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    Saturday, July 31, 2021

    Do you use git from command line or from gui tools/ide extentions ? Why command line or why not ? Is knowing command line options a must ? Ask Programming

    Do you use git from command line or from gui tools/ide extentions ? Why command line or why not ? Is knowing command line options a must ? Ask Programming

    Do you use git from command line or from gui tools/ide extentions ? Why command line or why not ? Is knowing command line options a must ?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    Hello, I don’t know anything about programming but I am interesting in making a game, what would be the best programming language to learn? If It is best to learn more than one,which ones should I learn? Thanks!

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    Data Integration From Other Sources To Our Database. How can I do it most effectively?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:12 PM PDT

    Hello friends.

    I want to make an integration service for our Spring Boot backend. Our service is running with MySQL and now need to integrate with other datasources. For example some user's upload CSV to our service, and we will map this csv data to an entity. Or maybe it can be a webservice too, not only csv, or xml, or uploaded json file.

    So I need a mapping mechanism. I will make an UI to our web and I will list our entity's field and then we will map fields with other datasource's fields. For example:

    name -> other_datasource_name

    age -> other_datasource_numeric_field


    Then I will use Jackson, and I will map the data to our entity, field by field. I drew a roadmap but I wonder, how can I do it most effectively (With Java/Spring Boot)? I need some inspiration :)

    Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/kursatufuk
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    javascript code clarification question

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    The code:

    function calcTip(totalCost){return(totalCost >= 30 && totalCost <= 300 ? totalCost * .15 : totalCost * .2); }

    My understanding:

    So here's what I believe it does. If the values are between >= 30 && <= 300 it will give a tip output of 15%.

    If it is below 30 or above 300 it will give a tip output of 20%.

    My question: Does the "?" mean or, and does the ":" mean execute after the "?"

    If I swapped them, like this:

    return(totalCost >= 30 && totalCost <= 300 : totalCost * .15 ? totalCost * .2);

    Does it just do the opposite?

    thanks, I'm new to javascript and trying to understand the concepts.

    submitted by /u/ashley402
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    Please explain the meaning and reasoning behind this: "Anyways, never catch exceptions when not strictly required! It's always easier to introduce an error handling later, than remove it!" in Code.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:32 AM PDT

    In one of the github repository: Error-Handling-presentation - GitHub (Kotlin)

    There's the quote:

    Anyways, never catch exceptions when not strictly required! It's always easier to introduce an error handling later, than remove it!

    What does it mean?

    In my understanding, it is saying we should avoid using try catch whenevery possible. If that is the case, what is the alternative way of handling error?

    I might have missed some obvious points but please explain with a code example and use case:

    1. When NOT to use try catch and use something more "flexible"
    2. When to use try catch
    3. Why catching exception is not good at times.
    submitted by /u/Kaori_iu
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    Where to start with this project? (Explaining Chess Moves)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    Hello AskProgramming

    Next year is my final year, and we are required to do a project. My project is basically creating a piece of software that can explain the reasoning behind chess moves made by computers - much like https://decodechess.com/ but not as good since im just a student.

    However, I am not quite sure how to start, from digging I have found some books on 'Explainable AI' and I am thinking of reading one of those, but I am not sure sure if this is the best use of my time which is why I have decided to ask here. I start on sept 27th and would like a small headstart to get the reading out of the way.

    submitted by /u/CXTheory
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    Season/League Simulation

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:58 PM PDT

    Okay so I found someone who had created an entire discord server with a NASCAR league that he had supposedly "coded" to simulate the race days, leave a log of possible events like crashes, flags, positions and race outcomes. These aren't accurate with the actual season but are programmed with odds and chances etc. I have an undergraduate in ICT and have the feeling that this was made with Spreadsheets/Excel etc. I would love to do this recreationally with other sports etc but haven't the foggiest where to start. Anyone know where I can find a basis?

    submitted by /u/P0TT0CH1P
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    Programming language / projects that don't use of frameworks or libraries

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    Hey, So i wonder if there's a programming language / projects type that doesn't use libraries / framework but still has real life application..? The only one i could think of was assembly but i may be wrong? Anyone has any idea?

    submitted by /u/comeditime
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    Matchmaking platform for project collaboration

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    I have had many ideas in the past. I started working on them with exceptional zeal in the beginning but that excitement starts to fade away soon enough when next "great" idea hits me.. In some cases When things actually get starting tough , i drift away. I have many such side incomplete projects which give me guilt trip every now and then.

