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    Tuesday, March 23, 2021

    I google alot is that normal? learn programming

    I google alot is that normal? learn programming

    I google alot is that normal?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    For context, I'm a second-year Computer Science student, and I can't help but feel that I'm not learning that well.

    When I start projects, I usually start reading the documentation for the language or framework I'm going to use. But end up googling specific solutions for my needs instead of understanding how they work through the documentation. I often copy-paste different solutions and make a few tweaks so I know what each part does. In the end, I have some general idea of how a particular thing works, but if I look at it in-depth, my knowledge is like an unfinished puzzle.

    I also often re-google things that I have done multiple times and sometimes even basic concepts/things like how OOP Concepts work and it is frustrating.

    EDIT: I did not expect this to blow up. I read the replies and found all of them helpful! I realized that it is okay to look up solutions but I should take more time in familiarizing myself with the concepts. I just found it frustrating that even if I know how something works I tend to google a specific implementation as a starting point instead of making one from scratch. Thanks, guys!

    submitted by /u/Nallafy
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    Overwhelmed - It's my second attempt at learning how to code and feeling like I'll never "get it"

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    Pretty much going trough something right now.

    Little background. I'm a psychology major, I'm in my 30's and decided to switch careers since psychology wasnt getting me anywhere. I tried learning on my own but I needed the structure and accountability of a classroom. I signed up in a 3 year institute for the software development diploma and turns out I kick mayor ass. mostly perfect grades, although the first year was mostly soft skills/shared courses and just a liiiiiiiitle bit of html, javascript and css (this year will be more software focused).

    My first "crisis" happened when I told some friends that work in IT that I decided to learn how to code. They both answered with the same thing "why? what do you want to code?" I didnt know what to answer... I wanted to change careers, programming seemed like a awesome field, its lucrative and judging by my performance at school, even if its basic level, I'm good at it.

    One of my friends just said it sucks if I'm only doing it for the money. The other one said that I had to "learn how to solve a problem". Which I think doesnt make any sense. During my first year of psychology I had absolutely no idea of what I would end up doing, I just thought "uhm... cure patients?" whenre you're starting people have no idea of the endgame of their carreer.

    When I try to research what to choose then I get intimidated by all the big words and specialized concepts of programming. 1 guy in youtube programmed a twitch bot so the viewers could buy stocks from the chat... I didnt even know that could be possible! how was I supposed to know that could be a thing?

    I guess I'm just ranting at this point. I'm still learning, I decided to take a python course while the next period starts and keep thinking how to apply what I'm learning to my non-existant problem

    Tl;dr do people that work as programmers all were born with a mission in life and had a problem they were destined to solve? do I need to find a problem before beign a valid programmer?

    Edit: holy macaroni this community rocks! I can't thank you all for your support! I definitely learned a lot from all your responses!

    submitted by /u/Bardcodes
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    I didn’t give up on learning this time. Here’s what worked for me.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:54 PM PDT

    Like many who delve into programming (from what I've read at least) I gave up a few times.

    I've only been programming for a few months now, but I've made more progress than ever before. I'm not saying this is the right way to go about this, it's just the way that finally has worked for me.

    This is coming from the perspective of someone who has a full time job in an unrelated field, a wife and kids, and only 1 hr maximum free time each day to study.

    -commit to coding every single day. Doesn't matter how brief, though I did set a goal of 5 pages of a programming book daily to complete.

    -do not move onto the the next 5 pages until you've mastered the current 5. Doesn't matter if you're hung up on an issue for 3 days. Google it, and think about it for days, and only once you really know the concept, move on. Yes, you'll get stuck for days on really stupid small stuff. Suffer through it. Personally, I view it as my mind just learning how to troubleshoot issues, and how to think about code. It's a skill that I think needs to be developed.

    -don't get hung up on syntax. Instead get a text editor like sublime that creates it for you as you go. Like if you open a { it'll put a closed one next to it. Overtime, you'll learn syntax much quicker, because you'll get used to seeing it written properly.

    -when you think you understand a new concept, try it out in a few different ways. Don't settle for "what works," settle for "I understand the concept completely.

    -don't feel like you have to memorize stuff. What you need to grasp is all the concepts, learn what they do, and then you can reference the manual for further info when you need to actually implement the concept in a project.

    -don't do too many tutorials. Personally I am on page 450 of a 700 page book, and after that I intend to do an online course, but then I'm going straight into building an application that I'll use in my daily life. From why I read from people here, this is the way to do it.

