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    Wednesday, June 16, 2021

    Diskette 3 ½ with Pure CSS web developers

    Diskette 3 ½ with Pure CSS web developers

    Diskette 3 ½ with Pure CSS

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 01:38 PM PDT

    I wish I could code my own projects and earn the same money I currently by working in a startup

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    Currently working in a Startup for a US based company. I'm from a third world country so here it's A LOT of money.

    Anyway everyday I finish at 5-6pm and after that I don't want to code anymore. I love coding but after 8hs coding I just want to chill or go out for a walk or something.

    I wish I earned as much as I do now and being able to code my own projects. I have lots of ideas for projects and web apps that would make my life (and others) much easier.

    Not a rant, just to generate some discussion, see if anyone else feels the same lol

    submitted by /u/tyrellrummage
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    Looking for a hosting-related affiliate program

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    I'm looking for opportunities to earn more from this job. Are there affiliate programs that can give high payouts? It would also be a good thing if it has a fully managed VPS service provider. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/larksvernonieael2
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    How can I break the curse of YouTube tutorials and create something (even something simple) myself?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 04:35 AM PDT

    I know the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Whenever I try to follow along with the tutorials, I follow them perfectly and feel like they are really simple. But whenever I try to make something myself, I find it hard and can't even move the sections (or divs) like I want to.

    What's the best way of breaking the YouTube tutorial curse and create something by myself?

    submitted by /u/D0wnVoteMe_PLZ
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    Is it worth buying a new laptop for Docker projects?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 02:21 PM PDT

    I recently got a new job that requires me to work on Docker. My laptop uses Windows which doesn't go well with it. Whenever I launch Docker, my computer becomes extremely slow, it could take minutes for a page to load or to view the changes I just made in my code.

    I tried some methods online like adding the development folder to the Windows Defender Exclusion list, but that wasn't very effective. The Docker is still intolerably slow.

    So here are some other solutions I thought of just to make the Docker development process faster:

    • Buy a new laptop that could run Linux, because I heard Docker runs well on this OS
    • Use dual-boot Linux and Windows on my pc. This is a low-budget solution I found online, but I'm not quite sure about it since someone mentioned dual-booting could slow down the laptop as well, which is clearly not what I wanted.

    I wonder which approach would be better in my situation? Or is there any other options maybe?

    submitted by /u/URappletea
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    Trying to go from JS to EJS

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    Hi! Im making a e-commerce page , and right now im struggling with my product detail page.

    I already made an ejs template so i can use it on each of the products im selling. The thing is, in the initial version of my product page had a little script :

    const imgs = document.querySelectorAll('.img-select a');

    const imgBtns = [...imgs];

    let imgId = 1;

    imgBtns.forEach((imgItem) => {

    imgItem.addEv entListener('click', (event) => {


    imgId = imgItem.dataset.id;




    function slideImage(){

    const displayWidth = document.querySelector('.img-showcase img:first-child').clientWidth;

    document.querySelector('.img-showcase').style.transform = `translateX(${- (imgId - 1) * displayWidth}px)`;


    window.addEventListener('resize', slideImage);

    And now, since i started using ejs i cant make it work, what am i doing wrong?

    Already tried by importing it on a public folder and via <script>(myscript)</script> but there's something im doing wrong

    submitted by /u/Parkaston
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    Resources to learn web deployment for non-static sites?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    Background: I do full-stack but I have 0 clue about deployment asides from Docker containers and CI/CD pipelines, and the concept of kubernets and microservices.

    If I were to deploy a site where...

    Tech Stack: React for client, PostgreSQL for database, Node.js/Express for API.

    Purpose of the site: like eBay or Shopify, where we can sell and buy stuff! let's say we should be able to handle 1000 users at first and then it should be able to scale up to tens of thousands.

    Concerns: Easy scaling would be a great! The target audience would be people in my city, than people around the city.

    What resources should I use to help me understand this? Would I have to learn a lot about devops or can it be as easy as deploying a side project to Heroku - wondering how much time I should be committing towards this because I can try to find another person versed in devops.

    Resources I found:


    submitted by /u/badboyzpwns
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    Tool to take a screenshot of a list of websites?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 05:21 AM PDT

    Anyone know of a preferably free tool that can take a screenshot of a list of websites? URL Profiler is nice, but I'd like to find a free or considerably cheaper alternative if possible.

    submitted by /u/SlimPuffs
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    Converting PNG files to WEBP programatically?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 04:25 PM PDT

    I've see websites where images have the .png extension for example but when you download them, a webp format is downloaded instead. How is this trick done and does it actually work to compress image files?

    submitted by /u/ggwn
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    Script that can be used by other websites by including it

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    Is there any place with tutorials or documentation about how to create service that can be used by other websites? like Analytics, Hubspot and etc. Is there is something different than a usual JS that has to be done in order to have it work on other websites? Like for example I see that for Analytics, not only you include the script, but there is a script tag with JS code along with it that needs to be included.

    submitted by /u/criting
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    How to get access token in Spotify API ?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    I am creating a search function to search for tracks in Spotify. It's very simple but I don't know how to get the acces token and to refresh it every time it expires.

