• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 17, 2021

    We made a roadmap to help you break into a web dev career, even when you don’t have a degree or any experience. learn programming

    We made a roadmap to help you break into a web dev career, even when you don’t have a degree or any experience. learn programming

    We made a roadmap to help you break into a web dev career, even when you don’t have a degree or any experience.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 06:10 AM PDT


    Often, learning things by yourself is harder than learning them in a formal setting because there is less structure.

    Looking back to when we were self-learning web devs, there were nuances involved, it was more uncertain and we often lacked clarity regarding where we were going. We also remember wasting a lot of time spinning our wheels - getting nowhere.

    After learning how to navigate these obstacles, we put together a roadmap and wanted to share it. We hope that it will help you break into the tech industry in one year or less, even if you don't have a degree (or experience)!

    We're super open to feedback too :). If there's anything important we've missed just let us know!

    Best regards

    EDIT: The roadmap was made by u/bedrock-adam, feel free to reach out to him if you have any questions or you just wanna say hi.

    submitted by /u/roonishpower
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    Need help identifying why this function in Python is looping endlessly.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 06:42 PM PDT


    I'm trying to make a function that given a number of days changes a dd/mm/yyyy date system based on how many days are given. I know this process can be done easily using the datetime module but I want to try and create the function without the module.

    Anyways, the code is:

    d = 1

    m = 1

    y = 2021

    def daysInMonth(month, year):

    # returns an int # if it's february check if it should be a leap year) if (month == 2): if (isLeapYear(year)): return 29 else: return 28 elif (month in {4,6,9,11}): # checks for April, June, September and November return 30 else: # all the rest have 31 return 31 

    def isLeapYear(year):

    # returns true or false #To be a leap year, the year number must be divisible by four – except for end-of-century years, #which must be divisible by 400. This means that the year 2000 was a leap year, although 1900 was not. if (year % 4 == 0): # years divisible by 4 are leap unless they are a century, except centuries divisble by 400 if (year % 100 == 0): if (year % 400 == 0): return True else: return False return True return False 

    def addDays(num):

    days_to_go_forward = num global d global m global y while num >= 0: d += 1 days_to_go_forward = days_to_go_forward -1 if d > daysInMonth(m,y): d = 1 m = m + 1 if m > 12: m = 1 y = y + 1 

    The first two functions are used in the addDays function, that's why they're included in my post.

    I know the answer is probably obvious, but I've tried to breakdown my control flow step-by-step but I cannot see why this results in an infinite loop. I'm really stuck!

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_PENILE_FRACTUR
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    Newbie: what to do after CS50?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    Hi all. Quick introduction: I am a 40+ yo family guy with a full time job that came across programming during 2021's lockdown, and totally loved it. Always wondered how computers worked, but never really dived into it until now.

    I'm currently halfway through the CS50 program, and wondering what to do next (CS50 is challenging, but totally doable so far). I heard about The Odin Project, but it seems to be oriented towards web design, and I'm not sure I'll like that (I might be misjudging TOP here). I'm really enjoying this challenging problem solving exercises.

    Anyway, any recommendations? Nice to read you all, btw.

    PS: book recomendations are also appreciated.

    submitted by /u/3lp4
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    I Feel myself lost in coding

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    So basically i feel so lost coding, i learned to code around 3 years ago , well learned i just feel i am so good using google compared to when i was young, i know what i need to search i found and wow code works.

    I love coding, i everyday work on something, any idea or just little things i like, i dont feel im gonna hate or get rid of it near.

    I have a bunch of personal projects i have worked on, all small things i wanted to do not anything big. My problem is i feel im on low level, i feel like im not really learning anything new since long time ago, even if i change language is all the same for me. I Think im missing a lot things but i dont know where to start.

    Im still studying next year if everything goes good i will be in a job programming releated, i want to ask community for a "guideline" or like, i think the question is:

    Once u know basics of programming, what did u did next? What did u learn? I feel im on the same place that 2 years ago cause i didnt learned anything new really, just new languages but its the same in all.

    I really dont know what im asking, i want to understand what im missing because for sure im doing a ton of things bad, and missing i want some short of guideline or advices of what did u learn after u get confortable learning basics.

    submitted by /u/LennyKrabigs
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    Is my state diagram correct?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 10:14 PM PDT

    Hi everyone so the following is the description of the embedded system that I need to implement in C:

    Buttons are connected to PA0 and PA1. Output for PORTC is initially 7. Pressing PA0 increments PORTC once (stopping at 9). Pressing PA1 decrements PORTC once (stopping at 0). If both buttons are depressed (even if not initially simultaneously), PORTC resets to 0.

    Before I code I want to make sure I'm capturing the description correctly. Here is my state diagram Sorry for the messiness!

    submitted by /u/2kfan
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    VS Code or PyCharm? Or recommend another IDE?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    Hey guys, so I have recently really gotten into programming. I have been using Sublime for the time being but have wanted to move to a proper IDE for some time now. I have been learning new programming languages such as Java, CSS, HTML, Javascript, Python, etc. (Python is my mainstream which is why I am considering PyCharm). Which is the better IDE? Also, I can't afford IntelliJ Ultimate. I have read a lot of places, and they both say to use one over the other. Some other sources are simply outdated. What do you guys think now?

