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    Flexbox CSS Cheat Sheet web developers

    Flexbox CSS Cheat Sheet web developers

    Flexbox CSS Cheat Sheet

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    Issues with domain redirections

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    I recently encountered problems with regards to redirections with the domains i own. I am planning to redirect domains to other websites but it's just not working no matter how many times I try. I tried them normally with cpanel but it didn't work.

    Is there a way to set domain redirection like in the cpanel without altering the .htaccess file? Or can you suggest alternatives or solutions?

    submitted by /u/HanCantu
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    Tip: Don't use fixed headers on sites if you want to have ADA compliance

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    why many websites have this loading screen? is it a based on a framework?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    Avoid Toptal as a freelancer

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 01:01 AM PDT

    This might sound as a rant, but I'll try to avoid those feelings

    I've found out about them when searching for freelance platforms. I saw "hiring the top 3%" so I figured that it was some hard screening process involved.

    I applied to "see what happens" and scheduled my first call with a "communication specialist" where I talked about me, my work and expectations.

    After that, I received a online test with a deadline of 105 minutes since the start of the test.

    This was a test with 4 tasks that were basically katas that you can find anywhere. The difficulty increased with every task. - the thing that bothered me is that the platform they are using gave you the task and a series of test values but not all test values. Behind the scenes they were running extra tests on your code and you end up getting a 75% when all your tests were green and not giving you a chance to revise your work.

    Anyway, I then scheduled my next call with a technical screener where I also talked a bit about myself and my projects. After that I had to pass a few tasks that represented me doing some algorithms to solve some problems like "how many of each coin you would receive as a change when paying for something with a larger bill"

    I chose to do it in javascript and got stuck because of how numbers work in js (3.4 was represented as 3.3999999) so I end up using 10 out of the max of 15 minutes trying to figure that out. The technical screener failed me and said I could reapply in 1 month.

    After 1 month I scheduled again the technical call and got assigned a different screener. This time I passed both algorithmic tasks and he said that I will be receiving the final task that is a web app that I should make with a deadline of 2 weeks.

    A bit about the tasks: First one I had a deadline of 10 minutes and the second one, more difficult, a deadline of 20 minutes. This time constraint is very nerve wrecking especially when trying to figure out the correct algorithm.

    Now back to the web app: I received an invitation to their internal git and a mail with the web app requirements: A travel web app where a user can manage their trips:

    - user can authenticate

    - user can add / edit / delete trips

    - user can have 3 roles - so a user can be basic, manager or admin

    - trip has destination, start date, end date and comment

    - on display, trip should have countdown to start date

    - user can filter through trips

    And other talk about ui/ux, bonus for unit tests, etc

    So, here is where I decided to write them an email about me dropping out.

    First, I have 8+ years of experience

    Second, I have worked on projects that are now in production; one of them was built by only me from scratch

    Third, this kind of task was received by a friend of mine with less than a year of experience

    Final, I won't to any unpaid work for nothing

    At this point, I cannot feel anything but offended and mocked. I went along with the algorithm part because I figured it was good practice. But if they choose to ignore my experience and give any candidate a junior-level 2-week task without any compensation I am not sure how they can market themselves as hiring the "top 3%". More like "top 3% juniors"

    So, I hope this will help some of you not waste valuable time

    submitted by /u/capraruioan
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    WebKit Features in Safari at WWDC21

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 12:46 PM PDT

    Auth0 vs Firebase?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    So this is a two part question.

    1) Is it better to use Firebase, Auth0 or simply my own authentication using JWT?

    2) Do I choose to protect my backend APIs, or my frontend routes, or both?

    Context: I have a frontend in React Native and a backend in Spring Boot. I need to add user login to my app, and preferably allow logging in through Google, Facebook etc. I have seen both Auth0 and Firebase implementations and used JWT as well, so I'm wondering, in terms of ease of use and scalability, which one is better? Also, do I protect my backend APIs using these authentication services or do I only protect my frontend routes? Or is it both?

    submitted by /u/-normal_guy-
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    I see so many people with totally different backgrounds (like me) and no prior experience getting new jobs, and I'm not, what's the secret?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    Either people are so smart with no prior experience, or they are not smart but they have experience, or they're purely lucky, and I'm neither one of those.

    I'm a bootcamp graduate

    submitted by /u/milo_96
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    Code in Boxes, Why only restrict ourselves to colors?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    Phoenix: An Introduction to Elixir's Web Framework

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    Tamagotchi with Pure CSS

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    PHP yes or no ?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    What do you guys think is PHP still relevant for backend developing or is it better to learn C# , ASP.NET core 2 web framework and SQL ?

    submitted by /u/GetThatM
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    Angular 11 and MySQL

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    Hey All,

    I am working on an CRMish application and want to use Angular 11. I have lots of experience with AngularJS and loved it. With that, I used PHP and MySQL as a backend.

