• Breaking News

    Friday, April 2, 2021

    Feedback Friday #438 - Public Testing

    Feedback Friday #438 - Public Testing

    Feedback Friday #438 - Public Testing

    Posted: 01 Apr 2021 08:28 PM PDT


    Well it's Friday here so lets play each others games, be nice and constructive and have fun! keep up with devs on twitter and get involved!

    Post your games/demos/builds and give each other feedback!

    Feedback Friday Rules:

    Suggestion: As a generally courtesy, you should try to check out a person's game if they have left feedback on your game. If you are leaving feedback on another person's game, it may be helpful to leave a link to your post (if you have posted your game for feedback) at the end of your comment so they can easily find your game.

    -Post a link to a playable version of your game or demo

    -Do NOT link to screenshots or videos! The emphasis of FF is on testing and feedback, not on graphics! Screenshot Saturday is the better choice for your awesome screenshots and videos!

    -Promote good feedback! Try to avoid posting one line responses like "I liked it!" because that is NOT feedback!

    -Upvote those who provide good feedback!

    -Comments using URL shorteners may get auto-removed by reddit, so we recommend not using them.

    Previous Weeks: All

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    My wishlists went up 2500% because of one video coverage!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    Hello fellow game devs!

    I'm back with some numbers for you to chew on!

    My space survival terraforming game was recently featured on youtube by a famous french streamer and had 27k views.

    I wanted to share how this big coverage impacted my wishlists with you guys.

    Check it yourself here.

    Yup, from 25 a day, to almost 600 wishlists in one day!

    This is how it happend :

    - I published a free alpha version of my game on itch.io

    - A small streamer picked it up and made a video (500 views)

    - Someone saw this and recommended the game to the big streamer.

    - Big streamer showcase the game in his "12 games not to miss in 2020"

    - Super Bonus : the streamer linked the Steam page under the video

    Sometimes, the small marketing efforts can snowball into big things.

    Hope you find this usefull!

    submitted by /u/MijuGames
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    Aseprite 1.3 Tessellation ��

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    We should have a "Would you spend money on this game" section.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    Just to help with feedback and expectations. A reality check for those who can take criticism.

    Maybe some polls? Than based on the results OP would have a better gauge on the state of the game.

    How crazy is the idea?

    submitted by /u/triplecyclonegames
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    Did you know you can create Procedural Skyboxes in Unity? I really like creating them for each new project and wanted to create a tutorial on it for fellow game devs. Hope you will like it!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    EnTT v3.7.0 is out: Gaming meets Modern C++

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 02:35 AM PDT

    What's EnTT

    EnTT is a header-only library written in modern C++.

    It's mainly known for its entity-component-system model. However, it offers also many other things useful during development, from flexible tools for managing signals to an integrated reflection system and so on.

    EnTT is also a production-ready, fully documented and a battle-tested library with a 100% coverage. It's currently used in Minecraft by Mojang as well as by many others.

    What's new in v3.7

    Here you can find the changelog for all the details.

    This is another version born from the collaboration with Microsoft Mojang Studios and many of the new features are and will be dictated by job needs.
    On the other hand, there are smarter and more capable people than me who flood me with ideas and requests aimed at making EnTT more complete and stable. I must admit they're helping me shape a bright future for this library!

    Below is a short but incomplete list of what (I think) are some interesting news:

    • A review of the any class which now offers the ability to configure the size for the small buffer optimization and also supports non-configurable types as well as those with their own requirements for alignment.
    • Yet another step to deprecate groups and make them a custom pool, so as to benefit from them even in views.
    • Registry context variables now support references and can therefore be associated with externally managed objects, even in read-only mode.
    • View packs no longer exist, we can now chain views as for(auto entity: v1 | v2) { ... }.
    • Implicitly generated default meta constructors for default constructible types (finally!!).
    • Re-registering meta objects is safe in all cases, no more soft locks or subtle errors.
    • Customizable template information on meta types.

    And so on. I won't go into the details of all other additions. Please, refer to the changelog for further details.

    What's next?

