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    Sunday, May 9, 2021

    Thread of actual gamedev triaging bugs in fake gameplay video

    Thread of actual gamedev triaging bugs in fake gameplay video

    Thread of actual gamedev triaging bugs in fake gameplay video

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:59 PM PDT

    Is there - or was there - ever a competitive game with a community that wasn't toxic?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    I just wonder. All the time you hear how this or that game has a "toxic community", but was there ever a competitive game that didn't trigger toxic behavior among people? People blame developers for not taking action against "toxic players", but it seems to me that so-called toxic behavior is just an inherent trait of competition and the percentage of toxic players is probably similar for all games. It's just that 1% out of 10 milion players will seem like a "more toxic" community than 1% of 1000 players. Also, if the game is played in teams, then the bigger the team, the more likely you're to encounter toxicity.

    submitted by /u/ned_poreyra
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    How Games Guide You | The Anatomy of Bloodborne

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    Hey guys ! I make No Copyright Music for games, and here's a Retro Gaming Horror track that's free to use, even in commercial projects ! Feel free to use it in your games !

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    You can check it out here : https://youtu.be/giNsWbYaivI

    You're free to use these tracks under the following creative commons License : CC BY 3.0

    Hope it helps :) don't hesitate if you have any questions !

    submitted by /u/guyFCR
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    I don't know if it's just me, but aren't technical tests for getting a job very difficult?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    First thing first I am a new grad. I've been making games on my own throughout my college. I didnt take class at school, I learned from youtube, udemy and various other platforms. I had an internship and 8 months professional work experience before and a published game on the store.

    I have been doing interviews for the role of unity game developer for a while, but no matter how good the first stage of the interview goes, the tests given in the second stage are really hard.

    Most companies ask me for a clone hypercasual game and give 3 days for it. Although I can do some of them, they don't guarantee me getting a job. And since I am talking to many companies, they all want similar tasks from me and I almost don't have time to breathe.

    For example right now I am asked to do Toon Blast Clone in a week. And I have no idea how to do such a complex game in 1 week. These things demoralize me too much.

    I really dont know what to do at this point. All of my other friends from college got their jobs by completing algoritm tests and other small tests but when I am looking for a job I have to spent my days just to pass second stage. To be honest, dealing with this kind of stuff makes me quit game developer career.

    What do you guys think about this ? I am open the any suggestions.

    submitted by /u/Legirold
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    Development stats breakdown for our incremental/civilization simulator game on Steam

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I've always loved seeing posts on development breakdown from other devs, as it helps me see realistic examples of how much work is needed to not just make, but also market, deal with community and all other aspects of releasing a game an indie game. So as we're releasing our first Steam game SimPocalypse in 2 days I wanted to share a sum up of our development numbers.

    Often as new developers we underestimate certain aspects of running a studio and developing a game, and then delays, crunch and poorly released games happen, that can break a studio. So seeing actual examples can help you evaluate development better, but also help you gauge your own productivity vs. other games. Are we doing something right, and what are we doing wrong that other studios seem to do more efficiently?

    Some context about us:

    We make our games in HTML5, without any framework/game engine - mainly because it was a more natural shift from our past experiences, to be able to reach certain niche markets, and also as we want to focus on a specific genre going forward, and working on our own set of tools/frameworks can help us reduce development time for future projects. This game was in the same niche as our previous web game, but our first Steam game.

    Not related to code:

    Category What
    Team 1 Programmer/Game Designer, 1 Junior programmer, 1 Business/Marketing/Designer person
    Development tools PhpStorm, Illustrator, PhotoShop, Gimp, AWS (web hosting), Electron (app packing)
    Other tools Google Drive, Trello, Game Analytics, + a ton other little tools for marketing etc.

    Development time:

    1 person slowly started research + prototyping in November 2019, the rest of the team joined in May 2020, and it's been mostly full focus on the game for all of us since (so roughly 12 months of full time work for a team of 3)

    Some code/project stats:

    Category What
    Lines Of Code JS (~25k logic/systems, ~20k UI handling + dynamic html, 4k constants data) , CSS (19k - a lot of spaghetti due to several UI reworks, and decent responsive support) + other libraries
    Translations ~2k keys, ~18k words in each of 18 languages
    Files/assets ~700, ~100mB unpacked
    Game UI Quite UI heavy - 13 major different features/screens, ~25 major popups (settings, load system, achievements…)
    Game features 100+ mostly unique research upgrades, 25+unique buildings, 10+ game events, 11 resources, combat/inventory system, simplified hex world conquering, automation features, tons of QoL, Supply/demand market, game has to support at least x10+ speeds

