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    Sunday, March 21, 2021

    How to build a lore system, like scanning from Metroid Prime - but in 2.5D. [Clip for demonstration, detail in comments!]

    How to build a lore system, like scanning from Metroid Prime - but in 2.5D. [Clip for demonstration, detail in comments!]

    How to build a lore system, like scanning from Metroid Prime - but in 2.5D. [Clip for demonstration, detail in comments!]

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    Collection of 3D models for PS1-style games (public domain)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've posted here but still going strong and posting game assets! Below you'll find a collection of 100 models made in the style of old PS1 games. Low-fi textures, simple geometry and a grungy style.

    If you'd like even more assets in a similar style check out this collection over on GitHub.

    License: CC0 (public domain), completely free to use in personal, educational and commercial projects (no permission/credit required). Download includes license file.

    submitted by /u/KenNL
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    The Anatomy of Hollow Knight

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    Made my only paid asset into a free one since nobody bought it haha. Here you go!!

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm code and it's application in creating AI for games.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 05:12 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I was successful in implementing the MCTS algorithm for my first board game. My MCTS code with explanation is available on the following link: https://ai-boson.github.io/mcts/

    The code is general and with slight modifications can be used for your projects or games. I have implemented it for my game which I have made in Godot and AI is reasonably good. If you want to check the AI of my game, the link is there in the tutorial itself. It is very interesting to see how the strength of AI changes by changing parameters like simulation number, exploration parameter etc. If you are interested in designing AI for games (more specifically board games) then tutorial and code would be helpful to you. Also note that the tutorial is in Python as I had written the MCTS code initially in Python.

    Thank You.

    submitted by /u/ai_masti
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    Blender 2.90 Attach Weapon to Character Rig

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    Why I failed as an indie dev and why you will not if you read this post

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    I saw a lot of this kind of post the last two years, I read some of them and was thinking something like «They probably made some bad games that's why they failed, I will not make that mistake».

    This is something I was hardly wrong about it.

    I want to share a few things (And I definitely don't understand people giving up and leaving a simple post « Indie dev for 10 years I stop», hey, you have a **** experience). I can't believe I'm writing this post. Failure is not bad but reading carefully advices is important.

    Today I feel like I lost a part of my life. Lol. Let's laugh about it and see what went wrong !

    I forgot to say my name, my name is Delapaix.

    https://delapaix.itch.io/ Itch Portfolio

    https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38939887 Games on Steam

    https://www.artstation.com/delapaix My graphic portfolio

    So what's about my trip ?

    I started making games in 2018, released my first commercial game on Itch on April 2020 ( a walking simulator in a desert https://delapaix.itch.io/hyalinum-intro), released my first commercial game on Steam on Summer 2020 (a surrealist museum https://store.steampowered.com/app/1399460/Museum_Of_Extravagance/), I also released another commercial game on Itch (Will He Die ? A platformer game) and another one on Steam

    (Retis Tormentum, a cyberpunk rythm game https://store.steampowered.com/app/1492370/Retis_Tormentum/). I also made 3 mini games for game jams.I also made a Kickstarter campaign for Retis Tormentum which failed.

    If you check my Itch page and my games on Steam you will notice a little lack of originality. Design is about finding ideas. Originality is about mixing two distinct things together (Check Raph Koster talk about creativity on GDC).

    About marketing :

    All these games had any marketing and sharing posts at all before release. And this was my biggest mistake. Getting feedback is really important. Doc Géraud (a french game designer) said game design school says you will not game a good game before you made more than 10. And he is right : Design is something… It works or it doesn't, at first it looks very logical and easy but when you start making it, you understand you need to learn and apply a lot of patterns before making a good one yourself.

    Consider you are selling a product.

    Making art first can be a good idea : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m-_WTKd8rE

    About theory :

    You don't need to eat and overeat theory, you need to apply the little you learn in different situtations. Reiterate what you learn. I readed some book but I would recommend one to start : A Theory Of Fun by Raph Koster (He also made conferences on GDC, check it on Youtube).

