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    Tuesday, August 3, 2021

    I DID IT!! - Realtor, no CS degree, made the switch at 32 learn programming

    I DID IT!! - Realtor, no CS degree, made the switch at 32 learn programming

    I DID IT!! - Realtor, no CS degree, made the switch at 32

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    Sometimes a hunger for knowledge and an unwillingness to give up is more important than your current coding skills.

    I started my journey March 2020, took a break because times were good in real estate, and then came back seriously to coding and learning computer science fundamentals during my 10-week paternity leave.

    All total, my journey was roughly 7 months of start-and-stop learning because of having a newborn... while both mom and dad were full-time working parents WITHOUT daycare. Luckily we were working remotely.

    I'm going to forget some of the resources I used, but can give as many general tips that I used in my journey as possible. My situation was a bit unique:

    -I LOVE my company and intended to make a career at said company... and openly love talking about it, making it easy to see that I'm committed to the job.

    -I reached out to an internal developer known for helping non-tech people learn programming and he started me off in the right direction

    General tips:

    ***DO NOT LEARN EVERYTHING!! If I have one piece of advice it is to become an expert in one area rather than a master of none. Sure learning Postgres or MongoDB or Hibernate & Spring is important... but fundamentally these things are additions to an underlying bigger picture which are CS concepts and your programming language's way of handling things. (Yes its more verbose and convoluted, but without learning the 'why' you are using a calculator without knowing the underlying math behind it)

    ***If you are mediocre at coding but have great people skills, companies WANT you. I have loads of friends in the developer world that have said this and I didnt believe them until I got this job! Work hard to get to know people and utilize their knowledge... but don't annoy them. Its a fine line so tread it well =P

    ***Be proficient in your IDE of choice and practice & apply what you're learning. No one will hire you because of your excellent theoretical knowledge, you need to be able to apply it.

    ***You can skip hard problems on problem solving websites and come back to them another time with new eyes. I solved maybe 150 problems and skipped another 50 or so that I was 80% there and couldn't solve without bugs. Sometimes you'll figure it out just by virtue of learning something in another class and coming back to your question 2 weeks later

    ***Don't underestimate the power of free resources, I've paid a total of maybe $179 and used 90% free resources to fill in knowledge gaps and gain better understanding. You do NOT need paid subscriptions or paid bootcamps unless you learn better with accountability.

    The resources I used (as chronogically ordered as possible, but likely not in a helpful/logical order):

    -Codecademy C# Basics (just to learn the basics. Its pretty great for a quick start, but you quickly realize that coding is NOT a game once you get into it)

    -Codecademy Python

    -Codecademy Javascript

    -Udemy C# Masterclass with Mosh (100% completed)

    -Udemy Java Masterclass for Programmers by Tim Buchalka (40% completed)

    -Udemy Computer Science 101 (100% completed)

    -The Odin Project (HTML, CSS & JavaScript, completed the Front-End Fundamentals and am 50% completed on the Full Stack Javascript course. Amazing free resource with great Discord channel)

    -FreeCodeCamp.org (started using this as part of The Odin Project. But came back time and time again for blog posts and other various knowledge)

    -Harvard's free CS50 course: Intro to Computer Science (best teacher ever... easy to comprehend, but I had to go back and rewatch many lectures 2 or 3 times to have them sink in)

    -HackerRank.com (easier to read starting out in my opinion)

    -LeetCode.com (harder to read at first, but all these similar problem solving websites become intuitive to solve once you've done 50+ problems)

    -Java documentation (this is huge and DON'T underestimate the importance of being able to read your preferred languages documentations)

    • r/learnprogramming (read posts on your feed often, there's some situations that arose where I felt exactly the same way as a fellow newb, and reading the post and comments kept me motivated)

    • r/cscareerquestions (same here, so many thoughts that pertain to the hiring process that are helpful to us newbs!)

    -Medium.com blogs

    -GeeksForGeeks.org (mainly for reference)

    Overall, I'd say persistence and drive won me the job, and it can be the same story for you! Being able to solve problems is great (and I solved all 3 that came up during my interviews), but having the ability to take directions and understand your customer's needs requires people skills. You CAN do this, even if you take a long time at it.

