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    Wednesday, March 24, 2021

    What exactly does a Computer Scientist (with a PhD or Masters) work on, compared to a regular software engineer? Computer Science

    What exactly does a Computer Scientist (with a PhD or Masters) work on, compared to a regular software engineer? Computer Science

    What exactly does a Computer Scientist (with a PhD or Masters) work on, compared to a regular software engineer?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:28 PM PDT

    Does studying CS in the US revolve a lot around programming?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:15 AM PDT

    I've been curious for a while now, as when I see Americans discuss CS education, it very often revolves around programming - and overall I get the impression that a lot of classes depend heavily on programming, and that many people find this to be "hard part"/ what holds them back. But this can very well just be confirmation bias.

    I'm curious because for me (I'm a graduate student in Denmark) programming is of course a part of a lot of what I do, but mainly as a tool, and you can be a poor programmer, and still do very well in almost every class.

    submitted by /u/ibabzen
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    Fastest common prefix algorithm?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    I'm googling for algorithms that can determine the common prefix (cp) between two strings (or sequences) faster than O(n) but I'm having a hard time finding specific papers on the topic.

    I'm OK with using data structures like trees to represents strings to speed up cp, but then it should also be possible to incrementally update such structures.

    I found suffix trees, but their construction time is O(n) and are hard to maintain incrementally.

    I'm also aware of uniquely represented data structures such as treaps and the much more advanced uniquely represented b-trees. Unique representations can be leveraged to speed up cp: however, it seems nobody ever thought that, but i'm not sure.

    submitted by /u/rapido
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    [N] China's GPT-3? BAAI Introduces Superscale Intelligence Model 'Wu Dao 1.0'

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    In a bid to promote the research and development of China's own large-scale pretraining models and further explore universal intelligence from a more fundamental perspective, the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI) recently unveiled Wu Dao 1.0, China's first homegrown super-scale intelligent model system.

    Here is the English article: China's GPT-3? BAAI Introduces Superscale Intelligence Model 'Wu Dao 1.0'

    The Chinese article 中国 AI 研究新突破:智源「悟道 1.0」发布 is here.

    submitted by /u/Yuqing7
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    A solution to a problem in computer science?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    I have to write a speech which talks about a solution to a problem in computer science. Any ideas on a topic I can talk about?

    submitted by /u/trex1475
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    SICP Relevance in Today’s Learning

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:54 AM PDT

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