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    Friday, June 25, 2021

    Gastly, Haunter & Gengar (Pokemon) with Pure CSS web developers

    Gastly, Haunter & Gengar (Pokemon) with Pure CSS web developers

    Gastly, Haunter & Gengar (Pokemon) with Pure CSS

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    After 8 months of self-taught, I was approached by Netflix and interviewed for a senior position. I need your advice.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 09:32 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I thought it would be interesting to share this unique experience with you guys and I really need some further advice.

    First of all, I'm a self-taught Front-End developer based in Brisbane Australia, I majored in Advertising art at Uni and used to be a digital media editor for 4 years. Last year, I decided to make a career change when the quarantine hit.

    So I began to learn Front-end development, after 8 months, I finished my first project, a Netflix clone without following any tutorial and I put it on Reddit for some feedback.

    The post went viral beyond my expectations, it got more than 3k upvotes in less than 12 hours. The positive feedback I received was also overwhelming. Thanks again for the supports, all of you!

    One day, I got a private message from a very kind and nice senior software engineer who is working at Netflix, he told me he was very impressed by my work and my passion. Also to my surprise, he afforded me the opportunity to have a chat directly with his manager who is based in NYC.

    As a non-English speaker, I really can't describe the feeling accurately when I knew that as a self-taught, no-experience, my work was recognized by the real Netflix team. It felt like I'm having the sweetest dream in the world.

    A few days later, I had a video interview with the manager. Oddly to me, the position title was 'senior software engineer' which I found out later that all software engineers at Netflix are seniors.

    The interview itself went well in my eyes. We talked about my experience, learning journey, passion for SE, and future learning plans, etc. At the end of the interview, the manager indicated the potential future steps would be technical interviews with engineers on coding challenges, homework, and algorithm/data structure whenever I feel ready.

    That was when I realized I couldn't get this job at this moment because I know literally nothing about algorithm/data structure. And I have already heard that FAANG companies have really high requirements regards of how good their candidates are at algorithm/data structure.

    I wish I could be a genius to know all of the knowledge in just 8 months of self-teaching and got this job. But in reality, I'm not.

    I have to accept the hard truth that when the great opportunity came, I wasn't ready for it.

    However, I think this experience is still priceless to me because now I know that myself has potential, and I want to become better and better so eventually, I can work at Netflix.

    The question is how. What should I focus on next? My thought is that I'll keep job hunting in Australia and gain some solid real-world experience while starting to learn algorithm/data structure.

    But how should I know when I'm ready? I mean this question may sound silly but I think everyone has imposter syndrome, I probably need more insights to keep me feeling confident.

    I really need your advice. Thank you heaps in advance!

    submitted by /u/Halmesn
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    Hi guys, need some advice. I am kinda lost and now on the verge of going into depression.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:19 AM PDT

    First of all, I am a self taught junior developer. After lot of job hunting and tons of interview, i finally got a job in previous july. I started working as a trainee/junior front end dev. When I joined the project there were two senior devs who were very nice and always ready to help. But within a month or two they both left the job. Now since then I am alone working as a front end dev and I have no one to whom I can reach when I get stuck at some problem. I am trying my best. I am even working on the weekends to complete my user stories. But sometime I get stuck at some problem and there is no one to even discuss with. I don't expect spoon feeding but at least if there is some one in the project whom I can discuss my queries. Now i am not able to complete all my stories because they are really complex and difficult. What do I do here ? It took lot of time, hard work and sacrifices to get this job and I really don't want to mess it up. Please help. It is also affecting me mentally.

    Sorry for the bleak and depressing post.

    submitted by /u/throwaway_1aeiou
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    I updated my website but many I did are just trial and error. I would be really grateful to get feedback from some expert guys out there :-) [Link in the comments]

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    I create a business landing page template , styling with Tailwind CSS and integrate Sanityio as the CMS

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    Do I need all these ESLint and Prettier packages / plugins / configs for my Vue project?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    I'm trying to weed out conflicting packages / plugins in my lint setup. I inherited a Vue project with the below devDependencies and something tells me I have more than I need?

    { "devDependencies": { "@vue/cli-plugin-eslint": "^4.5.6", "@vue/eslint-config-prettier": "^6.0.0", "babel-eslint": "^10.1.0", "eslint": "^7.9.0", "eslint-plugin-prettier": "^3.1.1", "eslint-plugin-vue": "^7.1.0", "prettier": "^2.1.2" } } 

    When I do ctrl+alt+shift+p to run prettier, it wraps lines over 80. Then, my IDE flags those newly formatted lines and when I save the file it puts them back to long lines. Two files are fighting. Which ones?

    submitted by /u/kirkbross
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    I created an icon based dashboard of 300+ popular websites across 30 topics

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    Having a bit of trouble hosting multiple small sites (reaching a peak of 100-200 visitors/day). Is this the general process?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    1-> getting a domain for each site (using google domains or namecheap, for example)

    2-> using a web hosting service to host the first site (like google cloud)

    3-> uploading code of all the sites on github (assuming there's no API key or private info)

    4-> deploying code of the first site from github to the first site (using git commands)

    5-> then using NGINX/Apache to host the other domains on the same web server

    6-> deploying code for the other sites from github to the domain that's running

    7 -> setting the maximum instances on google cloud to 1 so I can avoid over-charge in case of security breaches or DDOS attacks and creating billing alert while also looking into cloud armor for protecting my site(s) if it's affordable.

    submitted by /u/Ianteepeedood
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    Achieving harmony between ESLint configs and Prettier configs

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:39 PM PDT


    If I have a Vue project with extends: ["plugin:vue/recommended", "@vue/prettier"] do I need Prettier installed in that project or is the @vue/prettier module basically "Prettier ported for Vue?"