    45 minutes under pressure is not always enough time to solve a problem, and being on the right track is enough to get you a job. FAANG may require more from you, but to get into the Big N its not always required. Keep learning, keep growing, DON'T give up, persist through the tough parts, and you too will get that job!!!so proud to be a part of this amazing community, and I will continue to comment on posts of fellow newbs to help get you where you need to be =]

    I hope this post helps 1 or 2 of you!!

    EDIT: Thank you to all for commenting and upvoting, was not expecting such a response! I'm going through comments to respond now and feel free to message me =]

    submitted by /u/BodeMan5280
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    Complete Android 11 Developer Course Available for Free Only for 24 hours

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    This 20H+ Course will help you learn everything about Android App Developer. Grab this deal now - https://www.udemy.com/course/complete-android-course/?couponCode=CA9A114867DE73E419E1

    submitted by /u/BigMacBurgerr
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    [success post] Accepted an offer after 14 moths of practice.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    I've been patiently waiting for this moment after 14 months of grinding. These kids of posts always helped to keep me motivated while I was struggling so I'm hoping I can offer the same to anyone else that needs it.

    Some background: I happen to be in a very unique scenario at my job. I've been with this small company 5+ years and have worn many hats and ultimately, got to decide most of my titles. Responsibilities throughout the 5 years included front-desk host, to location manager, to getting new locations up and running, to managing the overall software and technology that we use. We are not a technology company but I would be in charge of setting up our software and recommending new software for us to utilize to our advantage. Cut to 14 months ago when I got tired of manually exporting data from our CRM to put into a google spreadsheet. I discovered that our CRM has a pretty extensive API that I could use to automate the process but there was a barrier in the way: I knew nothing of coding outside of one semester of a C++ class in college about 10 years ago. (which I did terribly at, btw).

    So I set out to learn Javascript. Net Ninja's modern javascript course was where I started and I can not recommend his courses enough. (most are on youtube entirely for free but I had no issues buying his Udemy course since it's such quality content) That course allowed me to utilize the API, using Google Apps Script, to create some really useful dashboards for my company. I fell in love with coding and automations. I'd work on these automations at work, at home, I'd go to sleep thinking about ways to improve the code and wake up immediately trying to implement them.

    This love affair progressed into me wanting to learn more about web development as there were projects I wanted to do at work that involved custom UI instead of just spreadsheets. I proceeded to go through a couple different Udemy courses that focused on the big 3; HTML, CSS, Javascript. The Creative HTML5 & CSS3 Course - by Simo Edwin, Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS by Jonas Schmedtmann, and finally The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele. I don't think I have ever finished a Udemy course in its entirety, and those three have a decent amount of overlap so I watched only what I needed and what was new, but they were immensely helpful in getting me a solid base for what I wanted to do. Anything that was not covered in there, I relied on youtube and documentation. I think I did Net Ninja's Node.js course as well before I knew about javascript frameworks.

    After having a difficult time with Node.js and EJS trying to get my web-app setup, my buddy let me know about React and Next.js. This was a game changer. React immediately clicked with me and I was able to pretty quickly create a check-in web app that we now use at all of our locations for guests to check in. This as a huge learning experience and I'm thankful that my position allowed me the opportunity to essentially create this project for myself. I was spending all of my working time and free time on this project because it was of such an interest to me. At this point, I was still not even thinking about eventually leaving to become a developer, I was just deeply interested in the technology.

    Seeking my next project, (now about 6 months after I have started learning javascript) I set out to learn React Native since we were having beginning talks on outsourcing a member app but it was way down the line. I started The Ultimate React Native Serios by Mosh that is a killer newbie walkthrough for React Native. I'd recommend a base knowledge of React, however. Once I was excelling with this, I began to toy with the idea of looking for a developer job. But, at only 6 months after picking up javascript, I felt too new and insecure about my knowledge to do well at any kind of interview. So I bided my time, learning anything I could, building useful automations for my company that made everyone's lives easier and had real impact on our growth.

