at work multiple times, but I've never really seen the setup behind it to get the skeleton working. Here are the moving parts that I remember, if someone could help me understand how to link it all together, that would be great! Front-end: React, using fetch(url) where url is "SampleRequest.aspx" Back-end: C# (Classes implementing IHttpHandlers, ex: SampleRequest : IHttpHandler) IIS for managing the website web.config to specify C# http handler name I've tried to link all these together but the request throws a 404 error everytime and I'm not really sure where to start, or if this is even the best way to go about creating a full-stack site. If someone could give me some pointers that would be great! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Am I screwed when it comes to internships? Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:48 AM PDT I'm a sophomore CS major and will soon be looking for internships for next summer. I've been hearing other people in a similar position talking about all of their projects they're using for their resume and all of the stuff they've spent hours learning in their freetime. The thing is, I don't really have any of that. A lot of these people seem to make CS their entire life and it is making me feel like I am behind or not cut out for this. I do quite like my major, but once I'm not in class and not doing assignments, I'm not going to be programming. I want to have a life that is separate from my career. Coding is not a hobby for me. I don't really have personal projects or anything because it's just my college major. My brother, an accounting major, doesn't have personal accounting projects in his freetime, why should it be different for me? Am I going to have trouble in this industry with this mindset? Should I start spending my freetime on programming? I'm just afraid that I'll never be able to get very far because I'm not passionate enough or whatever. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 29 Aug 2021 09:36 PM PDT I need someone to help me. Much appreciated it. Thank you [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:33 PM PDT Who here has transitioned from programming as a hobby to programming as a career? What was that experience like for you? I'm a hobbyist programmer and have been for a while. I'm tempted to pursue it as a career but slightly hesitant. I find that whenever a hobby becomes work it loses its fun factor and I become less interested in it. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Is it possible for machine learning to be only so good? Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:24 PM PDT Kind of a weird thing to title but easy to describe, say I want to create an AI for a video game that plays the same way as human players; so when people play against it it's not a weird distinct thing from how human players perform in the game. So say I make my game, and I code a little AI and I set it loose in the game, and after a while it's playing the game as well as a higher level human. However I don't want my AI to only play like some pro tournament level player, people who might not even know how to play the game well want to play against the AI too. Is there a way you can define machine learning to be good at a task, but not to be too good? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
DFS | Detecting Cycle in an undirected graph | C++ Posted: 29 Aug 2021 04:13 PM PDT Hi everyone,I was solving the problem of detecting cycle in an undirected graph using Depth-First-Search approach. I have written two versions of the recursive utility function. I expected both of them to be logically equivalent. But one function fails(gives a different output). What is the mistake? What is the difference between them? This works: return false; } This Fails: What is the difference between both of them? Aren't they supposed to be logically equivalent? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
