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    Saturday, June 19, 2021

    What have you been working on recently? [June 19, 2021] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [June 19, 2021] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [June 19, 2021]

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    What have you been working on recently? Feel free to share updates on projects you're working on, brag about any major milestones you've hit, grouse about a challenge you've ran into recently... Any sort of "progress report" is fair game!

    A few requests:

    1. If possible, include a link to your source code when sharing a project update. That way, others can learn from your work!

    2. If you've shared something, try commenting on at least one other update -- ask a question, give feedback, compliment something cool... We encourage discussion!

    3. If you don't consider yourself to be a beginner, include about how many years of experience you have.

    This thread will remained stickied over the weekend. Link to past threads here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I put together a list of ~650 university CS courses you can take!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:54 AM PDT


    I've spent the last week compiling around ~675 publicly available CS courses from around 20ish colleges. Hopefully you can get some use out of it.

    submitted by /u/colxwhale123
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    List of topics to learn to land a job in coding industry (python)

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 12:18 AM PDT

    Hi, I am a 17 old boy from Italy and I have been learning how to code in python for a while. Everytime I search for a tutorial on how to learn to code the best way on reddit and on the internet I get always the same answer: build projects and learn along the way.

    That is a great answer in my opinion and this is how I alwasy approached coding in general but I have a doubt: will make projects and getting a little bit of experience making apps prepare me for getting a job in the IT world? How can I make sure that I know all the necessary stuff before trying to search a job?

    submitted by /u/edoardodepiccoli
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    How do Instagram tags work? (Code-wise, not how it literally works)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    Hey Reddit,

    I have this project I want to create a "tag" system in, kind of like how Instagram uses hashtags. Instagram users can search posts and profiles by hashtag, and as an intermediate-level website dev, I want to build my own version of that feature for my own project. Where should I start? Any recommended resources?

    submitted by /u/inspiringtheory
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    How do YOU decide when to break something into its own function?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    The way I see it is that if I have a chunk of code (even just a few lines), it makes it more readable to just turn it into its own function, so instead of leaving a comment that says "this chunk does X", I can just have a function call that is descriptive, so no comment or even brain power is needed to know what's going on.

    Although this leads to me having a shit ton of seemingly random functions in my code, doing little things here and there.

    Is this good practice?

    submitted by /u/Missing_Back
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    Python vs other languages

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    Once I learn Python to a certain extent, will it become easier to learn other programming languages?

    submitted by /u/calcaneale
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    I am struggling with Data Structures and Algorithms.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:05 PM PDT


    At this point I have 3 years of work experience and I am working as a senior web developer (backend), but I severely struggle with Data Structures and Algorithms.

    They are completely unnatural to me. Is there any advice and what I should do or how to improve? I did a couple of coursera / edx courses. I try to do leetcode, but nothing helps.

    For example, right now I am trying to do Binary Tree Preorder Traversal and I am struggling even though I did this excercise 3 years ago.

    I do not understand why this is so difficult for me, since I was always very good at maths, physics and chemistry and participated in national competitions, but even easy algorithms are giving me trouble.

    submitted by /u/Afraid-Photograph414
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    What's a good way to prepare to build an app that can be communicated from PC Chrome to Android app?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:10 PM PDT

    Hello and I am sorry if the question seems so obvious but i am desperate for some confirmations.

    I've been learning to make a website as a newbie and done several including tic-tac-toe, portfolio, and few other minor ones. One of them is a simple chatting application with other user on PC using WebSocket and I wanted to build a Android app that can join the chat session to start getting familiar building a mobile app.

    For above my thoughts were to use Android Studio (try Kotlin) for set up. In both web app and Android app, provide a textbox for users to enter a Chat Session ID to join which will connect to a port. So essentially, web app and mobile app are separate entities applications that just use same server/mobile (please correct me if i am wrong).

    Does that sound right? I keep googling and I can't find any questions that is similar to mine and decided to suck it up and ask it here. Man, I hate that i feel like i know the answer but not really.

    thank you guys.

    ps. I noticed I messed up the title because '.... communicated from PC Chrome to Android app' sounds misleading. I meant them being able to communicate with each other (not just one-way).

    submitted by /u/LetUsBeNice
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    Why does a Binary Segment Tree stored as an Array need 4n space?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:15 PM PDT

    According the algo on cp-algos, it's "<4n", which seems true to me, but it seems like the entire tree could be stored in only 2n space in the worst-case.