    Finally, almost exactly 1 year after my first course, I felt confident enough in my skills to set out and start applying for frontend engineering positions with a focus on React. It was definitely a tiresome process. I was just somewhat selective about where I was applying, but more so based on the job description and salary, not the actual company or what they do. I knew I just needed my foot in the door somewhere and then I could be more selective later down the line. I was sending out 5-10 applications a day. All in all, I was able to get 4 interviews. The first 2, I was clearly too junior for the role but the interviews still went well, I would say. My last two interviews I got offers from both. One for a junior frontend engineer position that was $70K/year and the other is a non-junior frontend position that was $115K/year....I was speechless. I was ready to fully accept the junior position before the other offer came through. It's a fintech company, so I imagine it's super boring stuff but I've also managed to double my salary, so no way would I turn that down.

    Happy to dive in to my interview experiences if there's any interest but I figured I've dragged this on long enough. Just wanted to share my success in hopes of inspiring others that may be down or feeling a bit helpless. Open to questions if there are any either in comments or DM.

    submitted by /u/Iwouldlike2knowmore
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    Free Udemy Courses List - 24 Hrs Only

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 09:27 PM PDT

    Idk if you guys will find these useful, but wanted to put them up in case anyone wanted to take a look before they expire.


    Python Programming - From basics to Advanced Level 2021 (4.3)

    This Python for beginners course will help you to become Zero to Hero. Learn Python Programming in an Easy Way.

    Python Programming Course Bundle : Build 15 applications (4.4)

    Learn Python Programming with django, machine learning, etc. for anyone who wants to become an advanced level programmer

    React JS

    React Js - Complete Guide for Frontend Web Development 2021 (✰4.3)

    Become an expert React JS Developer. Learn HTML, CSS, Javascript, Es6, React JS and jQuery


    Basics to Advance for front end development 2021 (✰4.4)

    Complete guide to create beautiful, responsive and user-friendly websites using CSS3 with hands on projects


    The Advanced SQL Course 2021 (✰5.0)

    Level up your SQL query skills and go from intermediate to advanced level


    Complete Wordpress Website Design Course

    Within 14 Days you will be able to create a business website using WordPress. No experience required. (no ratings)


    Learn Git from Basics to advanced level: Practical Guide for Developers (✰4.4)

    During the course we will create our own project that we will manage with Git.



    How to Write a Successful Research Paper in Machine Learning (✰5.0)

    C# Console and Windows Forms Development LINQ & SQL Server Express(✰4.5)

    Learn to Create Database Driven Web Applications using MySQL (✰4.6)

    Python Web scraping (4.5)

    Learn MySQL - For beginners (✰4.5)

    Data structures and algorithms for coding interview (0 ratings)

    submitted by /u/Wild-_-Fire
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    Finally got The Call - Mid 30's - 17 months self-taught

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:58 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    Seems like there's a few success posts today, but I'll add my own. I start my first programming job in two weeks. I'll be working for as a junior developer for a tech company that offers a product via desktop, mobile, and web applications.

    I have a bachelor's degree in engineering, and had about 10 years of industry experience before I quit my job, moved to a new country, and then the pandemic hit. During the Covid lockdowns I wanted to use this time to finally learn programming, something I've been wanting to do most of my life.

    I started with Python (which I would recommend), and was lucky enough to be in the first round of Stanford's Code In Place. From there, I practiced Python pretty furiously for about four months, then switched to C#. I then spent about the next year working my way towards web development in the .NET eco-sphere.

    My self-teaching sources were from all over: Udemy, Youtube, Pluralsight, Classes, Books, and online communities. I usually wouldn't sit through 100% of the long classes - I would usually see what I could do with the topic I was learning, then create a project. If I needed more info I would dig deeper into the topic.

    I'll be honest, and I don't see this posted too much, but I landed my job by networking. As I mentioned above, I moved to a new country so I had literally zero network. I tried to network as much as I could: Meetup.com, reddit meetups, grabbing coffees with friends of friends, and just old-school talking to people (my part time job was at a brewery so I was exposed to a lot of people). My resume did not receive much interest, as I think I was a quick nope for having no coding experience and also probably being a foreigner - just a bit too much of an unknown commodity.

    It's been a long journey. Self-doubt would creep in, I got depressed a few times due to having long stretches of unemployment, and there were times when I wanted to give up, move back home, and get my old job back. I just kept pressing on because I knew this was what I wanted.