    More on multithreading, more on views to also support pools registered by name with the registry, more on multiple components of the same type and a couple of new feature aimed at making references fully stable. Stay tuned!

    It's hard to say exactly what I'm going to work on next, because my job will drive many of the new features probably.
    Also, join the community if you have ideas to propose! :)

    In the meantime, enjoy this new version!

    What else?

    I started a series of posts that will alternate with the ECS back and forth series. It aims to explore EnTT both in terms of implementation and use. I want to keep these posts short but more frequent if possible, let's see if I can do it. :)
    The goal is to also answer the most frequently asked questions. So, if you have any doubts, just ask and you'll be answered as soon as possible (at least I hope so)! :)

    If you are using EnTT and want to tell me hello or which of your products relies on it, do not hesitate to contact me!
    For everyone else interested in the library, the wiki contains more than what I've said here and the gitter and Discord channels are a great place to come and ask your first question!

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you. :)

    Special Thanks

    Special thanks to the Microsoft Mojang Studios for the opportunity they gave me, as well as img.ly (and actually another company that asked me not to be publicly mentioned) for actively supporting the development of EnTT.
    It's important to know that there are companies willing to give the open source world something of what the open source world gives them. Well done!

    submitted by /u/skypjack
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    FREE course - Game Music Composition

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Bit of an unusual post in here, I know. Not really a tutorial either, more of a series of tutorials... But if any of you are just starting out, or struggling to nail the techniques needed to compose music for a game - or indeed any composition - I have created an online course dedicated to teaching composers how to compose great music, and how to change their mindset to think like a game music composer.

    The course is FREE for 3 days (expiring 04/05/2021 9:04 PDT) as part of a launch promotion, but is valued at $199. If this is something you think you'd be interested in, click the link below to get the course for FREE.

    LINK: https://www.udemy.com/course/complete-video-game-music-composition-and-music-theory-secrets/?couponCode=GAMEMUSICLAUNCH

    (if the link doesn't work, you can enter the coupon code GAMEMUSICLAUNCH upon checkout)

    Best case scenario: You learn something new. Worst case: I wasted a bit of your time... You really don't have anything to lose!

    If you have any feedback, or suggestions about how to improve the course, I'd love to hear them!

    Hope some of you benefit from this :)

    submitted by /u/myhairisorange
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    Most beginner friendly way to learn animations

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    Hey all!

    I have virtually zero experience making animations for games. I currently have a project I'm working on where the main character is riding a bike, I got the bike asset and character asset from the unity asset store. The player character is "rigged and ready to be animated", so if I wanted to create an animation where it looks like his peddling, what would be the best way to go about this with a beginners skill set in mind? What programs do you recommend for making animations? Is what I'm trying to do even possible? Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/gamedev_il
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    Big Brain Jam

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    For anyone looking for a 3 day gamejam, I have a little thing going with a small but nice discord community, you can win a 10€ steam game and bragging rights (lol). The name of the jam doesn't mean you have to be like a super smart coder or something, we focus on having fun while making a game.


    And here's the link for the discord if you're only looking for a new community to be a part of.


    edit: changed $ to €

    submitted by /u/Stativ_Kaktus131
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    I picked the brain of an indie game marketer. We talked about tips for branding indie games, especially creating a branding sheet - a document that should run like a unifying thread though our development and marketing process.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    How can I best support my fiance in this process?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    Hello! I, 24F, am engaged to my fiance, 24M, who is actively working on developing a PC game. He's doing really well and making great progress, but I'm wondering if there's anything in particular I could do to help/support him? I know the obvious answer is to ask him, and I have multiple times, but he usually just says he's fine. I just want to be as helpful and supportive as I can be, because he's putting in real work. Are there any extra resources/forums/groups/software/etc you guys reccomend that I can share with him? He needs assistance with art and music, but I'm clueless as to the right avenues to find this help. He does a ton of his own research, and learns easily, but I feel bad not being able to really do anything. This is a huge dream of his, and I wish I could say, "Oh, hey, I know so-and-so can help!" or something like that. I guess I'm asking for help on his behalf. It doesn't have to be anything specific, just some good resources. Sorry for the book and thank you so much!!