    I am sure you also have the same experience. I have pondered upon some reasons why this might happen:

    1. Difficulty to find people to work with : Many people don't find idea that intriguing (this is ok ).
    2. Lack of Technological knowledge : Even if you find people interested in idea they don't have knowledge required to develop that idea.
    3. Lack of mentor ship : Even if you come up with any idea , it needs a lot of fine graining. You need to decide on functionalities , tech stack and many other things. Lack of mentorship takes its toll here.

    There are many other reasons (obviously) but i think these are top 3.

    Would you be interested to use a platform which facilitates collaboration between people , helps you broadcast your ideas to larger audience and build a dedicated , talented team ?

    Ideas need not necessarily mean potential business opportunities. Side projects can be open source or just for practice while learning new tech.

    If you have time, i will highly appreciate it if you fill this form.

    submitted by /u/proudFossil
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    I found a suspicious email in my suggestion under email in Google Chrome. Am I being remotely controlled ? How to check?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    I was typing my details in Google forms for my online class, I found this suspicious email in the email suggestion that someone had already entered I confirmed with my family. They didn't know it. My laptop's battery drainage had also increase 30x in 2 days. And I have a history of being hacked on my phone. Like this Reddit acc. Was hacked few months back. And posted something crazy about some mod. I had tried every antivirus & premium scanning software. What's the implications of my finding?? And how to check, I am safe now. Please answer this.

    submitted by /u/ImRajIndia
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    Project ideas to improve programming skills

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    I often want to improve myself and create new software projects, but anything I found on the internet wasn't really what I wanted or I already did that (Tic-Tac-Toe, basics like that). On Reddit I often see amazing projects, so I thought you guys have some good ideas. I'm programming since three years now and the programming languages I learned are C#, Java, Javascript (WebDev with React), Python (but I'm a beginner, so maybe a python project would be good), C and C++ (which I haven't done much either).

    I hope this is the right sub-reddit and no stupid question, I'm new to Reddit and not a native english speaker, so excuse my bad english :)

    submitted by /u/alex_05_04
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    which tech stack would be better for physics simulations ?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    I want to simulate the steering mechanisms,gears,crank & rocker, wheels,4- bar mechanisms.fluid mechanics I have decent understanding of python3 . which would be better

    python + blender

    python (pygame)

    python(pymunk or vpython)

    javascript(matter.js, three.js)

    submitted by /u/dontgivef
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    Simple Platform for Sanitized, Tabulated Data Entry

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    I'm currently organizing a dataset for some laboratory experiments, and I would like to set up a better way to manage some of our user-entered data. Right now, a lot of our data is collected via excel spreadsheets, in a way that is not super easy to manage.

    As an example, one task might include weighing an animal, calculating a dose, and giving it a medication. Right now, we have an excel spreadsheet where you type in the animal name, weight, and some simple formulas to calculate dose. This then gets saved. Excels are shared via OneDrive and eventually converted to static CSVs for analysis with scientific python tools.

    My thought is that users should be able to invoke a browser-based form for any given task, do their data entry, and have it automatically fill a csv (or other Pandas compatible file) with standardized naming conventions. Then they can submit their update to a git repository with comments

    This sounds like a pretty simple task from a web-programming perspective (with which I have very limited familiarity), but I'm curious if there's an already made solution where I could define structured data entry using a file.

    submitted by /u/jalanala
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    I have question for people who use R

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    Solving system of linear equations using reduced row echelon matrix.

    Can you give a code in R for this question with comments of what function is doing what

    submitted by /u/Dry_Reach2077
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    Does anyone know of anything to easily get metrics on development scripts?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 06:58 AM PDT

    I am lining up some work to optimise my teams development scripts which are mainly bash scripts running tests, restoring database snapshots etc. While it's alright going off anecdotal feeling of slowness, it'd be great to get some solid aggregated metrics on how often scripts are being run, how long they're taking and stuff like that. I guess Im looking for some saas offering so I can save myself the hassle of building something myself

    submitted by /u/magicsrb
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    What’s a good fuzzer for my webserver?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:21 AM PDT

    I've written an HTTP server in C++.

    I want to try chucking bad packets at it to see if it'll crash. Are there any services out there that will do this for me?

    submitted by /u/XiPingTing
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