    Hope that helps anyone out there! It's definitely possible, but it's a tough slog. Get used to rejection, and questioning yourself, but I do think that if you love it, it will happen for you!

    tldr: Build projects and network, network, network!

    submitted by /u/GermOrean
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    A 'where do I start' post but with details on my pros, cons and available resources

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:56 PM PDT

    I'm about to begin this journey...like a lot folks that post here, and I'd like to get advice on 'where to start.' So let me just list out what I have available and then given my pros and cons I'd appreciate any suggestions.


    1. I don't NEED to get a programming job. I am not in a rush. I may never transition from my current job in the building automation/controls industry. I WANT to learn programming. I believe it may become directly useful even with my current industry/job...OR it may provide an alternative career in the future if I want to go that way. I'm at least 2 years away from that if so.
    2. I am confident in my ability to learn almost anything, and can handle failing at something but can also 'keep at it' until I get it.
    3. I have actual project ideas I would like to apply coding to including:
      1. Build an application that get data from the API built into the controllers and energy meters we use at work ang log it in a database. Expanded...a web based application that can receive data "pushed" from the energy meters we use, log it, and then display it graphically in customized reports, export it to customized excel sheets ect.
      2. Build more modern versions of niche software used in the amateur radio community (winlink express, vara, js8call, wsjt, ect). Or build variants that work on other OS's like Linux, android ect.
      3. Software that can use your computer to apply modern DSP/noise reduction/human voice clarification to raw audio brought in from a radio.
      4. Build some kind of Ethereum Dapp. Don't know what, just it's fascinating to me.
      5. Build a simple steam game.
    4. In my current job for building controls I am familiar with the "programming" used on the programmable logic controllers used in HVAC controls. This is typically not text based, but visual based programming using logic blocks in a gui. ie: there are defined hardware inputs, logical user based inputs, logic that built according to a sequence of operations which is used to control a number of outputs on a controller. I assume this has some relevance to traditional programming...but I could be wrong. I often need to edit/fix/troubleshoot this type of programming in my work.
    5. My day to day job often involves critical thinking/troubleshooting why a system is not working as expected...whether its a programming issues or a physical hardware/software/networking issue.
    6. I have IT experience(?). I'm less sure how relevant this is, but computer hardware, networking, and basic server admin are also things I have experience with and use on a day to day basis at my current job.


    1. I have limited time. This is the kicker and I will likely need to make a sacrifice in my free time to really get into it. Between work, family and other commitments I cannot realistically spend hours every day learning.
    2. I never really learned to properly type without looking at my keyboard.
    3. I'm old? I'm 44. Not that a younger person is capable or learning or absorbing information better than me (I don't believe that at all), I only mention it as it could be a con in a potential career transition as I'd past mid 40s by then. Again, I don't need to do that, just want to keep the option open.

    Resources available (online courses ect):

    1. Signed up for CS50 (audit)
    2. Have a bunch of udemy courses signed up for but not started including:
      1. Complete 2021 Web Dev Bootcamp (Angela Yu)
      2. Complete JavaScript Course 2021: From zero to expert (Jonas Schmedtmann)
      3. Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python (Jose Portilla)
      4. Automate boring stuff with Python (Al Sweigart)
      5. A bunch of random udemy courses that were posted here the other week, including a bunch of other random Python related ones, SQL masterclass for data analysis, practical database course for beginners, and some others.

    Other stuff I've heard of: Code academy, odin project, udacity, free code camp, ect.

    I had thought to start with Python because 1) I've heard it said it doesn't really matter too much what you start with, and 2) I've run into some python scripts at work and maybe python skills could actually help me somewhere in my current job.

    What all would you suggest given the above??

    submitted by /u/ccjb100
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    Got the job offer of my dreams today

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 08:25 PM PDT

    8 months ago I never would have guessed I'd be making this post.

    6 months ago I made the decision to join a coding bootcamp to jumpstart my career. I was hesitant and worried about my financial investment I was making.

    3 months ago I started said bootcamp, learned SO much and made such great friends along the way.

    Today, 2 weeks before the conclusion of bootcamp, I got the job offer from my dream company for much more money and benefits than I ever expected.

    It happens guys, it really does!

    submitted by /u/Awters
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    I'll help you refactor your code to be more object-oriented

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 04:12 PM PDT

    First, a little bit about who I am and why I want to do this:

    Who I am: I've been coding (on and off) since about 1996. For much of that time I've been writing (or trying to write!) my code in an object-oriented manner. At this point I've pretty experienced and I feel like I can express pretty much anything in an OOP manner.