    submitted by /u/nightowl308
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    kid learning gamedev

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    so i am a 12 year old and am starting to learn unity. i did a few projects from unit learn and also finished some small basic tutorials many times. but for some reason, i am not understanding the code or able to make just a simple character controller without following a tutorial. is this to be expected because of school work and/or age. if so, what would be another option of trying to learn and understand.(this is about the coding part btw)

    submitted by /u/NoInformation9327
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    Game dev book club

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. TL;DR - come and read game dev books with me!

    I'm just finishing reading "A theory of fun" by Raph Koster and I have been thinking all the way through that it would be nice to be able to discuss parts of this book with people that are actually into the subject matter. My girlfriend feigns interest in me blabbering on about game mechanics but it ain't quite the same thing!

    So I wanted to see if there was any interest from folks on here to join me in a book club where we meet each week or every couple weeks and go through books on game development. There are plenty out there and it would be a nice way of maintaining momentum to read through them as well as more thoroughly understand and engage in the material through discussion.

    Open to different ideas on how to go about it , but my purpose here is just to accelerate my learning and I find learning with others often helps you to better grasp topics.

    submitted by /u/Myaz
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    Solo developed this game where you control the environment instead of the player.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    Building a voxel tower tutorial

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    Ecs with spatial partitioning

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    Hello guys,

    I'm wondering how to separate entities with the use of octrees to distribute the workload of different spaces in a setup with multiple nodes. I thought about the entt framework in combination with the octree pattern and zeromq. But I'm currently curious how to distribute the entities through multiple registries and still allow interaction between them.

    Has anyone some hints on how to do this?

    submitted by /u/22need4new11
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    How do you guys upload gameplay videos to twitter without it coming out as all blurry and unwatchable?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    So I've recently started experiencing this and cant seem to get videos to work on twitter that are in a watchable quality.

    I know twitter compresses videos but all other videos on my twitter feed are HD quality.

    Here is an example of what the game play video looks like after I upload it: https://twitter.com/LewanayG/status/1377975996490596352

    I've tried recording and uploading in a large resolution as 1920*1080 and also recorded in 60fps.

    It still gets compressed to this unwatchable mess.

    submitted by /u/ustaaz
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    The Storyteller - Voice Actors Powered by Artificial Intelligence

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    Graph Rewriting for Procedural Level Generation

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 03:53 AM PDT

    Smart steps when publishing Steam page

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    I've been shifting focus this week from direct development of my game towards setting up the Steam page and assets now that most of the graphics are very close to a final state. I want to get the Steam page published now so that I can direct people towards to potentially Wishlist the game as I'm sharing future development updates.

    The question I have - Are there any general steps or advice for the day you publish the Steam page? (Not the day you release the game, just make the page for it public) - I'll probably drop the first official game trailer that day with links and share links in other places but what else would help get the momentum going from day one of the Steam page being publicly available?

    I hope this question doesn't seem stupid or very obvious, but any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Genetix_307
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    Need help to give price for 3D character creation for a AAA game

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:53 AM PDT


    I'm a member of a small VFX studio which is starting to get into the game industry. We are going to start working on a AAA game project in UE, and need to give a man day price for the concept, modeling and texturing of 3D characters. We won't be doing any of the rigging. We should be working on the project for quite while - several months at least.

    The best reference for the design style and complexity would be the Demon's Souls Remake.

    We are based in Eastern Europe (Serbia), so we are used to getting under priced and working for a lot less than what we should, but we want to break out from this habit and give a realistic and fair price for our work.

    I would appreciate any advice you have! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Sitanoni
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    (Part 2) Modeling & Rendering 3d LOWPOLY Fantasy CASTLE Illustration in Blender 3d | Blender Speed Modeling

    Posted: 01 Apr 2021 11:02 PM PDT

    Life of Dev Studio | Pay cheap buy twice | Episode 1

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 06:47 AM PDT

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