    TL;DR: I need an IDE that supports a lot of languages that also don't cut corners. VS or PyCharm?

    submitted by /u/InfernoBlaster8
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    Project Question

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    I'm looking to create a clone of the website when2meet.com for a project. Can anyone help me with where to start and how I should go about doing this? Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/demsarwafbdtk
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    Tips for a Nigerian starting out in programming

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    Hi r/learnprogramming,

    I'm a Nigerian student who is preparing for university and I've decided to spend the extra time I have learning programming before and maybe during my university education.

    I have no prior coding experience but I have gotten started on a web development course on freeCodeCamp, but other than that I'm basically a complete noob.

    Anyone kind enough to educate me on their humble beginnings should kindly speak out in the comments.

    submitted by /u/SkaterOfDreams
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    Should you adapt your backend for the frontend or the opposite?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    What I mean to ask is, if fetching/sending data from or to the backend is "inconvenient" for the frontend, should the backend be changed or not? Another way to ask this is, should the backend developers "work for" the frontend developers?

    I've been working on some projects with teams and I sometimes find that certain APIs are a little difficult or can be slow on the frontend. For instance, a simple task may have two APIs depending on certain values, but it would be much easier if they were combined into a single API so I do not have too much logic on the frontend. Another similar example is fetching a list of items, but they do not give me all the data I need, so I need to make multiple API calls.

    I've found that while you design the backend, it's difficult to cover all the ways the frontend might work when you're designing the backend especially when they're two different projects. However, if you're using a framework like NextJS, this problem does not come up as much because your data fetching and UI is "closer" together and it's easier to make changes if you need to

    submitted by /u/pyboy10000
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    Resource for learning programming theory? (Types, references, OOP, inheritance, encapsulation, etc)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    Hello, I have covered a lot of theory on my own/in class but I don't have anywhere to quickly reference or revise if needed.

    Is there a webpage or PDF document that introduces/explains common terms in programming?

    Thanks all

    submitted by /u/lacklasturelol
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    Any good stack for game developer?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 11:19 PM PDT

    Im curious, which stack is good to become a junior developer?

    submitted by /u/solidmedusa
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    Multithreading randomly slowing program down

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 11:17 PM PDT

    Hello my friends. I am trying to use sockets to communicate between networks. To do so, the server is using multithreading to hasten the process.

    Some of the time, the server runs fine and all is well. However, other times, the server runs very poorly (this usually lasts just about 10ish seconds). During this time, the cpu usage goes up to 25%, which to my understanding means it is using an entire core. All I am doing is telling the thread to run a function, and eventually to call join(), so I can then run the same function again. It looks like this:

    void Server::update() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { m_clientThreads[i].join(); m_clientThreads[i] = std::thread(&Server::foo, this); } } 

    Would anyone have any ideas as to why this is?


    submitted by /u/PoobearBanana
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    As someone new to programming, which book to order to learn C#

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    How do I implement notifications in a web app?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 10:50 PM PDT

    I am planning to build a web app which would have a notification feature which will notify the logged in users about any updates. I have searched the internet and have found that there are a few ways to do it, out of which I am trying to decide between these two.

    • Long polling
      • I will long poll the server from the client till server has something to say.
    • Websockets
      • I will implement socket connection between client and server. Server will push the update directly through through the socket.

    Now which one of these sounds good? With sockets there would be a lot of extra work of mapping the socket connection object to logged in users which can be easily avoided using long polling, but I presume most websites use this technique? I would like to hear your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/awonderfullove
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    Can someone explain what is meant by polymorphism ? In simple words

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    As you are explaining it to a small child

    submitted by /u/Desperate_Pumpkin168
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    The Odin project: should I do the Ruby on Rails course or the JavaScript course?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 06:41 PM PDT

    I've heard that ruby is outdated (I've just heard this, I have no clue I am new to this) so I'm hesitant to take that route, but on the other hand I heard people say that ruby really teaches you about object oriented programming (whatever that is) which is a very important skill to have. Idk what are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/imhypedforthisgame
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    Shopify Development

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 04:27 PM PDT


    If this isn't the correct place to post, please direct me. I came across this video talking about platform development and it mentioned Salesforce, Wordpress, and Shopify.

    Now the video wasn't clear when talking specifically about Shopify (which it seemed to emphasize), but I'm under the impression that the only opportunities are freelance? Are there companies who hire Shopify developers? Any guidance would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Toboggan00
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    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    I just wanted to introduce myself here, my name is Chris and I'm 33 and a single father. I have always had an interest in learning how to program but I never really committed to learning until recently. I have been learning Python, I did a semester of intro to C++. I am taking the Python Institute Python Essentials Course, I am almost finished with the first half. Not because I'm finding it difficult because its very tedious and boring. I have also started doing Guided Projects on Coursera and jumping more into Linux through them, which I haven't used in years.

