What have you been working on recently? [May 22, 2021] learn programming |
- What have you been working on recently? [May 22, 2021]
- From not knowing what an object is is to my first software engineering job in 6 months, self taught, in the UK
- CS graduate, unable to get a coding job for 12 months, people told me that I need more high-quality personal projects. I'm heavily depressed and have zero motivation, but I do want to get better.
- I developed a mental health related app from my personal experience!
- Is it dumb spending all my free time on learning Unity?
- My first noob mistake: reading material without practicing.
- How do websites like jolygram, pictame and picuki work?
- I got my first Junior Dev Job! But something is off... what are my options?
- How to differentiate between an application and a program?
- What time complexity is this?
- I nees help trying to get data from fandom wikis
- Options
- time taken to learn coding
- Java vs C#.Why Java is incredibly large?
- HTML: why is <p> omitted so often?
- Undesired effect when dragging in a webpage I made?
- How to run exercism exercise in windows ?
- How do people innovate?
- Creating my first iPhone app
- Review my Vanilla JS slider
- Websites to practice hands on using hands on training?
- Trying to revive the multiplayer of an old flash game (Need directions please)
- How to use Python and Java for Windows App Development?
- Do you know any expert-level resources for JavaScript?
- Where to learn backend?
What have you been working on recently? [May 22, 2021] Posted: 21 May 2021 09:00 PM PDT What have you been working on recently? Feel free to share updates on projects you're working on, brag about any major milestones you've hit, grouse about a challenge you've ran into recently... Any sort of "progress report" is fair game! A few requests:
This thread will remained stickied over the weekend. Link to past threads here. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 May 2021 06:14 AM PDT I've just accepted an offer as a remote Junior Software Engineer. My head is spinning. For some background, I'm a 29 year old insurance underwriter from the UK. I've had one job since graduating university in 2013 with an Economics degree and I realised after a couple of months of the pandemic that I only really loved the culture of my job, and there wasn't much of the role itself that I liked. The pandemic definitely made things worse, with angrier customers and higher workloads. I had no previous coding experience, but had built some complicated stuff in Excel and learned a tiny bit of SQL (mostly just Googling how to edit existing queries) for data analysis. After learning some Python basics on Codecademy, I wanted to test the waters with web dev before pursuing data science. I played around with some sandbox tutorials before I found The Odin Project through here and after doing the HTML/CSS basics of the Foundations track, I never looked back. I did the JavaScript path and was halfway through the React section when I started applying. The way that the TOP program helps you set up a working environment was key to making me feel productive and I really looked forward to pushing my project updates to GitHub. Building up the green dots on my summary was a great bit of visual feedback to keep me motivated. I also became much better at breaking down a big problem into smaller, Googleable questions which is honestly half the battle with learning to program. After six months of 15-20 hours of TOP a week on top of my full time job, I finally felt ready to start applying for positions on 24th April. The interviews actually were not that technical - the most I really did was go through my projects and explain what I did and why I made the choices I did. I had no idea about a couple of code questions, but wasn't afraid to say "I don't know, but I would be very willing to learn and find out". My main techs on my CV were HTML/CSS, SASS, JS, SQL (barely), git and React. I've been hired to learn Java on the back end, before contributing to some React Native apps in a few months. A couple of insights I learned through the process of applying for a job;
I read somewhere on the Odin Project Discord that between their "Welcome" page and the page after the environment set up/first HTML/CSS code challenge, the traffic dies down by like 80% or something. It's wild. The most valuable skill you can learn is to get comfortable with being in that shit place where you don't know how to fix a problem and just keep hitting it from different angles until you hit gold. It will genuinely be weird to have someone to ask for help. That's it! I'm currently finishing up my insurance job and doing a little bit of work on my first side project, and I can't wait to get started. If I can help anyone at all, please let me know. Here's my GitHub for anyone interested. edit: added a link to The Odin Project, it really is so awesome for a free resource [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 May 2021 