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    How do you do an actual code review? learn programming

    How do you do an actual code review? learn programming

    How do you do an actual code review?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    This is really embarrassing, but I've never done anything more than "hey can you look over my shoulder and make sure it looks good" and have never done any traditional code reviews.

    I have an interview coming up where theres a code review portion.

    Anyone able to give me any tips or pointers on how to do a "good" code review from beginning to end?

    submitted by /u/i_am_pinhead
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    I feel super stuck

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    I'm not sure where else to post this so I hope this is right. I feel so frustrated with programming right now. I spent about 4 months trying to teach myself programming basics such as html css and JavaScript. Then I signed up for a boot camp that focused on react and a bit of backend. I feel like the boot camp was so fast - I couldn't retain the knowledge. I did the assignments but can't convert this stuff into my own projects.

    People say do your own projects. I don't know how to do that without looking up stuff like tutorials. Then I hear tutorials are bad. Docs look like jargon to me, where do I go to learn these concepts so I don't get stuck just sitting here when it's time to try this stuff out?

    I feel so disheartened because I really tried to learn and understand these concepts from my boot camp on react so I can build a portfolio. I got a graduation certificate but I don't feel like it means much because I feel like I would fail the coding interview questions

    I hate my job now it's become so stressful this last year with all the changes and I was using this to motivate myself to apply and get into some kinda intern or entry level job and I don't feel like it's possible right now.

    I feel like I really failed so far. I tried studying today for 4 hours to build a basic app and I can't do any of this. I sit here learning functions and basic JavaScript but I don't know how to convert it to do on my own

    TLDR; I feel like I'm trying to learn programming and none of it is clicking. What should I do? I don't want to give up

    Edit: Thank you everyone for the responses! I've been reading them throughout the day and it's really helped me get a better understanding of where my focus is going to go so I can keep learning!!

    submitted by /u/Sonoroussun
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    Sharing my first tutorial video on React JS, building a todo app

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:16 PM PDT


    This is the first video in the series that I plan to make where I build real world projects, along with best practices that I follow for any of my other projects.

    It's focused more towards those who have watched a few tutorials on React JS before, but are stuck on the thought process of building projects on their own. I share some of the first basic setups that help me in thinking more clearly when building a niche project.

    Please do like, share, subscribe if you liked the content, and comment if you have any suggestions for ideas on future videos. Thank you so much for watching!

    submitted by /u/AmruthPillai
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    I want to learn in 30 days

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    I have the next thirty days without any major responsibilities to take up my time. Leaving me with a whole day of doing whatever I want. So I want to dedicate myself to learning programming. I'm aware that in thirty days I won't miraculously become an expert but I want to give it everything everyday for thirty days. So I want feedback as to if you were in my position where would you start? What would resources or path would you take? I do want to learn python but I am open to any language.

    submitted by /u/iwanttoleavebanking
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    Can I get into trouble for making a simplified clone of Google Docs?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    I'm currently working on a simplified Google Docs Clone. I have linked Google Docs in the README of the GH repo. I also stated on the website and in the README that the Design and all Images are taken from Google Docs. Also the title of the website is called Google Docs Clone. The code is completely different and I don't make money with the website.

    I'm not sure if it matters but I live in Germany.

    Can I get sued or get a copyright infringement or something else that can cause me trouble?

    submitted by /u/Oreki-H
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    Curious regarding microservices

    Posted: 08 May 2021 05:13 PM PDT

    I've started to read up on the microservices architecture and had a (probably) stupid question regarding it. The concept to my understanding is that you should split your application into logical units and thus be able to scale those independently from each other. Suppose you are a shop, you could theoretically split your system into a microservice for your orders, products and perhaps your authentication among others.

    My question is the following. What would be (in comparison) the downside if one simply runs multiple instances of a monolithic service behind a load balancer? I am inclined to think that the bottleneck in such a situation would be the monolithic database itself. Not sure if scalable/distributed databases would be of any help in this scenario. Additionally, as certain parts of the system may be less "busy" than others, scaling them together in a monolith could expend more resources than it needs to.

    I don't want to discuss monoliths vs microservices. I would just like to know if I am thinking correctly or am I conceptually misunderstanding what microservices offer over monoliths in terms of scalability?

    submitted by /u/sirakov97
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    What is the word for when a feature is taken out when a new software is released? I just need help finding the word before I go mad.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    Used a lot in stuff like Python with a strikethrough running through the function name? Redacted? Defunct? Something like that!

    submitted by /u/evenMoreUnique
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    How popular is Rust really and will it stick around?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:26 AM PDT


    I was just wondering what the real truth behind Rust is. Because I have a lot of conflicting information about its popularity and utility:


    • Rust is the bestest, securest language ever and everyone should use it because it is very cool and a replacement for C and C++ and basically everything. It is THE compiled language and wannabe competitors like Go which are pure bloat can go hide before the popularity, utility and godlike radiance of Rust.


