To those of you doubting yourselves learn programming |
- To those of you doubting yourselves
- At 39, I just got an offer for my first software dev job!
- I have trouble with algorithms even though I can code.
- Faster paced tutorials than Udemy courses
- Software Development Apprenticeship
- MySQL vs SQLite if I wanna learn SQL which one should I start first?
- Hi, I'm trying to learn programming
- How should i think when approaching an new project ?
- 8086 jump confusion
- Hello, I'm trying to learn programming
- What are some good techniques/habits to know when planning how you're gonna tackle a problem?
- I'm having a bit of trouble working out how to add time dependant penalty rates to my DIY python income calculator
- I don't know any professional programmers and I need help.
- Resources on software implementation
- How to get my programming motivation back.
- Tips for software engineer intern - what things I should master (like specific Git commands) for my first job? Also any tips for changing from Windows to iOS?
- What is your “why I learned to code” story?
- Auto re-sequence Excel spreadhseet
- Looking for learning platforms that offer access to all courses for a monthly subscription
- Self taught programmer's what's your story?
- Is "good enough" good enough when starting out?
- Help with Packages, Dependencies and Replit
- The three main types of XML documents
- Daily programming task/problem?
- Does it actually make sense to remove / create a signalr connection each time you are switching between two pages in web app?
To those of you doubting yourselves Posted: 24 Jun 2021 07:42 PM PDT Quick background: I work at a big tech company you've probably all heard of. I'm ~3 years into my "career" and I just barely feel like I know what I'm doing. I talk to a lot of high school CS students, early in career software engineers, and interns at my company. There's a common theme between almost every single person I've talked to: impostor syndrome. Some folks even ask me how get around it. My answer? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I find it funny because impostor syndrome is something I still deal with to this day. I feel like I just normalized the feeling of being confused, and got more confidence in my ability to "figure it out." Take it from someone who graduated high school with a 2.3 GPA and went to a college not known for its CS program because it was affordable: YOU CAN DO IT! It's a tough road, but its satisfying and well worth it. Dunno why I decided to write this but I hope someone who needs to see this does. Also forcing this post out to fight my own "perfectionism" that does more harm than good. [link] [comments] |
At 39, I just got an offer for my first software dev job! Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:44 AM PDT I did it!!! After two years of coding obsession, I got my first programming job! I'm in freaking heaven! So many days working at 4 am, banging my head against the wall feeling stuck and hopeless and daydreaming about code, I got my offer!!!! I think this is the second happiest day of my life (getting my Aussie visa at Jun,11 2020 being the first). This is a big post, so if you don't want to go through the whole thing, the key take-away is: I'm ok at Maths, but waaay I'm far from a wizard. I literally knew a bit of HTML two years ago and I was teaching Salsa for a living. So If I got there, hell yeah most people who are willing to put in the work can too. The Journey I can say I'm lucky that I found something I love so much. That made it easy for me to get out of bed straight to my computer (actually after a cold shower) almost every day to get my coding hours early in the morning before life throws things at me. My passion was the fuel to code in any spare time I had. And change my habits and routines to carve out as much time as possible to code. I always knew that the only way to get to where I wanted was to have my butt on the chair and put in the time. During this time I had a couple of relationships that were pretty much ruined because I didn't want to dedicate much time to them. Lovely, valuable, incredible women. But for the most part I just wanted to code. I'm lucky that I could quit my dancing job and drive an Uber (with all the flexibility it allows), otherwise I would probably have problems keeping my current girlfriend. And she's THE ONE. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Quitting was the best thing I could have possibly done. It wasn't hard work per se, but the nature of the job requires a lot of preparation, training, researching and just good old thinking about it. In Uber I do long hours, but there's none of the extra stuff. And even when I'm driving I can do coding exercises, think about programming, listen to podcasts about it and so on. Getting the Job Another crucial realisation was that in order to get a job I'd need to focus on a portfolio. That was super important because it made me focus on completing projects. And all it took was ONE SINGLE full stack application for my recruiters to shortlist me for the job. I honestly didn't think it would be possible to get a job with at least half a dozen decent apps, but I was wrong. I had tons of accumulated knowledge from my previous semi-publishable jobs. The projects that were