09:12 PM PDT I know this thread won't get a lot of attention, and it'll probably even get downvotes. But the title is exactly the situation I've found myself in. I don't even get phone interviews. There are various reasons for my being depressed that I shouldn't get into detail here, but I do want to be a tiny bit better. I used to play a lot of video games, but I'm not interested in gaming anymore. Nowadays, I just lie in bed, sleeping for 10-12 hours a day. The idea of working on personal projects intimidates me, because 1) I don't even know what I'm interested in because depression makes you lose interest in everything, including the act of coding itself, and 2) It just feels extremely overwhelming to start a project from scratch. In university, I took most of my upper level courses in machine learning, natural language processing, and data mining. I aced those courses, and I think I contributed enough for the final group projects. I wouldn't say I was the top contributor as I was also depressed during my college years, but I can work hard enough if there is a hard deadline and you're working for a grade (which in retrospect is largely worthless in the corporate world). In terms of personal projects, there is no deadline, I have nobody to work with (since I don't have friends), and there is no obvious reward other than having more projects on github for employers to look at. I don't feel intrinsic motivation when it comes to coding projects; I only feel the immense amount of pressure that is needed in order to stand out amongst my competitors. In short, personal projects feel more like a chore than a hobby. I don't want to get too much into my mental health issues, but for me, the hardest part is getting started. If anyone can help me with that, that would be stellar. Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
I developed a mental health related app from my personal experience! Posted: 21 May 2021 07:45 PM PDT So basically last year I was feeling a bit low. I really didn't know how to become better since I had never faced this before. I used to not get proper sleep and woke up after having dreams due to my anxiety. So I just started noting what activities I did and whom I did it with in a google doc. Slowly I also started rating how I felt about the interaction. Soon I started to notice a pattern that I felt better when I hung out with some people and when I did certain activities. This way I was able to feel much better than before and I gained confidence that I can control my own mental health. I stopped dreaming as frequently since then. I even built an app for this so that other people can do the same . The app is called Happyer which was made based on the above experience and provides insights into impact of a given activity or friend. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.happyer4life for android https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/happyer/id1537711110 for iOS. I have created a subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Happyer/ to help easily address issues/bugs & to allow users to share their happy experiences :) Also here is our website https://happyer4life.com if you would like to provide feedback, donate(to handle maintenance costs) or just know more about the app! [link] [comments] |
Is it dumb spending all my free time on learning Unity? Posted: 21 May 2021 06:43 PM PDT I already have the foundational knowledge of programming, OOP, FP, algorithms and data structures and so on. I even have a CS degree now. So that's not an issue. My concern with just specializing in Unity:
Not sure if I should keep focusing on this niche area of computing or just do what has more opportunities and is less risky (cloud, full stack, web development and so on). [link] [comments] |
My first noob mistake: reading material without practicing. Posted: 21 May 2021 10:39 PM PDT I'm working my through an EdX HTML/CSS course, while also doing practice on Free Code Camp. I use FCC for hands-on coding whereas the EdX course is more for reading and understanding the concepts. I thought this was a well-rounded approach. WRONG! (I'm only on week 2 of 6 of the course, so this isn't a major mistake but I thought I'd share it anyway.) I sat down just now to code a simple Contact Me page as part of my EdX practice activity and I need to refer to resources for almost everything. If you threw an element at me, I could tell you what it's for off the top of my head. But the actual coding is a challenge for me. (Is it self closing? Does it come before this? Where does this go?) Understanding the concepts is super important but oh my gosh, don't do what I did and just breeze through the reading material without actually doing it yourself. Also, FCC is great for practicing a specific element at a time, but it's not a substitute for sitting down at your text editor and starting from a blank page. It's no fun having the knowledge and not knowing how to actually apply it. My plan is to go back and comb through every topic I've done over the last 2 weeks, make an actual list of every element + attribute introduced to me and then create web page(s) that utilise everything learned so far. In the future, immediately after each lesson I'll update the page(s) with a little snippet of code to apply what I've just learned. [link] [comments] |