    It's all in here: https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/authorization-guide/

    I am using Laravel. I already registered the app and got the client id and the client secret, but I don't know how to use them.

    I just need to know how to get the access token, I already built everything and tried it with an access token generated from a website and it works but expires after 1 hour.

    submitted by /u/CHAOTIC98
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    How come SoundCloud's search page jumps to the top when appending any URL anchor ("#"), but the playback page does not?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    After searching something on SoundCloud, appending anything as URL anchor causes it to jump to the top of the page.

    For example: https://soundcloud.com/search?q=Mike%20Perry%20Ocean#example

    When I add the #example and enter, the page jumps to the top. But this does not happen on the playback page. How come?

    One distinction I have noticed is that the console outputs this error only when doing it on the search page:

    XML Parsing Error: no root element found
    Location: https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/me?client_id=[…]
    Line Number 1, Column 1:

    Could this be related?

    submitted by /u/ThrowAway237s
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    feedback from developers

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I'm working on an idea and wanted to know if you'd be willing to provide me some input about problems you face with documentation (creating good documentation about what you're working on) as well as knowledge transfer for both on-boarding and off-boarding.

    Here is the survey: https://forms.gle/EsXnpemonVy8drFM8

    submitted by /u/guru223
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    Question on career options, web development vs cybersecurity.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    Hi there, my girlfriend is planning a career change into the world of IT. The two options she is looking at are boot camps, one of which teaches multiple coding languages and the other focuses solely on cybersecurity. This questions is not about boot camps and their efficacy, more about what are the advantages of each career path? This company in particular helps their students (almost guarantees) an entry level job after completion of the program. I know absolutely nothing about IT, so I don't feel qualified to help her in making this decision. Thanks for all your help.

    submitted by /u/Comicozzy54
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    Help with conversion of CSV to JSON?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    I have an API route in my next.js project, the idea is that it process the stats from an API the company I work for is using. It makes it's way through the whole function without issue until it comes time to convert the CSV to a JSON array, then it just returns as `[]`

    I figured out if I remove the CSVtoJSON conversion code and run to download the file, then alter the code so it has the CSVtoJSON code but removing the download of the file it will parse the CSV into the JSON I want without issue.

    I am using asyn/await functions so I am not sure why it is reading the file as empty when I try to run it as one whole function but not if I run each chunk individually.


    // logs.ts

    import {NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse} from 'next'

    import {processStats, fetchCsv, downloadFile} from './functions'

    export default async (req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => {

    const request = await processStats(1, 1, 'UTC', 'records', 'calls')

    const csv_url = await fetchCsv(request.request_id)

    const parsedf = await downloadFile(csv_url.download_url)





    // downloadFile function

    export async function downloadFile(url) {

    const fs = require('fs')

    const https = require('https')

    const csv = require('csvtojson')

    const fp = await fs.createWriteStream('pages/api/stats/data.csv')

    const req = await https.get(url, function (res) {



    const jsonArray = await csv().fromFile('pages/api/stats/data.csv')

    return jsonArray



    No errors are thrown it just sends back the empty `[]` array.

    Any help would be amazingly appreciated.

    I figured this out. Answer in comments below

    submitted by /u/IMIGHTBEONMETH
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    I know how to do the coupon-like dashes but I am stuck at the triangle sides. Is this possible in CSS?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    Need Advice on patient portal options.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    I have been asked by a friend about setting up a website for a medical practice that allows for 2 key features: online appointment scheduling, and online bill pay. I don't think the owner of the practice is very tech-savvy, and I'm pretty sure there is no internal I.T. team. I am not a web designer, but have set up and maintained a few Squarespace sites previously. I'm researching online and am feeling stuck. I'm striking out in finding a web designer to recommend them, let alone that will answer these questions:

    1. Is this something that someone of my calibur (design experience, and little to no coding) could set up and manage for them via something like Squarespace, perhaps linking it with a third-party service (Caspio for example), or is this something far too specialized in scope for someone like me to consider taking on?

    2: If it is something reasonable for me to consider taking on, what content management system and third-party booking and/or billing system work well together? I'm sure I could manage something like WordPress, Wix, similar things etc.

    1. This practice resides in another country and I am the U.S.. Is there anything about that fact that makes my consideration of this unfeasible for me or another U.S.-based person or firm?