    To my understanding, a binary tree with exactly n leaf nodes will have 2n-1 total nodes. Why does the cp-algos page give a 4n upper bound for worst case? That seems much higher than necessary, unless I'm totally misunderstanding something about segment trees, or making an erroneous assumption about how they're implementing it..

    submitted by /u/DoktorLuciferWong
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    Changing career to programming, I need advice please help !

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I m( F29) new to programming and to tech industry in general, Im interested in learning programming so start studying basics in programming languages by my self with online classes ( HTML, Css, java, python ) and I contacted different bootcamp to get infos to start in person classes in front end web development . But I m worried once I finish the program I wouldn't be able to land a job because I have no prior experience at all in programming or anything related. I have bachelor degree in microbiology and started my masters degree and in the second year I stopped in the middle of the school year , and left my country in east Europe to move to USA . (5 years ago) My bachelor degree and my 1 year in master don't mean much in USA, as I struggled to find a job in microbiology or biology domain in general and struggled to go back to university as I wanted to transfer my credits so my jobs in USA were in customer service and hospitality industry .

    My dilemma is should I try to transfer any credits in microbiology if I could and go take microbiology(hoping that I only need few more classes and not entire 4 years ) even that I forgot a lot of what I learned and didn't use a laboratory in over 5 years and I m not very interested in working in biology any more? Or should I keep doing what I m doing learning programming and joining a coding bootcamp ? I m very interested in programming it s different,exciting, and can work from anywhere. but I m very worried with just few weeks of bootcamp program I wouldn't be able to find a job even entry level developer or internship , and can't join a university program in computer science .

    Please give me your advice , thank you !

    submitted by /u/InterestingAd892
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    Do u need to know math to learn python?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:11 PM PDT

    So recently I started learning python using a Coursera course. Almost every example used in the course involves math, like algebra and stuff. The thing is, I suck at math, I don't get it. Even the assignments involve using math. It's making me really frustrated because I don't understand the math problem, which makes even harder for me to even try to solve it in python. So just asking here for advice, how I can understand python without all the crazy math formulas?

    submitted by /u/eyeangel
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    Beginner for programming

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:07 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm joining university in a few months but i have no basic knowledge for computer science major. Anyone knows which subject is necessary before starting the major? Are these subjects necessary like normal mathematics? Physics? Further Mathematics? Coding ? If anyone knows please give some suggestions for me too!😅

    submitted by /u/IT--lover
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    Realizing a single observer with multiple subjects via observer pattern

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:25 PM PDT

    I have a design that involves multiple subjects and one observer. In a more practical way, multiple hardware sensors and one notification class...so every time a value is read, and if the sensor is subscribed for notifications, it would invoke the Notification::update().

    Observer pattern takes on a similar approach except there are multiple observers for a single subject.

    I was initially thinking of having a linked list of Subjects inside the Observer class which gets walked over when some relevant stuff changes inside the Subject but not sure if it makes sense when it comes to the architecture itself

    submitted by /u/Kax91x
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    How to familiarize yourself with a project/code you didn't write?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    Hey so I just got a job as a junior developer and man its a tough time trying to figure out the project structure and what not. Any recommendations or tips? :)

    submitted by /u/kp4ws
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    I wrote a simulator for John Conway's Game of Life to practice my OpenGL skills, looking for feedback on my code!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:24 PM PDT

    I decided to practice with batch rendering before I fully incorporate it into the OpenGL rendering engine I'm writing. Just a fun side project I randomly decided to do a few days ago.


    Any feedback welcome, thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/kssprojects
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    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:12 PM PDT

    I'm 17 and going to be a senior next year, my dream job is to be a software engineer, hopefully for a big company. Right now I am learning the basics with Python and also Java Script. My question is, what advice do you have for someone like my age who wants to get into this field? What did it take for you to get your job, or what are you doing now to get where your going? The one thing I am struggling with is to just do code on my own, I am always stuck in tutorial hell, and I feel like I am not progressing. What tips do you have? I am not really an active person on reddit, but I really just need any advice, thank you.

    submitted by /u/WarmPruneJuice
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    Python, access a dictionary. HELP

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    So I'm going thru a textbook. below is the code. This part really puzzles me.