How do websites like jolygram, pictame and picuki work? Posted: 21 May 2021 06:11 PM PDT I don't know much about programming but these sites let you search any Instagram user and they show you their posts and let you watch stories anonymously. They claim they dont host the content but I belive they create a cache of the content they get from Instagram. Also, does everytime Google or other crawlers ( yahoo, ubersuggest etc) crawl the website do they add new profiles though internal links? ( on every profile page the display you can click on followers and folleiing lists and click on those profiles). Btw, there some other sites that don't show any visible links (no comments, followers or anything else to click) on the pages, just stories and posts. How do the pages and images still end up on google results? [link] [comments] |
I got my first Junior Dev Job! But something is off... what are my options? Posted: 21 May 2021 03:12 PM PDT I have had a bit of a rough patch when it comes to coding jobs. I got my dream job offer, for it only to be pulled two weeks before the start date because of internal restructuring. A month later however, I was lucky enough to get offered another position, the one I'm currently at. Everyone is super nice, the culture is really friendly. but...
My first few weeks were really tough, and only now that I'm starting to very very slowly understand parts of the code base, is my job slowly becoming easier. My question is, should I be looking elsewhere straight away? Or give this place some time? I am learning lots of new things. But now I have to spend a lot of my limited free time practicing all the modern stuff I learned in my bootcamp, or want to continue learning. I feel like if I stay too long, I'll be stuck, because I'll be a specialised in this one company specific framework & CMS, which, quite frankly, I'm not enjoying too much. I imostly do SCSS and the little PHP or JS I do is short lived and often confusing, as it's all part of a code that was written years ago and has no docs to support it. Am I over-reacting? The people are great, but this is not the sort of work I want to be doing long term. [link] [comments] |
How to differentiate between an application and a program? Posted: 21 May 2021 11:42 PM PDT The concept seems simple but I get confused at times still. From what I read an application does a task for the user while a program is just instructions being executed on a computer. Every application is a program but not every program is an application, which I understand. Based on these definitions, I assume something like Microsoft Word or Excel would be considered an application while a simple C++ file just outputting a print line statement is a program. The only reason I am assuming is this based on the many examples I have read online. However, why cannot even a simple Java program that does 2 + 2 and outputs the result be considered an application? Does it not do the task for the user of adding 2 and 2 together for user? In fact, if I made a simple calculator program for users without any fancy UI and it is console-based, would that be considered an application? It does various number manipulation tasks for users. My issue is how and when to identify applications from programs. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 May 2021 05:25 PM PDT Assuming iterating through data sets of the same size, would this still be O(n^2)? [link] [comments] |
I nees help trying to get data from fandom wikis Posted: 21 May 2021 07:01 PM PDT Hello! I am wondering if it is possible to get data from a specific fandom wiki page? I plan to build personal companion app for a game i love and the only way i see where i can get data i need is from fandom wikis. Is there an API i can use to fetch the information i want? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 May 2021 10:43 PM PDT Should I be working on learning the skills I actually see asked for or try to muscle way through a BS or MS degree in CS? If I take the former, I'd be studying Node and JS more on my own as well as some AWS or Typescript If I do the latter it'd be doing algos, discrete math, real academic CS CS. I do not feel my education was meant to end with a BS degree and I want an MS in CS or maybe an MBA someday (though the MBA seems not worth it in terms of what they teach you and I don't htink I want the network just yet if I don't have a working business idea) I feel if I don't do the MS now I might never get to it as I get older. it will give me leverage but I lack real world experience in programming since I've only had these types of roles within the last year or so I struggled with self teaching Node though, and I keep finding it so boring. I'd rather struggle to solve algo problems than struggle to follow along with boring "interactive" tutorials. What I see advertised on the job market tells me to learn Node and AWS and Docker But what I really want is to take the academic route, feel less stupid about myself, get an MS even if it might not get me the best paid job right away and may take 4-5 years of prep + actual school time. Your 2 cents? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 May 2021 10:39 PM PDT People tell it takes 4-8 weeks to learn python. But there are youtube videos which teach you to code in just 11 or 12 hours. How this is even possible??? [link] [comments] |