portfolio ready were only WordPress websites and a page for a small accounting company using HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS that doesn't even look that good but that made me proud because it was a first. So with the help of Ionic Academy and my previous C# knowledge I created a Shift Tracker that has the whole full-stack lot: Ionic in the front end, C# in the back end, Azure for hosting and database and Firebase for authentication. When that was done I applied for eight jobs and only one responded. I wasn't expecting it at all. I thought I would need way more work on my portfolio. Everything happened very quickly. I was sent a coding exercise, that was quite complex to me. I had to look up a few things to solve it. I thought for sure I wasn't going to pass. But I did and got an interview. Again I thought I had no chance but I guess my enthusiasm and the fact that I communicate reasonably well due to being a teacher were enough to get me through the door. Advice Some people might be on the same journey as I am, so if I could give advice on how to get there, here are a few:
The Resources I'll try to enumerate all resources I used throughout these two years. They were all valuable in their own capacity and some were absolutely essential. Codeacademy: My first online resource ever. I took a front end course, very well organised and explained. Super beginner friendly. I breezed through the html part because I had learned it years ago. Then I learned the CSS part but I finished the AJAX and JS parts without understanding them too well. I didn't continue with them because everything they did was in an embedded IDE so I wasn't actually building anything, but just rendering code in their IDE. It probably suits most people to learn that way, but I missed actually building something, so I only learned from them for a month or so. Traversy Media: This absolute legend of a guy taught me so much! His laid-back, no-fluff, to the point style was exactly what I needed. I learned the basics of many technologies with him. Bootstrap, Javascript, NodeJS, Angular. He's got excellent material for beginners, building stuff from scratch. He was the one responsible for my first few websites. It's not a coincidence he has such a massive audience on Youtube. Maximilian Schwarzmuler: Not long after learning basic JS I realised there was this thing called "framework", and that's what everyone uses professionally. My coding mentor uses Angular so that was a natural choice for me, but he warned the learning curve would be steep. And it is, I'm still learning to this day, but I absolutely love Angular. There's something about how its code is organised and it's aesthetics that deeply resonates with me. Learning it was so much easier with the help of this fantastic teacher. His courses are incredible, explaining every little component in detail. I love that not only he teaches aspects of Angular in the context of a project, but also isolates these subjects and teaches them separately, which makes them so much easier to learn! I've also taken his Ionic and Angular Material courses and they're equally great. CodeGym: I also learned pretty quickly that to build the stuff I wanted to build I would need a back-end language. Also influenced by a couple of friends I picked Java and bought a CodeGym subscription. It has the same pros and cons as CoderAcademy. The way the course is put together is super friendly, progressive and with TONS (I mean ridiculous amounts) of exercises, which I love. But I disconnected a bit from the course after a few months because I was learning advanced topics of programming without building stuff, which was frustrating to me. I remember spending weeks learning about multithreading, and don't get me wrong, it was super valuable, but I need to build stuff to really understand something. I think I'm way better at learning isolated from building now, but that's because having built a few applications I can actually visualise where the new knowledge will be useful. Back then, it just didn't do it for me. When I finally pivoted to C#, due to it being the language my mentor uses in the back end of his free-lance projects, I started learning from Neil Cummings. It was probably not a good idea to start with him because I thought I would understand C# easily after learning basic Java, but I still needed to lay down some foundations. His course is heavy in design patterns and libraries and it isn't beneficial to learn this stuff without learning the basics first. Having said that, after building more solid C# skills, his course on Angular + Asp.NET C# was great. Through him I was first exposed to: Entity Framework, Repository Pattern, Specification Patterns, Swagger, DTOs, Automapper and much more. Oh, and it's impossible not to like his thick British accent. After realising I need to learn proper C# I got a beginner course from Musavi. Super funny teacher and very enthusiastic about coding. He organises his course building several little applications, using windows forms, from a super simple clock to a data table. I loved working with Forms but too bad those days are over. I'd have loved to be a programmer in the 2000s working with desktop applications. Loving Angular of course I would love Ionic too and Simon Grimm does