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    Wednesday, June 16, 2021

    Is there any record of a company using the recruiting process to actually scam programmers for free work? Ask Programming

    Is there any record of a company using the recruiting process to actually scam programmers for free work? Ask Programming

    Is there any record of a company using the recruiting process to actually scam programmers for free work?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    By now you may have seen posts about programming jobs wich ask for some submission and folks usually rightfully complain, and usually a couple commenters suggest that it may be used to steal code from someone.

    Has this ever actually been documented? Has the programmer been able to sue them?

    submitted by /u/OkEntrepreneur1334
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    Burn out.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    A lot has happen since the last time I coded which been a year. I just can't get back in the mood to do it again, since my last attempt to code was so terrible. I lost one of my final project cause my hard drive was corrupted and I didn't have it back up at the time. My laptop started to fail me and Covid-19 hit so all motivation I had was gone. How do I get back into it again?

    submitted by /u/BlueSpirit115
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    What really went wrong when computing standard deviation in cpp?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:32 PM PDT

    description and sample:


    here only code for girls.txt

    #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<cctype> #include<iomanip> #include<cmath> #include<sstream> using namespace std; string tolowercase(string s){ for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++){ s[i]=tolower(s[i]); } return s; } int isInArray(string arr[],string target){ for(int i=0;i<100;i++){ stringstream ss; string name; ss<<arr[i]; ss>>name; if(tolowercase(name)==tolowercase(target)){ return i+1; } } return -1; } string namings(string s){ stringstream ss; ss<<s; string str,str2; ss>>str>>str2; return str2; } int main(){ string girls[100]; fstream p("girls.txt"); int i=0; while(p>>girls[i]){ string temp; p>>temp; girls[i]+=" "+temp; i++; } p.close(); while(1){ cout<<"(If you don't want to search name, please input exit!)\n"; cout<<"Enter name: "; string name; cin>>name; if(name=="exit"){ break; } cout<<endl; int index=isInArray(girls,name); if(index==-1){ cout<<name<<" is not ranked among the top 100 girl names.\n\n"; }else{ cout<<name<<" is ranked "<<index<<" in popularity among girls with "<<namings(girls[index-1])<<" namings.\n"; //here start computing standard deviation double u; double sum=0; for(int i=0;i<10;i++){ sum+=stod(namings(girls[index-1+i+1])); } u=sum/10; sum=0; for(int i=0;i<10;i++){ sum+=(stod(namings(girls[index-1+i+1]))-u)*(stod(namings(girls[index-1+i+1]))-u); } double sd=sqrt(sum/10); cout<<"Standard Deviation of the 10 list below this rank : "<<sd<<endl; cout<<endl; } } return 0; } 


    Mary 3196385 Patricia 1558407 Jennifer 1468377 Linda 1448303 Elizabeth 1420377 Barbara 1397635 Susan 1103569 Jessica 1046322 Sarah 991910 Karen 986057 Nancy 966867 Lisa 965015 Betty 924629 Margaret 918541 Sandra 873509 Ashley 849297 Kimberly 839796 Emily 830999 Donna 822330 Michelle 812335 Dorothy 811392 Carol 806170 Amanda 773199 Melissa 753994 Deborah 740019 Stephanie 738523 Rebecca 729630 Sharon 720826 Laura 718006 Cynthia 705717 Kathleen 686217 Amy 681397 Shirley 663452 Angela 658968 Helen 618563 Anna 618367 Brenda 606291 Pamela 592696 Nicole 589434 Emma 580610 Samantha 578986 Katherine 571574 Christine 561161 Debra 548280 Rachel 546153 Catherine 542748 Carolyn 540963 Janet 539224 Ruth 538629 Maria 529342 Heather 524166 Diane 515183 Virginia 515088 Julie 506594 Joyce 499340 Victoria 485786 Olivia 481364 Kelly 471621 Christina 471106 Lauren 470902 Joan 467459 Evelyn 461952 Judith 449805 Megan 437647 Cheryl 436882 Andrea 436126 Hannah 431117 Martha 426247 Jacqueline 420505 Frances 414289 Gloria 408565 Ann 407374 Teresa 404253 Kathryn 402613 Sara 400884 Janice 399546 Jean 399416 Alice 396362 Madison 393297 Doris 383158 Tyler 381738 Julia 380836 Judy 377815 Grace 377678 Denise 371269 Amber 370577 Marilyn 369781 Beverly 369669 Danielle 368485 Billy 367426 Sophia 364383 Marie 361371 Diana 359617 Brittany 358850 Natalie 356379 Isabella 354245 Charlotte 347772 Rose 344656 Alexis 340587 Kayla 340511 
    submitted by /u/hwpcspr
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    Is there anything I can do in high school to help my future career?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    I'm a 16m going into junior year and I want to know if anyone has advice on what I need to be doing to help my chances at having a future career. For a programmer it's not like you can go shadow or get work experience like another job like nursing. I just feel like there is nothing I can do to stand out among other high school/ college programmers. I appreciate all advice!

    submitted by /u/YounggWeezyy
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    Making an Ahrefs type tool, a keyword explorer. Need to learn fundamentals of databases + how to integrate them in Python.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    As someone with a (very shaky) foundation of Python learned over the lockdown, thought a fun project to try with my interests would be a web scraper that outputs Google associated keywords of a search term.

