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    Sunday, May 23, 2021

    Where can I learn to be a developer, not just a programmer? Ask Programming

    Where can I learn to be a developer, not just a programmer? Ask Programming

    Where can I learn to be a developer, not just a programmer?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 06:23 PM PDT

    I learned pretty much all my knowledge about software and web development in college where we learned plenty about programming, but basically nothing about the other aspects of development. While this hasn't really impacted my professional life too much yet, I feel like I'm getting close to hitting a wall and would rather address this sooner rather than later. What I mean by this is specifically is where it comes to setting up projects, servers, containers, databases, or just about anything that isn't strictly writing code.

    I've done web development in Java (Spring) and C# for about three years or so and like to think I know what I'm doing when it comes to writing code for my work. But I could not tell you the first thing about creating and setting up one of those projects from nothing. Doing that sort of thing just wasn't taught to us at my college, haven't had to it at work (yet), and the resources I do find online assume that I already have a lot more knowledge on computer science than I actually do.

    Are there resources out there for people like me who want to learn these things but lack basically all foundational knowledge relating to it? Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

    submitted by /u/Turbulent-Cheetah-28
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    How to use raspberry pi as router

    Posted: 23 May 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    I am currently doing a robotics project where a camera stream is streamed to the internet via a raspberry pi, which is then read by my computer and displayed, but for this too work my raspberry pi has to be connected to the internet. Is there a way I can turn my raspberry pi into a local router that I can connect to separately as a different network just to share local information. An example of this is how you can connect with your computer to a parrot drone to view it's camera stream. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/jfoulkessssss
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    Php upload_max_filesizedoesn't change

    Posted: 23 May 2021 08:20 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,
    I've been searching for hours trying to figure out how to change the maximum size for upload. I'm using wamp php 7.3.21. and I've seen it countless times open php.ini change upload_max_filesize and post_max_size, make post a bit larger, save it and restart wamp. It doesn't work. I have no clue what could be the problem and I can't find any help online. I've checked the changes in the file are saved but when i try to upload a larger file I can't and I've checked phpinfo() it still says upload_max_filesize 2M. How do I change it???

    submitted by /u/Comprehensive-Gur860
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    A way to update a website as soon as it comes back online?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 10:20 PM PDT

    So I work on aircraft. We keep track of every single thing we do to our planes through physical and "virtual" forms. Every now and then, either the website we use to track everything or the entire network we use will go down for whatever reason. I'm wondering if it would somehow be possible to update an existing website as soon as your computer can reach said website. Does this technology exist? I don't know nearly enough about web design or networks to really specify my question, so sorry about that. The issue we have currently is we're required to have both the physical forms and virtual forms match exactly, so if we have to turnover to the next shift to do virtual forms cause the site or network is down, sometimes shit gets lost in the mix, or best case it's a hassle. Is it not possible to have like a placeholder website that we can put in stuff in the meantime that will update the virtual forms website once the network or site is reachable?

    submitted by /u/JangoTangoBango
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    What technologies should I be familiar with in order to build a game streaming service like Amazon Luna?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    How does a language handle an array "pointerwise"?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 04:08 AM PDT

    I know that variables in higher languages, for example python, just point to specific places in the storage (to be accurate its just a reference but I think I know that the code "behind" variables work with pointers). What is an array? Is it just a bunch of auto-generated variables numerated? And those variables "point" to memory?

    submitted by /u/actopozipc
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    Posted: 23 May 2021 09:08 PM PDT

    Have an idea for an app I'd like to deploy in my market. Paid basis for one end and free with ads for the typical consumer (mostly banners). Can some tell me what's to be expected? How difficult is setting something up? TIA

    submitted by /u/Cachemoney23
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    Why isn't there any course named Reverse Engineering?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    I wanna learn reverse engineering and malware field of cybersecurity

    submitted by /u/JacksonSteel
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    How to fix OpenCV .mp4 display error?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    Hi! So for quite a while I have been running into an error displaying a video on a 480x320 3.2" PiTFT display connected to a raspberry pi. The video shows, but has odd white bars on the top or sides of it. This video shows the problem. There is also a second case where it has thinner lines on the top and bottom of the display.