    I still struggle to dominate my ESLint & Prettier configs, vis-à-vis local, global and / or IDE plugin settings. It all feels like a giant cat fight to me. I run yarn prettier --write . then fire up my app and expect to see zero warnings, but running that command creates a few hundred warnings. So, clearly I have two configs in conflict (?)

    With max-len: 80 in eslint config and printWidth: 80 in my prettier config, why does my IDE not complain about lines that are 120+?

    Said the confused developer: "Who's in charge here?!"


    module.exports = { root: true, env: { node: true, }, extends: ["plugin:vue/recommended", "@vue/prettier"], rules: { "no-console": process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "off" : "off", "no-debugger": process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "error" : "off", "max-len": [0, 80, 2, { ignoreUrls: true }], singleQuote: 0, trailingComma: 0, "vue/no-unused-vars": 2, "no-unused-vars": 1, "vue/no-unused-components": 0, "vue/no-unused-properties": [ "warn", { groups: ["data", "methods", "computed"], deepData: false, ignorePublicMembers: false, }, ], "vue/no-v-html": 0, "vue/custom-event-name-casing": 0, "vue/comment-directive": 0, "vue/order-in-components": 0, }, parserOptions: { parser: "babel-eslint", }, overrides: [ { files: [ "**/__tests__/*.{j,t}s?(x)", "**/tests/unit/**/*.spec.{j,t}s?(x)", ], env: { jest: true, }, }, ], }; 


    module.exports = { trailingComma: "all", tabWidth: 2, semi: true, singleQuote: false, printWidth: 80, }; 
    submitted by /u/kirkbross
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    Health/Weight as a professional developer

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    Does anyone feel tired in the middle of the day from sitting so much? What have you found which helps you to deal with this?

    submitted by /u/Jagmeetoff
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    Advice: Three.js vs. Babylon.js - choosing the right 3D javascript library

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    I'm in the early stages of developing a web app for a Lego-like toy, which will feature a fairly significant interactive 3d element. It's essentially be a custom "Lego" (though not actually Lego) set designer.

    We initially looked at developing in Unreal, or even Godot. But we need the 3d interface to be contained in, and to interact cleanly with, a larger React app. And to be highly performant on the web. Looking over the 3d/webgl libraries, I've landed on the two major players: three.js and babylon.js. I've started started building out rudimentary versions of the project in each. Both seem, frankly, pretty amazing. However, I'm torn on final library selection, and am wondering if anyone has experience with both/either, especially integrating with performant React apps.

    A few notes on the 3d interactions we're building:

    1. "World" is constrained to a building surface sized by the user
    2. Users populate the world from infinite supply of predefined "blocks"
    3. Blocks obey some basic physics (snap to grid, collision, gravity, and a few compatibility constraints)
    4. "Sets" publish to e-commerce with shopping cart integration
    5. Sets can be saved and reloaded from user account.

    That's it. GUI will be React, with the 3d library restricted to the 3d render and interactions (i.e. block placement).

    Does anyone have insight working with either of those libraries? See any major red flags or performance issues?

    First impressions:

    • Babylon is batteries included, though that comes with some file size cost
    • Three is a bit lower level, and requires more hand-holding for collisions and other physics based modelling, with slightly less concise code
    • Three has a larger community and a larger population of libraries
    • React Three Fiber is a nice declarative library with robust backward compatibility and low/no overhead

    Any thoughts very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/0nanisivik0
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    Bug tracking??

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:11 PM PDT

    Anyone here using bugherd, marker.io usersnap etc for bug tracking? Any advice on these bug tracking tools?

    I'm currently trying to help a small web dev company and they are spending a lot of time on old client minor issues. All advice welcome, thank you!

    submitted by /u/SalesHut
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    I've been asked to provide a contract for a potential client

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:56 PM PDT

    My side gig web development work has finally started to take off. A potential client is asking for a contract. I have no idea on how to approach this. Should I write it up myself using resources from the web or hire someone? Am I even the right place to ask this kind of question? Any help would greatly be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/3redstars
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    We built an app for an online shortfilm festival with Next.js, Sanity, Supabase, Tailwind, Framer Motion and Lottie – we'd love some feedback

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    API to create an image (with text/details) and display it

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    Hi, I have some information in my code like book name, book author, publication date, etc.