    At the moment the keywords are written to a text file then outputs them . What I'd love to do is have a visual for the keywords, a pie-chart maybe, for the frequency in which specific keywords are searched. I haven't touched databases. From a quick read I think I might have to join multiple databases to achieve this. Maybe 'User', 'Search', 'Keyword', 'Related Searches'? Any tips to help me out would be really appreciated :)

    Not sure I've flaired this correctly... Is this a language question because it refers to SQL? Is this a algorithm question, because a 'recursive algorithm' is needed? Sorry if I've made a mistake.

    submitted by /u/sleepingonmehead
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    Need help making a keyboard for people that are both deaf and blind

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    Hi Im trying to make make a keyboard to help people who are both deaf and blind consume digital text. The keyboard would work in reverse of a regular keyboard. Instead of making a physical input into a digital one, the keyboard would make a digital input a physical one. This would work by using a rubber braille keyboard with vibration motors under each individual letter. Each letter of a word would vibrate one at a time allowing the user to read with the keyboard. I would first like the keyboard to be able to do this with a text document. If that is successful then I would like to try getting text to speak and speak to text working with it so someone who is both deaf and blind could have conversations with people. If anyone can help me build this in any way hardware or software wise I would be extremely grateful. Sorry for the long post and the mistakes Im writing this on my phone.

    submitted by /u/ITroll90k
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    New to python, any resources?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 07:07 PM PDT

    Hi, so i am a complete beginner but I am very keen to start learning python, I am however not too sure where to start. Does anyone have any suggestions? Are there maybe certain YouTube videos/tutorials, books people would recommend? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/EQT00
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    Regarding books for learning C++ (Beginners)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:31 AM PDT

    So i have started learning C++ but I'm unable to find a book which might clear my basics of programming. I tried The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup, but I dont seem to find it very helpful in clearing my basics. So any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/holy_kinkers
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    Is programming still a viable career path?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    I'm a military trained electro-mechanical engineer currently. I've decided to switch career fields, so I've signed up for a 7 month coding boot camp through Turing in Denver. I don't have any coding experience, but I've taught myself some HTML, CSS, and JavaScript over the last few weeks. I'm enjoying it a lot and it feels intuitive. However when I do my research on the job search process for developers it seems bleak.

    I'd like to hear about the viability of entering the development world, and y'all's personal experiences with job hunting. Thanks!

    Edit: I'd also like to know if my 10+ years of professional engineering will aid my job search over other fresh devs, or if that experience is completely irrelevant.

    submitted by /u/RosesAndPain
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    Is there a way to host a batch file program and broadcast its output to a website UI?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    So for a little back story, I'm a gamemaker for an Arma 3 unit and run some story campaigns. For one of these campaigns, I made a small little batch file program that runs through lines of story text when you enter certain commands, and it includes some UI effects to promote immersion. The only issue is, is that this batch file program can only be run on certain computers, and even then, people don't want to modify their antivirus programs to unblock it because it's too much trouble. Which, leads me here.

    My question is this: Is there a way to host my batch file on a website and display its output (while retaining the UI effects that I programmed in)?

    submitted by /u/DiscipleOfTheCasuist
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    Advice for makingbot to complete attendance form

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    (making bot*)

    Hi! I'm about to graduate from high school, and I finished my classes, but they're sending us a google form every day to fill out to get marked present, which doesn't really matter, but I was thinking of making some kind of bot to do it for me.

    What would be a good general way to go about doing this?

    It needs to check my email, look for the right email, which has the same title every day, open the form, and fill it out, with the same answers to a couple of forms.

    Thanks in advance for any advice!

    submitted by /u/iamabadass345
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    Can an entropy source for TRNG be based on the number of lightning strikes per half-hour/hour/etc from the lightning storm that has been going on in Venezuela since 1595? Would that be true Randomness?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    How to receive input from an Analog to digital converter (ADC) in a NodeJS backend?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 04:31 AM PDT

    I'd like to pull the values provided by a digital scale using a COM port. How do I achieve this in a Node application?

    submitted by /u/0Kysh0
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    Figuring out dll dependencies.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    Hello reddit , I am working on a huge codebase with about 230 executables, I need to figure out dll dependencies for each of these executables and list it out in a nice tabular format.

