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    Friday, June 18, 2021

    What should I keep in mind when creating a hashing algorithm? Ask Programming

    What should I keep in mind when creating a hashing algorithm? Ask Programming

    What should I keep in mind when creating a hashing algorithm?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 05:16 PM PDT

    I'm fascinated about encryption algorithms, and I always wanted to make one, but to start I'd like to create an hashing algorithm from scratch, with my own rules, etc.. etc...

    What should I keep in mind when doing this?

    submitted by /u/BernardoPiedade
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    how exactly are programming language used in anything? I'm a beginner and I am very confused

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    Let me start by saying I'm not asking how the code turns into the magic that is web development or machine learning, etc. I've been self learning python for months now; I know how to use lists, libraries, functions, etc. but I have NO IDEA how to actually use python for anything outside of problem solving where I have data given to me and I work with it. I'm asking because I just want a clear answer; nothing online helps. Every where I go it's always the same, python can be used for anything to do a,b, and c. but like how do i do that? i feel like this is a very big gap of learning when it comes to self taught people because I was never exposed to any programming whatsoever before. friends even can't explain it to me, maybe I'm asking the wrong question? Like a friend tells me to make a game or a bot and I start asking myself what does that even mean? how do i just start from nothing when every learning tool i find online always tell me what i'm doing. i feel so lost because i dont even know how to ask the question properly, and i'm sure this will come off as a weird question but i just, have no idea what's going on. like i go online looking for beginner projects to do but how do i do something like building a code that "returns a random wikipedia article" like what does that even mean? i genuinely don't understand, because i'm used to being given a direct question/task and coding it. but accessing outside stuff like websites or outside data and i start losing my mind because it's all foreign to me.

    If i know how to use the language, how exactly do i implement it in anything? where do i begin? how do i run a code from my text editor and make it access the internet to use data from it? beginner questions like that that i can't for the life of me find a straight answer to.

    submitted by /u/DrProfOak96
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    In a work environment, is it always ok to use libraries?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 05:57 AM PDT

    I'm just beginning my first software job. In academia, there was CONSTANTLY a focus on not stealing code. If you need to look for help online, look for inspiration or ideas on how to approach a problem, but don't copy their code completely. I always found this to be silly, because using libraries is quite literally just using other people's code. The entire bedrock of software development is re-using code and not doing everything from scratch.

    So now that I'm a few days into my first software job as an entry level novice programmer, I'm wondering if there's any universal "rules for the workplace" regarding when to use libraries and which ones to use. Do I need to ask my employer before using a library? Does it depend on the library? Do i need to "cite" the library somewhere? I assume the "include" or "from" or "import" statements at the top of my program were citation enough.

    Is it a case of "if that library is included with your programming language then you're fine but if its something you have to download or install, then you need to ask first"?

    I ask because I spent at least an hour yesterday trying to do something complicated before finding that there's a library you can install for python with a single pip command that did EXACTLY what I wanted in a single line of code. Should I assume its ok to do?

    Before the obvious "just ask your boss" response, I'm basically just asking about industry standards at this point. I've been asking my boss stupid questions all day and I'm just trying to make it one fewer dumb questions I have to ask.

    Thanks a bunch

    submitted by /u/Dotaproffessional
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    JAVASCRIPT | Question about looping

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 03:39 PM PDT

    Hi I have recently gotten into Java script and have been working on a Number guessing game using JavaScript for a while today. But while the number guessing game works, what I am trying to do is at the end of the game when the player wins, it prompts them if they want to continue or not by typing in yes or no and by typing "yes" the game continues and "no" would end the same. I got the "no" part down because it's easy but I am having major trouble looping the "yes" part. Anyways here's the code below.

