• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 9, 2021

    I made a list of 70+ open-source clones of sites like Airbnb, Tiktok, Netflix, Spotify etc. See their code, demo, tech stack, & github stars. web developers

    I made a list of 70+ open-source clones of sites like Airbnb, Tiktok, Netflix, Spotify etc. See their code, demo, tech stack, & github stars. web developers

    I made a list of 70+ open-source clones of sites like Airbnb, Tiktok, Netflix, Spotify etc. See their code, demo, tech stack, & github stars.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 11:02 PM PST

    I curated a list of 70+ open-source clones of popular sites like Airbnb, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, Tiktok, Spotify, Trello, Whatsapp, Youtube, etc. List contains source code, demo links, tech stack, and, GitHub stars count. Great for learning purpose!

    More open-source contributions are welcome to grow this list.

    I was building this list for a while... Please share it with others 🙏

    submitted by /u/jerrygoyal
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    Does Bootstrap make sense for Production websites?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:37 PM PST

    I've seen many people stating how Bootstrap is not good enough for a production website, or the fact that you should hand-make the components. Why? Bootstrap is fairly fast, doesn't have that much bloat, and is customizable/stylizable. It's just very simple to get a good looking website with newer versions of Bootstrap.

    submitted by /u/AMilkyDeveloper
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    The Railsification of SaaS

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 08:21 AM PST

    Thoughts on Auth0?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 01:41 PM PST

    I'm working on a project with it now and it feels like it's one headache after another.

    It seems quick when you read about it in a very basic tutorial but once you try using it in a real app you spend three times as long trying to do what you need to do VS just using passport or accountsjs

    Add on the fact if you're at all successful you'll eventually be locked into paying them thousands of dollars a month.

    The only reason I can see using them is if you can't live without SSO

    Otherwise checkout accountsJS for sure

    submitted by /u/foundry41
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    Simple Twitter Bot Tutorial with Node.js

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 05:37 AM PST

    Web hosting unlimited websites - what is that mean? (noob question)

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:11 AM PST

    Hello there, I am a beginner web developer, and that might sounds like a noob question, but I feel kind of lost and wherever I look I can't find an answer.

    I want to start my own personal website, and currently there are two web hosting services that I interested at - A2 and namecheap - They are both cheap and get the job done. But there is one feature in both, that I am curious about - Unlimited websites - what is that mean? Is that mean you can actually host like 100 websites, with domains and subdomains and all? Is it what it sounds like? I know that domains have to be bought separately, but A2 drive plan includes unlimited domains, too, doesn't it? Is taking the A2 drive plan means you can host 100 websites with domains and hosting and all for 10 bucks a month? Sorry but I am completely lost, and confused by the amount of plans there are out there. Thanks for all the repliers!

    submitted by /u/MagmaMan1298
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    I made a stackoverflow clone using MERN + Apollo + GraphQL stack, with a touch of modern look.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 03:08 AM PST

    Video: https://v.redd.it/498wbhjfa0m61

    Github repo: https://github.com/amand33p/stack-underflow-mern-gql

    Live link: https://stackunderflow.netlify.app/

    For more information about libraries, packages used, screenshots, features, please visit the github repository.

    submitted by /u/aman_d33p
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    Releasing Docusaurus v2 i18n: translate your docs websites easily!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:26 PM PST

    Added a 2nd domain to hostgator account but can't edit it

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 03:42 PM PST

    It's letting me install wordpress, however, whenever I tried to go to the admin page I keep getting site cant be reached page.

    submitted by /u/forgotmapasswrd86
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    node_modules took me by surprise

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 03:36 PM PST

    I always saw people talking about the "node_modules" folder and its various megabytes but I always thought that it was a joke by people who uses dependencies for anything in their apps, but then I started to learn about Laravel and one of the things that caught my attention was the Mix feature that uses npm and js to compile resource files... all right, I ran the install command and... boom! 141mb, 650 folders and 17k files just for requirements! lol Good thing it doesn't go straight to the customer

    submitted by /u/lucasjose501
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    Downtime at work

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:04 AM PST

    I work from home and during my downtime I take Udemy courses. I haven't let my employer know, I just do it if I don't have anything to work on.

    I was wondering if this is normal/advised.

    submitted by /u/audionoobhelpme
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    Second Interview Tomorrow - Am I Ready?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 08:22 AM PST

    (I checked the rules and I think this okay to post - if not, let me know and I'll remove it/put it in the correct place. Thanks!)


    Hi everyone!

    So, I graduated this past December with a bachelor's degree in Web Design and Development. I also have certifications in PHP programming and Web programming that I obtained through school.