    Does anyone know of a tool that can do this efficiently ?

    dumpbin is my backup but that means writing a script wrapper around it to parse and organize the data.

    submitted by /u/I_love_Icecream
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    Declaration or statement expected2021

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 03:20 AM PDT

    In the "Declaration or statement expected. say is in the "ts(1128) [13,2]" And i don't know what is the error:/
    LrUw9.png (1440×900) (imgur.com) this is the code

    submitted by /u/AdCritical1097
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    How to load an audio file and convert it into f(x) so that I can do Fourier transform on it in CPP?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 11:17 PM PDT

    then I can make an equalizer

    submitted by /u/hwpcspr
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    [Easy] Managing Multiple Repositories.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    I've just been assigned to an extremely large project. One that has dozens of repositories. My department is only handling a few of them. Everything is under github under the name of the project, and then there's multiple separate repos within it. So for example:

    github.com/BigProjectName and then there's tons of repos inside of it in the format of github.com/BigProjectName/Repo1 and github.com/BigProjectName/Repo2 etc.

    I've been recommended by my boss to use Pycharm (which is Jetbrain's python ide if you're unfamiliar). However, nobody in my 6 man team actually uses pycharm. I'm the only person on the team under the age of 40, so most of them are using older ide's like eclipse, visual studio, or even just text editors. However because Pycharm is newer, more feature rich, and more user friendly, my boss wants me using it. So basically, this simple question I have, none of them are able to answer for me.

    I want to use pycharm's built in version control rather than managing it myself (either through the command line, ssh, or the github linux client). I've got a bad history in university of messing up projects because I screwed up version control.

    There are two repos I need to use for my assignment. How can I, using pycharm (although I'm sure it would be the same for Intellij or any jetbrains program) manage more than one repository using their built in version control system?

    Would I simply plug in the url for the general project (github.com/Bigprojectname) rather than link to individual repos?

    Or maybe should I treat it as 2 separate projects entirely, and just link each one to the appropriate repo?

    Its only slightly time sensitive, as I want to make some sort of progress before my meeting this afternoon. If anybody could help that would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Dotaproffessional
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    How can I translate thisFunction from JavaScript to Golang?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 03:15 AM PDT


    I need to translate part of a Programm from JavaScript to Golang and it includes some crypto functions and sadly I can't just translate it directly as i find no solution on how to use the key in Go.

    The functions in JavaScript:

    const createSignature = (msg, passphrase, privateKey) => { const buf = Buffer.from(msg, 'latin1') const encrypted = crypto.sign('RSA-SHA1', buf, { key: privateKey, passphrase }) return encrypted.toString('base64') } const verifySignature = (sig, msg, key) => { const decodedSig = Buffer.from(sig, 'base64') const data = Buffer.from(msg, 'latin1') return crypto.verify('RSA-SHA1', data, { key }, decodedSig) } 

    The privateKey that I have is like this:

    -----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----\n MIIFHzBJBgkqhkiG9w0BBQ0wPDAbBgkqhkiG9w0BBQwwDgQIea0Rw5MEAmACAggA\n ... Hjx025msF68dtTiBddkOxIqdOoi+E30a+brVTrI3uUAnmgwCQl8A0leffHcRRcoJ\n FbF/saKtkeGEHhyvSHEcKrj1Mw==\n -----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----\n 

    I get the key as a string from the CMS and there is no other way for that.

    I found no code example that worked with that type of key only with PEM keys or DER keys.

    The matching public key is as follows:

    -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n MIIDFjCCAf4CCQCQ12pToLHiljANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADBNMRgwFgYDVQQDEw9N\n ... h3I5/FT3AGsLLc1Mu25vsNsmqtBuVhP8CowJs59+24Cp0S8sx+mRGyYTkv7FDP6y\n nLh6hcua1RwpWF60biU9/ZiJ4oojfsGFLjs=\n -----END CERTIFICATE-----\n 

    It is also important to note that I can't change the key format, they are provided.

    How can I use my key so that I can write functions like the two from JavaScript?

    I don't quite understand the crypto package from go or how to use it with my key.

    submitted by /u/SoulB-oss
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    How is a System Locale different from a System Language?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 01:43 AM PDT

    Today I was installing some stuff on my Windows 10 that contained Japanese characters, so the instruction stated to change the system locale to Japanese (Japan) before installing. But I didn't notice any difference, the system language was still in English.

    So how exactly is a System Locale different from Language setting or Region setting?

    submitted by /u/RustyMetal13
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    What format is this string ?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 01:27 AM PDT

    This is a .txt script containing the following string Test document for migration

    The program stores it like this in the database:


    I need to revert that and "download" the file to a normal file system file.

    (More details)

    submitted by /u/samuelgfeller
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    Noob level Python syntax error. Help LOL

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:37 AM PDT

    I am just starting a Python course. I wrote this code for an excercise wich asks you to calculate how much money do you have after 7 years of having invested $100 with a 10% return each year, in this case for 7 years.

    # How much is your $100 worth after 7 years?

    initial_amount_of_money= 100

    number_of_years= 7


    print (final_amount_of_money)

    The thing is I get this errorFile "<stdin>", line 15print (final_amount_of_money)^SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    Apparently there is a syntax error on the print function but I dont think that is the case at all. Maybe an error on a previous line? Help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/raulalexo99
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