    -don't be so hard on yourself. There are many, many times where I'm learning and I feel totally inadequate and frankly, dumb. But what I have complete confidence in now is the idea that with repeated exposure, it'll sink in. Take your time, trust the process, and be kind to yourself.

    -anytime you have some free time- eating a meal, going on a walk, turn on a YouTube video on the topic you are learning about. Hearing it taught in a different way, or many different ways, is a fast way for it to sink in.

    submitted by /u/Weary_Mango_113
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    3 day coding challenge for a job as a trainee developer

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 06:24 PM PDT


    I applied for a job offer where they said they needed trainee developers. They saw my resumee and contacted me. They gave me a 30 questions test (multiple choice) about logic, programming, objects and english language (I'm from south america). Aparently I did well in that test, and tomorrow they'll send me a coding challenge consisting of a "simple application" that I'll have to code in three days and send what I manage to get done.

    I asked if I was supossed to do it in a specific language and they said I could choose, but it would be a plus if I used java with spring boot.

    If any of you have been trough this process, could you tell me what to expect? like some ideas about what the challenge could be about? I literally have no clue what to expect.


    submitted by /u/ipjac
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    Is it normal for periods of days to go by where I don't want to code?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:31 PM PDT

    I am currently in the process of learning to code and these past few days I haven't really felt like coding. I think it could be because I haven't done any interesting projects yet since I don't really know how. The easiest project I can think of is a program that orders pizza hut or something but I don't even know how to do that.

    This started after I had spent a bit watching these boring tutorials that went so so slow.

    Anyone else experienced this?

    submitted by /u/supertaste_
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    What's the best programming stack to learn if you just want to build projects on your own and not necessarily get a job ?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:18 PM PDT

    Basically what's in the tittle ...

    submitted by /u/edypaul
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    How do gaming replays work? Do they just record all the actions of players, and just recreate them all on the map?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    It's mindblowing how all the these types of games work these days, FPS games, MMO games, all happening in real time with players across the world in under half a second.

    How do they make replays of these matches? Do they record each of the user's actions inside like a SQL database and then when a user requests a replay, they would create a map, and playback all these user actions?

    submitted by /u/HowGoodIsNateDiaz
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    I’m a senior full stack web application developer wanting to learn game development, and I’d love to find a learning buddy for some knowledge exchange

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    I've loved seeing all of the helpful people in this community learn and grow together, so I hope this is an OK way for me to stop lurking and start participating!

    I started learning Blender and UE4 a few months ago, and it's been a blast so far, but I think I'm hitting some walls with things like scalability, integrating C++ into blueprint projects, animations, and more specific things where having someone who could look at projects with me for feedback and support would be an amazing help.

    In return, I'm a VP of Product Development at my day job, with almost 15 years of experience with application design, UX, server env setup, and a slew of OO languages and frameworks like ruby, rails, python, C#, Vue, GO...whatever works best to get the job done (even my trusty AppleScript programs!). They all kind of run together after awhile, but if any of these topics interest you, I'd love to answer questions, share thoughts, and check out your projects with you!

    I'm very much a beginner with game dev, so any help would be appreciated. Let's have some fun and learn stuff together!

    submitted by /u/BarneyChampaign
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    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 06:57 PM PDT

    How long should it take me to become proficient enough to apply for email marketing position. I'm brand new to HTML, and I heard it's the easiest place to start? Also best content and creators, books to learn from

    submitted by /u/josb111
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    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    I'm a junior web developer that got a bit rusty because I haven't worked as a dev for the past year because of a lack of jobs in my area.

    I recently got an HTML, Bootstrap / CSS only project that would've brought me some money but I found myself incapable of doing absolutely anything. It took me a few hours to just finish the navbar and I had to message my employer and tell him I'm unable to do it.

    Devs, how do you cope when a project slips between your fingers because of your lack of skill?

    submitted by /u/Electrical_Earth_434
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    Need help planning out or building your first portfolio project, so that you can start applying for web dev jobs asap? Ex-software architect now mentor here to help you make progress.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:44 PM PDT

    Hey aspiring web developers of reddit!

    In my previous role as a software architect (at a high growth SaaS company), I helped teams design (and implement) full stack web applications that handled large amounts of users and money. During those 3+ years, I discovered many secrets to building robust, production quality web apps as well as how high functioning technical teams collaborate.