    I am planning on changing careers, I was managing a restaurant until Covid hit and now another business that I had put in time and work into has left me with nothing going forward, and I'm tired of busting out hard jobs to get promoted up just to be left with no real future from it. I always wanted to get into engineering or something when I was younger, my father was one and I've always liked making things and solving problems, and I love computers.

    I would like to get involved in dApps and the Cryptography space, which I find extremely exciting, but I would be happy working on anything honestly, especially something that will make the world better. If anyone has any advice for me or anything, I look forward to hearing it. Or any good resources, I have been going through the content on Getting Started also.

    submitted by /u/ccasesvilla87
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    Is it me, or is java for loops and while loops pretty much the same thing(Java)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 05:55 PM PDT

    So i am in the middle of learning Java, and today i worked on loops. Specifically for and while loops. However, when i was given this problem to solve on codeacdemy, i noticed this.

    While Loop

    Examples 2:

    class Coffee {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    // initialize cupsOfCoffee

    int cupsOfCoffee = 1;

    // add while loop with counter

    while(cupsOfCoffee <= 100) {

    System.out.println("Fry drinks cup of coffee #" +cupsOfCoffee );

    cupsOfCoffee ++;




    Compared to:

    For Loops:

    class Coffee {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    for (int cupsOfCoffee = 1;cupsOfCoffee <= 100;cupsOfCoffee++) {

    System.out.println("Fry drinks cup of coffee #" + cupsOfCoffee);




    For some reason, even though they pretty much resulted in the same output, for loops and while loops do pretty much the same thing, but for loops feel a tiny bit more simple(imo).

    submitted by /u/bravosix99
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    Courae Comparison For Learning C++

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 09:05 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I have done programming for some time and so I'm not a complete noob, but i have never taken a formal course, and so I feel I'm lacking conceptually in some areas. I'm contemplating buying either Abdul Bari's Udemy course or the Geek for Geek DSA course.

    Can anyone tell me which of this is better, or if there is any other course which would be even better. I would like to learn everything as properly we possible so I don't have to revisit the basics again. I would prefer the course in C++, but Python is also great.

    Also, how does everyone practice? For some time I was trying Codeforces and Codechef, but I feel that these problems are not best suited for me as I want to learn programming but my application case is different like writing code for deep learning etc. Can anyone give me practice suggestions.


    submitted by /u/Bibbidi_Babbidi_Boo
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    Can I Save Just A Class File? (JAVA)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    I have a two-part project where in the first part I write a CLASS from a textbook problem and a UML diagram of it(Below is the direction):

    • Create the UML diagram as instructed in Algorithm Workbench #1a, page 392.
    • Write the Java class as instructed in Algorithm Workbench #1b, page 392
    • Be sure to write only the class and not a program.

    And the second part I write a PROGRAM from the UML diagram of the first class(from the first part). The PROGRAM also includes creating objects and running inputs through the program. (Below is the direction):

    • Write the Java program for the UML class diagram.
    • Be sure to write only the program. Do not include the class in the program file or a zero is earned for this entire assignment.

    Is anyone able to explain what this means or can describe what is different between submitting just the class vs. the program? Am I even to submit a file that is a class(xxx.class)?

    submitted by /u/jcksnsmyth
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    Develop rails apps in Ubuntu-Server?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    Does anyone know if it's possible to develop RoR apps from a Ubuntu Server (not desktop) on OracleVm and communicate with that server through something like Putty on Windows?

    submitted by /u/willdrr17
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    Specifications of constructors in a UML diagram(JAVA)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 04:39 PM PDT

    I am building a UML diagram for Pet class which has 3 fields(name, animal, age), 6 methods(get and set for each of the fields), and also two constructors(a default constructor that sets age=0; a second constructor that accepts parameters for the name, animal and age, and then sets the class variables to the parameter values.)

    My question is in a UML diagram, is there a way I specify those two different constructors?

    I currently have my constructors set up as follows:



    submitted by /u/jcksnsmyth
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    Creating array of objects from returned rows from Sqlite query in JavaScript

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    I have an Electron app in which I have a Sqlite database. I have the following function, designed to return all "Employee" rows in that table, using the `sqlite3` npm package:

    const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();

    function getAllEmployees(callback) {

    const db = getConnection();

    var employees = []; // this is an array of "Employee" objects

    const sql = "SELECT * FROM Employees";

    db.all(sql, (err, rows) => {

    if (err) {



    else {

    // TODO: populate the "employees" array with "Employee" objects created from "rows"





    The rows are represented by objects of the following type:

    class Employee {

    constructor(id, firstName, lastName, role, department, pay) {


    this.firstName = firstName;

    this.lastName = lastName;

    this.role = role;

    this.department = department;

    this.pay = pay;


    get fullName() {

    return (this.firstName + " " + this.lastName);



    The columns in the Sqlite table are as follows:

    Id, FirstName, LastName, Role, Department, Pay

    As a C# dev, I'm very new to JavaScript. How can I populate the employees array with new Employee objects, created from the rows returned?

    What I tried was using the new operator to create the objects and passing in the row data, but then accessing the properties of these objects resulted in undefined.

    submitted by /u/al95eng
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