    If anyone would be so kind as to point me in the right direction or offer advice, I would appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Godsavethechildren
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    What are the web design annoyances that get under your skin the most?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    I've seen loads of websites that hijack system features I expect to work. Udemy disables right clicking in their video player, my bank doesn't allow copy/paste anywhere. Those types of tricks feel super invasive to me.

    submitted by /u/adobeflashcrashed
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    How Do I Ensure Website and AWS Security

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    It's my first time doing frontend web development and I recently set up a website using AWS Amplify and React.js. I am requesting very sensitive client information and they are sending it once logged in with Amazon Cognito through a rest API using axios post, the data is encrypted with an AWS Lambda function and stored in an RDS database. That data can be accessed by the user (for changing) through another axios post call only once the user has logged in with Amazon Cognito.

    What steps can I take to ensure the security of my website, and make the data in the Database impenetrable. I would like to know what vulnerabilities there might be in the whole process and how to ensure security at every step.

    submitted by /u/NicheNut
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    Subqueries vs Joins

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    Which is better and why? performance, readability, etc.


    select p.product, p.sides_to_print, p.same_artwork_both_sides, p.lamination, p.trim, p.die_cut, (select ps.paper_size from paper_size ps where p.paper_size_id = ps.id) AS paper_size, (select pp.paper from paper pp where p.paper_id = pp.id) AS paper, (select m.mount from mount m where p.mount_id = m.id) AS mount, (select po.print_option from print_option po where p.printing_option_id = po.id) AS print_option from product p where p.id = 6 


    select p.product, ps.paper_size, pp.paper, p.sides_to_print, p.same_artwork_both_sides, m.mount, po.print_option, p.lamination, p.trim, p.die_cut from product p inner join paper_size ps on p.paper_size_id = ps.id inner join paper pp on p.paper_id = pp.id inner join mount m on p.mount_id = m.id inner join print_option po on p.printing_option_id = po.id where p.id = 6 

    submitted by /u/ice2kewl
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    Is Redux important to be hired as a React developer?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    Even though on college i worked a bit with web stuff, I mostly worked with graphics programming, on game development related jobs or on research in college.

    However, i'm trying to shift my gears now and i'm learning Full St ack Web Development on my free time and decided to pick react as i've been told it's more widespread than Angular or Vue(atleast where i live). I plan to keep gamedev, atleast temporarily, as side projects until i'm not finished with college and get a web dev job because all of them pay more than mine right now.
    As i was implementing MVC with React on one of my apps, i noted some problems with it and eventually found about Flux and Redux. But I can't seem to find anywhere if this tecnology/pattern is needed or expected for those kobs and if i should prioritize learning it. Could anyone shine a light on this subject?

    submitted by /u/ivannevesdev
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    What are some red/green flags when hiring a developing company for a project?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    I am trying to find a software company that can create a web app that I envisioned. It is an app that visualizes data. It has some complex details that I want to make sure get done right. Currently I am on Upwork talking to software companies, not solo freelancers.

    I'm wondering if there are any red flags I should look out for when I talk to them in zoom meetings? Or if there are good signs? I am new to this so It is hard to gauge what hints to a good company vs a bad one. besides the Upwork reviews, I have nothing to go on.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Samson1978
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    If I am a freelancer, but I can't speak English fluently, how much does that limit me?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 05:08 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm following the Full Stack JavaScript path of The Odin Project, and when I finish studying, I want to work as a freelancer.

    Having an income of $ 200 a month would be enough for me to start because I live in a third-world country.

    But the problem is, although I understand almost everything and can also write in English, I have not yet learned to speak the language fluently.

    That I know would take a few months of practice, but I can't wait that long. While I study, I survive on savings, and I only have enough to finish The Odin Project.

    I would appreciate any advice or constructive comments.

    submitted by /u/Fede1Tango
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    Easiest backend / api for my simple React / Next projects

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    Hey all

    I'm often coming up with small ideas of things to build. Mostly revolving around adding interfaces to public data. My latest idea is a searchable/filterable site for publicly available salary information.

    I always end up using WordPress (and its rest api) for sites like this because it's the only thing I know, but: (1) I'd like to use something else to avoid having to host and maintain my own site/server. (2) I'd love to avail of all the cool new stuff from Netlify / Vercel. Deployments on both are just a dream. (3) I'd like to stretch myself more into the JS space and out of the WP space.

    I played with MongoDB Atlas a bit in the past few months, and I've done a few things with Firebase. But that's all the non-WP experience I have.

    There's _so many_ options out there for backends. Wondering if anyone can recommend one that will be close to what WP offers me — a relatively simple rest api that I can interact with in my Next app.

    Advice super welcome!

    submitted by /u/johnwhitely2020
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