    I was curious if there is an API (I'm new to APIs so preferably one with a lot of documentaiton) to be able to 1) create an image 2) overlay text on top of it 3) get that image 4) display it on my webpage?

    Something like https://www.bannerbear.com/ but free

    submitted by /u/InvictusJoker
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    Automating HTML Creation

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    I am a 3rd-year computer engineering student who has worked mainly with C/C++ and has a strong foundation in fundamental data structures and algorithms. My boss for a non-tech related job has asked me if I could write him a program that would automate a specific task. On his Wordpress website, he has a page for each of his 15 groups of employees that includes a group picture at the top and their individual pictures below followed by a short employee bio. Since the groups change a lot, he has to manually create new ones often and would like a way to automate this.

    My current thinking is to have him make an input CSV file that would group all of the data together, and then for my program to apply all of that data to a template (is this what templating is?) and then have him post the HTML pages. What would be the best way to go about this? I'm guessing that I'll have to brush up on my Python. Should I be successful enough to have a functional program, how could I create a simple GUI that would be easy for him to use?

    submitted by /u/joeb28
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    Thinking about hiring a designer for a project. What does the process look like?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    I have a project that I think is pretty sweet and I'm now considering hiring someone to fix the design on it.

    I have mostly focused on the backend so far and on the frontend I have only "layed out" the structure for all the pages. It has almost full functionality but the design is just very barebones.

    How I imagine/want the process of hiring a designer to be:

    1. I send them pictures of all my pages and maybe a video demo of the functionality. I could even deploy the site so that the designer can take a real look at it.
    2. I communicate with them via text and/or something like Zoom. I give some directions on how I want my pages to look along with some websites that I like online so that him/her know what kind of vibe I'm after.
    3. The designer works for a week or something and then return with the design for my website. I'm available for discussion during this week or weeks too.

    What I want from the design is basically only Figma/Adobe files. When I look for web designers in my town (in EU), every agency seem to think that web design means that they should setup a wordpress website or something for me, but no. I don't want anything related to the code of the website, only design that I then can implement myself. Some CSS would be nice though but not necessary.

    From earlier I know websites like fiverr and upWork, but after some research I've found sites like Toptal and behance and they seem to have a better reputation.

    Is the process I described above realistic? Would love to hear from folks who have experience with something like this!

    submitted by /u/lapurita
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    I got quoted $100k to build my PWA. That seems like a lot.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:54 PM PDT

    It's a fairly standard social media app; post pics/video/text, profile page, feed, messaging. Is that considered a lot of complex functionality? I can understand 6 figures for a native app but wouldn't a PWA be a lot cheaper? The estimates I see online are a lot lower but I guess it always depends on complexity.

    Also they wanted 3-6k for discovery to figure out scope of work, etc. Is that standard?

    submitted by /u/powerful_bread_lobby
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    Could someone with experience with Auth0 provide some help with the sign out process please?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    I have linked Auth0 to my app using Next-auth. Everything is working fine for signing in but I'm having a problem with the way it is signing out of the site.

    Right now when I sign out and then sign in again it will automatically sign me in without verifying a password. I don't want this to happen just in case a user wants to switch accounts for some reason. Right now you have to clear the cache in order to get the Auth0 screen back when you press sign in. I have read that the solution to this is to use "https://<tenant-name>.us.auth0.com/v2/logout?federated" as the "allowed logout URL" but when I did that it didn't work for me.

    Is there something else that I have to change besides the allowed logout URL to make it so the site will always require a password to log in?

    submitted by /u/lifelifebalance
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    Stripping style attributes (fonts, colors, etc...) from content in Wordpress

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    I'm rebuilding an old Wordpress website. The pages/posts have a lot of color and font size style attributes in the content. I need to strip it out, but I do not see a features to do that Gutenberg.

    Any suggestions?

    Have you used any plugins at do a good job at this?

    submitted by /u/TrailsNH
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    Started using Svelte today for a plugin and I hate it, why all the hype?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 09:17 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if it's still hyped, but for a while there it was hyped on almost every post in every sub regarding dev. It was repeatedly praised for being intuitive and easy to use, but it's like an unwieldy Vue. It also does this weird thing when styling html components directly where it looks like it's adding a css module to them, but doesn't do that to classes for some reason... which is what you'd expect right?

    What am I missing here? What makes it so great?

    I mean it's perfect for my use case becuase I'm not adding in an extra library that might conflict with someone else. It definitely beats trying to shoehorn a module system into something like Handlebars. But other than that... I don't get it.

    submitted by /u/xanflorp
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    Need advice on what training resources to offer a talented React dev, but React is not part of our stack.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    We have someone who's very good with React but we're a framework-agnostic codebase. All vanilla. Is there a good resource for people who've had the React rug pulled out from under them?

    I'm thinking something similar to youmightnotneedjquery.com but for React.

    submitted by /u/otown_in_the_hotown
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    Is Visual Studio Code the de facto general IDE?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 05:11 PM PDT

    Is there anything else that even comes close?

    submitted by /u/VSK-1
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