    The video used is 640x480.

    Here is my code:

    import cv2 import numpy as np from numba import jit file_name = "gif.mp4" window_name = "gif" interframe_wait_ms = 30 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(file_name) cap.set(3,544) cap.set(4,306) if not cap.isOpened(): print("Error: Could not open video.") exit() cv2.namedWindow(window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN) cv2.setWindowProperty(window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) @jit def player(): while (True): ret, frame = cap.read() #If the last frame is reached, reset the capture and the frame_counter if not ret: break cv2.imshow(window_name, frame) if cv2.waitKey(interframe_wait_ms) & 0x7F == ord('q'): print("Exit requested.") return "stop" return while (True): cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0) player() if player() == "stop": cap.release() break cv2.setWindowProperty(window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) cv2.destroyAllWindows() 

    Any advice on how to fix the white block (possibly video formatting) error in OpenCV?,

    submitted by /u/blevlabs
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    I'm a uni junior hoping to work in web design, what programs should I learn over the summer?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 05:22 PM PDT

    I'm currently a rising junior with a free-ish summer. Although I'm an Econ major, I really don't intend on going into finance or w/e and have long since wanted to work in graphic design. I've been doing design since early high school and illustration even earlier and have racked up mostly self-taught knowledge in Adobe Photoshop, illustrator, some figma, aftereffects, in design, and animate.

    Now that I'm not doing much, I really want to bolster my skills and prepare myself to be employable when I graduate especially in web design (I only know a bit of java right now). Any advice on what programs to learn and where to learn it? (Currently, I'm thinking Html css, java script, blendr, sketch, microsoft excel??)

    submitted by /u/kiittkaattt
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    Git - Proper way to include "temporary" commits in repository?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 04:19 PM PDT


    Suppose you're working on a project on machine A, but you know you'll later want to continue your work at machine B. If you log off machine A at a point that makes sense to commit, then you can simply commit/push your work to a remote repository and pull it later from machine B.

    But what if your work is in a state that shouldn't be committed? Maybe it doesn't compile yet or you are figuring out how something works and have a bunch of files that, while useful to your ongoing understanding, are not actually part of your project. Do you just create a temporary branch and commit your partial changes there to later pull from machine B? Is there another way, or is this perhaps a misuse of git as a distributed version control software to send files?

    Finally, assuming this idea is both possible and not bad practice, is there a way to later "squash" away that temporary commit in the history? Suppose you had the following commits on your branch:

    Commit 1: Initial state of the branch

    Commit 2: "Temporary" commit that ideally should disappear

    Commit 3: Complete changes

    I'd like to just keep commits 1 and 3 in the history if possible.


    submitted by /u/needaquestionsorry
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    What is the structure of this web page?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 02:25 PM PDT

    This is probably not the right sub but I didn't know where to ask.

    I need to find the rest of the lecture notes in this adress

    Lect3.dvi (ox.ac.uk)

    Lectue 3 is in the link and I found it by google search so where can I find other parts? Or if this is from a book what book it is?

    submitted by /u/UniqueAway
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    Is there a handbook, reference guide, chart, encyclopedia, or dictionary for all concepts in programming?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    I'm learning programming and took classes on it in uni. I hear all of these terms like classes, pointers, modules, libraries, constructors, and so on. They're all terms, and tools used to accomplish tasks but I am having troubles seeing any organization between anything. Is there a singular source that shows everything in a language in a visually organized chart or something?

    For example in real life there are tools and categories for different purposes such as automotive tools which relates to cars, with specific tools for specific jobs, and their individual parts and components. Now imagine a diagram chart poster that pretty much shows all of those tools, parts, and components listed out.

    Is there anything like that for programming? It's hard to visually organize different concepts and parts in any language I learn.

    submitted by /u/jet_set_default
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    Wikipedia machine commission?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    This post keeps getting taken down from r/raspberry_pi and the mods won't give me a reason :) so I'm trying here. I don't think this is breaking the "no commercial offers" rule since I'm simply requesting a project to made, perhaps with money offered if deemed appropriate.