    I'm making narrative games, here are two portfolios of indie game designer who succeeded :


    https://vltmn.itch.io/ And this one worked for Monument Valley 2 thanks to his game Lieve Oma

    Think about your portfolio, you can find a job with it.

    If you want to make games alone : share your work, games are made and meant to be played. Your first game cannot be a masterpiece. All the greatest writers, painters, artists, designers, etc they started learned and making mistakes, that's how you learn, there is no shame about that, so please share your work.

    But please, don't sacrifice your social life.

    I would absolutely recommend you to NOT make games alone. You can't make an ambitious game alone. Remember AAA games are made by hundred of people. Find a team and participate in game jams ! You will be able to add the game you made in your portfolio.

    Alone you can only dev mobile games, pure design games or you could make an ambitious indie game by working on it for years. But for this you need a good background and time. It took 6 years to make Gorogoa, 4 for the return of the Obra Dinn, etc.

    Focus on something. Be good at it. Take pleasure on what you do. You don't take pleasure when you spend your whole time to build a game for years.

    Specialization and making very very small games are the key to improve.

    You can do it but don't make the mistakes I did.

    submitted by /u/FeuilleDAutomne
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    Unity 3D - Starting to set up UI Animation using the Unity Animation and Animator Windows.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    Is there an algorithm for more efficiently drawing view cones?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    So I'm working on a 2D game in Unity where enemies have view cones, reminiscent of those seen in stealth games.


    At the moment I'm following a fairly simple algorithm:

    1. Start at the origin and send out a ray the radius of the view cone
    2. If it doesn't collide with an obstacle, use the full distance, else use the distance to the collision
    3. Form triangles with point_origin, point_ray, point_ray+1 to create a mesh

    At the moment I use 70 rays and all obstacles are on a layer so I limit the ray cast to that, but it's obviously still not very efficient. Is there an algorithm to better handle this?

    Maybe to find the contact points in the 2nd image so as to minimize the number of rays I'm sending out?

    Note those obstacles are simple in the example, but can have somewhat arbitrary shapes too

    submitted by /u/NoMoreVillains
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    Has anyone had luck forming a "casual team"?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    I'm a professional coder, working casually on a post apocalyptic Dwarf-Fortress-Like while I work full time.

    I downloaded SDL2 a few months ago and now I've got the beginnings of a functional ECS game engine changing states, rendering, showing menus, moving entities around a map, saving and loading from JSON ; a bunch of good foundational steps.

    Honestly, I'm just doing this for fun and to improve my C++ competency, otherwise I'd probably use Unity or something. But the idea of actually bringing a prototype to the point of being even 1/10th as much fun as Rimworld is really exciting!

    But man, I can see how much work it's going to take. Finding help would be great. But how do you approach that for a "casual" project like this?

    I can immediately envision arguments about ownership, creative differences, "not pulling your weight", etc, etc. unless expectations are set firm and early. Especially if it's someone you recruit online rather than a friend you already know.

    Has anyone else had luck finding help on projects like this with no firm deadlines or hours/week that are available to dedicate?

    submitted by /u/ducksaws
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    We are making some nice progress on our pixel game. We finally found our artstyle! And awesome people made us our first track. We're super excited about these things, so we made a devlog!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    How do I get people interested in my game concept?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    Just the title. I have a game concept that I've been working on for about 2 years now (haven't actually developed it- all I've done other than writing is to make a few sprites). I just wish people would be interested in my story, but I have no clue where to start.

    submitted by /u/Carol_Danvers2020
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    How to explain to people that games aren't designed by coding?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    The background: person comes to me with a game - which is an idea, narrative, and example level design - and wants me to develop a prototype level.

    The situation: they have not described the game in terms of a game design language - i.e. in terms of genre or mechanics or dynamics or systems or controls. If I were to develop the game, I would have to design the actual game.