    Main Design/Coding challenges:

    - A usable and complex, but performant UI
    - most game systems have to run while on any screen (a lot of performance optimization required) as it's also an idle game
    - Game balance and onboarding due to interactions between many features

    Time Breakdown (6,350 work hours)

    Category What
    Development 2,000 hours
    Research/Prototyping 200 hours
    QA 710 hours
    Art/UI 690 hours
    Marketing/PR 720 hours
    Marketing (preparation, contact gathering) 400 hours
    Specs/Game Design 390 hours
    Community/support 150 hours
    Meetings 435 hours
    Team onboarding 150 hours
    App deployment/workflow preparation 200 hours
    APIs 170 hours
    Business 135 hours

    Some further breakdown that can be easily forgotten about in estimations but adds up quickly:

    - Preparing a translation system + managing & updating crowd translations for 13 languages: 100 hours
    - Implementing Settings/Hotkeys/QoL: 200 hours
    - Deployment workflow + updates on Web and Steam: 200 hours
    - SteamworksSDK (getting greenworksSDK to work, achievements, Overlay, Rich Presence…): 140 hours

    Money Breakdown

    Category What
    Steam App $100
    Tool Licenses $800/y
    Assets $500
    Marketing tools $400 (e-mails, Wix, keymailer...)
    Ads $2k + $3k planned up to launch and first 2 weeks after. Mostly we used reddit + google ads to boost our EA and release traffic, and to keep some consistent external traffic trickling in to keep Steam algorithms happy

    Some context to why some times are (big) as they are:

    The project was initially to be deployed on the web platform Kongregate, and finished 7 months ago. But the platform stopped accepting new games, and we had to revise a good chunk of our design goals, and scrap/rework some aspects of the game, as we had to shift focus towards developing for steam. Along the way, we realized that our game mainly aimed at incremental/idle game players, would not be very marketable on Steam, and we had to do several mechanics, UI and design reworks to make the game more approachable to a wider Steam audience. We also wanted to utilize our web platform experience and decided to make a demo version, which we would deploy to several platforms, and were regularly updating it with UI/game changes to be a part of the full game.

    We also had to learn how to prepare the game for desktop, prepare a deploy workflow for Steam AND web (as we had web demos), figure out how to get Steam API working on all systems.

    We didn't have a designer, and one of our team had to pick up the job and learn a lot of things on the way. We later also got some help, and again reworked our UI to a more modern and marketable one.

    As our budget was running thin at several points (our game development is semi-financed and also do other contractual work), we were setting short release dates. We managed to postpone these several times as we knew our game wasn't ready, but this caused us to re-prioritize our goals several times, which caused a bunch of lost efficiency, compared to if we knew from the get go that we could afford (and plan better) another 6-8 months of development to finish the game.

    That, along with with some of the things out of the way, learnt and prepared for future projects, we could probably shed off 40% of our overall development time for such a project now.

    TLDR: Main things to take away:

    Having the whole team employed, and "forced to find them efficient work at non ideal times" in development cycle can result in less efficient time usage. I.e. Having our member who is best at marketing fill in with design, testing, or finding additional work for our junior programmer, because it helps move the development further, but is not ideal spend of their time, if we had a bigger budget/less pressured goal deadlines. This is why working with freelancers for certain aspects of development can be more efficient on the short term, while the company workflow is still maturing.

    Do whatever you can to give yourself additional room/budget and not be forced into an unrealistic release date. Not only because of making a better a game, but also to be able to market it more efficiently and for longer, before release (crucial for Steam!)

    Identify things that take a lot of time and aren't really improving your gameplay directly, but are crucial for a good release and better player experience, and that you can use them in your next game: Game settings, 3rd party APIs, Achievements, Localization, Community handling, deployment workflow, robust save system, marketing/press/youtuber lists & plan...

    Any other questions, I'd be happy to answer :)

    submitted by /u/WarClicks
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    How should I handle the scripting for my tcg online game?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    I can code, but I'm a beginner at game-dev. I am planning to make a tcg game which will be virtual only (I'm NOT gonna make real cards, but a videogame) and I am not sure how to handle the scripts that control the effects for the cards.

    • First of all: I need both a client and a server to handle online play. Should they both contain the card scripts or only the server?.