    • it is one of the fastest, if not the fastest language

    • Linus Torvalds has not disdainfully rejected the suggestion about Rust being in the Kernel, so that means it is really good

    • memory safety (and others)


    • the compilation takes a long time since all historic versions are compiled in order until we get to the final version in order to achieve compatibility.

    • syntax doesn't look very nice, and some people also take issue with the manifest system

    • it seems to be nowhere on indexed popularity charts. Especially compared to its direct competitor Go sauce1 sauce2 sauce 3

    So currently, I am more inclined to learn Go because it has a nicer syntax and appears to be more popular and is backed by a larger corporation. My confusion comes that in my programmer circles, everyone dismissed Go as being bloated, and saying Rust is the best language ever, and shilling it to no end. So I was very surprised to actually see data on popularity of the language. Mainly I want to know whether I was just in a bubble, or whether Rust really is so good and has a bright future and is worth learning over Go?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/dfgzuu
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    Advice for getting my first SE job

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    So obviously I'm learning programming and want to become a software engineer. I have some questions about going about this. I've been learning and practicing, doing various exercises and I've been getting the basics down. I've learned about the data structures and logic and I'm ready to move into the more advanced stuff. I've chosen Java for my first language and I've been having a lot of fun with it.

    What I'm wondering is basically how do I know when I'm ready to begin applying? I'm young (25 years old) and an American citizen, which I'm told helps my chances a bit. I don't have a degree or experience, which obviously hurts my chances. I've heard and read that a degree is no longer required by many employers. Yet, I searched on Indeed and they put that they're looking for a degree with 5+ years experience and lots of high level knowledge including multiple languages and other stuff. They even list such requirements on entry level positions, which I find problematic. I understand employers want the most qualified people for the jobs they're offering, but is there a better place to find jobs where the requirements are more in line with what you actually need to do entry level work?

    I have a friend who used to be a software engineer (he didn't enjoy it and switched careers) and he's saying that based on my current progress, it won't be long before I've even surpassed his knowledge of programming and he did it for a living for years. Granted, he admits he wasn't the best programmer but if he used Java in a professional capacity then I would think I don't actually need much more knowledge than I already have to at least just get my first entry level job and get my foot in the door to move on to higher level jobs in the future when I've learned more. I want to learn as much as I can, but I don't want to spend years learning before getting my first job.

    Is there anybody here who got their first job as a self-taught software engineer with no degree or experience tell me how you got your first job? Where you found it? How much should I know about programming (either in general or specifically with Java) before I'm ready to begin my job hunt? How should I handle my lack of education or related experience on my resume? I'm working on some projects to be able to show my skills to potential employers and I've heard that I should try getting involved in Github and other stuff like that to build a portfolio as well, so of course I'm working on all that too. Any advice would be very much appreciated and I'm sorry about the wall of text.

    tl;dr: I'm teaching myself coding in Java and want to get a job with no degree or experience to help get my foot in the door, just looking for advice on how I can go about finding entry level employment.

    submitted by /u/ValuableSituation
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    How to build an executable file cross platform from linux to windows?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 06:49 PM PDT

    I wrote a GTK3+ project in c , and i am trying to build it so i can make it into a executable file for windows , and i have no idea on how to do it , i saw some articles about building .exe files using MingW so i tried it but i get this message :


    can someone help me with building this project for end-user.

    submitted by /u/Miyninos
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    ELI5: Difference between using Statement vs PreparedStatement

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:03 PM PDT

    im really confuse between the two and what should I use

    submitted by /u/ten_Chan
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    What are some free beginner-friendly algorithm websites?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 04:58 PM PDT


    I'm an IT Engineering BA in my 2nd semester and I finally wanna start learning programming. I know like really basic stuff,can use for and while loops and generally make really simple programs.

    However I know there are some major gaps in my knowledge and that I need to start from very simple problems.

    I'm Persian and unable to have any international payment method so I can't really use paid websites. I would appreciate it if you could introduce me to some good free websites that start teaching from absolute scratch, and have algorithm practices.

    BTW i've chosen Python as my learning language since the syntax seems a lot simpler.

    Edit : https://www.udemy.com/course/data-structures-and-algorithms-bootcamp-in-python/

    is something like this a good resource for my situation?

    submitted by /u/I_Am_Mohammad
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    Starter pack for coding and data visualization

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:33 PM PDT


    I want to learn coding and data visualization using all the free resources out there. I have been trying to learn Python on freecodecamp. It's been few months since I started but I don't feel I have learnt anything substantial. I know the basics but can't use that to build something. I always feel I need to know SQL first to build something. Don't know if I am right or wrong.

    I think I need a structured course to get the best out of the resources.

    I am thinking to design a course for my self where I first structure the course, find out good resources and basic project ideas to get started.