Java vs C#.Why Java is incredibly large? Posted: 21 May 2021 10:00 PM PDT Hi Redditors, I am looking at choices for backend development.I have gone through both java and csharp.The java seems very big.It wants us to do a hell lot of mundane work such as configuration,settup, custamazation, etc. but c# itself is comprehensive language, it abstracts away most of the mundane tasks and guide us to focus on solving business logic. I understood that java is so powerful and robust.It provides us a lot of capabilities and flexibilites.So, to choose what we need exact, we have to do bunch of stuff in it.frameworks, build systems and on...But still i feel its very large.Guys do you have any advise for me about how to navigate through it.What are the some ways that i could learn frameworks quickly. This post definitely not serves ego.Its not about whether this or that best. I appreciate your suggestions.thanks in advance [link] [comments] |
HTML: why is <p> omitted so often? Posted: 21 May 2021 01:55 PM PDT Okay, I know that this may not be a very iportant aspect of frontend, but it bugs me so much that I had to ask: In HTML, why the <p> tag is so often skipped in real-life projects? Is it a good practice to omit it? I am a junior who started her job as a junior frontend developer only a few months ago and since then in most of the projects I am working on, the text on the website is just thrown into regular <div>. I asked my boss why, but he only said that I can add it if I want to. I also started a React course recently and there the teacher does not care for <p> at all. Sooo the question is: do you know if, and if yes, how, throwing text into <div>s is better than using <p>? [link] [comments] |
Undesired effect when dragging in a webpage I made? Posted: 21 May 2021 05:33 PM PDT I can't seem to nail down what causes the bug, but the way this works is there's two event listeners on every cell in the grid. One for mousedown, one for mouseover so that you can draw in the grid. However once in a while instead of drawing as expected, it will show a circle with a slash through it like something isn't working. I'm not sure what causes this or how to change it. [link] [comments] |
How to run exercism exercise in windows ? Posted: 21 May 2021 09:10 PM PDT |
Posted: 21 May 2021 08:58 PM PDT To clarify, every tutorial focuses on helping people essentially replicate what's already been done. I could spend hours learning but I'd effectively be learning to use some prebuilt module or tech that would help me build a product for end users. This is fine in itself but the contrast seems like that of a technician versus an engineer. I recently heard about using three.js to create 3D, interactable websites but I couldn't wrap my head around how someone could go from learning the basics to creating something as complex as this. I understand I am gravely simplifying the scenario, but are there underlying principles of programming, and mathematics that are been skipped for simplicity and efficiency which could help someone learn or be interested in these sort of things? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 May 2021 08:54 PM PDT Hey everyone, I want to create a relatively simple iPhone app, I don't plan to profit from it and I don't think there is a real market for it (but who knows) If anything it's just a personal project of mine where I hope to have some fun and pick up some valuable skills in the process. Also the app itself, I myself, will find useful. The idea of it is a screen time tracker, nothing too complex but presented in beautiful data graphs. The app would show the time when you used your phone and for how long there was no usage of your phone. I have started to do my research and it's a bit daunting as my background is in digital marketing, so I'm having to learn the basics of app development etc. I wanted to ask today, where would the best place to start be and what would the process look like from start to finish (to which I can hopefully use it myself every day) as well as any other tips/advice from those who experience in this field. I have so far bought a course on mobile app development (which I slowly watching although it is pretty long) and started to research and sketched some rough diagrams of what it would look like. I have concerns about the data aspect of it and the coding side of things as I have zero experience in that area. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 May 2021 08:51 PM PDT I'm learning JS, this is my first ever JS slider. I haven't designed or putted much efforts yet. Just wanted to know if I'm writing the JS code in right way or not. I mean this is how it should be written a slider code.? https://ivewor.github.io/javascript-slider/ Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