    Why I want to do this: It took me years to feel like I understood OOP. I gathered my understanding from various books, blog posts, and personal experience. Even now, there's not one single resource I could point to and say "that's what you should consume if you want to understand OOP". So I want to help people understand OOP a little better if I can. That's one of my motivations for doing this.

    There's also another reason: I'm a blogger and book author. Historically I mainly write about Ruby on Rails, but lately I've gotten bored and I want to expand to some broader topics (like OOP). I feel like an exercise like this might give me material to put into my blog posts.

    Now that that's out of the way, here's my offer: if you show me a small program that you've written and you'd like to see it written in a more OOP fashion, I'll take a swing at refactoring it to be more OOP.

    A few requirements:

    1. The program has to be fully contained in just one file.
    2. It has to be reasonably clear what the program is supposed to do.
    3. There has to be a reasonably easy way to verify that the program behaves correctly after I modify it (e.g. by checking some text that the program outputs).

    Aside from that, pretty much any language should be fine.

    Lastly, on the off chance that this offer turns out to be really popular, I want to be clear that I'm not offering to refactor and unlimited number of programs. I hope I can do a lot of them, but to be honest I'm not sure how easy it will be since I've never done anything exactly like this before. So please don't be frustrated if there are 30 requests and I can only finish 3 of them. This is a total experiment on my part.

    If you're interested, just share a code snippet and I'll give it a go.

    submitted by /u/jasonswett
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    In multiuser databases, are different users' things stored right next to each other?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    Like say you have a blog site and you have a database containing some data related to blog posts. Would there just be a database with all the posts in there, where user of id 1 has data sitting right next to data of user with id 2?

    submitted by /u/Missing_Back
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    I'm holding a free online programming workshop next Sunday for those who want to learn the basics of Python and algorithms

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    On Sunday, I will be holding a virtual workshop on programming for beginners. I'm going to go through the basics of Python and touch on some elementary algorithms using a visualization environment for beginners. Questions and comments throughout the entire session will be welcome. It will take a few hours.

    If you or someone you know might benefit from this, just send me a message. The only requirement is that you are an adult and that you are new to programming.

    About me: I am a computer scientist who worked in industry as a machine learning engineer, but lately I've become interested in computer science education and programming language design.

    submitted by /u/programmingworkshop
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    How to break into coding

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    Hi all, Im 24 year old with a BS in an unrelated field (psychology) working a decent paying but dead end job.

    I want to get into coding and eventually maybe make a career out of it once I become proficient.

    Where. Do. I. Start.

    submitted by /u/Domodig23
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    What projects did you show employers that helped you land a job?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 12:06 PM PDT

    I'm looking to start some projects and while there are PLENTY listed online to try; I wanted to see what some people have created that have successfully landed them jobs.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Jack__Wild
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    Done Learning Python Syntax, Now I Am Lost..

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 11:15 PM PDT

    Let me explain,

    I know what a boolean, an integer, and a string are, I know what an array is, I know what a for loop is, I know what a while loop is, I know what an if-else statement is, I know how to add comments. But if you would ask me to combine all of these, and make something useful out of it, I honestly wouldn't know-how.

    It is like teaching people how to pronounce the letters in a foreign language and expecting them to be able to speak that language once they know that foreign alphabet. Or maybe they teach a little more. They teach you single words. But you still aren't able to make proper sentences to actually talk to someone from that country, because you don't know any grammar or if the sentence structures are written SVO or SOV or VSO (s=subject, v=verb, o=object).

    submitted by /u/Cyxuz
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    Suffering is progress (motivation)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:41 PM PDT

    First time attempting a backend. I couldn't figure out why ajax wasn't cooperating with php code to update my sql server. I spent over 20 collective hours watching every youtube tut, reading every stackoverflow thread, getting into the documentation and rewriting my code various ways.

    I now feel like I can set up a simple backend for form/login with my eyes closed. What was my bug? A variable declared outside of the updating function.. I was so focused on tracking down what knowledge I was missing that I didn't even consider it could be as simple as a misplaced variable.