    Recently I've been helping other redditors plan out their first project, build it and get it deployed quickly so that they can list it on their portfolio and finally make inroads on their web development career. From wire-frame design to building static pages, a web application, and then getting it deployed, the results so far have been super promising. Seeing the transformation in others as they gain (enough) confidence to leave that dreaded place we all know as "tutorial hell" fills me with a deep sense of meaning and purpose too!

    If breaking into a web development career within a year is something that you're serious about, but you're struggling to plan out or implement a project for your portfolio, here's a link I've set up where you can describe what you'd like to build and schedule a time to run through the details, so that we can get some goals set up that are going to move you in the right direction, quickly.

    I'm also happy to answer any questions about portfolio projects here or via DM too :)

    submitted by /u/bedrock-adam
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    I created a Leetcode account and....

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    I decided to try out a simple question first. It was reversing an integer. Pretty easy, I said to myself. I have done this question so many times..... (For some context I am freshman and had C in the first sem and learned C++ in highschool, although it was a really old standard).

    An hour later, I kept getting runtime errors while trying to submit the code. All of them were related to the extreme cases (i.e. you can't reverse (231)-1 since the reverse will cause an int overflow....).

    Eventually, I gave up. Does this happen to everyone? Or is it because my prof doesn't give us questions like this?

    submitted by /u/alt_zancudo
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    Question about docker

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 09:26 PM PDT

    Let's say I want to work on a project. Can I work on the project directly in Docker or is Docker only an environment to deploy my project on? I'm not sure if this is a dumb question or not but I'm completely new to the whole Docker thing.

    submitted by /u/danielr088
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    Jobs not in web development?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    I don't know anything about web development. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React... all of it makes me shudder. I don't care about web development at all. But it seems like literally everyone is a web developer.

    I like graphics programming. I'm sure a lot of people like graphics programming because of video games and such, but I just really enjoy all the math and nitty gritty. What are some fields I should be looking for? Keywords for jobs?

    Edit: grammar

    submitted by /u/orsikbattlehammer
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    Do you either get programming or you don't?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:46 PM PDT

    Or is it supposed to be this confusing at the beginning for everyone?

    I'm trying to learn java and while I understand the idea of these beginner lessons, memorizing everything precisely is just not sticking. You mess up with 1 capital letter or forget one bracket and it just doesn't work.

    I tried following along with a youtube video on making a button that changes color and I thought I followed it exactly and yet mine didn't work. And I don't know anything more about programming so I have no idea how to find my problem.

    Maybe I need a classroom setting or something where I can ask a teacher questions. I don't know. But when something goes wrong and I have to struggle for 30-40 minutes trying to figure out one small problem, it really kills the motivation.

    submitted by /u/yeet420696969
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    Is this possible?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:51 PM PDT

    Okay, I've read the rules and I'm pretty sure I'm not stepping out of line. If I am, I'm sorry.

    the questions I'm going to ask at the end are going to be:

    -Will any of these things be possible?

    -Are there easier solutions?

    -If one is, which coding language should I try to use?

    -How do you guys/girls think I'd start best?

    First a bit of a back story: so, during the first 2 lockdowns I've gamed a lot with my friends. I'm a PC player and they are PlayStation players; the problem has always been communication. The in-game party chat feature of Black Ops Cold War is unreliable.

    I'm not a competitive gamer of any sort, but I just like to chat with my friends. Now the third lockdown is coming, and I've searched the web for the past hour or so for a method so that I can talk within PlayStation party or how they can talk with me on discord, TeamSpeak, etc. Sadly, all the methods I found were the ones where I needed a PlayStation so I could use remote play or where they needed a computer and a bunch of hardware just to be able to talk in discord. This isn't really a "solution" as it doesn't fix anything.

    So I did more digging and found out that I still had the PlayStation app on my phone. (I gave my PS4 it to one of my friends so she could play with us). The app got an update about 4 months ago which combined the messages PlayStation app and the normal PlayStation app. While they did this, they also added a voice chat function. You can now use the PlayStation app to join the party of your friends. This still didn't solve my problem because there isn't a windows app and I can't use my phone while wearing a gaming headset.

    I was brainstorming and came up with 2 possible solutions;

    The first one is using my laptop (not the gaming pc because I think I'll lag constantly) to make some sort of connection between an emulator app (which allows me to download the PlayStation app & use the party function) and a discord call that I could answer on my gaming pc. I know this still isn't a perfect solution, but it wouldn't force me or my friends to buy anything. The issue with this solution would be the possible latency, but because my friends and I just talk and don't really play competitive, I think the latency would be low enough to just have a conversation (don't know for sure tho).

