• Breaking News

    Monday, June 21, 2021

    I compiled a list of YouTube channels for Data Science, Python, Software engineering, Machine Learning and more learn programming

    I compiled a list of YouTube channels for Data Science, Python, Software engineering, Machine Learning and more learn programming

    I compiled a list of YouTube channels for Data Science, Python, Software engineering, Machine Learning and more

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I compiled a list of YouTube channels I subscribe to and watch often on this github repo and I thought of sharing it here. These channels cover topics such as Data Science, Machine Learning, programming, software engineering, python, etc.

    If you have any channels you want to add, feel free to submit a pull request!

    Github repo: https://github.com/benthecoder/yt-channels-DS-AI-ML-CS
    Github pages: https://benthecoder.github.io/yt-channels-DS-AI-ML-CS/

    Edit: Thanks for the upvotes! Hope these channels inpsire you to learn or code something cool. I have a blog about data science and AI stuff if anyone's interested

    submitted by /u/benthecoderX
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    �� UltimateGitResource: Git Commands & Resources to Power Up Your Programming!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 09:26 PM PDT

    Concise and punny, just the way you like it!


    I know there are a million git cheat-sheet repos out there. I made this for an event in my Google DSC earlier this year, and figured I'd share it here with the hope that someone else may find it useful. Thanks for checking it out! If you like it, feel free to star/bookmark the repo for future reference.

    submitted by /u/GoldinGuy27
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    What do people usually mean when they say that they've "learned" a programming language?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 05:20 PM PDT

    Usually when someone asks "how long does it take to learn X language", the answer is usually 1 month+. However, programming concepts are basically the same across languages (for/while loops, if statements, etc.), so much so that I would always think it would take like 1 or 2 days to learn a language. I was just wondering what people usually mean when they say that they've know a language? Do libraries count? If so, what kinds of libraries are used when determining whether or not someone has "learned" a language?

    For example: When I search up how long it would take to learn Go, some answers said 15 or 20 days, but if you're familiar with programming already, shouldn't it be much shorter?

    submitted by /u/Rit2Strong
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    Input attribute type=“number” doesn't work in IE11. How can I get around this?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:22 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I have a simple form and one of the input fields is of type number.

    <input type="number" step="0.5" required/> 

    This works in most browsers. However on Internet Explorer 11 the validation for type="number" is flawed. It only allows numeric values, but after a number has been entered the validation seems to stop working.

    For example, in most browsers the validation for type="number" works like this:

    • 50 is a valid value
    • example!50 is an invalid value
    • 50example! is an invalid value

    Whereas in Internet Explorer it works like this:

    • 50 is a valid value
    • example!50 is an invalid value
    • 50example! is a valid value

    How would I ensure that only numeric values are allowed in the input field for Internet Explorer (whilst also allowing step="0.5" to continue working - i.e 10.5 would still be valid even though "." is non-numerical)

    submitted by /u/AuthenticWeeb
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    Code Reviews

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 07:04 PM PDT

    I was wondering if there is an official place where someone could get a code critique? I recently started using GitHub for the purposes of presenting to employers, but am nervous about the code quality.

    If you wanted to give feed back on this script then I would greatly appreciate that too.


    submitted by /u/Western-Research7127
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    Hey everyone! May I please have some constructive criticism regarding a C written blackjack game?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:27 AM PDT


    Heres the link to the repository.

    Is there anything I could do better, ie my approach, simplifying logic to functions , etc please let me know

    submitted by /u/MountainNoob
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    Why do we call variables "properties" and functions "methods" instead of saying "class variables" and "class functions" ?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    This has been extra confusing to me in the beginning (since the tutorials and books don't explain they're the same thing) and after years I still don't know the answer.

    submitted by /u/illevens
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    BEST resources to learn java object-oriented programming

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:51 PM PDT

    I know the basics of java like loops, nested loops, recursion, etc but I wanna lock down object-oriented programming(java)

    Could you please suggest some resources--like youtube channels or courses on other websites like Coursera, Udemy, etc that will effectively help me learn the concept.

    submitted by /u/dudedude1912
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    Hosting a bot

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:34 PM PDT

    I've written a bot that scrapes the web with selenium and I want to host it on a server. Is this possible? Since I had to download chrome driver onto my machine, I'm guessing this won't work on a server?

    submitted by /u/Nutella_munchkin
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    What's the technical term for "->" in C

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    As in:

    ``` struct gghgh {
    int a;

    int main() {
    gghgh* b;
    b->a = 12;

    I need to look something up but I need a search term

    submitted by /u/ChromaCat248
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    How to check if value is contained in two data frames

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:32 AM PDT

    Hello, using Pandas I want to compare two excel files. I loaded them into separate data frames and they have the same columns but the rows differ. I now want to check if the value of the first column and first row of the first data frame is contained anywhere in the second data frame. And I want to do this for every row, so basically for every value of the first column. If the value is contained in the second data frame, something should be attached to the right of this row in excel. So need to know how to compare the data frames for the contain criteria and how to get the index of the matching results. I have done this with open puck already, there I just iterated through each row und checked with if statements and it worked but I don't know how to do it with pandas.