Websites to practice hands on using hands on training? Posted: 21 May 2021 08:40 PM PDT I need to learn MongoDB, Informatica, Tableau and SQL Workbench for a new job. Im hands on pretty much, wondering where I can start practicing before I start work. [link] [comments] |
Trying to revive the multiplayer of an old flash game (Need directions please) Posted: 21 May 2021 08:29 PM PDT Hello friends! I don't really know if I'm at the right place, if not please redirect me to another sub-reddit that would be really appreciated. Also bare with me if it's a little long post. I used to play an old 2D chat game that I guess you can compare to club penguin/dofus. (image below) Sadly at some point the dev team didn't made enough money to keep everything running smoothly and the official website closed back in 2018. Some private servers went up and did pretty well for themselves bringing thousands of ppl back but that was until Flash player stopped being supported. What I want : I want to make a new private server for people to come and remember the good old times they had on this game. I want to keep it very polish and very simple, offering people to just enter a displayed username and connect so that way I wouldn't have to program a whole database for anything to be stored like passwords or whatever.. basically the game but desktop version What I know : In programming ? Absolutely nothing. I'm a total newbie. That don't mean I'm clueless tho
I would like to bring back this game online, just like they did. I understand they did hard work to retrieve the files that are missing and program a new database for their players but It's so frustrating they won't let anyone join the server freely.. Can you help ? Go and download the game if you want to, have a swing around the maps (installation with npm) maybe try to understand what's missing or what could I mean by "just choose a name and connect" Or just go and check out the files, I can see Javascript, React, TailwindCSS, So many things... How could I achieve this ? I have money, but no skills in programming. I'm ready to pay for a server to support 200 players+ if needed, but I don't know how to bring back the multiplayer back on. I don't know how to make an executable of it. Downloading with npm is a pain in the ass for regular ppl who don't know computers lmao. I got some free time on my hands to put into this and learn anything there is to learn, but I would rather keep it simple and pay a server or a database creating website (is that even a thing lol?) I mean It's still a flash player based game easily hackable so I would really like somebody to point me in the quickest way possible to do this :D [link] [comments] |
How to use Python and Java for Windows App Development? Posted: 21 May 2021 04:41 PM PDT I want to build desktop apps on windows. I know Java and python, and I discovered: Pyqt and JavaFx. Here's the problem: while java is excellent for good looking GUI apps, python excels in machine learning, A.I, data science and Math in general. So I want a good looking GUI, but with Data Science, Math and etc.... on it. How could I use both programming languages? Isn't there a way to get input on the app (java), do calculations (python) and display the result? Or is bad idea to have 2 programming languages on same app? Note: Maybe I would like to convert it into an .exe file. Thank you [link] [comments] |
Do you know any expert-level resources for JavaScript? Posted: 21 May 2021 06:54 AM PDT I am working with JS for around 9-10 years and working with it professionally for about 3 years. I would like to get deeper into the 'how it works'. Like what happens under the hood and things to know to leverage the full power of the language. Also if there is something similar for Angular, I would also be interested. I have looked on Udemy, but there seem to be only intermediate courses on these topics. Do you know any good books/courses/...? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 May 2021 05:50 AM PDT Hi. Im doing Odin project right now, ive finished foundations and im writing final project from javascript course. What ive observed, i dont like frontend, i dont like tweaking css for half hour to center div, choosing right color palette etc. I have more analytical mind than artistic mind, so i want to learn backend and need good resources. Can you sugest something? Ive find Full stack open course, is this better for learning backend than odin? [link] [comments] |
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