    I know almost nothing about programming (I do intend on learning), but I would like to have something that's definitely out of my skill set. I'll put the general idea of what I want below, but any specific questions by anyone up to the task can dm or have me email or something.

    My goal is to have a raspberry pi that's only function is run offline wikipedia (maybe off of kiwix or something similar) and display it on a monitor. I know wikipedia is ~65 Gb so it would need to be big enough for that, and preferably updatable (I'm willing to do that manually if its not possible to make automatic, I'm sure it's not but wouldn't that be nice)

    I'm open to any compromises or problem shooting necessary to create this, obviously you guys know more about this than I do so you know what it would take. This is just an idea of mine so please tell me if this is not possible.

    Commission is also a factor because I'm a broke college kid, I don't know what to assume for the price but I'm open to anything suggested and will decide if it's in my budget and worth it. Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/Redsmallboy
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    What Book should I read next (JavaScript GameDev help)

    Posted: 23 May 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    Hello, right now I'm about to finish the FCC javascript section and about to finish reading Mark Myers "A Smarter Way To Learn JavaScript" my question is, what should I do next if I want to get the sufficient knowledge with the ultimate goal being, being able to create a 3D game in javascript. Should I get some Three.js book, maybe some other languages will be needed. I'll be glad if you guys can give me titles

    submitted by /u/Sanbalator
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    Professional Opinion: Dev integration and external mock data support

    Posted: 23 May 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    I work on a project that plans on warehousing disparate data structures and making them available for search.

    There is another application (a website with a UI) that plans on using our API to allow their users to search for and view documents.

    The UI doesn't want to mock our services and instead would like to connect their development environment to ours. In addition, they would also like for us to generate mock data for them as well.

    For business reasons, we are not allowed to put real data in our development environment.

    They are asking for thousands of mocked records across a dozen datasets today, but we already have several dozen in production today and plan to support about 100 in the short term and ALL of the enterprise's data in the long term.

    If they could just do their development without integrating with our service, they can deploy to integration where we can provide them with all data we have on hand.

    It is my opinion that this is introducing all types of risks and dependencies and I have a bunch of that written down. I tried looking around for some type of "official" best practice I could reference but have not found anything. Does anyone know of any type of reference I can use? Am I just overthinking this?

    submitted by /u/MightTypical
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    [Python pygame sockets]: TypeError: argument 1 must be bytes, not str

    Posted: 23 May 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    I want to create a small game using python sockets. Just to make things easier the server should hold all the logic and the actual game itself, and the clients should only send the players input (keys pressed) and recieve a rendered frame of the game. But when I try to send the screen I get this error:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "client.py", line 32, in <module> image = pg.image.fromstring(dataset,(300,500),"RGB") TypeError: argument 1 must be bytes, not str 

    Here is my code...


    import socket import pygame as pg server = "" port = 4444 def make_pos(tup): return str(tup[0]) + "," + str(tup[1]) + "," + str(tup[2]) pg.init() screen = pg.display.set_mode((300, 500), 0) client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: client.connect((server, port)) print(client.recv(64).decode()) except socket.error as e: str(e) client.sendall(str.encode(make_pos((255,0,0)))) data = [] while True: try: stream = client.recv(1024*1024) if not stream: break else: data.append(stream) except: break dataset = ''.join(received) image = pg.image.fromstring(dataset,(300,500),"RGB") screen.blit(image,(0,0)) pg.display.flip() 

    And here's the server code:

    import socket import pygame as pg import sys server = "" port = 4444 def read_color(str): str = str.split(",") return int(str[0]),int(str[1]), int(str[2]) def make_pos(tup): return str(tup[0]) + "," + str(tup[1]) + "," + str(tup[2]) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.bind((server, port)) except socket.error as e: str(e) pg.init() screen = pg.display.set_mode((300, 500)) s.listen(2) print("Waiting for a connection, Server Started") sys.stdout.flush() while True: conn, addr = s.accept() print("Connected to:", addr) conn.sendall(str.encode("Attempting to send over pygame screen...")) while True: try: color = read_color(conn.recv(2048).decode()) if not color: break else: print("Recieved, " + color) screen.fill(color) data = pg.image.tostring(screen, "RGB") except: break conn.sendall(data) conn.close() 