    I am currently setting it up with node, sequelize and CORS. To be honest it feels a little bloated and want to make sure this is a good way to go about it.

    Thanks very much for any advice that you can offer!

    submitted by /u/hizaed
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    How to restrict things to members in the back end

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    I built a website using node/express...

    I have users/members login.

    I now want to make some pages on the website only access to members.

    Furthermore, if possible I have some forms/buttons etc on some pages. I want only members able to use them. (for example some website have thumbnail images and when you click on it to view the image in full a script pops up with message "members only", that kind of thing, and no Im not doing that or making an 18+ website haha, just example)

    How can I go about doing this, not much luck googling.

    I havent used passport which i heard can be useful but JWT to create login system.

    submitted by /u/Thepesking
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    Best place to learn front end?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    I've learned Python and Django, as well as some basic HTML & CSS. Now I need to improve my front end skills to make my portfolio projects look nice.

    What's your vote for the best place to learn front end? Cherry pick the front end bits from The Odin Project? Free Code Camp?


    submitted by /u/Ten-Dollar-Words
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    When exactly should I start actively applying for junior dev positions?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    Hey all, finished my full stack certificate last month and have been working on some projects and getting ready to make my live portfolio responsive (which I should've done from the get go, lesson learned). View my portfolio here

    I keep getting mixed responses when I ask people when I should start applying. Some people have said just keep learning (decent in front end with HTML, CSS, JS) and get into frameworks and I have heard from people to just balls to the wall apply and see what that does for me. I'm leaning towards diving into React, however it's so stressful day to day trying to study hard and turn off the part of my brain that is stressing thinking how to absorb all this information in the most efficient "learning to using in a work environment" mindset and it's eating away at me a little bit.

    My motivation goes up and down but I'm a glass half full type of guy, I remind myself I'm 20 and I have time, but most job listings I look at seem super basic and I would have no issue and some that are "entry" but seem a lot more technical than entry level.

    submitted by /u/Kaiohl
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    Not able to add email validation.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 04:41 AM PDT

    Hi, You can access it here. Click the for 1 button, only that is working.

    There is just validation for empty submissions. Can I please get help how to validate email.

    I have tried a bunch of stuff, if I add another function for email validation the form stops after the 1st question itself.

    submitted by /u/lucyhoffmann
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    Understand what web developers can and can't animate

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    Do you have any recommendations for iPhone apps for front end?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    I'm looking for any apps to practice HTML, CSS, or JS on my phone for when I'm away from my computer. I don't necessarily want to code because it's a little cumbersome using just your thumbs, but anything with quizzes, interactive study guides, or similar would be awesome. Bonus points for free or non subscription recommendations.

    submitted by /u/notabotornot
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    How do I go about creating a privacy policy and terms of conditions?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 02:38 PM PDT

    It seems like a complicated and costly task. Is there an easier method for someone just doing this for a side project? I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask.

    submitted by /u/LGm17
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    How to make the most money?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    I've been thinking about this lately, and thought I'd just throw this out into the ether...

    As either a frontend or full stack developer, interested in working for themselves, what is the most efficient use of my time to systematically increase my pay?

    Where should my focus be? I'm looking to focus on a specific goal that will benefit my money making abilities long term.

    Thank you for any advice.

    submitted by /u/josh_c
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    How do I keep track of my website's performance?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    A few weeks ago, I was trying to improve the performance of a website that I was building. Lighthouse audits were what I used to check how the website was performing. After some tweaks I managed to improve its Performance score from 71 to 92 and it was extremely satisfying for some reason. Now every time I make changes to it, like adding new images and/or pages, I run Lighthouse reports and see if the performance got any better or worse. But the problem is Lighthouse audits are not available in Firefox, my primary browser and I have to switch to Chrome Dev tools to run them. The only way to keep track of these reports is to sign into web.dev with my Google account, which I don't like doing.

    My question is - does this even matter or am I overly obsessed about seeing the numbers go up? If this does matter, how do you all monitor your website's or web app's performance?

    submitted by /u/youcanneverbewhoiam
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    Finding freelance developers

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    Tl:dr looking for help finding someone (or a company) to take over web development on a small site

    I've helped put together a small online shop as some volunteer work. My day job is mostly backend type stuff, so it was an opportunity to learn some new skills and help out a friend.

    However, they are looking to take the project a bit more seriously than I have the time for right now. But they are willing to start paying someone to maintain and develop the site. It isn't just a vanilla web shop, because it has some custom stuff that builds the virtual product on demand and submits the order somewhere else to fulfill.

    Any advice or suggestions on how to find someone (or a shop) to take it over? I just work salaried and have no experience trying to find someone to do contract work, or how to find a good web development team. I also don't really know what a sane price is for something like this.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Hopeisneverlost
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    I made a little JS class to generate calendars

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 05:49 AM PDT

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