a fantastic job covering all topics in both with super interesting projects, updating his Ionic Academy every week. Along with Pluralsight it's the other subscription resource I pay for and I don't plan to stop anytime soon. I'll still learn so much from him. Oh, and funny guy too. Absolutely to the point Youtuber teaching full stack webdev with Angular and Material + Asp.NET. I built my first few full stack CRUD applications due to this great teacher. No fluff, just code. And code that works. Oh, and all free! Everyone who learns ASP.NET probably knows Tim Corey, but if you don't, check him out, NOW. Fantastic teacher, helps you figure out what's actually important in this vast ocean that is ASP.NET. He was my latest finding and I owe him a big thanks for preparing me for the coding challenge I was given in the selection for this job. By far the most valuable resource. I pay around 40AUD a month for their content and I can say I owe them my salary, so if you haven't started paying for something as cheap and as valuable as Pluralsight, don't think again. You don't know what you're missing. They have everything you need. Front-end, back-end, SQL, Cloud, Unit testing, CI/CD, tons of theory about OOP, design patterns and general computer science stuff. It's just amazing. I honestly love all teachers at Plural sight, but some deserve special mention:
Books To finalize this huge post, I can't forget to mention a few other resources that have helped me so much since 2018 when I first listened to a podcast. Jocko Willink's Podcast – Probably saved my life on many levels. I listened to about 200 of his episodes about war and darkness. Listen to his stuff from episode one and you'll never complain about anything ever again. You'll get all the grit you need to accomplish anything you want. DO IT. Tim Ferriss – Due to Jocko I got in touch with Tim Ferriss Podcast. I can say he's the person that influenced my life the most. The way he talks, the way he thinks and his obsession with growing have had a deep impact in my life. Amazing guy, he has interviews with people from all backgrounds, masters of the universe kind of people. Tony Robbins, Schwarzenegger, Richard Branson, Hugh Jackman, Jamie Foxx, Brene Brown, Ray Dalio, Lebron James just to name the most famous. Books – I know some people have trouble reading and I don't even have time myself but with Audible, there are just no excuses anymore. Just play it on your headphones as you go about your business, don't find an excuse. If your excuse is just: "I don't like books", so fucking start liking it! Why wouldn't you want to have cheap condensed knowledge from years of other people's experiences? Do you know it all? Books are ACTUALLY impactful and have the power to change the trajectory of your life. I'll just name the ones related to my coding journey: Mastery – Amazing stories about folks that became masters in their field. Learn what it was like in their humble beginning. So Good They Can't Ignore You – Pretty self-explanatory title. Steve Jobs – If Steve Job's passion doesn't inspire you (in despite of the way he treated people), I'll give you a dollar. Read it, now! The Future I've heard multiple times that getting in is the easy part, the hard work actually starts now. But I can't wait to face all the challenges of working for a big company! Feel free to contact me! I'll be happy to help those who are on the same journey, however I can. 😁 [link] [comments] |
I have trouble with algorithms even though I can code. Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:01 AM PDT I am a junior developer. I know the basics of a language: variables, loops, conditional statements, classes, interfaces, primitive data types etc... but I have a real problem with algorithms. I just had an interview and I got stuck on a simple question: describe the algorithm that you'd use to check if a string is contained in another string. I panicked, couldn't answer. Same happens for other similar questions. Ordering an array of numbers, replacing a character etc. The funny thing is, I can code! I know most of the theory, I can do tasks and fix stuff, it's just the approach to problem solving that is missing. Could this be due to the fact that I don't have a CS degree and I'm a self taught programmer? I learned to code by reading documentation, tutorials and video tutorials. I absolutely need to get better at "thinking as a programmer". I am finding myself in difficult situations and I feel really uncomfortable and ashamed when something like this happens in a interview. What can I do? [link] [comments] |
Faster paced tutorials than Udemy courses Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:21 AM PDT Can you guys recommend me other courses like the ones on Udemy, that are faster paced? I was learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript and I am trying to get into React and a backend framework, my main problem is that I no longer have the willpower to do a 40 hour udemy course, because it is too slow for me (I already did a couple of courses and I feel like I could advance faster if I tweaked something in the way I learn or maybe I'm just not patient enough), however I like that these courses have a structure and I am not completely on my own, wandering around, jumping back and forth topics (I also like books for the same reason). Also how do you guys approach these kinds of situations, where you want to learn something new (like a new framework, language)? Do you read the documentation starter guide a lot of times? Do you watch Udemy tutorials? Do you read a book? [link] [comments] |
