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    Friday, April 2, 2021

    If you had 10 days on your hands, what tech would you check out? Ask Programming

    If you had 10 days on your hands, what tech would you check out? Ask Programming

    If you had 10 days on your hands, what tech would you check out?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    So, I'm moving to Switzerland for a software engineering job, and I'm legally required to self-isolate for 10 days upon arrival

    Meaning I have 10 days of absolute nothing in a country where I know no one and I cannot leave my house.

    What would you advise me to try out in these 10 days?

    Personal projects suggestions, cool tech to check out, tutorials.
    Anything that comes to mind is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/AdmirableJellyfish51
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    Is there a website that have a list of open source projects?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    I am hoping to tackle more coding projects and get more experience, but I would need more people to get bigger projects done more efficiently. I know there is github but that isn't its main purpose. Does anyone know any sites?

    submitted by /u/Danielk0926
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    I have been comparing the performance of two Java applications with a profiler. It seems that one application spends significantly more time running jdk.internal.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor37.invoke(). Unfortunately, I don't know much about JDK. Does anyone know what this method does?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 02:49 AM PDT

    After some research, it seems that it does dynamic class loading. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could confirm that and possibly give some extra details. Thank you to whoever responds!

    submitted by /u/pab6750
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    Licensing: I'm about to sign a grant contract and found this licensing clause. Can you help me to understand?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:18 PM PDT

    I'm signing an agreement for a programming grant from a foundation. They demand my code to be opensource, but they added this clause, which I'm not too sure what are the legal implications of this clause. Can perhaps somebody help me to understand, like an ELI5?

    [...software must be licensed in apache v2]. Without limiting the foregoing, Grantee hereby grants to Foundation a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid-up, transferable, sublicensable, non-exclusive, worldwide license under any of Grantee's intellectual property related to the Deliverables to use and otherwise exploit such intellectual property rights in any manner, including to permit Foundation to grant of a sublicense under such intellectual property on terms consistent with Apache v2, without any further restriction. Grantee agrees that it will take any such actions that may be reasonably required to transfer or assign any intellectual property created under this Agreement, with the exclusion of open source code already owned by Grantee or any third party.

    In particular, Apache v2 doesn't have any warranty attached. Does this give full warranties and liability of my code to the foundation giving me the grant? No, right?

    submitted by /u/___hello-there___
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    I finished W3 Schools for Java, now what?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:18 PM PDT

    I finished W3 Schools for Java, as the Title said, and now I'm stuck wondering, now what. I'm wondering what I can do to get better at this language? I preferably want it to be free, any suggestions

    submitted by /u/bob_ficklemictatle
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    How would you determine the big O that best describes the performance of a sort of given # of items sorted and # of comparisons it had to make?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    For example let's say a sort does the following

    (Items sorted - comparisons made) (50 - 142) (500 - 2457) (5000 - 35084) (50000 - 455719) (500000 - 5601426)

    How would you analyze that to determine big O?

    submitted by /u/CO375
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    Internship Application Prep

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    I've applied for an internship with a fintech company and was told there would be 3 stages.

    1) HR Interview 2) Timed Programming Test 3) Interview with Team Lead

    How should I prepare for this?

    submitted by /u/kidclutch00
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    Is 1. O(n(log(n))^2) or 2. O(n^2) faster?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    Anybody working in localization/internationalization, you may find this webinar interesting

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Are there any open-source projects with a mission to help people living in poverty, protect wildlife, reduce air pollution or anything like that?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    I understand that theoretically any project could create greater well-being, but I am curious if there are any projects that either have this as a mission, or have a more significant contribution to well-being.

    It could be any kind of project, but I am thinking more along the lines of "saving lives" or "saving the planet".

    submitted by /u/airaftermidnight
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    database tables!!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    hello ! am working on a library management project. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rp3D4MVCBvq2lqYnEBhzxnJE7uf0-cUZ/view?usp=sharing

    you have to see the image in the link to understand what am saying.t the problem I have is with the tables Prof and student, so a prof can borrow 1,n books at a time but the student can borrow just 1 book at a time and he can borrow another one after the duration of the previous book is gone, but both teachers and students have the same attributes and that doesn't sound good to me, is there any method to gather both of them in one table and take into consideration the Possibilities which they can borrow a book.

    - system deals with them equally in every regard except for the number of books to borrow and the duration, like a student has let see 5days but a teacher has a month.

    I wanna gather both tables in one table and I have to explain in the diagram the possibilities teacher(1,n) student(1,1).

    submitted by /u/who_not
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    Trying to escape my demanding Tech Support Job, Azure or C#?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    So I've worked at an energy company in London for the past 20 months as an IT Support analyst (help desk) and have been so burnt out and demoralised these past months that I really want a way out. It's not just that it's busy or intensive, but that isn't why I want to leave. 70% of my job has been setting up new users in active directory or setting up laptops from my home to ship out. The pandemic accelerated this - previously I had much more exposure to Azure, Powershell scripting, 365 and other interesting technologies.