    Can anyone guide me here? Resources, YouTube channels or project ideas?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Cod2051
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    What are your learning/programming workflows?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    I am pretty new to programming already see the need to structure the time I spend programming. How do you organise your time each day for learning how to program or coding projects up?

    submitted by /u/term_ile
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    How to manage IRQ interrupts in assembler with an MSP432?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 04:31 PM PDT

    I've been screwing around with assembler for the past week or so, mostly as a hobby, but also to learn how CPUs perform their operations (useful info as an ECEN student), but I've been stuck trying to get timer interrupts to work in assembler for my MSP432 launchpad.

    I have a working C example that performs the job, and I think that I've found all the correct registers and memory locations, but I'm unsure of how to actually "handle" the interrupts, I.E. where to insert my interrupt code and how to return. As of now the interrupt flag gets thrown, but then I get to an "unhandled interrupt" error.

    working C code (blinks the red LED on port 1 regularly)

    #include "msp.h" void main(void) { P1DIR = 0x1; P1OUT = 0x0; TIMER_A0->CTL = 0x0280; TIMER_A0->CCTL[0] = 0x0010; TIMER_A0->CCR[0] = 0xffff; // compare match value TIMER_A0->EX0 = 0x0005; // configure for input clock divider /6 NVIC->ISER[0] = 0x00000100; // enable interrupt 12 in NVIC TIMER_A0->CTL |= 0x0014; // reset and start Timer A in up mode while(1){ } } void TA0_0_IRQHandler(void){ TIMER_A0->CCTL[0] &= ~0x0001; P1OUT ^= 0x1; } 

    My attempt at an assembly program:

    NVIC_ISER0 .field 0xE000E100 NVIC_IPR0 .field 0xE000E400 TIMER_A0 .field 0x40000000 ;#0x20=TAEX0 TIMER_A1 .field 0x40000400 POneTwo .field 0x40004C00 ;#0x0=P1IN; #0x1=P2IN; #0x2=P1OUT; #0x3=P2OUT; #0x4=P1DIR; #0x5=P2DIR MEMORY .field 0x20000000 .global main main: BL initP2 BL initTA B stop initP2: LDR R0, POneTwo; MOV R3, #0x0 ;set the P1 output register to 0 STRB R3, [R0, #0x2] MOV R3, #0x1 ;set P1.1 direction to output STRB R3, [R0, #0x4] BX LR initTA: LDR R0, NVIC_ISER0 ;enable vector interrupt 8 (TA0CCR0)in ISER0 MOV R3, #0x0100 STR R3, [R0] LDR R0, NVIC_IPR0 ;set interrupt priority MOV R3, #0x0000 MOVT R3, #0x4000 STR R3, [R0] LDR R0, TIMER_A0 MOV R3, #0x0010 ;prepare TACCTL0 STRH R3, [R0, #0x2] MOV R3, #0xffff ;compare register value STRH R3, [R0, #0x12] MOV R3, #0x0005 ;TAEX0 STRH R3, [R0, #0x20] MOV R3, #0x02D4 ;prepare Timer A control register STRH R3, [R0] BX LR stop: b stop .end TA0_0_IRQHandler: LDR R0, POneTwo LDR R1, [R0, #0x2] EOR R1, R1, #0x1 STRB R1, [R0, #0x2] BX LR 

    I appreciate any advice or resources that you can provide!

    submitted by /u/Trevader24135
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    Why is title() function not working in python?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:46 PM PDT

    import cs50 from sys import argv, exit import csv if len(argv) != 2: print("not current amount of arguments, provide a csv file") db = cs50.SQL("sqlite:///S.db") with open(argv[-1],"r") as file: reader = csv.DictReader(file) for row in reader: Winner1 = row['Winner'] Award1, Movie1, Year1 = row['Award'], row['Movie'], row['Year'] db.execute("INSERT INTO W (Winner, Award, Movie, Year) VALUES(? , ? ,? ,?)", Winner1, Award1, Movie1, Year1); question = input("Name a Winner or see the specific year? ").lower() if question == ("name a winner"): winner = input("Name a Winner: ") naming_winner = winner.title if naming_winner == Winner1: h = db.execute("SELECT * FROM W WHERE Winner = ?", naming_winner); for row in h: print(Winner1, Award1, Movie1, Year1) db.execute("DELETE FROM W"); if naming_winner != Winner1: print("Type in a person who has won an award after 2010") exit() if question == "see the specific year": year = input("Which Year? ") if year == Year1: y = db.execute("SELECT * FROM W WHERE Year = ?", year); for row in y: print(Winner1, Award1, Movie1, Year1) db.execute("DELETE FROM W"); 

    My program is going to read a .csv file called Program.py_spreadsheet.csv

    After my program reads the file, it is going to write it in my PHP page. The table name is W, and the table is about the oscar winners of 2010

    Now I wish to make my program in such a way that it is going to ask for user input such as "name a winner or see the specific year.