    The error seems counterintuitive, because when I look at pygames documentation pygame.image.fromstring takes it's first argument as a string??? If someone know's what I'm doing wrong I'd really appreciate it! :)

    submitted by /u/Leosoda
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    Wanting to learn a new programming language

    Posted: 23 May 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    I'm 18 years old and I have just finished school. I am going to study Computer Science at university in September and I am planning to spend my summer learning more about programming in preparation. I have almost exclusively used Python up until this point and I am pretty confident with it, including the fundamentals of OOP. I have also used modules in python like tkinter and pygame to go even further. Recently I watched a short series of videos by Brackeys on C# and I could see myself using it more but I was wondering what the best path to go down would be. I've heard that C, C++, Java and Javascript are good but I'm not sure what the best one would be.

    submitted by /u/PointyJames
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    IBM lotus notes database. Possible upgrades that handle a similar operation. Operation explanation below.

    Posted: 23 May 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    Spoiler: I'm not a programmer and am explaining how we use this old program from an operational standpoint - and not a back end standpoint, in hopes of answers that direct me to applications that could replace Lotus notes.

    My company has used an old application called Lotus Notes by IBM that has several functions, but we only use it for the database and indexing capability. We have 2 primary applications that "communicate" with lotus notes to use the data it's storing.

    As a background, imagine we are a company who buys bottled beverages but we have to track serial numbers and documentation very well as this Information is required when we sell these products.

    A user will use an external app that is used to index this information and send it to lotus notes to store it. The user will take a packing list when we receive the material and input different serial numbers and then also "attach" that PDF file to the index and send it to lotus notes. An example would be like this: Input: RedGatorade Input: 123456789 Input: 445566 Input: (PDF attachment of packing list)

    Lotus notes will store this index with all of the serial numbers and PDF attachments. Lotus notes is currently storing hundreds of thousands of these in its database.

    The second external application is where a user will search for an input such as the above; search:445566 search: RedGatorade. Lotus notes will then send the PDF attachment to the user as that was the matched index.

    Thank you for any help suggestions!

    submitted by /u/bobosaphire
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    How to implement Web Chat Bot

    Posted: 23 May 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    So, im starting my intern since monday, and i got tasked to build a Customer Service Chat Bot with Natural Language Processing to answer question about troubleshooting devices, company profile, location etc. I have to implement it in Web with Spring Boot backend.

    I really dont know where to start to implementing it in web, does anyone know any resources like github repo to start? Thanks in Advance!

    submitted by /u/Willing-Grab-7798
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    SMTP provider to send thousands of emails every day

    Posted: 23 May 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    I have a website that needs to send thousands of transactional emails every day (sometimes every hour). I use email hosting I got alongside web hosting from my provider but this allows me to send only 2000 emails every hour which is sometimes not enough.

    I don't need any fancy features, I literally only need to be able to send thousands of emails without any limitations. The emails my website sends are notifications for a specific events and it's used by hundreds of people.

    I have a Node.js backend and use nodemailer to send emails, if it matters.

    I looked into services like sendgrid but I wonder if something simpler exists.

    submitted by /u/Udnie
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    Sending data from microcontroller to android app? What tools should I need?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 01:21 AM PDT

    Hello! I want to create a mobile/PC application to read some data from a microcontroller and send back some inputs. Probably on wi fi.

    But let's focus only on the application for now.

    I am writing my application using Python. Main goal is to run it on Android. How can I achieve this communication? I'm not looking for a clear example. I just want some directions. What to search for and learn? Protocol? Packages? From there I can try to adapt my microcontroller model and so on.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/danielsannn5
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    Most important part of a UUID?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 01:10 AM PDT

    I have a situation where I need to transmit 2 UUID's using extremely limited and variable number of bits. If I cant fit the entire UUID, what is the most important part of the UUID to transmit? Ideally one of these UUID fragment would be still Unique in a larger selection of UUID's created within a week and the other unique in a selection of UUID's created the same month.

    BTW, If there is enough space to transmit 1, it is better to do that then to send 2 fragments.

    submitted by /u/jamcdonald120
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