Software Development Apprenticeship Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:54 AM PDT I am in the fifth stage of recruitment for the ICT Associate Professional Software Developer Apprenticeship in Ireland. It is a two year scheme that requires little experience in the field and like most apprenticeships it is paid and on the job learning. It is the path into my dream job. I thought that ship had sailed years ago. I have worked as a picker, warehouse Operative, customer advisor, forklift driver and a bartender over the past 7 years. I have always tried to take pride in my work. I have always been punctual and professional. I have dealt with the most inexperienced of management and the most disrespectful of customers. I always tried my best and always will as that is just my work ethic. I have changed job a few times over the years seeking better working conditions. As you can imagine as an unskilled worker this has been trading one misery for another. Last year I started trying to learn how to program. I took the html, css and js approach. I also learned some c++ and actually really enjoyed using that language. Even though I knew very little I felt very comfortable using the IDE and listening to some music. I still do a small clap of joy when my programs compile to this day. Due to unpredictable hours I had to keep prioritising work over learning so I didn't get very far. The apprenticeship is for my dream job an I genuinely cannot believe that it could actually happen. I have the interview with the host company coming up in a few weeks. I am studying what is on the course syllabus and I have a list of sample questions. I am terrified that I could mess this up. It feels like I'm about to get "found out" or something along those lines. It isn't a full technical interview, it's more for the company to see if they feel that you would be a good fit and are actually interested. I do not have much interest in working for a FAANG company nor do I expect to become insanely wealthy. I know this will probably be very difficult. I will need to learn for the rest of my working life to not stagnate. Hours can be crazy and the stress will be real. For the past seven years I have had this on my mind every time I pick an order, serve a customer a pint, load a truck, process a docket or have to wake up a 4am to stock fridges. I just want to work somewhere I can be proud of my work and have my heart in it. I do not know if this is posted in the right place. I needed to get it off my chest. Thanks for reading. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. [link] [comments] |
MySQL vs SQLite if I wanna learn SQL which one should I start first? Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:49 AM PDT I'm currently learning Python for Data Science right now. Eventually I will be touching upon SQL at some point. For a beginner who is just starting out with databases and the SQL language, which one should I learn first? And if I have chosen one, how difficult is it to learn the other? How different are they in terms of their syntax and concepts? [link] [comments] |
Hi, I'm trying to learn programming Posted: 24 Jun 2021 08:03 PM PDT What languages should I start with if im trying to learn about IoT? Is C a good choice? If I start with C where should I go from there? Thanks! You guys are really nice! [link] [comments] |
How should i think when approaching an new project ? Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:43 AM PDT Hi guys! i'm fairly new to programming and, as a youtube/stack overflow learner, i think i didn't really learned how to think when approaching a new project. For example, if i want to code the solution to a problem (e.g. automating a task), i'm having a lot of difficulties abstracting my thoughts and thinking the right way to figure out how to solve it without any input or little help from youtube. I can map out the general basis of the problem and perhaps a little bit of the code, but i can't script the full solution by myself: i always end up using youtube and that makes me feel like i'm not learning in the right way or that i'm not sufficiently good at thinking. Also i find it difficult to run through some documentations and understanding what i really need in order to code my solution. I've already tried to make a sort of flowchart before scripting and that's pretty helpful, but then it seems that my mind goes blank when i need to think at the coding level of abstraction. Any tips on how to master the thinking and abstraction problem ? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:55 AM PDT Hello, I'm studying the Intel 8086 microprocessor. I was checking out some of the 8086emu examples to see some examples. ; (signed/unsigned) ; 4 is above and greater then 3 mov ah, 4 mov al, 3 cmp ah, al nop So, this snippet comes from the 8086emu examples folder, 4_sample.asm. The nop should be replaced with a jump instruction, but I'm not seeing any jump instruction which would work with signed AND unsigned numbers, as the first comment suggests. JA and JG work for unsigned and signed numbers, but this has me completely baffled. Or did I misinterpret the comment? Here's the whole sample text in case it would help to solve this: [link] [comments] |