    (Not sure what flair this goes in my bad)

    console.log("Step Right up, Step right up folks, if you can guess the number you can win a lustrous prize! Ah, I see we have a challenger!");
    var counter = 0;

    var NUMBER = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10);
    do {
    //Guess using the prompt on the console from the prompt below
    var guess = prompt ("Put in ya number kiddo");

    // fail messages
    if (NUMBER < guess){
    (counter += 1);
    console.log("Awww shucks kiddo, too high");

    }else if (NUMBER > guess) {
    (counter += 1);
    console.log("better luck next time kiddo too low");}

    } while (guess != NUMBER);

    if (NUMBER == guess)
    counter += 1;
    console.log("Attempts = " + counter +"");

    //Restart from the beginning or stop the game
    var Restart = prompt ("Wanna test your luck again kiddo? yes or no?");

    if (Restart == "no")
    {console.log("Thanks for playing kiddo.");
    console.log("END OF GAME");

    else if (Restart =="yes")
    //trying to get the input to restart from the counter//

    submitted by /u/JustANomadMovinAlong
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    How to be a good noob?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 06:40 PM PDT

    I am soon starting my first Android dev job at a start up (used to be part of a bigger company but the department has been spun off as a start up, so the people there have mostly been working at the same company, size of the start up is approx 30~40).

    I have zero experience and am self taught, i signed my contract in feb but due to different reasons my first day will be july 1st. Meanwhile we (the team I will be working: 1 experienced dev, 1 dev with 1~2 year experience) have been having a video conference once a month and just talked very casually to get to know each other. The chemical seems to fit luckily :).

    I am very thankful for the job and for them taking their time to videocall me, despite that I am really looking forward to finally start as a professionell dev after years of studying.

    My question is: how can I become the most helpful, least annoying newbie? What can I do to speed up the boarding process? What should I avoid doing? I am willing to put extra hours, actually I want to as I definitely have a not so stable foundation due to being self taught.

    Any comments are appreciated. Thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/hunnihundert
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    How to approach writing an app that needs to be both desktop and mobile friendly?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    As the title states, what approach should I take? Is this a "work on one until completion and then focus on the other" type of situation? Or is it advised to build both at once?

    For more context, I'm looking at using django/python to write a webapp that works well on desktop and mobile browsers.

    submitted by /u/kbk2015
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    How to quickly refer to uuids/hashes uniquely?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 09:49 PM PDT

    Question: Given a list of uuids or hashes is there some programmatic way to take that list and truncate them to the shortest possible length such that they are still unique?

    Background: I am developing a little command-line based CRUD app, something similar to an address book.

    The app allows the user to create and modify entries (representing people) and have some records associated with them (like an address, phone number, etc.).

    Each entry and data associated it them has a unique identifier generated along with it when it is stored in the database (uuid4 specifically).

    I would like the user to quickly refer to a object when they run some operation on it. So I am thinking of using some truncated part of the uuid.

    This is a command-line app. So the user will be running something like this:

    $ appname list John Doe [d7ebe9] telephone: 212-555-0199 [749942] email: johnedoe@example.org [d0b663] Joe Schmoe [14f2cc] telephone: 212-555-0100 [5439dc] email: joeschmoe@example.org [9ce702] $ appname replace 9ce702 joe.schmoe@biz.example.com 

    The problem: I would like to use the shortest references possible to uniquely refer to the objects. So instead of using the first 6 characters of the uuid (or hash), maybe I can use the first 2 characters. Obviously as more objects are inserted into the database, I will have to use more characters to uniquely refer to each object.

    Is this the best way to do this? Is there some other scheme that I can use to uniquely refer to these entries and their parameters?

    submitted by /u/minute_development81
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    (16) What’s the best language to learn for beginners and where to learn it?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    I'm doing this mostly from home but I was thinking about going to library but i'm not sure if going to the library would be useful for coding? if that makes sense.

    submitted by /u/AliveOrganization824
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    Why does css translateZ move element diagonally?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 01:38 PM PDT

    Why does translateZ move an element diagonally. I have created the codepen below. If you increase or decrease translateZ it would shift the div up or down, I just want it to move back or forwards in space. https://codepen.io/warpigs666/pen/YzZgwaE

    submitted by /u/warpigs999
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    Is this design overkill, and is there a word for it?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    I want an object to execute a method on another class's object. The method will return an Action (c# method). This Action needs to be executed later to clean some things up once the initial object is done interacting with the second one.