    I always read about the satisfaction programmers get after finally making their code work. This was the first time I felt it. So many emotions, so much new knowledge!

    submitted by /u/newDev21
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    How effective is C outside of Embedded programming? Is C++ more viable for general software development?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 09:47 PM PDT

    I am currently learning C but I'm starting to wonder if maybe I'm learning it for the wrong reasons. I wanted to learn it to gain a better understanding of computer science but also so that I can learn a fast, compiled language in case I need the performance/speed when developing applications. I haven't taken the time to really learn C++, but wouldn't C++ check the same boxes as C (outside of embedded)?

    I thought I wanted to get into embedded development and work with hardware on a software level, but I really just want to develop software that doesn't require specific hardware constraints. Would learning C be a mistake for these reasons? Would it be more efficient to learn a language like C++ or Rust?

    Also how is the general job market for C as opposed to C++? Would C++ be a better option for general software development while teaching the core fundamentals of CS like C does?

    submitted by /u/LetNameEquals
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    Odin Project Worth it?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 09:42 PM PDT

    Was combing through the internet learning about free resources to learn programming and saw the Odin Project. Wanted to ask if it's worth doing? Really want to learn to code and was just wondering if the Odin Project gives you the tools you need to get a job?

    submitted by /u/Dayowl23
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    Is this code feasible in python?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    I want to create code that can track my strategy, to see how it would've performed in the past. I want to know if this would be possible in python. If not, I would like to know what language I can use. It would calculate values and put them into a table or spreadsheet. This is how I picture the code:

    1. Start with a "purchase price" for a stock that I set.
    2. On consequent days, if the opening price for the stock is above the purchase price from before, and there is two days in between those days, then I want to set this as a value. My stock trading platform makes me wait two trading days before I can sell a stock. So if I bought in on monday, I can sell it thursday. I also have to wait two days after selling a stock to buy more stock.
    3. Then, the code would wait another two days to purchase more stock.

    Basically, I just want to know if adding these values to a table is possible on python.

    I don't want to record all these values and do all of the calculations by hand, which is why I want to know if I can do it on python. This is how the spreadsheet would look:


    submitted by /u/bobobsam3
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    landing a standard junior software engineer job is tough. what are other software/tech jobs that are not really talked about ?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 08:56 PM PDT

    getting a software engineer job is tough for many of us. what are other related jobs that we dont really know about ? i need something that can hold me down financially while studying to land the big dev job. i really want to avoid retail and other low wage jobs that will get in the way of dev training

    submitted by /u/lolzZzZz-
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    Deploying app on App Engine

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 12:27 AM PDT

    Can you guys help me on how to deploy an app on app engine? Somehow, google's tutorial lack information. And my problem is that, whenever I try to deploy my app, the contents of my server.js is being deployed instead of the whole app. Any ideas/tips/suggestions on how to? Everything will be appreciated!

    Btw, I used NodeJS and Handlebars.

    submitted by /u/Affectionate_Koala31
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    What could I improve in my code?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 08:23 PM PDT

    I just recently finished a Fibonacci generator in Python and wanted to know what could be improved


    #Defining Stuff last_before_last = 1 last = 2 fibonacci = 1 info = 0 def explanation(): print ("A Fibonacci sequence is when the 2 previous numbers are added to make the next number in the sequence (EX: if the sequence was 1, 3 then 1 and 3 would add together to make 4 the next in the sequence)") input('Press ENTER to continue') #User Prompts print ("Fibonacci Number") print ("By MarketingZestyclose7") print ("Would you like to learn about Fibonacci sequences? (Y/N)") while (info != "Y") and (info != "N"): info = input () if (info != "Y") and (info != "N"): print ("Incorrect Entry! Retry") if info == "Y": explanation() print amount = input ("How many Fibonacci sequences should be generated??\n") amount = int(amount) # Finonacci calculation for i in range(amount): fibonacci = last + last_before_last last_before_last = last last = fibonacci print (fibonacci) #Ending print ("done!") input('Press ENTER to exit') 

    I will also walk you guys though my thought process as a beginner to Python.

    (lines 1-11) My line of thinking was to just define my 1 function and all the variables I would later use so I can be ready to use them later.

    (lines 13-25) just standard input stuff, not to exciting, on line 24 the code will crash if you don't input an integer, I thought about fixing this but after looking up how to fix it I decided it was too much trouble for what is was worth.