Hello, I'm trying to learn programming Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:58 AM PDT I'm graduating from high school this year, and i thought it would be smarter to start learning programming before going to university/collage. Where should i start and how should i approach it [link] [comments] |
What are some good techniques/habits to know when planning how you're gonna tackle a problem? Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:52 AM PDT I'm currently in my first internship and I was asked to show how i would go about parsing an xml document. Not programmatically, just how i would tackle the problem with an "object oriented point-of-view." The only information i was given was the xml doc and the fact that it would be stored in a database, it would update/change frequently, and it would be displayed in a database. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:39 AM PDT Hey guys, pretty much all in the title. It's my first project ever, and I've only been learning for a few days, so please be kind :) To calculate my daily income I need to input three pieces of information;
I've started by adding some inputs that collect the first two pieces of information (originally the inputs were meant to be a single variable 'shift duration' eg: 9.5 hours as opposed to 0600 - 1530, so I've just left them as floats for now). On weekdays, my base rate is $22.89 between the hours of 0600 and 1800, +25% between 1800 and 2200, +50% for the first three hours, and +100% for any time after that. Right now, my code just takes the two variables "start" and "finish" and works out the quantity of hours worked. How would I apply the aforementioned penalty rates to my shift times? [link] [comments] |
I don't know any professional programmers and I need help. Posted: 24 Jun 2021 07:47 PM PDT Hey guys, I have just enrolled in a bootcamp and one of my assignments wants me ask a professional programmer answer some questions regarding why they started coding and how they landed their first job. I do have to collect info like your name and job title, as well as specific questions I can just DM you. I figured maybe the best way to find someone would be if they could volunteer. also, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. [link] [comments] |
Resources on software implementation Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:58 AM PDT Hi guys. Does anyone have any recommendations for books and resources that focus more specifically on software implementation? I am interested to look at different methods and frameworks for introducing new platforms to an organisation. I posted this here as I want to begin to build a very rough SaaS solution and I want to make sure I cover implementation issues before I start to code to ensure I have a suitably designed architecture. For example, if there is going to be data migration issued then that might affect the structure of the backend or the tools I incorporate. Cheers in advance. [link] [comments] |
How to get my programming motivation back. Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:08 AM PDT Hi all, I learned programming in PHP, long time ago, since I learn it myself via online tutorials, I tried to doing it distance steps, to not confuse myself, and not get board/depressed. Things didn't goes well, since I reach a certain level, and stuck there for very long, the main reason is I could not benefitting from skills I learn in the the market, it requirement is much higher now, includes learning one of major Frameworks, using name spacing OOP, all the time, this makes the basics of the language almost useless to developing any needed systems. I see this as more effort to learn Frameworks than learning the language it self, and what's make it worst to me every job offer I found required understanding different type of Frameworks . [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:00 AM PDT Title - what are things I should be aware as a intern? I just landed cool job after months of searching as a mobile software engineer and I will start it in 6 days. I never worked in IT before and it's hard for me to imagine how you can work on a project with 10+ people. I am on my last semester of CS (programming). I know I'll be working in scrum but... again I know what it is but it's hard to imagine how it works in reality... So any tips? Like should I know how to do git issue/pull request etc? I never did it, know the basics but noting much beside it. Also my whole life I worked on Windows (and a bit of Linux ofc) but I never used Apple iOS and in my current job we will use MacBooks Pro. I am afraid as I am not a fan o apple and never used their noteboks/phones. Any crucial tips for switching from PC to Mac? [link] [comments] |
What is your “why I learned to code” story? Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:10 PM PDT Programming seems to be that place where people from all sorts of different backgrounds end up gravitating to. Tell me your why! [link] [comments] |