    It's kind of like signing a contract. The first object wants to interact with the second one, and the second one says "OK you can play here but you need to execute this Action to clean this all up when you're done".

    Is there a better or simpler way to do this?

    The actual problem is that I'm placing an object on a grid. I need to enforce that the object cleans up the grid's cell it was on when it moves to another cell or is destroyed. Things like isOccupied = false and occupier = null.

    submitted by /u/hamburglin
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    Anybody on this sub has any opinions on Windows 11, based on the leak?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    Stuff you like, dont like or stuff you hope they change?

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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    Could you create a bot that invests for other people?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    So I was wondering if I could create a bot that passively invest for multiple different people if they gave the order and payment to do so

    submitted by /u/Dangerous_Address358
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    What are some good languages / tools to prototype programs with visuals?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    I've been wanting to make a raycaster prototype like the one in Wolfenstein to learn about how it works as well as some sorting algorithms and pathfinding prototypes to learn some of these algorithms, the problem is that my go-to program where I feel comfortable prototyping is unity, just because of how easily I can get something with visuals running in no time, but if I want to make something like the raycaster it doesn't make sense to do it in unity, since the program by itself is already a 3d engine, and I feel like there have to be some alternatives to unity that let me create these kinds of projects in a more performant way, since a blank unity project exported already weighs around 25 Mb, I really want to experiment with the real size and performance of my code and not have to rely on such an overpowered program for what I want to achieve. I know that if I write things in plain c I will still have the default libraries hanging around there but it won't be nearly as bad as having all the premade stuff unity offers you that I will really not use for these projects. I feel like working with unity to make a sorting algorithm prototype, won't really teach me about how performant my code really is, just because of all the subprocesses and rendering I can not control.

    thank you beforehand.

    submitted by /u/didicayu
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    Programming for a QC background?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    My background is that of a quality control technician, currently studying to get a full chemistry degree but with current good prospects to find a fair job at some QC lab at a food/cosmetics/raw chems factory.

    Only software I've used and done some useful "coding" with in the field is excel. Excel sheets and calculators I can use, and I enjoyed looking for ways of improving workflow and organisation.

    I would like to learn some coding language to improve and further my career, I think it could prove very handy at middle or low management roles.

    I'm not planning to become a developer (though I wouldn't shy away from the chance if I found myself talented) but perhaps I can use some coding whenever I go.

    What should I learn? Planning on getting a job at food QC.

    I've heard extensively about Python being the go to for starters, and SQL to be the one for databases.

    Not sure, haven't really done any serious research yet.

    What do you think? Is it worth it?

    submitted by /u/Low_Kaleidoscope_369
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    Help me create a program that takes in urls and transforms into .mobi files?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    I love reading on my Kindle and not so much on my laptop/phone. I'd like to be able to transform whatever webpage into a .mobi file, and ideally merge these pages into a 'book'.

    How do I get started? What should I learn?

    submitted by /u/dirtyring
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    Question about REST API

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:50 PM PDT

    Hello, I am solving an assignment which requires creating a simple library system using REST API. One of the tasks asks to create a REST API endpoint to take a book from the library. It should specify the customer who is taking the book and the period fow which the books is taken. I am confused about thich REST method should I use to solve this? Do I need to use GET method and simply return the books that are being taken or do I need to use other method here?

    submitted by /u/domke89
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    Anyone else get a writers block when they first started programming?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    Here is my situation, I'm currently a sophomore almost junior(grad may 2023) in my bachelors of software engineering. I'm really wanting(more so really need it) to get an internship next summer but the issue I feel I'm going to run into is that I don't have any side projects to show and all my class assignments and projects I'm not supposed to share.

    The issue I'm running into is ill see some awesome ideas for side projects I feel like I could put the effort into doing but it's either I sit down and don't know where to start or I do know where to start but it's not something that interest me. Anyone else kind of get this or had this?