    The second one is trying to make an Android or iOS app that I can sideload on to my phone which directly transfers the PlayStation call to a discord or TeamSpeak server or even to my pc. This would mean I don't need to use an emulator & I don't need to use my laptop, but I don't think it would be possible to connect 2 apps like that.

    My coding skills aren't good, I've coded a couple of programs with python in the past, but I don't think Python would work here.


    -Are any of these idea's possible to make?

    -If one is, which coding language should I try to learn and use?

    -And how do you guys think I should start?

    -Would there be easier solutions?

    I know that If these things are possible, it will take a lot of time and effort to make it a reality. But I'm eager to learn and I have the right motivation for it.

    If I'm on the wrong subreddit, can any of you please direct me to the right one?

    submitted by /u/Seppekee
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    Trying to wrap my head around reccurances and optimisation

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:22 PM PDT

    So I'm doing the stairway problem and the robot that can only take a step right or down, I'm sure you've all seen these problems. I took out of it the procedure which is basically to store every number of steps you need to get to a preceding position in n array that way your program can access it twice without having to run the function twice... That's what I understood from it, but it feels so transparent in my head, like something is missing to make me go like Ooooh... I feel like tomorrow I'll wake up and forget the whole thing. My question is how do you tighten the knot around an abstract concept that seems to be just out of reach and forge it in your head?

    submitted by /u/a_new_error_
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    Cant figure out the last step of my python homework assignment

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:17 PM PDT

    Hi guys!

    Ive been stumped on this one for close to a week now and I cant figure out where I am going wrong.

    Weve just started object oriented programming in python at my university, and I am going insane trying to figure out how to create this method that calculates from the base salary, a teaching staffs earnings. Its my second semester third week back at uni after the break so my python knowledge is a little rough. Everything is working except for the get_salary function, the 3 lines at the bottom are what the lecturer has given us, and cannot be changed, and must produce the required outcome without calling any other methods. Which confuses me, because "get_salary()" isnt called, so how is the interpreter meant to figure out the staff members salary?


    Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/SnooCats271
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    Unit testing the UI is a waste of time

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:25 PM PDT

    At work, we have strict guidelines around unit tests for the UI. They want everything to be unit tested including html and css. Writing unit tests for the UI has significantly slowed down the development of the project because whenever the UI requirements change, we have to refactor a bunch of existing unit tests and add new ones on top. Is writing unit tests for the UI a waste of time or am I wrong here?

    submitted by /u/Pure_Gear_4080
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    How to code a program that moves the cursor and clicks on links in the web?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    Hello! The question is above. I am trying to sort of make a rabbit-hole program, that goes deeper and deeper from one page to another into the internet. but don't have much experience in coding. Please help

    submitted by /u/SignHot6352
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    CSS Grid??

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    How often are CSS Grid and CSS Flexbox used in modern day web development?

    submitted by /u/Many-Text8747
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    How does some people learn faster and get stuff faster?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:03 PM PDT

    I really don't have any help available anymore and my question is referring more to the people that has NO clue why something doesn't work, usually I get jaded or get a mean look when I ask for help, sometimes not even a stack overflow lookup solves the problem, How in the hell do some people just solve the problem? it just makes you feel like, just quit, it's hard, it's a wall and you get to,sometimes, work with arrogant assholes that ,literally just feel satisfied that you have no clue

    submitted by /u/dryo
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    [SQL]Difference between these two statements

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:02 PM PDT


    I'm doing the codeacademy free SQL course. I'm on the 8th exercise where we are deleting rows that have NULL data.

    I tried to do it a different way than the tutorial. When I ran the commented out code, I got a check mark indicating I passed the exercise but the rows were not deleted. I then entered the command that they give us and the rows actually get deleted.

    My initial code is the commented out portion. I thought that my logic was sound: delete all the rows from celeb where the twitter_handle is equal to NULL.

    What is the difference between the two statements in the image?

    submitted by /u/2kfan
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    I wish I would've learned programming sooner!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 09:08 AM PDT

    Here I am at 20 years old in this Computer Science major and I wish I would've learned sooner in elementary school preferably. There is so much that I do not know and I am kind of disappointed in myself, I feel that I will always have to play catch-up with my peers. I've always been interested in computers but if I would've learned this way earlier, particularly Java that I am learning in my intro class, I would be in such a better position compared to where I am now with not knowing anything.....

    submitted by /u/TTLYShittyThrowAway
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