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    Friday, March 12, 2021

    Hired as a dev at 35 web developers

    Hired as a dev at 35 web developers

    Hired as a dev at 35

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 06:15 AM PST

    I recently saw a success story post by u/AcademicF and just wanted to add my own gratitude for this sub and the encouragement of any job seekers out there. I am a Bootcamp grad with a completely unrelated background. I have been applying for jobs since July full-on. Basically, my life was consumed with applying, learning stacks of potential employers, and building projects. I had no life but that was my fault and in the end, I don't think that level of extremism is necessary.

    Anyways after 8 months of the grindstone, I finally landed a full-stack position at a startup. The interview was like any other, it's just that for whatever reason, my background and personality fit the position and team and they basically hired me on the spot. I wouldn't consider myself a good interviewer and, to be honest, I find the whole process to be riddled with bullshit. Recruiters don't do the research and it is impossible to get to know someone by asking them to reiterate a story that they probably made up about some time they "faced a challenge" or "disagreed with a manager".

    The point of this story, however, is that there is that company out there that will just get it, whatever your history or skills are, there exists a group of people that see potential in you and are willing to invest in your success. Most interviews will not go like this and in that sense, it is a total numbers game and it will probably take a while. But you have to keep pushing forward if this is what you really want and when you get it you will just kind of feel like it's supposed to be this way. And if it is your first job, you will hit light speed and all the doubt and insecurity will slowly fade and you will just be focused on your work and learning as much as possible.

    There were times when I literally thought that I would be 50 years old and still browsing Indeed looking for my first junior position. And now I can't imagine that being a possibility in the slightest. Of course, there will always be doubt, I have found that imposter syndrome is a pillar of any engineer at any level, but at least you'll be getting paid and you will have a reference point for your work.

    But in the end, what do I know, I could actually be an idiot and eventually they will fire me for pushing a chicken soup recipe to master. I'm extremely excited and terrified but at least I can move on...

    submitted by /u/colorpulse6
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    YSK That Slick carousel hasnt been updated in years and has 1.1k+ issues on Github. It current gets 500k downloads a week

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 06:53 PM PST

    At the conclusion of a high pressure project this week we started discovering issues with this library. Unfortunately for us, it was one of the one thousand open issues with the library on Github.

    When you decide to import a library to your codebase, always check:

    • Is it actively getting new commits
    • How many open issues exist (not feature requests)
    • How many downloads on NPM it gets
    • What dependencies it has

    A vendor didn't do these things, and now we're dealing with the consequences.

    submitted by /u/lostPixels
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    I made a music teaching tool with HTML canvas, vanilla JavaScript and Web Audio Api [code and tutorial available]

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 01:01 PM PST

    Playing with fonts.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:26 PM PST

    Multi-Tenant Analytics with Auth0 and Cube.js, the complete guide

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 09:54 AM PST

    12 Ways to Improve Your DevTools Console Logging

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 06:12 AM PST

    This week I build many different audio visualizers (source code included)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 10:15 AM PST

    First website! Let me know how to improve. Took a long time to get it up but its here finally!

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 10:30 AM PST

    Front End Devs: What coding test/take away tasks have you been given in interviews?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 10:21 AM PST

    I am a front end dev of 5.5 years, however am very nervous about applying for new jobs (I have anxiety so I find interviews very stressful) I am just wondering what to expect to make sure I am not out of my depth?

    Please note I got my training through an apprenticeships not a CS degree and will not be applying for FAANG companys

    submitted by /u/throwingaway4949
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    This is obviously not a rickroll.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 02:55 PM PST

    Checking for existing webRequest.onSendHeaders listener (or, updating the listener's URL list)?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 01:37 PM PST

    I'm building an addon to modify the headers on a bunch of user-defined sites, and I'm trying to figure out a way to update the webRequest.onSendHeaders listener to intercept new sites as they're added to the list.

    Basically, while the user is on a webpage, they can click the addon in the toolbar and click a button inside to add the current hostname to a list in localStorage.

    I then want the user to be able to refresh the page and have the modified headers take effect, however I'm seeing no change at all (despite some console.loging saying that the list of URLs has been updated).

    I tried checking for browser.webRequest.onSendHeaders.hasListener(listener) but it returns false each time, meaning there's no way for me to stop the existing listeners (which I know are there) without reloading the entire addon in about:debugging.
    Coincidentally, after doing so, the new URLs are picked up by the addon and have the relevant changes applied.

    I was just wondering if anyone else here has tried to do something similar before, and might be able to help? I can provide more code snippets and stuff if it's helpful!

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/silverben10
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    Live chat options for a landing page

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 08:15 AM PST

    I've got a client whose business runs off Facebook Ads To Messenger. However, Facebook has stopped offering this feature in Europe because of data protection laws. My client wants me to work out a way around this.