    After applying to about 30 jobs since January, I managed to land a screening test and first interview with the recruiter, which apparently went well since they asked me to come back for a second interview! It will apparently be a video interview with a few members of the team I will be directly working with.

    I found out yesterday, and we managed to get it scheduled for tomorrow at 12:30pm. This morning I've been frantically looking up questions that may be asked, I re-answered the screening test questions on my own to make sure I got them all right, and I studied the work processes they use and wrote notes for myself (Scrum, Agile, etc.). I also gathered a folder of work that I may want to show off if asked.

    My question is - I'm petrified of any technical questions that may come up. As someone with a traditional education, I feel as though I'm in the boat of "jack of all trades, master of none" and feel that I only have fundamental knowledge of most things. I'm worried that I will be asked questions I'll expect to know based on my background, won't be able to answer, and tank the interview despite my best efforts.

    I've been told as well that as long as I can present my best foot forward and really mesh with the interviewers, I'll be okay if I don't know the technical stuff.

    So, my question is - do you guys think I'm prepared? How can I be more prepared? Am I just overthinking it and I'll actually be okay?


    TLDR; I'm worried I'm not prepared enough for a second interview tomorrow, despite studying and gathering my work together. Am I overthinking it, and if not, how can I better prepare myself?

    submitted by /u/lunaptimekeeper
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    Am I querying this endpoint correctly? [HELP]

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:10 PM PST

    I am trying to query an endpoint to exclude configurations which have an `archive` key whose value is `null`.

    I am attempting to do so by adding this to the query string parameters:
    `q={"archive" : {"$not" : null}}\`

    the entire request looks like this for context:
    `get(`/v2/<endpoint\_name>/configs/?fields=%2A&limit=${CALL_LIMITS}&q={"archive" : {"$not" : null}}`, success, cb);`

    This does not seem to be working. I still see configurations with archive:null in the response and I do not see my query not operator anywhere in the query string parameters in the network tab.

    I have used this: https://restdb.io/docs/querying-with-the-api#urlXparametersXoverview as reference but I am not sure where I am going wrong. Could I get some help please?

    This is an example response:

    { ... ... "results": [ { "id": "2f33fcc3-195e-4d40-8a76-b0392992605e", "archive": null, "config_class": "rocksteady", "config_version": null, "created": "2020-09-24T15:59:57.512128Z", "description": null, "hash": "9396dc8b716e00614f794547f3a4a775f1029fa5", "name": "20200824_non_realsense_rocksteady-ce-moon" }, { "id": "70e4a170-30a0-4734-b99b-030dd7cb82c7", "archive": null, "config_class": "rzr", "config_version": null, "created": "2020-09-14T17:51:12.913639Z", "description": null, "hash": "473bb22a75d5f2272d35bd726a96b4366e86ee8f", "name": "20200826_NO_REALSENSE_SC_000052_U_DOCK_MOD_FRONTDOCK69MM" }, { "id": "146de658-c350-402c-ad89-a8b0e92968ed", "archive": null, "config_class": "rocksteady", "config_version": null, "created": "2020-09-18T21:15:52.435748Z", "description": null, "hash": "b56d5430eeaf244f17e9232d1dbc1a6df2dbd7a2", "name": "20200828_enabled_realsense_rocksteady-ce-moon" }, { "id": "97500f1c-33f9-4194-ac2a-f8e081607bbb", "archive": null, "config_class": "rocksteady", "config_version": null, "created": "2020-10-02T13:44:20.207599Z", "description": null, "hash": "3504a1746bf357410551f1d872ddf83ac5480b6f", "name": "20200828_enabled_realsense_rocksteady-ce-moon" },

    submitted by /u/mayaswelltrythis
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    Coming up with design ideas?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:04 PM PST

    One of things I'm trying to work on is coming up with the best design ideas after the wireframe is laid out. Styling, animations, color scheme, font etc. It seems like every time I try to put something together I draw blanks and can't get myself to put everything together the way I envisioned. I'm not very creative so maybe that's why?

    What is you guys process for figuring out an ideal design for your website?

    submitted by /u/irbrandonl
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    [Help]Risk analysis for a business website. What are common risks?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:02 PM PST

    So I have to create a risk analysis for a website that has

    1. News, videos, article for the public
    2. business process that is only accessable with an specific account

    I got this task but I have up to zero clue where to start.
    What are common risks I could list?

    right now I got things like


    Cyberattack->Changing Content in articles->wrong information
    Wrong implementation->incorrect role concept-> unauthorized access to data

    Do you have more ideas? Maybe some sources I could use?
    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/BustaCrusta
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    How to stand out as a remote software enginner/web developer?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 01:40 PM PST

    Hello, guys!