    My quick question for you guys is that, if I want to leave this job within in the next 6-8 months, what would be a more efficient way to escape the help desk. Put my spare time and energy into getting Azure certified/brushing up my powershell skills so I can get a job more related to cloud systems, or studying C# coding? A friend lent me the C# HeadFirst book, and I'm enrolled to a course on Udemy. I'm just wondering if this is achievable and if I could, within even 10 months, get to a position where I could land a Junior .net developer job.

    Any advice on this would really be appreciated. I've really enjoyed the scripting that I have done with powershell, and even my very basic exposure C#, HTML, Java/web development, but if Azure/Cloud systems is more realistic as a way out of tech support, I'd happily put my energy into that.


    submitted by /u/Bill_Smoke-
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    Getting attacked by bots and site going down

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    I have a WP site from my customer that is getting mass attacked by bots (Cloudfare got about 1,062,971 requests blocked in the last 24 hours!), and is making my site to very slow and sometimes down. I have Wordfence installed and removed various virus that I have found in the archives (they infected the SSL folder, they have no honor!), and blocked a brute force attempt, but the site is still going down (just less than before). I have the black hole plugin installed, it blocked one bot.

    What do you recommend I should do next?

    submitted by /u/Spear_Blade
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    Behavioral Science student with a question about how to host her thesis experiment built in Visual Basic

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    Hello! As the title states I am behavioral science student currently getting my Master's, I am at the final stage which is finishing my thesis. I just want to say that I have NO knowledge of programming and am in the very early stages of learning. Please excuse any programming terminology that I misuse and feel free to correct me! Thank you all in advance :)

    The problem: My university is not allowing any face-to-face research at the moment so my thesis is evaluating a certain behavioral procedure using a computerized task that the participants in my study will complete. Preceding behavioral literature that has done something similar have used visual basic to create the computerized task and then participants would come and engage in the task in-person. That is not an option for me (bc of co-vid) so the program with the computerized task will have to be hosted in such a way that participants can access it from their own computers over the internet.

    The question: Once I build the program (I hope I am using the correct terminology) on visual basic, how can I make it such that my participants can access it from wherever they are?

    submitted by /u/piscesdreamz
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    Java PriorityQueue with Comparator

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    Hello all, I am working on this lab and it has to do with sorting plane flights based on how many miles the flight is. In this code, the order of data entered is the flight number, how many miles the flight is, and the priority of the flight.

    package PriorityQueueLab; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.Comparator; public class PriorityQueueLab { public static void main(String... args) { PriorityQueue<Flight> flights = new PriorityQueue<Flight>(10, new SortQueue()); flights.add(new Flight(new Data("0001", 2002), 1)); flights.add(new Flight(new Data("0002", 200), 1)); flights.add(new Flight(new Data("0003", 330), 2)); flights.add(new Flight(new Data("0004", 300), 3)); flights.add(new Flight(new Data("0005", 200), 1)); flights.add(new Flight(new Data("0006", 550), 1)); flights.add(new Flight(new Data("0007", 3000), 2)); flights.add(new Flight(new Data("0008", 1130), 3)); flights.add(new Flight(new Data("0009", 1220), 3)); flights.add(new Flight(new Data("0010", 757), 3)); // Printing all elements System.out.println("The queue elements:"); Data[] dataRecs = new Data[10]; int i = 0; while (!flights.isEmpty()) { //store data dataRecs[i++] = new Data(flights.poll()); } for (Data recs : dataRecs) System.out.println(recs.getName() + " " + recs.getMiles() + " " + recs.getPriority()); } } class SortQueue implements Comparator<Flight> { @Override public int compare(Flight f1, Flight f2) { int res = f1.getPriority() - f2.getPriority(); return res; } } 

    I am trying to get the code to make the flights with most miles to be the higher priorities. In order to begin sorting the data, I believe that I need to tweak the compare() method, which sorts the priority number. I am unsure of how I can change both the miles traveled and priority number at the same time. Can I please receive some guidance with this? Thanks

    submitted by /u/GhengaK
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    How does a cookie work?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    How does a cookie work - and how the cookies are being made? How can a certain type of cookie can be able to track users with just using a cookie? And what kind of data or information can they gather with just a cookie? Are there different types of cookies?

    submitted by /u/dbhsIl8Bke
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    I have been dealing with a very serious issue the past two years. I was in a chrome book when I believe I had my Active Directory keys stolen and ever since my iPhone has been running a simulator.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    Hello and thank you for reading this, As previously stated it has been just about two years since Ive noticed these odd behaviours and I cannot seem to even comprehend what could possibly make this issue so damn persistent! I have had the same cellular provider ever since this incident occurred (I will explain what I mean by incident in a moment.) This is the one common denominator of all this "consistent and aggressively persistent exploit" as I like to call it. So to explain, I attempted to jailbreak my old iPhone X at this time and I believe I downloaded something from TOR to do so (at the time I had absolutely no clue how anything worked.) During this time I also created PGP Keys I'm not entirely sure why but I was trying to learn about hacking I'm guessing. So when I say I notice incident I literally notice that my analytics in my iPhone are all crash logs, aggregated logs which end in . ips, ReaetCounter logs, CommCenter logs... etc.