A web component based component library Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:58 PM PDT My company is looking to create it's own component library using web components so it will be framework agnostic. What's your opinion on it? Pros, cons, hidden downsides? It's a concept I haven't heard much about. Personally I'm concerned it sounds too good to be true and that it will create issues for things like consistent reactivity (particularly in nested components) or themes. (for context our platform is a white label that will be built using microservice architecture, vue, tailwindcss and apollo gql however there's a strong theme that management doesn't want to be tied to any of these and be able to change easily) [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Do programmers write the entire code for making an SVG file or do they copy from elsewhere? Posted: 29 Aug 2021 11:17 AM PDT I'm wondering whether programmers write the code for an SVG file.... It seems almost impossible to me to memorise the code which consists of hundreds of pairs of numbers. Do they somehow draw the shape in a software/ website and it gives them the html code or is there a pattern and they memorise it? Here is an example: .path { stroke-dasharray: 50; stroke-dashoffset: 500; animation: dash 5s linear forwards; } u/keyframes dash { to { stroke-dashoffset: 0; } } <!-- language: lang-html --> <svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="500pt" height="500pt " viewBox="0 0 200.000000 1000.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <g transform="translate(0.000000,900.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" > <path class="path" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="25" d="M3150 8544 c-208 -38 -355 -106 -479 -221 -40 -36 -75 -62 -80 -57 -4 5 -20 26 -35 48 -30 40 -93 75 -136 76 -41 0 -122 -44 -161 -86 -207 -230 -226 -724 -37 -939 53 -60 108 -88 175 -88 54 0 83 13 137 62 l29 26 -6 -75 c-20 -233 -161 -474 -261 -444 -37 11 -84 52 -132 117 -149 196 -182 227 -244 227 -61 0 -124 -53 -197 -167 -46 -73 -225 -423 -298 -583 -62 -135 -62 -136 -70 -128 -11 11 -57 268 -70 398 -34 315 -13 540 76 838 12 37 11 44 -1 52 -27 17 -54 -14 -110 -126 -65 -127 -111 -263 -144 -424 -70 -333 -90 -823 -41 -986 22 -76 48 -104 95 -104 48 0 86 30 142 114 23 33 42 62 43 64 1 1 18 -13 38 -33 39 -39 83 -47 110 -17 8 9 39 53 67 96 125 192 279 371 296 345 17 -29 17 -284 -1 -391 -34 -207 -88 -336 -244 -588 -174 -280 -289 -541 -337 -761 -14 -64 -19 -127 -19 -269 0 -171 2 -193 28 -293 54 -206 144 -388 284 -574 60 -81 77 -113 99 -183 57 -189 137 -405 254 -690 210 -508 252 -673 330 -1285 47 -366 77 -486 173 -685 91 -188 157 -268 198 -242 14 9 25 9 39 2 31 -17 50 -12 67 19 15 25 20 27 40 18 18 -8 27 -6 43 8 34 31 33 51 -9 148 -83 194 -90 278 -36 432 37 107 44 169 21 213 -19 37 -39 53 -121 97 -141 76 -140 74 -139 350 1 121 9 303 18 405 9 102 20 222 23 268 l6 82 -27 0 c-15 0 -29 -6 -31 -13 -11 -29 -46 -509 -52 -697 -9 -307 11 -367 145 -434 104 -52 132 -80 132 -127 0 -22 -12 -67 -26 -102 -36 -86 -52 -187 -42 -261 9 -68 41 -171 71 -231 19 -39 19 -40 0 -23 -40 36 -64 19 -56 -38 7 -46 -12 -50 -43 -9 -29 39 -48 44 -63 18 -10 -17 -12 -17 -27 2 -26 34 -132 257 -153 325 -33 99 -59 243 -92 500 -70 554 -120 761 -266 1120 -156 383 -186 459 -244 623 -32 92 -59 170 -59 174 0 3 35 -28 78 -68 265 -253 563 -473 1040 -769 l183 -113 63 -91 c472 -677 602 -958 831 -1791 36 -129 49 -155 79 -155 13 0 29 6 35 14 8 9 24 12 49 9 28 -4 44 0 65 17 15 12 27 28 27 36 0 9 11 14 30 14 17 0 39 9 51 21 27 27 23 73 -20 218 -41 139 -42 214 -1 319 45 118 54 169 40 222 -19 69 -64 105 -157 125 -43 9 -86 19 -96 23 -13 5 -36 51 -68 137 -110 289 -267 511 -462 658 -58 44 -245 163 -399 256 -15 9 -85 97 -155 196 -71 99 -190 266 -264 370 -273 382 -323 468 -322 560 1 64 18 116 141 415 86 210 113 320 113 470 0 152 -36 274 -120 403 -58 88 -118 143 -204 185 l-66 32 -25 82 c-44 144 -49 175 -43 271 14 262 212 597 411 699 60 31 143 35 192 10 103 -53 261 -257 461 -597 66 -111 75 -135 128 -320 68 -238 116 -377 157 -459 158 -315 449 -556 750 -621 75 -16 94 -13 101 17 7 24 -3 35 -151 151 -257 203 -474 482 -774 997 -82 141 -86 150 -141 350 -83 303 -133 452 -191 575 -63 133 -124 210 -197 250 -46 26 -64 30 -124 29 -90 -1 -161 -28 -275 -106 -424 -286 -879 -1098 -977 -1745 -22 -149 -22 -506 0 -663 19 -129 52 -304 63 -335 15 -43 -26 11 -90 118 -164 274 -225 555 -182 846 33 224 147 505 316 781 180 294 209 357 258 550 24 96 27 122 27 300 0 162 -3 201 -17 233 -13 29 -23 37 -43 37 -72 0 -150 -83 -340 -358 -73 -107 -78 -112 -95 -97 -10 9 -23 29 -30 45 -12 30 -7 43 161 395 62 131 189 366 229 426 45 65 103 119 129 119 30 0 67 -36 145 -139 130 -171 200 -222 283 -206 84 15 203 185 246 350 35 134 44 343 16 361 -17 10 -47 -7 -53 -30 -3 -12 -31 -46 -61 -76 -56 -52 -57 -52 -110 -48 -116 10 -196 133 -227 348 -35 249 68 546 214 621 64 33 113 10 166 -79 l19 -33 -38 -77 c-70 -141 -84 -292 -35 -364 18 -28 28 -33 68 -36 40 -3 48 0 71 28 15 17 31 47 37 68 17 61 12 199 -11 292 l-20 85 79 76 c61 59 100 87 173 123 173 85 368 115 529 81 121 -26 135 -25 135 5 0 38 -87 61 -245 65 -69 2 -136 1 -150 -1z m-543 -579 c6 -107 -9 -169 -42 -182 -64 -24 -62 177 2 302 l16 30 9 -25 c6 -14 12 -70 15 -125z m-1392 -987 c0 -195 4 -280 18 -368 21 -135 50 -277 70 -340 14 -44 13 -47 -16 -103 -34 -66 -102 -147 -123 -147 -7 0 -20 12 -28 28 -58 112 -45 624 24 963 17 85 51 219 54 219 1 0 1 -114 1 -252z m1622 -459 c126 -32 232 -221 353 -633 41 -139 46 -176 14 -114 -49 96 -206 311 -289 394 -107 107 -149 129 -248 122 -86 -5 -158 -42 -252 -130 -131 -122 -245 -322 -296 -517 -29 -114 -23 -268 15 -386 32 -101 32 -105 -2 -105 -45 0 -129 -29 -183 -61 -64 -40 -140 -126 -183 -208 -159 -305 -106 -641 119 -752 58 -28 71 -31 137 -27 93 5 169 39 243 109 164 155 176 350 44 728 -22 63 -37 116 -35 119 10 9 78 -42 127 -96 57 -64 120 -186 143 -278 9 -34 16 -103 16 -153 0 -158 -33 -275 -156 -562 -75 -177 -109 -301 -99 -367 13 -89 118 -256 464 -735 94 -131 171 -240 171 -242 0 -14 -465 291 -626 410 -197 145 -321 251 -475 405 l-146 145 -32 135 c-114 491 -115 903 -5 1295 36 129 145 396 225 558 252 502 591 882 844 943 65 16 59 16 112 3z m673 -1379 c204 -338 409 -592 625 -775 44 -38 82 -70 85 -72 3 -3 -9 -1 -25 3 -39 9 -232 107 -269 136 -128 101 -211 189 -281 298 -90 138 -129 233 -211 515 -10 32 8 8 76 -105z m-1290 -132 c92 -242 134 -450 112 -554 -24 -118 -86 -201 -192 -259 -48 -26 -65 -30 -130 -30 -65 1 -81 4 -122 30 -94 59 -151 186 -151 336 1 194 99 404 234 500 42 30 127 58 176 59 l41 0 32 -82z m1067 -2670 c146 -93 230 -157 306 -235 132 -134 244 -317 321 -525 61 -165 61 -165 189 -188 45 -8 79 -21 98 -37 25 -22 29 -31 29 -79 0 -36 -10 -80 -30 -132 -60 -158 -61 -195 -4 -396 19 -66 34 -126 34 -133 0 -19 -14 -16 -35 7 -11 12 -28 20 -39 18 -18 -3 -21 -11 -22 -51 0 -26 -4 -50 -8 -55 -10 -9 -36 27 -36 50 0 10 -7 21 -15 24 -22 9 -45 -14 -45 -44 0 -53 -19 -3 -70 183 -103 379 -211 676 -340 935 -93 188 -159 295 -423 692 -11 16 -16 28 -13 28 3 0 50 -28 103 -62z"/> </g> </svg> [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Need Advice on a Product Recognition Project Posted: 29 Aug 2021 01:41 PM PDT Hello, I am new to ML and i desperately need your advice oh old and wise Redditors So I'm working on an App that is used by the commercial force of a number of goods manufacturers, the users need to count how many facings their products occupy in a supermarket shelf (say 3 of the same product side by side), and what shelf they are on (1 for the bottom to 6 for the top), they do this by hand and they register it on the App, I'm thinking about adding the following features:
the data i have available is this
the question is: where should i start ? my rough idea is that i can use Tensor flow to make an object detection module that feeds to OpenCV for identifying each product by comparing it to the images i have. I thank you so very much for your help and i wish you many blessings [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Help making a letter generator Posted: 29 Aug 2021 09:14 AM PDT I'm a complete novice looking for some help with an idea for a letter generator. I have a number of text phrases, including different kinds of greetings, body sentences, signatures, etc. I'm trying to make a form with buttons linked to these phrases that would output a text "letter" composed of the selected phrases (which I could then copy to email etc). I currently have the phrases organized in an excel column for ease of categorizing and editing. I'd like to be able to keep the phrases in a way that makes it easy to edit them and have it so that it could add/remove phrases and buttons to the form as needed. I'm looking for any suggestions for how to do this— I'm very novice here so specific direction around what "tools" would be easiest to do this with be a big help. Thanks! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 29 Aug 2021 12:55 PM PDT I have a dynamic Array called cards. This array stores classic PokerCards inside. I want to get all suitness combinations of given input. If the dynamics_array size is 3 for example i want it to loop three times. Examples given in C++ pseudo code answers are fine too. If it is only of the size 2 it should only for loop twice. If it has the size of 9 it should for loop 9 times etc... I hope my point is clear. I tried iterating over the dynamic_array but it is obv not the same result. How do I softcode this stuff my brain is dead. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Advice on deciding next language Posted: 29 Aug 2021 12:18 PM PDT In the last 6 months or so I have been itching to move into new areas, and I feel that it is time to get serious about learning a new language. I'm hoping to get some advice. If this is not the correct place, please forgive me and direct me to the right subreddit. TLDR: full stack typescript dev interested in GIS and science trying to decide what to learn next: C++, python or something else Current BackgroundI've been a javascript developer for a long time (I know, please hold the eye-rolling). In recent years, my professional life has been web dashboards for SaaS companies, built in react. In the last 2 years or so, I've switched over to TypeScript almost exclusively, and I haven't looked back. If I had to sum up what I know best right now in a few words, it would be javascript, typescript, react, redux, nodejs, expressjs, some devops stuff (docker, CI/CD, AWS), and web GIS (arcgis, leaflet, mapbox), and any associated skills. Interests and GoalsI really enjoy GIS, and I miss working in a science environment (math, physics, statistics). All my of personal projects, both front and back end, involve GIS in some way, whether creating maps with the ArcGIS JS API, or creating node-typescript apps that process raster data in an attempt to make weather predictions. While making UIs with react is fun and pays well, I'd like to work in a language that predisposes me more towards doing science, or working with GIS. There's some opportunity in the web-GIS world for that, but those opportunities are rare. I'd also be open to doing something with health informatics, as I have some background in healthcare, and that also sounds interesting. I'm also interested in WebGL, as it seems to be an interesting blend of math and art, and is also widely used in GIS companies. I'd like to start building skills and projects in a language that might help shift my career in one of these directions. OptionsI looked at the job boards for some well-known GIS tech companies (esri, mapbox), and they always have many job openings. The positions/languages wanted are all over the map - everything from front end JS / react, to Android/iOS developers, to C++, to python, etc. So there are many good choices. I will say that since learning TypeScript, working with a language that is not strongly and statically typed is very unattractive. If python was strongly and statically typed, I wouldn't be questioning it - I'd just go for it. But considering it isn't, I'm seriously wondering if I want to go down that road. I'm also interested learning a C-based language. I think C++ might be a nice choice, as it is statically and strongly typed, object-oriented (has classes!), in demand, and can be leveraged in science environments (I think?). Here's my shortlist of pros and cons for python vs C++, for my particular scenario. These are my impressions of the languages for the little bit I know of each - this is also an invitation to tell me if I'm right or wrong about certain things in an effort to help inform my decision
These are my current thoughts on the differences between the 2. I open to other languages as well, though these are the two I'm learning towards and have started looking into the most. Based on my particular scenario, what advice might you offer? Which language would be a good choice based on my preferences and goals? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Questions about Blocking functions in Python Posted: 29 Aug 2021 09:36 AM PDT Hello! I am currently working on a project in which I display four options on my screen and allow people to vote for one of the four options using Twitch chat, with the results updating on-screen in real time. I'm using Twitchio in Python to create the bot, and the interactivity portion is working. However, running this bot is a blocking operation (since it is constantly listening for input) and any UI library I have found is also blocking, meaning I cannot listen for input and update the UI at the same time. What are some clean solutions for problems like this? Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Choosing a language for a code example Posted: 29 Aug 2021 08:31 AM PDT I am writing a short paper that aims to compare the functional and object oriented paradigm for school. This paper also contains a section on performance for which I am required to supply my own code, the question I'm asking myself now is which language to choose, for now my choice is between python, java and C# but I have no idea which would be the best candidate. At first I thought maybe python since it is the easiest to read and the only language I have coded in a purely functional style before but idk if it's really the best choice. Any advice is welcome! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Is there a way to “Insert Row” on my companies webpage? Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:26 AM PDT At my job we use the company's webpage to enter data on a spreadsheet/table. Unfortunately there's no way to "insert row" like you can in excel so if you forget to put something in you'd just have to start deleting rows. Would it be possible to insert a row by altering the "view page source"? I know more info is needed to know how to do it (if possible) but I just want to know if it is possible. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
What is the real purpose of IoC container? Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:22 AM PDT Okay, first of all I understand the concept of IoC container! It's used to implement automatic dependency injection so you won't have to manually inject dependencies to class. It can automatically detect that if a class requires, let say for example IEmail dependency, inject Gmail class into it. I noticed that, IoC containers are good for 1:1 interface and class. What I mean is, it is good if you have an interface and you only have one class to implement it. Just like my example, above. IEmail will be injected with Gmail class. But when you add Outlook class, Yahoo class, etc., correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think IoC container is built for such scenario. Now, I have been searching for the answer if do we need to use an interface if only one class will implement it, majority, if not all of the answers are "No, you should not!". But it contradicts the purpose of IoC container (well, at least in my own newbie observation). [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Are there any visual aids for learning programming? Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:34 AM PDT Hello everyone! Are there any books that help visualize programs as if they were a tangible machine? I've been curious about learning how to program, but I'm terrible at abstract thinking. I'm a strong visual learner. For example, in school, I was terrible at chemistry but great at geology. The latter had far stronger visual aids for me to learn. I've taken web development courses, but I couldn't make any sense of the back end. Even with the front end (basic html/css) I failed to understand how my commands changed the laws of the program because I couldn't visually picture how the program worked. Are there any resources that show how building a program/website works in a way that would be similar to building a car or computer? Is coding just not for me? I welcome all advice. Thank you!! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Standardize photo coordinates? Posted: 29 Aug 2021 05:52 AM PDT I am processing android phone screenshots, partially by taking chunks at certain coordinates and running them through OCR. Anyway, I have limited knowledge of how photo resolution works in general. Phone screenshots are based on the display size of the phone, so I believe phone model to model my coordinates would need to be different. If I resize the photo to one standard size, can I use one dictionary of coordinates? Or will my screenshot (png) still look different due to its different resolution origin? Maybe there is a library (in any lang) that maps coordinates to different resolutions? TLDR: Can resized photos from different origin resolutions all look the same? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ideas on how to make/get a calendar for website where I could place in events easily from db? Posted: 29 Aug 2021 04:33 AM PDT Hello! The business revolves around renting out various party items. So seeing when someone has booked an item would be very neat! Got any ideas? Since I don't think building my own calendar will be too good... [link] [comments] |
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