    When my user types in "name a winner", the user will have to type in the winner. But the problem is that when my user types it in, I want it to be case insensitive and when the user types in say Christoph Waltz, my program is not able to print the Winner,Award,Movie,Year. Instead my program prints("type in a person who has won after 2010". Am I using the title correctly, because I want it to be case insensitive, and want my program to print Winner,Award,Movie Year even if the said winner has won two awards. But it is not working for me pls help

    Another problem: when I say see specific year, I name the year 2010. But when I put in 2010, I just get the last row of my table which is: Avatar for best visual effects. I want to get all the awards given out in the year 2010.

    Please help. I am a beginner. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Ninja0981213
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    How to create a super simple script that visual represents hex colors?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:18 AM PDT

    Hey guys, sorry for being a complete novice on this topic, but what I want to do seems simple in theory but I have no idea where to start. I've skimmed every name and corresponding hex(RGB) color code from wikipedia but I want to implement this data to generate an image corresponding with these names and colors. I'd like something where I can put in the name and number and have an image created with the color and text saying what color it is and have that automatically save as an image file. Again, sorry if this is a completely dumb question and if there's something on github that can easily do this for me. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Ateyouras5gas
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    Non English speakers do you write comments in your native language?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:41 PM PDT

    How common is it to write comments in a non English language?

    submitted by /u/BoredCapacitor
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    Debugging ASP.NET Core MVC web application.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:35 PM PDT

    I am building an ASP.NET Core MVC web application for the capstone project of my degree. I am having issues debugging when I hit a server-side error. The only info I get is an internal server error status code 500 displayed on a web page. Any tips on how to add a stack trace or more info in regards to my error?

    submitted by /u/almoststarry1
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    Stuck and need advice

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:05 PM PDT

    I started leaning how to program and hit a wall, no ideas and started losing motivation, was talking with a friend and he suggest an idea so I'm working on his idea to continue my learning journey.

    The idea is to create an app for windows, I've already figured out the first parts of it, now I'm stuck, so I want to ask you guys, how hard is it to make an app for windows that stores information about users that they fill themselves into sheets, then those sheets would be share across a network , say within an office's network. The app should have an admin account that gives access to users and sets their "role" and "permissions" like who can edit the data and who can just preview it. My first question is, how hard would it be for a newbie to create such an app? and the second question is, is there an app that does that already ? I did my own research but it yielded no satisfying results hence why I'm stuck and care here to ask for advice. Thanks in advance to all who offer their help.

    submitted by /u/orangedu02
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    I struggle a lot

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I've taken around 3 courses of Javascript, and when I read about destructuring and abstraction, I understand in short examples...

    When I go deeper into learning (React, for example) I get completely LOST. I never get to identify where is a function and where not, how is a data being passed and why that way...

    How can I learn or get the grasp of destructuring and abstraction to the point of when I see a code I know right there they are being used?

    submitted by /u/h4ppiness
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    What is the time complexity of this atrocity?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:28 PM PDT

    If I were to write the following program, what would the time complexity be? As far as I can tell it would be O(1), but that just feels wrong especially because the time it would take to run isn't constant.

    int addition (int x, int y) //returns the sum of two positive integers


    int temp; srand(time(0)); while (true) { temp = rand(); if(temp==x+y) return temp; } 


    submitted by /u/OriginalUsernameX
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    Just finished second year in college and still don’t feel like I’ve learned much.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:27 PM PDT

    I just finished my second year in college and feel like I haven't learned a whole lot yet. I came into school knowing how to code but I am nowhere near proficient in software development.

    I know that I am smart enough to learn information that is presented to me but I have created bad programming habits due to learning coding as a teen on YouTube videos hacking stuff together poorly. This summer I would like to start building resume projects and learn better software development habits.

    What are some examples I should work on? I do not mean specifics like "calculator app!" or "remake a video game"

    Instead, I mean things such as. "You should learn the SOLID principles, or. "You should learn how to proficiently use GITHUB"

    These are the first two that I plan on learning. What else are some of the most important things that you guys think a proficient coder should know in order to be able to receive a problem. And be able to solve it. Or if you think these are bad ideas let me know why as well please!

    submitted by /u/MicahM_
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    which one is better here for me? go for Node js or learn Python ?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:13 PM PDT

    hi !

    currently i am applying for front-end positions since i completed front-end courses and made a resume . i know html , css , javascript , react js and git .

    at this point i am starting to apply for jobs and waiting for results and i am a bit confused where to go now. should i stay on the front and become more experienced or can i go for a backend framework like node or django? since node is javascript based it's easier but at the same time i would like to know python too . ( generally any advice is appreciated )

    submitted by /u/jsdeveloper_front
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