    How can the above line work without doing something like (TEXT['keyphrase'])

    to access the key? doesn it need a ' ' in order to access?

    I understand the keyphrase has a STRING value from:

    keyphrase= sys.argv[1] gets the STRING of argv[1].


    TEXT = {'agree': """Yes, I agree. That sounds fine to me.""", 'busy': """Sorry, can we do this later this week or next week?""", 'upsell': """Would you consider making this a monthly donation?"""} import sys, pyperclip if len(sys.argv)< 2: print('Usage: python mclip.py [keyphrase]- copy phrase text') sys.exit() keyphrase= sys.argv[1] #First command line arg is the keyphrase if keyphrase in TEXT: pyperclip.copy(TEXT[keyphrase]) print('Text for '+ keyphrase+ 'copied to clipboard.') else: print('There is no text for'+ keyphrase) 
    submitted by /u/ChairDeBurlap_Moose
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    Having problem with for and while

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:47 PM PDT



    both are the solution to the same problem. On the first one I used for loop. ie. for (int i = 1; i <= t; ++i)

    On the 2nd one I used while (t--). the first one showed error but the 2nd one was alright. Error details are inside the submission link. Could somebody plz explain what the error means and why this is happening? And also should I just use while instead of for in these situations?

    submitted by /u/Actual-Soft
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    Modern books on designing web apps (REST etc)

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 12:56 AM PDT

    Hi, i would like to ask if somebody knows any good books about creating web apps.

    I am not interested so much about the framework/tool usage, since i know spring quite well, but more about how the code is supposed to be organized, which parts should be in services, how to handle dtos and complex logic, how to organize the domain etc.

    I can never seem to understand what classes i should have. Now i have my entities, services that save / get those entities with some validation or event notifications and controllers who serialize those and that's it

    submitted by /u/GiannisD2
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    I have not still understood how to start Open source project.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 12:48 AM PDT

    I would like to post r/opensource, but, I don't have enough credits. Also, I tried to post here. However, it seems that I could not posted here. So, I write again. If I repeated the posts I will delete one of two.

    Although there are recommendations how to start Open source projects, I have NOT still understood how to find my appropriate projects as well as to start projects in details. For example, I am interested in python, how do I find open source projects in relation to python. I would like to contribute into python development including Anaconda. If the project people require members who can write C/C++ , I will study those languages. Also, I am interested in research algorithms to improve memory management, and first algorithms. Nowadays, even if machines can move first, but, there are a lot of cloud computing, we must seek first coding skills. Would you please advise to me?


    submitted by /u/hit701
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    How to improve in programming?, studing other diciplines can help?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    I'm spending a lot of time troubleshooting and generally learning how to code with javascript But a lot of the time my solutions are either unnecessarily long or they didn't look like the real solution at all I can't even solve some until I see a tutorial and it turns out to be easier than I thought And I think that if I can't solve it by myself I won't be able to solve complicated things, but otherwise it won't occur to me, what will you recommend me? : '' /

    submitted by /u/g4ppo
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    Twitch streamers that stream about programming/AI/tech?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 12:45 AM PDT

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone here knows any good programming twitch streamers? I currently subscribe to these streamers and would like to subscribe to more similar content. Any suggestion would be welcomed.

    1. George Hotz
    2. Daniel Bourke
    3. Kierisi


    submitted by /u/benthecoderX
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    Any idea about what are the things I should know?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 12:41 AM PDT

    Well, I want to develop a music player web app using java. So what are the things I should know in order to develop a music player from scratch. Like frameworks, libraries, databases or anything. It should be something similar to Spotify (not interested in Spotify clone). Could anyone having any idea of things I should know for this project?

    submitted by /u/Reflection-Jealous
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    Need career advice- English Degree-thinking on pursuing WebDev job

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    TLDR: 26M English Degree currently underemployed, should I pursue WebDev? If so, Bootcamp, self taught, or degree?