    • Should they be compiled onto the binaries or scripted (using lua, python, c#, etc.) and loaded at runtime?

    • If they are compiled: will they be subclasses with virtual methods or instances of a class with lambdas ?

    • If they are compiled: how can I make sure that only the needed card scripts are loaded for each match?

    • If they are sub-classes: how can I index them by card-ID?

    Any advice or suggestion is welcome

    submitted by /u/Alcros33
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    Making stylized textures for game characters! Quick Substance Painter Breakdown.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    Avoiding demoralization and sidetracking with flexible scope

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    I've often struggled against my own excited optimism, "I want this mechanic! And this one! And this one!" It's easy to fall into. It's fun to fall into. Next thing you know though - it's too much, and suddenly your fun project is a nightmare that makes you feel overwhelmed and bad.

    The solution I'd like to pose to you that is helping me overcome that overwhelming feeling of, "Oh shit, am I going to be able to do this?" for my first proper big project is flexible scope.

    Here's the plan, more or less:

    • Decide what the absolute simplest complete version of your game looks like. Write that down.

    • Now, with that in mind, create a table like this:

    Thing you want to add Ease of implementation Importance
    ThingA Low/Medium/High Low/Medium/High
    ThingB etc. etc.
    ThingC etc. etc.
    • Use this list as a way to flirt with your bad/overzealous ideas. "Maybe later if I get overfunded!" Trick yourself into thinking you'll definitely do it at some point.

    • Use this list as a way to visualize what's really important right now, and what's really worth your time right now. Something that's not easy to implement and not important is much harder to justify when you see 20 other things you definitely need to do to have a minimum viable product.

    • Add your own columns to the above table to make it suit your needs. Perhaps a "date to complete by" if you want the project done by a certain time? Or perhaps if you're just leisurely strolling towards a game - the fun factor?

    Bonus tips:

    • Talk to a friend about your difficult ideas - they might have good solutions you don't know about.

    • If an idea is really easy, maybe just make a little toy game out of it and get it out into the world somehow.

    • Don't let the above two bonus tips get you sidetracked too much if you're trying to be productive.

    • Write a Reddit post so that you feel like you'll look a moron if you don't stick to your own advice, thus feel more inclined to do things properly.

    • Check the comments because lord knows there's people who know better than I do in general and what works for me might not work for you anyway.

    submitted by /u/AkestorDev
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    Looking for a coding buddy

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm 38 years of age and I love to make games/prototypes. I'm still learning after 6 years! Looking for a coding buddy to share ideas with, share projects / prototypes and just chat about the awesomeness that is game development. Primarily I use GameMaker studio 2.

    If you like to chat and share ideas then add me on discord!


    over 21 please, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Wonderful_Anxiety_85
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    Are there any open source AAA/Clean Coded games?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    Are there any open source AAA games that I can take a look at for educational purposes?

    submitted by /u/MrSelfishCoder
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    Transitions from Enterprise software dev to game dev?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:20 AM PDT

    So after watching Jason Weimann's recent video about the differences between the two, I was wondering - has anyone actually made this transition from a fully trained & well compensated software developer to a game developer?

    If so, please share your story:

    - what was the motivation behind such transition

    - what was your role definition before and what it is now

    - what was your experience in game development when transitioning and were you required to show working games that you made even though you have years of proven software experience

    - what was the pay difference (percentages is also fine if you don't feel like sharing the numbers)

    - did you have to relocate

    - what are the differences in terms of overall employment terms

    - are you satisfied with the decision to make the transition

    submitted by /u/OK-Games
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    I made a tutorial on how to set up Discord notifications from a Perforce server!

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    I was looking for a way to automatically post in a discord channel when a change was submitted to our Perforce repo. That way team members who aren't working on game files can see what's going on.

    After some digging I found an app to do it, but the instructions were a bit unclear to me, and there were some key pieces missing that I had to troubleshoot myself.