    I hope my question is clear enough

    submitted by /u/Poem-Lopsided
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    DB in docker container and replication.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:30 AM PDT

    So, the question is. Should I run a master and two pokemons in docker containers on a production server? Are there any pitfalls? I've heard from multiple sources that it's better to not run your production DB in a container. Is it true?

    I currently built a system with one master and two pokemons in my pet project, using a script like this one. I had to rewrite it to fit my needs.

    submitted by /u/UnhandledNaughtyBoy
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    A question about open source Github projects and malicious code

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:15 AM PDT

    For example like a mobile app such as the messaging app Signal, is open source on Github. But how do we know that the uploaded apk to the playstore, isn't a different version from the one on Github?

    Couldn't a developer say they uploaded then open sourced github version, but instead added some malicious code to the one published in the playstore?

    submitted by /u/EmbarrassedLobster37
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    Having a hard time writing code when motivated

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 08:25 PM PDT

    Hey guys, so not exactly a programming question, but I was hoping I might be able to get some advice.

    When I am working on a programming project that is actually involved (not a CS 101 level thing, but say a CS300 level project) I find that the more I focus on the code the slower I am. I end up overthinking things and making really dumb errors in my code that take me way too long to fix. However if I can kinda just zone out and let my brain flow out into the IDE I manage to do really good work with very few bugs. This also seems to apply when I am learning new concepts.

    This works fine for me when I am doing stuff for class or at work (it's pretty easy to zone out in class lol), but it trips me up when I am working on personal projects. I only really tend to work on personal projects when I am feeling really motivated and I can heavily focus on what I am doing. This works great when I am designing circuit boards, soldering things up, doing woodworking/metalwork, pyrotechnics, etc, but when I am trying to code in that mental state I just fuck up everything. Because of that I feel like shit and think I just suck at coding and end up giving up.

    Anybody else feel like this? It is really tripping me up but if I can get past this I think that I could be a lot better at what I do and get a lot more personal projects moving along. My day job is not for a coding company, it just occasionally has me building up projects on arduinos and PIs so if I could do more in my time off to keep my mind fresh I know I could do better.

    Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/-__-_-___-_-__-
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    Fibonacci Sequence with string concatenation

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:54 PM PDT

    So I'm working on an algorithm that follows the fibonacci sequence but without actual numbers, just concatenated letters. It looks like this for example.

    Let Fn be the nth sequence of A's and H's. F1 = A and F2 = H, then F3= AH and F4 = HAH. F5 = AHHAH, F6 = HAHAHHAH and so on. The formula is Fk = Fk-2 + Fk-1.

    I'm trying to figure out what the ith letter is (A or H) in the Fk string of A's and H's? For example, the 10th letter in F7 is H.

    Now for my current approach:

    I know that I could simply generate Fk and then locate the ith letter, but that wouldn't be too efficient. I'm thinking of some divide and conquer approach. If there was a readily available list with the first few hundred fibonacci numbers so that I wouldn't have to generate one every time I needed one, how could I use this to create an even more efficient algorithm that also uses divide and conquer?

    submitted by /u/StephenAlbright99
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    Looking for problems + solutions text document for java or python

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:52 PM PDT

    Hi, do you know about a large text document (or a website form which it could be extracted) with problems of varying difficulty with appended example solutions? Something like Code Wars but in a single text file.

    I want to use it in Obsidian together with documentation to see in what kind of different contexts the commands I am learning could be used.

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/Ser_Buttless
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    What kinds of things do you not learn in college?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 05:48 PM PDT

    I have read multiple times on here about people about to graduate with a BS in CS and that they feel underprepared to enter the work force. Why is this? Is it simply a lack of them building real world projects? How can someone who is about to start college for CS supplement the curriculum to become a better programmer?

    submitted by /u/justanotherperson297
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    Best courses for learning bash/shell scripting?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 07:55 PM PDT

    I know the basics of bash but I feel I'm very much at a level where I "understand" it but don't "speak" the language. I can look at most shell scripts and have a good idea of what it's doing but when it comes to writing my own scripts I spend far, far more time googling the proper way to do things rather than just coding it.