Auto re-sequence Excel spreadhseet Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:23 AM PDT Hi Folks Everyday I download data from SAP to excel and then resequence it to replicate the previous days print. The only changes are the first couple of lines might have changed. The excel spreadsheet has a coloum which has the "sequence number" and each line is allocated a number such as "10" then "20". To resequence them and put them back in the order I want them, I can change any of the numbers to either before or after another line then I hit a resequence button to action it. For example. The data may look like this. #10 Mary #20 John #30 Liam If I wanted to put Liam in front of Mary, I would change the # to #11 or #12 etc and press the resequence button. This would then change John to #30 and Liam to #20. There is no other data on the spreadsheet that I can change other than the number next to their name to resequence it. Is there a programme out there or something that can help me to automate the resequcene of these. It would have to read an excel spreadsheet from the previous day and then read a new excel spreadsheet and put them in order as per the previous day. [link] [comments] |
Looking for learning platforms that offer access to all courses for a monthly subscription Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:02 AM PDT Anyone know any good ones? I think Treehouse, Udacity, And CodeAcademy might? Any others? [link] [comments] |
Self taught programmer's what's your story? Posted: 24 Jun 2021 03:57 AM PDT How did you learn? How resources did you use and how did you land your first project? What advice would you give for newbies. [link] [comments] |
Is "good enough" good enough when starting out? Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:13 AM PDT When I'm working on my own projects, i get overwhelmed with thinking about which way is "correct." I get analysis paralysis and often just get discouraged and put the project aside. I've been playing with programming since i was like 10. Ive picked if up and put it down many times, many languages. Cut to: I'm middle aged, no real marketable skills, tired of slacker jobs. I want to give programming a real honest effort. I've got more experience pushing through walls and blocks and feel like nows the time to do it. When starting out, with early throw away projects, can i get away with making something that "just works", knowing that I'll improve as i grow? [link] [comments] |
Help with Packages, Dependencies and Replit Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:10 AM PDT Hello! I am a C and C++ programmer. Python is really not my cup of tea. That being said, I decided to use it to create my own Discord bot. All is well. I have hit a couple of infuriating things concerning the language, but hey, for every thing for which it is moronic, it has some quality of life solutions in other areas. You win some, you lose some, I guess. However, let's talk about dependencies. And specifically people who have used before. I needed to include a lot of libraries. So I have "Import this" and "Import that" all over. It works great! Easy! Moronic! Does not give me any control over it, and guess what!? Now I suffer. Replit has done it so that they handle the packages on their own. All sounds great until it starts updating every hour. It goes through all your packages and checks whether they are up to date. This halts your program. And no matter whether you have bothered to create your bot to be alive 24/7, there is this 5 minute maintenance update every hour or so. Once again I am bound to suffer because I am forced to use the "easy" option. The life of Python... So my question is, is there a way for me to save my sanity and disable the package update of Replit. Thanks in advance. Maybe this post should go on another sub. I would be grateful, if you point me in the right direction. [link] [comments] |
The three main types of XML documents Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:55 AM PDT
[link] [comments] |
Daily programming task/problem? Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:52 PM PDT Hey all, I'm studying games programming at Uni and while it IS the summer, I'd like to keep practicing my coding at least a bit each day just so I don't get too rusty. I was wondering if there were any websites that gave daily programming tasks (preferably in C# or Java, even better if it's games or unity related) or even just small programming problems to solve. Let me know, and thanks for all your support in this subreddit :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:50 AM PDT Does it actually make sense to remove / create a signalr connection each time you are switching between two pages in web app? Like lets say you have setup with frontend and backend: MyInventory page which has a signalR connection and you have MyCompanyInventory page which also has a signalr connection, and these pages you can visit depending on if you want to see personal og company inventory. If you go to MyInventory it will create connection in MyInventory and remove the existing connection in MyCompanyInventory and opposite. Does it actually make sense to do it like this? Or would it be okay to let both connections live? [link] [comments] |
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