    Any suggestions tips or ideas are greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/xXOSUTUMPETXx
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    [C++] What does the "s" at the end of a c-string mean?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 01:46 PM PDT

    I've seen a few strings like that recently, and I don't know what it means. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Ratstail91
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    career advice

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    Hi, I'd like some career advice, I'm currently working as an intern with the whole js stack (node, typescript, react/native), and I'm almost finishing my computer science college. I would like to know what the next step is, I don't like javascript very much and would like to work with something more hardcore and low level, which technology should I focus on or what should I do?

    submitted by /u/BluePirate89
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    Keycloak and SQL relations? How can you do this?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 12:35 PM PDT

    So, I've used keycloak in my coding experiments, but I almost always use a separate database for it.

    However, let's say I have an app that has its own database but also requires its own user system. Say my user table has a one to many relationships with some other table. Is it recommended using your app's database for Keycloak? I know keycloak creates a lot of tables, so I'm wondering if this is a good idea.

    If that is not how it is done, and you have separate databases, then how do you do these relationships? I'm trying to understand how user systems work, it's quite difficult.

    submitted by /u/Tarsonis444
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    Google Maps APIs Non-Compliance - how to reactivate API?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 11:57 AM PDT

    I failed to comply with Google's terms of service for their Places API.

    I received three emails from them, about 5 months ago, and I also failed to reply to them.

    "Please update your application so that the ["powered by Google" branding] on the map displayed in your application is clearly visible as required by the terms of service."

    I fixed that right now, and the API works in development but not on the deployed version (which is a Firebase app). At the Google Cloud Platform website, it says that the Places API is enabled.

    How can I re enable the Places API in production?

    submitted by /u/dirtyring
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    need some advice on how to build a location-based web app.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 11:27 AM PDT

    hey, I'm pretty new to programming and I think the best way to learn to code is to just jump right into building stuff so I'm about to start this web app but I need some advice on how to start it. any advice would be great tools, framework, a good approach, etc.

    so just imagine a browser bar on the first page that searches for locations

    when I search a location, let's say Manhattan, it'll give me the page of manhattan where people can write stuff. just like Twitter but location-based. I got more cool ideas on how to improve it but for now, I just need to know how to start it.

    if you think you're simply just searching for a link and clicking it and opening a new page, right? but the thing is I can't create a page for every city and I can't add every city to the search bar so I'm guessing I'm gonna need to use google maps API or something (I'm assuming that's how you use API lol) and I'm not entirely sure about how I'm gonna create those location-based pages. I mean I've built some blog posting websites etc before but I'm not sure how I'm gonna separate databases or should I even do it or is it even a thing? lol, I know that I don't know much but hey Shawn Fanning built the Napster in just 6 months with 0 programming background. so I'm guessing this will took me about 2-3 months to build it, like a properly working beta version and with more ideas implemented obviously.

    submitted by /u/nygu12
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    laptop recommendation for software dev

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Hi I am entering my BA program this winter for software development. I have a budget of around 1k...I have a windows 10 pc I built but I was thinking about getting a laptop. I had a macbook pro and I thought it worked great but I am not sure if I want to get another mac when I work mainly on windows, and I am not sure about bootcamp. Can you please recommend any good laptops around my budget for software dev? I also enjoy web development . Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/candy_clues
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    Is it a good idea to store files in a small CDN based on their MD5 hash to prevent dupes?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    I am making a small CDN server that will serve up to ~40k image files. To avoid wasted storage space by possible duplicate uploads, I want to use the files' MD5 hash as the key. However I am worried about the possibility of MD5 clashes. Is this a good idea, or would this be a problem on this scale?

    One possible solution that I thought of is to append the file's hash to the file itself then hash it again to decrease the change of a collision between two different files (e.g. hash = md5(md5(file) + file) ). I'm not sure if this is enough though.

    submitted by /u/Sparky2199
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    Why would you ever cast pointer->int or int->pointer in C?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 02:19 AM PDT

    The only reason I can think of is you're writing, for example, a kernel and you know a particular thing on this platform is at address 0x80. This could also happen in userspace programs on weird platforms.

    What other valid reasons can you think of? Is this always or generally a bad idea?

    submitted by /u/blood-pressure-gauge
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