    I want to become more proficient writing scripts, to the point that I could feel comfortable releasing legitimately useful scripts in packages and/or on github that others can use. e.g. not just some basic echo "hello world" scripts, and could make helpful suggestions and improvements when reviewing other people's scripts.

    Or to put it another way, I want to be able to list 'bash' on my resume and be able to ace any interview questions that get thrown at me about it.

    I've tried searching for some good online courses but can't find much discussion about it. I know shell script isn't exactly the most complicated language in the world and you could probably learn everything you need just reading docs, watching youtube, and getting real world practice, but I tend to learn things better when it's in a much more structured way like following a course syllabus.

    Does anyone have any recommendations for good courses on bash/shell scripting?

    submitted by /u/StupidSexy_Flanders_
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    Use Backend to Trigger Front End Updates

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 05:32 PM PDT


    I'm trying to understand how to implement updates on the UI for a browser application. Suppose I created something like Google Docs; if somebody updated the page, there would be live updates for everybody else who can view the page. How do I do this? I know you can use a polling mechanism (I don't want to do that), WebSockets, or SSEs...but how? Aren't WebSockets really just a communication channel?

    How do I use WebSockets (or whatever else) such that when one user updates the document, I want the backend to trigger updates on the front-end UI for all the other users, and only the authorised users? If I build a platform like Google docs, different documents will have different "subscribers" and I want the backend to only trigger front end updates for the correct subscribers. So how do I do this?

    TLDR: How do I use the backend to trigger UI updates to the front end for only authorised users?

    I'd appreciate any assistance you can provide, thanks!

    submitted by /u/blackmarble357
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    when should i start signing up for hackathons?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    hello! i was talking to a senior a couple weeks back who recommended that i attend hackathons. i told her i was pretty beginner in terms of coding even in the 1 language i am learning (python lol). she said she had learnt through the hackathons herself so i decided to sign up for one that just finished today!

    i was extremely lost throughout the whole thing and it didnt help that i attended alone (i don't have friends that are into this sort of thing) and i was just wondering, at what point do you consider yourself proficient enough to start participating in hackathons?

    submitted by /u/uwuwusquared
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    Advice on programming interview

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:15 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I've just been applying for jobs on the off chance a company likes my resume. A gaming company has responded back to me and said they'd like to do a programming test for C# and Unity over TeamViewer while on call. I was wondering if you guys could give me any advice before I do it, like what sorts of things they will ask me and what type of tests there might be.

    I should mention I have a Diploma in Programming / Software Development.

    submitted by /u/KradSpartan
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    Is there hope?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 03:21 PM PDT

    Hi guys. I've been learning how to become a software engineer at university and I've been doing okay more or less, I only have one problem: I am really bad at math, especially its theoretical part.
    I've been failing because of it again and again and I do not wish to be stuck in an endless cycle of trying again and failing again all the while I'm paying the university costs. It just feels hopeless and it feels like I'd do much better by just jobs that require little background knowledge.

    submitted by /u/Bors24
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    jQuery vs React

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    Hello. I am on a journey to become a full stack developer. So far I have learned HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I am deciding if I should learn jQuery or React as a frontend framework. Please help. Which one is better? Also, am I doing good so far on my journey or did I miss something that I need to know?

    submitted by /u/Accomplished_Bug6296
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    What is the difference between Computer Science, Coding, and Programming? Are they all the same thing?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:15 PM PDT

    • if they aren't the same, how do they play into an IT career and how big of a part? (for each) (i'm not interested in IT as a career though- am only asking out of curiosity and for clarity.)

    • i am very confused about what they are + how to not mix them up. i recently found out about UX Design and am super interested in it, but after digging around in research, i'm still confused as heck which one of those three it involves, and what they even really are. and which one is related to web development, which im also interested in but don't understand how it's different to UX. please help clarify as i am trying to decide what to study once im out of high school (next year's my final hs year) and have not had any interest in any areas up till i found out about UX design. if it's not too much to ask for, can someone also please explain to me what i should/could do from now on to get myself familiar with the UX design fundamentals that i'd need to know in said career? (the computer science(?) aspect of it, that is.) i would like to learn from now to see early if it's something i'll enjoy and want to carry forward into tertiary study for work later.

    thank you in advance! hope you all are having a lovely day and your days ahead only get better =]

    submitted by /u/tryingmybest_dino
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