    Since the last year, working remotely has been definitely a reality for most of us.

    The lack of physical presence may be a problem for many people, since we don't really know how to behave and what to do to be considered a good employee (besides being a good programmer).

    I have been working as a remote software engineer for about two years, however the last company I worked for was a local company, so, I met the most part of the others employees what made easier for me to communicate and to share things with them.

    Last week I was hired for a new company in another state what brought that question to my mind.

    How could I stand out? What things should I share?

    Should I talk to people often so they are up to the things I am doing or the daily meetings are enough?

    How to ask for help? Being physically present to me was way easier to ask for help without looking annoying.

    What tips or advices more experienced remote programmers could share with us to make that journey more enjoyable?

    Hopefully you guys can help me and we can share valuable information for other developers that are going through the same.

    Thanks in advance! :)

    submitted by /u/brainiac__
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    I built a COVID-19 data tracker! My largest and most useful project to date!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 01:20 PM PST

    I am happy to finally publish my project! I learned a lot of new things building this project, for example: using npm and generating my first package.json and using libraries for the first time. This is my second time using the fetch api to get data from the internet and "do something" with the information and I hope to continue doing interesting things like this project!

    I'd be completely grateful if you share some feedback on my code, the UI and UX, any features that you think I should add, or whatever you want!

    GitHub repository: https://github.com/jrafaaael/covid19-data-tracker

    Page: https://jrafaaael.github.io/covid19-data-tracker/

    submitted by /u/jrafaaael
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    Is anyone successfully using a bulk email provider to handle "send this to a friend" links?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:46 PM PST

    I need to set up a "send this page to a friend" link on a fairly large site, and rather than program some sophisticated abuse prevention on the server, I'd rather contract with something like a bulk mail provider to handle the actual messaging, since that's going to be far more successful at staying out of the spam box.

    I don't need any other features (at least not right now) than this one function. I see some providers offer an API and I'm thinking that's definitely a necessity for this kind of application since these messages are one-offs.

    Anyone already done something like this and offer advice or a platform suggestions?

    submitted by /u/FriendToPredators
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    Scaling a web app with AI/ML processing

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 06:43 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I would like to build a web app which includes processing of large files (over 1 GB each) with AI/ML methods. The app should scale for thousands of users.

    What are my options? Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/reditoro
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    For people who have made the shift to the new M1 13" Macbook Pro, how has your development and non-development life been?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:20 PM PST

    I have a 2018 15" Macbook Pro, and, if you've used this device and used past Macbook Pro devices, you'd know that there are a lot of... downsides to this device. So much so that some claim that using past Macbook Pro models are an "upgrade", a sentiment I personally agree with. Two of the main issues I've encountered with this device are temperature regulation and the keyboard.

    I've spent a good while doing research on the performance of the M1 13" Macbook Pro, and I'm now at the stage where I'm seriously considering shelling out the cash to get one, mainly because it seems to solve the two issues I've been having, among others.

    That said, I haven't actually had any experience personally testing out the new MBP for obvious reasons. So, I'm curious as to whether or not it's worth it to get it right now from a developer's perspective and from a general consumer's perspective (e.g. content consumption or email).

    submitted by /u/roynotto
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    Web devs in bigger companies/enterprises - what are you developing?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 08:34 AM PST

    I am developing an open source web framework(*), and when trying to figure out the fatures to focus on next, I realized most of my experience is coming from developing web apps for startups and smaller companies. On the other hand, a lot of serious web development is happening in bigger companies and I don't have a good idea of what are web devs building in such environment and what do they need -> is mostly internal tools, or is it external facing products, is it monolithic web apps, or more of a micro-services, or something completely different?

    (*) -> not really a framework, it is actually a domain specific language but behaves similarly (https://wasp-lang.dev).

    submitted by /u/Martinsos
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    Is it normal for a company to entertain other candidates while telling you you're the perfect fit?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:14 PM PST

    Just finished my final round of interviews for a potential full-time position. The company says I check off all their boxes and I'm a perfect fit, but it is company regulations that they must interview a certain amount of candidates before making a hire. This is my first time hearing something like this. Is this just a nice way of the company telling me I am a fit but they have reservations, hoping to find a better candidate?

    submitted by /u/probable-drip
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    Dribbble removed the image color bar?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:55 AM PST

    IIRC, when looking at an image in Dribbble, you could copy the color palette? It used to appear like a little colored progress bar. Gone? Or do you get it differently now? It used to be handy to copy the color theme. Tnx

    submitted by /u/awardsurfer
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