• Breaking News

    Monday, June 14, 2021

    I made a YouTube series on a very interesting coding competition called the "C Bignum Bakeoff" held in 2001. Participants write a short C program and the biggest output wins. Going through the entries, one hits upon a lot of fun compsci topics; the link is in the post, along with a few more details. Computer Science

    I made a YouTube series on a very interesting coding competition called the "C Bignum Bakeoff" held in 2001. Participants write a short C program and the biggest output wins. Going through the entries, one hits upon a lot of fun compsci topics; the link is in the post, along with a few more details. Computer Science

    I made a YouTube series on a very interesting coding competition called the "C Bignum Bakeoff" held in 2001. Participants write a short C program and the biggest output wins. Going through the entries, one hits upon a lot of fun compsci topics; the link is in the post, along with a few more details.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    Here's the link to the series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-R4p-BRL8NR8THgjx_DW9c92VHTtjZEY

    The videos in the series touch the following topics:

    1. The series starts with some basic analysis of simple-to-implement fast growing functions, quickly outstripping Graham's number. Some of the entries managed impressive results using just this logic.
    2. Then appears an unexpected function that is shockingly fast growing despite looking so innocent. We analyze how fast this function grows.
    3. We then make a detour into undecidability and how certain ideas for the competition are forbidden by math.
    4. We finally look at the winning entry that uses lambda calculus(!) to implement their crazy idea.
    submitted by /u/finedesignvideos
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    Can anybody suggest me some video lectures on the theory behind active appearance model? What is the basic difference between active shape model and active appearance model?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 01:25 AM PDT

    I found a lecture on Active Shape Models of faces. But I can't find a lecture on active appearance model of faces. I need to understand the theory behind it. The only ones I find on Youtube is 10 -20 mins application level videos. I've tried reading T. Cootes' paper on AAM ,it's so hard to understand with mathematical jargon.

    submitted by /u/throwawayafw
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    Real time applications on SBCs

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    Hello all.

    Been needing to develop real time applications on SBCs, such as raspberry pis, Jetson nanos, etc. However I don't know much about OS/RTOS. Would appreciate where and how I should begin that would give me a thorough and pragmatic understanding of developing real-time systems.

    submitted by /u/Malik7115
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    Assembly Program to count sequence occurrences

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:59 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm trying to write an assembly code that gets a number from the keyboard and converts it to BCD. Like it gets 7 then converts it to 0111. Then, it should count the number of occurrences of this string (0111) in a 16 bit string in memory. At the end it should print the number of occurrences. How can I implement this? I'm very new to programming so I want to practice by reading code first. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/randomtakenuser
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    Verification of Server Side Software

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    Think of open source software. A theoretical company (think Signal/Tor) can release their server side software on GitHub/GitLab, but secretly run a modified/malicious server (theoretical malicious Signal server or Tor node).

    Is there a way to verify the software running on the server (similar to SSL certificates or a non-fabricable software hash)?

    submitted by /u/Grathium-Industries
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    A Maze in Plastic Wastes: Autonomous Motile Photocatalytic Microrobots against Microplastics

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    What are the approaches for machine learning?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    Which option has more leverage in deep learning?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm 20 proficient in math. I'm starting college next year, interested in starting my own company. My dream is to make enough to live well and think well, with another dream of winning the turning award. Which combination is better for more experience in deep learning, Math and Computer science or Math and computer engineering. I've read most opportunities in future will come out of artificial intelligence, biosciences and energy. Do I really need more experience in hardware side for deep learning or cyber security, are certs like comptia sec+ enough for that purpose?

    submitted by /u/Zrothschild9
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    Why do I need a Hash to try to crack a MS-Office password-protected document?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    a friend of mine lost access to an office-text document that has a high personal significance for her. I researched the issue a bit and came to use hashcat with a custom dictionary to try to crack the document. Now hashcat is called with the following parameters:

    hashcat -m 9600 -o pw_file '$office$*2013*100000*256*16*7dd611d7eb4c899f74816d1dec817b3b*...' dictionary 

    The string in single-quotes is the hash I extracted with an office2john.py script. Now of course I know what a hash is and what it is commonly used for. In this context though, I don't understand what the hash represents. The office program doesn't try to do an authentication like a website would, where it would feed the password into an hash-algorithm and check the resulting hash against the hash for the user in the database. If it were like that, somewhere on the system, the office-program would have to have it's secret key decryption key. This seems very unsafe to me or is this actually the case? What does the hash stand for? How is it used in the decryption process? I am very confused.

    submitted by /u/achNichtSoWichtig
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