    Long story short. 26M, I will be 27 in August. I don't want to waste any more of my life. I am engaged and getting married next September. I have never had a "big boy" job. I currently live with my fiancé in her families house.

    To go back a little bit, the reason I am nearly 27 and never had a real job is complicated. I was a good student in high school. Absolutely terrible social experiences though. Went away to school very far for a year. Hated my major, had no friends, barely passed. Went to community college, literally failed out, had to retake classes, but eventually graduated with barely a passing GPA. Apparently, I had undiagnosed Asperger Syndrome that took ~20 years for anyone to notice. Talking to someone was one of the best decisions of my life. Once I got my social stuff figured out everything kind of fell into place. I managed to get accepted as a transfer student to a local fine arts school. Got my Bachelors degree in English in ~3 years after transferring. It was initially going to be English education and that is why it look so long. I had to take SO many courses that I ended up not needing because I despised teaching. I excelled at this school and graduated in December with a 3.4/4 GPA. Since then, I've applied to ~200 jobs and have gotten a grand total of 1 interview. The job market is brutal for English majors. I am currently working part time at Amazon and put in my two weeks. I am in the last stages of getting a job as an assistant manager at a movie theater. I worked at a movie theater part time throughout my studies so I should get the job fairly easily and it makes the same amount of money as Amazon did.

    I'm kind of torn. I really think this whole English degree is a waste. I remember taking a computer science class in community college and the guy next to me kept talking about how he made 80k per year already just by taking boot camps and certificates online. He was getting his bachelors only because he couldn't advance any more in his company without a degree. I should have jumped ship then and there. Fast forward to now, and I'm very much considering a career change to WebDev. I live in the Chicago Suburbs ,so the job outlook should be very good. What should I do? Should I learn on my own, pay for a bootcamp, eventually get a masters? I hope to move out soon and make a decent living. I know I'm young compared to some folks but I feel like I've accomplished nothing for my age. I have ~6000 saved up, 38k in student debt, and a crappy 2012 Chevy Cruze. I feel like I have nothing to show for my life thus far.

    submitted by /u/CHICKSLAYA
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    How should I save data to my google account when creating a chrome extension?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:49 PM PDT

    I was thinking local storage at first but I don't think that'll work. How do people save data and tie it with their account?

    I can log in to my google account into any computer and my chrome extensions will have the same settings regardless of which computer I am on. Where is those settings saved?

    submitted by /u/thecarrot95
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    i need help with my login system

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    Someone help me, I'm currently making a volleyball court booking system. when the user runs the code it should ask them to login or register after they log in it should take them to the menu option to do other stuff, but I try everything I cant feature it out. so all I want to do is to make the system work like when the user logins then it should take the user to the menu option to all the other stuff.

    import xlsx users = {} status = "" print("================================================") print("Welcome to Volleyball court booking system") print("================================================") def displayMenu(): status = input("Do you an account with us? [y/n] Press [q] to quit") if status == "y": oldUser() elif status == "n": newUser() elif status == 'q': print("\nThank you come again!\n") exit() def newUser(): username = input("Enter Name:") createLogin = input("Create login name: ") if createLogin in users: print("\nLogin name already exist!\n") else: createPassw = input("Create password: ") users[createLogin] = createPassw print("\nUser created\n") def oldUser(): login = input("Enter login name: ") passw = input("Enter password: ") if login in users and users[login] == passw: print("\nLogin successful!\n") else: print("\nUser doesn't exist or wrong password!\n") def filterByplayerstats(): with open("player stats.xlsx", "r") as xlsxfile: csvreader = xlsx.reader(xlsxfile, delimiter=',') Name = (input("Enter players Name: ").lower().title()) for row in csvreader: if Name in str(row[0]): print(row) ans = True while ans: print("------------------Menu--------------------") print('Option 1 : Players Statistics') print('Option 2 : League Fixtures') print('Option 3 : Make a Booking') print('Option 4 : Quit') option = str(input('Enter an option?:')) if option == '1': filterByplayerstats() elif option == '2': print("Thank you come again") elif option == '3': print("Thank you come again") elif option == '4': print("Thank you come again") exit() else: print('Sorry. invalid input') while status != "q": filterByplayerstats() 
    submitted by /u/Wonderful_Proof1875
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