    The challenge: how to explain to them that they need to bring more to the table and be more involved in the process, and that I cannot just take an idea and description of a game and turn it into the game that they want?

    submitted by /u/qqqyqnz
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    How to make an RPG in godot

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 04:20 AM PDT

    How soon is too soon to release; how late is too late to release? (In terms of balancing time and quality)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 07:05 AM PDT

    (TL;DR on bottom) If you just have articles to share please share, this just wasn't in the wiki and Google searches kept thinking I was talking about e-sports. I would like to know, where on the spectrum of competitiveness, from:

    1. Completely crushing my competitors and giving their users no reason to even look at similar games but taking literally forever to do it and never actually releasing, to:
    2. Releasing it now with it's unique (and secret) twist, so that people will be like "Oh, cool, that was neat" and moving on, should I aim for?

    How long is too long and how short is too short to develop it? I'm a hobbyist so I technically have all the time in the world with no bills the game needs to pay and barely any at all when squeezing inbetween work and fatherhood. I've released two games off three month deadlines and both of them flopped pretty hard, and four game jams of 48 hours, so I'm trying to release the game r/Shadow_Nonogram based off a certain level of polish, not just time. This isn't my #1 dream game, but it was the smallest game I could think of so I could quickly get to a professional level of polish. In other words, it's not an insanely important game to me, but I want to set really good habits for when I am working seriously on my insanely important games.

    For context, I'm making a r/nonogram / r/picross game, like a Japanese crossword except instead of a word you get a picture at the end. Two of the biggest contenders I have are Nonogram.com and Katana Nonogram. Picross from Nintendo is big too but it has Nintendo fans locked down so I'll just avoid that.

    • Nonogram.com is pretty casual; it's somewhat hand-holdey but nonograms are naturally hard to start with so it's Ok, and it colors the black and white puzzles into pixel art when you're done.
    • Katana Nonogram throws an enormous amount of choices levels at you from the start. How the game tells you you've messed up, how your inputs are set up, and which of the thousands of levels (including good user made content) is up to the player from the start. It's almost more of a nonogram game engine than a regular game, and is more for hardcore nonogrammers.

    I feel like I can reach the levels of polish Nonogram.com has reached since it's a bit more about style than sheer content, but Katana Nonogram scares me so bad. Nonogram.com is casual and Katana Nonogram is hardcore, and my twist definitely makes the game more difficult, but not in a tedious 100 x 100 puzzle sort of way, so that's how I feel it comes closer to Nonogram.com too; in a way it's more aesthetic. I also enjoy Nonogram.com more because I enjoy it's simplicity, but I think it's still too easy.

    (If it's too hard to answer this post without knowing the twist shoot me a private message and I may tell you) The twist is a bit like color nonograms but it makes them harder, not easier, while giving more detail.

    Too Long; Didn't Read: How long is too long and how short is too short to develop my game? How can I keep enough of my naturally draining motivation while still releasing a product that is lucrative and popular enough to make releasing it worth it?

    submitted by /u/Curtmister25
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    How do you save a procedurally generated interior to memory, so that it doesn't regenerate next time?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    I have a specific question regarding procedurally generated interiors. Say you write an algorithm to populate a landscape with houses or villages. When you enter the building the script generates an interior - how do you save this to the game's memory so that it loads the exact same interior up next time you enter the building? is there a specific term or process for this?

    submitted by /u/Spud482
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    I made a video for everyone who wants to become an indie game developer, but just doesn't know where to start. Lots of tips and info that I really wish I had known when I started 7 years ago! Enjoy :)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    I made a thing

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG5VeHFVadY, made for my game r/LucadeRealm. I was experimenting with blend modes

    submitted by /u/AceKiron
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    Open source game projects to contribute to?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    I used to work as a game dev but am currently studying media engineering at uni. I want to continue to create games on my spare time. I have some personal projects but I suck at art so I'm quite limited. So I thought that I maybe could to contribute to an open source project instead. So i'm wondering if anyone here knows of any open source projects you can contribute to?

    submitted by /u/HaNaK0chan
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    I Made BEAT SABER in 12 HOURS! - Unity Game Development

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    How a game becomes medicore

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    How do you write a script for the user to customize their video settings? (Unity)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 07:18 AM PDT

    As the title says, how do you write a script for the user to adjust their video settings? such as resolution, bloom, anti aliasing, render distance, etc? I feel this is advanced level stuff I have no idea how to program. Is there an inbuilt feature for this or do you have to code it yourself?

    submitted by /u/Spud482
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