    So, I took what I learned, and wrote out the steps as a guide for others to follow.


    submitted by /u/SoltorchGames
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    How does the Production/Development Pipelines in companies that create AAA titles work?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    How does the Production/Development Pipeline in companies that create AAA titles work? What kind of tools they use? How do they plan the development cycles/sprints? Are they prototyping ideas before the development or they get into business directly?

    submitted by /u/MrSelfishCoder
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    The most important thing in game dev is the setup, and plan.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:18 AM PDT

    What I have learned in my first attempt to structure, and run a game development project is that planning everything out is the most important thing to do. When I say planning everything I mean outlining every last detail of the video game you are creating. Make sure you have a version list outlining the features you want to create for alpha version beta version etc.

    submitted by /u/DevilsCaneGaming
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    framework vs engine

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    I am a beginner programmer who knows some Python, JavaScript and very little c#. I want to get into game dev but my computer is very low spec (I'm also on Linux). Should I use an engine like Godot or a framework like raylib?

    submitted by /u/Jackerin0
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    Need some help with shader graph in unity, Water refractions

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    I'm playing around with shader graph for the first time ever, trying to create a water shader (with some YT tutorials ofcourse) and now I have an issue where there is a weird transition with my refractions (seen on the sides of the objects in the image).

    problem image: https://i.imgur.com/cK1rXbC.png

    I think the problem is that the colors of the refraction depth are interfering with the water colors making them darker (or lighter). making the water colors darker this is because I ended up lerping the colors and the refractions together before going into the base color node, I just can't think of another way to do it.

    Shader graph image: https://i.imgur.com/C0foOsA.png

    When I put my depth strenght at a value of around 0 this problem is gone but at 0 I have refractions at the top of my objects at the parts which aren't in the water. If i put it at 2 The water becomes black (only the parts with no object below the water plane) and at -2 it becomes white.

    Does anyone know how to fix my problem, I just can't wrap my head around it!

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post, I appriciate it!

    submitted by /u/Skycomett
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    We won #1 in last year’s GMTK Game Jam out of 5,000+ game entries, here’s how we did it! (Free Guide)

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    Hey /r/GameDev! I'm Itamar from Lonebot.

    GMTK 2021 is just around the corner, so we thought now would be a good time to share our Game Jammer's Cook Book!

    It includes our toppest tips and sneakiest shortcuts to producing high quality games in very little time (along with interviews with some of our industry heroes).

    It's available for free at: https://gumroad.com/l/gamejamguide

    We cover the entire development cycle, breaking down everything from:

    *Ideation Process

    *Mechanics Design

    *World Building

    *Speed Art

    *Dev Hacks

    *Tough Decisions **(!!!)**

    *Polish Tricks

    *Final Touches

    *A TON of details in between

    Let us know if you liked it! We included a ton of illustrations to make up for our underdeveloped writing skills.

    We hope it serves you well on your journeys.

    submitted by /u/Itamar_Ernst
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    Indie Devs who have released a game that was barely replayed by the audience, why do you think that is?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:04 AM PDT

    Trying to pull some research together about replay-value in games and would like to know the opinions of indie devs whose game(s) have unfortunately died shortly after release.

    submitted by /u/LukeThePunk666
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    Anyone know where can I start learning Java game development?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    I have mastered basically all of the basic and advanced concepts of programming in Java like polymorphism and dynamic data types and such, and for the past couple of days I have had this idea for a 2D game that I want to make. It's fairly simple and I believe that I can fully code it in Java. Of course, I have looked up a bunch of tutorials on available media like YouTube and Udemy but none of the contents seemed to fully explain the code in detail and in a way that I can understand what's going on. I am open to any suggestion on where I can start learning, may it be video tutorials, books, courses, or anything really.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/MASTERENNARD111
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    So how can we get some feedback on a game development podcast we just made?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    We made a podcast about game development and posted it on youtube, the question is how to get more people interested in videogames to see it and give us important feedback?

    thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/TheBadNomads
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    Putting a browser based game on the app store(s)?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    I'm a web developer and like to make cool little browser based games. I recently realized that my cool little browser based games are often on par if not better than the trashy mobile games I see so often on the google play store. Is there anyway for me to do a direct port from the browser to the app store? I already know about PWA's and the like, but I want the game to actually be *on* the app store, not just simply accessible to mobile users (which they already are).

    Any recommendations for me? Is this possible?

    submitted by /u/superathleanyo
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    Audacity binaries apparently may come with built in Telemetry (using Google Analytics and Yandex)

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    sfml vs sdl2 .. which one should i choose?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:23 AM PDT

    first i can't English well, so pls understand that :)

    i want to know what is main difference between sfml and sdl2 in game dev?

    and which one has a lot of users and materials in game dev?

    also if you are limited to 2D RPG game development, which is better choice

    between sdl2 and sfml?

    submitted by /u/shyeom
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