    Mind you this was two years ago so my memory is hazy now. To continue, I believe I attempted it or something of the sort but I remember it not working and I just left it and forgot about it. Well fast forward I begin to notice small changes in my device which led me to upgrade to an iPhone 11. I started with a different device because Sprint had replaced it while I was under their warranty. Anyhow the issue persisted even on the brand new device, setting up the device with a premade proton mail account which I used as my Apple ID. Okay so I followed everyone's advice and created all brand new IDs every time I've DFU Restored the device at apple stores. So anyhow, after a day the crash logs came rolling in again. Ive bought phones anonymously with prepaid cards and all the data gets eaten the first day.

    Another weird issue, I was given advice by a Redditor one time and they suggested I download the developer beta update and ever since I have been enrolled as a developer but I can NEVER access the webpage on ANY device where I can manage my itunes account which is one of the many features they've blocked me from accessing. I believe all my information had been stolen and my sim is being ported to someone. But this seems like too much of random exploits so I'm not sure how to diagnose any of this. I am only allowed to access certain parts of apps especially in my settings. Another last thing is that under FaceId and Passcode "home control" constantly toggles on at least twice a day. I get alerts saying I'm not even connected to any of apples servers.

    What do I do, Ive contacted apple through the ONE time I was able to get through to apple feedback.

    I have TONS of crash logs with details of the architecture of it all and I've been forced to breathe new Reddit accounts you can look at breakthearchitecture that's me I have a lot of logs if anyone wants me to email them please let me know.

    submitted by /u/vctrlemons
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    advice for high schoolers.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:01 AM PDT

    hi there. sophomore here in high school. in hopes of becoming a software engineer one day i want to begin preparing on my own with some coding. i don't have any experience yet, but that is because i'm not really sure where to start. people around me mostly just say to start with Python but others say to start Javascript. some even suggest taking Harvard's CS50. i feel like i can't even say if this is what i wanna do yet because i don't even know what this is all about yet. i feel like each person just has their own paths from where they started which they decide but i just wanted to have some insight from people who are much more experienced than me in the field i wanna go into.

    any thoughts or suggestions are really appreciated. have a wonderful day.

    submitted by /u/alexfromvancouver
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    help me decide...

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    i have this project i need to code in vb

    the topic of it has been bothering me since i don't know which topic i want to code on. so i need help. thx in advance.

    i don't know if this matters to you but

    The project will include the following

    Loops and if conditions

    Input/Output Files

    Sub Procedures and Functions



    so, which topic in your mind, brother?

    submitted by /u/Ecoer
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    Question about Freelancing (React & Firebase)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    Hello! Im at last year of my it-engineering studies and finally got courage to (allmost) post a freelancing gig at fiverr. I really didnt study as much as I should have so my knowledge is not the best, but I was diagnosed with ADHD lately and the medication gave me a new hope. So the question is: Is it completely legit to offer websites with Firebase being the back-end with react ? How should I provide the final product to the possible client that way?

    submitted by /u/Mihailimou
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    How do I dynamically update matplotlib plots in a tqdm-loop inside a Jupyter notebook?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2021 10:44 PM PDT

    How do I do something like:

    from tqdm.notebook import tqdm from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from IPython import display from time import sleep import numpy as np xx = list() for i in tqdm(range(500)): xx.append(i * 0.1) yy = np.sin(xx) if i % 10 == 0: display.clear_output(wait=True) plt.plot(xx, yy) time.sleep(0.1) 

    but preventing a tqdm progress bar from disappearing when I update the plot?

    submitted by /u/OmOshIroIdEs
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    RasPi as a programming rig?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 02:14 AM PDT

    So my current laptop is getting way too old for pretty much anything aside from basic web browsing and office works, so I need to replace it both for work and school when things get back to normal.

    My university field is computing science and I work as a freelance dev

    Since I love to have and build my own stuff, I thought about making a raspberry pi based laptop (maybe it'll cost more for the base model but at least upgrading should be made easier), but I'm really unsure as to whether or not a RasPi would do the trick as an almost primary programming rig, my guess is that it would be alright but I'd like some feedback to be sure

    submitted by /u/Taewyth
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    If I make a jigsaw puzzle game, will the code live in the front end or backend?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    multiple languages program

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    what's the best way to mix between a c++ software and a python machine learning project

    submitted by /u/ssanji
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    Help with timers in java fx

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    I have to make a program like the atari game pong and when the ball hits a paddle, it has to change color temporarily, then change back to the original color. How would I make a timer to count the seconds the ball is the new color and also how would I check to know when the timer is up?

    submitted by /u/Kbrenny
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