    (lines 27-38) the actual calculation was really hard to figure out, the main challenge was that 'last' and 'last_before_last' would end up the same a lot but eventually I managed to iron everything out.

    I also put comments and put a blank lines between the main "functions" because I heard that was good practice. I also left some comments detailing what was going on.

    Anyway what could I improve on?

    (P.S I am aware of the double question mark but it's already saved to .py so...)

    submitted by /u/MarketingZestyclose7
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    What could be the reason this js function sometimes work and sometimes doesnt?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 12:00 AM PDT

     function phoneMasking() { var input_control = $('#form--address2').length !== 0 ? $('#form--address2') : $('#form--address1'); input_control.bind('keyup', function(e) { var input_val = document.getElementsByClassName('phone_1')[0].value; var input_max = document.getElementsByClassName('phone_1')[0]; var input_phone = input_val.startsWith('+375'); if (input_phone) { if (input_val.replace(/\D/g, '').length === 12) { input_max.maxLength = '19'; var input_phone_val_se= e.target.value.replace(/\D/g, '').match(/(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2}) (\d{2})/); } if (input_phone_val_se) { e.target.value = '+' + input_phone_val_se[1] + ' (' + input_phone_val_se[2] + ')' + ' ' + input_phone_val_se[3] + '-' + input_phone_val_se[4] + '-' + input_phone_val_se[5]; } } else { if (input_val.replace(/\D/g, '').length === 11) { input_max.maxLength = '18'; var input_phone_val_di = e.target.value.replace(/\D/g, '').match(/(\d{1})(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})/); } if (input_phone_val_di) { e.target.value = '+' + input_phone_val_di[1] + ' (' + input_phone_val_di[2] + ')' + ' ' + input_phone_val_di[3] + '-' + input_phone_val_di[4] + '-' + input_phone_val_di[5]; } } }); addDefaultRegionCode() 


    The problem is very inconsistent, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. When i type fast it usually fails to do the masking. When i type slow it always work. Could it be something related to the keyup event?

    submitted by /u/eyeeyecaptainn
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    Renaming a c++ eclipse project causes red lines everywhere

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 11:12 PM PDT

    My C++ project is complete in eclipse but I need to rename it. I right-click and select rename, type the new name and hit enter. But when it changes the name every single line in my project is suddenly underlined in red and it freaks me out so I hit undo. What is causing this?

    submitted by /u/gtrman571
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    Online Vim Editor

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:47 PM PDT

    Hello everyone

    Does anyone knows about any good online Vim editors? Or Android Apps that support Vim? I have a bluetooth keyboard, and I want to practice Vim on my phone.

    submitted by /u/jkklet
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    Should I continue learning C# or move over to HTML/CSS/JS

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:34 PM PDT

    I've been having a really hard time teaching myself to code. I feel like I am just spinning my wheels and will never be ready for a job. I have been self teaching myself c# for a couple years now and don't feel very good with my progress. My goal is to get out of my current job and move over to something in coding. I do enjoy it when I get something and start creating things from scratch. But also I am so overwhelmed and feel lost when trying to structure my learning path/job path.

    I was thinking about going to a bootcamp for c# to help me with keeping me focused and creating a learning path to get a job. But there are so few camps out there that teach c#. The few that I have found really don't work for my schedule since I work full time and have a baby boy to take care of. I usually stay up late coding. Even the part time bootcamps I found require you to be in class online on Saturday pretty much the whole day. Sadly I can't do this.

    Since I can't find a C# camp that works for me I was thinking about switching over to JS since there are sooooo many camps that tailor to this. Also I see that a lot of jobs out there that like if you have JS experience. I bought a Udemy course awhile back that is by Colt Steel where he teaches a whole JS bootcamp course. So I was debating on switching over to learning JS through the Colt Steel course then maybe going to a JS coding camp (if need be) to help with job placement help.

    But by doing so I would be ditching c# and I feel like it will set me way back. I'm scared that all I am doing is not finishing something and pretty much resetting myself again. I would really like some input on what you all think. Any ideas or words of encouragement is much appreciated. I am so unhappy where I am with my current work situation and need to make a change soon.

    Thanks in advance for listening and the help!

    submitted by /u/80sPimpNinja
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