    It's pretty obvious that they need a landing page that's a live chat not on Facebook's platform. Do off the shelf solutions exist? I don't want to create a landing page with a chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner that the user needs to open, which seems to be what a lot offer. I want the landing page to open a live chat session like Facebooks Ads To Messenger. I want minimum friction between a user clicking on an advert and talking to a sales agent.

    I can build this from scratch, but the client is a pain in the arse when it comes to getting his money out. So I'd rather just take an off the shelf solution that they can pay monthly for.

    submitted by /u/MustardGT4
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    Help needed: Application docker configuration

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 12:57 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I am fairly new to docker and still learning alot. My requriement is really I want to create an app that is completely containerized and easily cloned/reused but can't seem to find a good resource on how to set up a full app configration using docker images.

    The config is as follows:

    • 1x client container
    • 1x server api container exposing itself to the client
    • 1x db container + persistent storage for the data storage

    I'm using Vue.js, Node.js and PostgreSql to be precise.

    Does anyone have any direction or resource that might be helpful for me?

    Kind regards,

    submitted by /u/wbuc1
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    CRUD / backend benchmark between Rust and NodeJS ( or Deno )

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 09:08 AM PST

    I wanted to learn Rust, the motivation obviously being to apply in my full stack projects...

    However, I was not able to find benchmarks using Rust backend, that show comparisons between Rust and Node. Obviously, there are lots of data about WASM vs node and that is also a motivation to learn rust ( or go ) to compile it to WASM, but I wanted to know if there were data regarding Rust's performance without WASM.


    submitted by /u/verysad1997
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    OAuth login + restricted content: What's the headless-CMS-way to solve this?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 12:28 PM PST

    Hi! I'm quite new to the topic of headless CMS, and quite overwhelmed about the huge number of available products. Same for the long list of frontend libraries. I really like the idea of separating the frontend from the data store, but I'm not yet sure, if it is really the best option for my current project.

    My task is, to create a simple website with mainly internal content. Access to this content should be restricted to a selected audience (read only), and only a small number of editors. Login is handled by Keycloak, so I have OAuth available.

    Pretty simple task, and in the past I'd have done this with one of the famous options like Drupal. But how to solve this in the world of headless CMS?

    • Which headless CMS could handle this? Budget is very low, so a self hosted solution would be best, I guess.
    • What frontend should I take? Would be Gatsby an option? I guess no, since it would transform my internal content as static website, and thus expose all content without any authentication, right?
    • Where should the authentication be done? Does the CMS handle that? Or should the frontend do this?

    Would be great, if you could give me some hints and teach me new things :-) Thank you!

    submitted by /u/just_one_of_us_
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    A look at the Future State of CSS Selectors

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 04:36 AM PST

    Future Career: Laravel or ASP.NET MVC?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 09:42 AM PST

    Hey guys I hope everything is okay.

    I'm finishing college and I'm actually pretty confortable with both C# and PHP.

    And I know that I want to follow web dev however I don't know what technologiesto dive deep into.

    What would you guys advice me for these 2 technologies? Thanks

    submitted by /u/SAmaruVMR
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    I need help making a decision... (long read but I would love some feedback good or bad)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:37 PM PST

    So I have stopped my path of software development for a day now because I keep on bouncing around tools and learning front end and back end and all in all I know I need a place to focus. My goal is to freelance as a software developer mainly in the realm of web development. I have had my foot in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, for front and and for back end I have learned Python, Django, and a little bit of SQL. When I say this I mean I have only learned this knowledge and have yet to apply/focus myself on a big project to put on my portfolio so I am still a total newb, comparing myself to a professional, with the software and frameworks.

    I also have knowledge and used git and version control, web scraping and automation/botting with Selenium, Beautiful soup, requests, pandas, regex, CSV, proxies, command line, Linux, Unix, and have created a small project with bots and automation but without total success. Also a little bit of Django experience too. I am also learning more advanced algorithms right now on Leetcode. If there is anything I should add or learn more in depth on or focus on let me know. I am open to all considerations.

    My goal is to freelance in a portion of web development either front end or back end. Now my question for y'all is what is the best market to be in? is there a best market? I am trying to figure out where to focus on instead of bouncing around everywhere. Would back end be ideal with Django, databases and data modeling with PostgreSQL or another SQL language? What was your experience? and what tips would you give to someone that hasn't had any real world adventures in software development and freelancing?

    I am interested in everything involving software and want to try everything out and that's a part of why its been so hard to stay focused. Another thing is I get stuck and think oooh I should try that and then completely lose focus on where I got stuck and jump the boat. Its a bad habit lol. But this is the now! I am going to focus on one set of tasks until I become a master. I am just having a hard time making a choice.

    submitted by /u/Jhuiice
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    How I exploited NPM downloads... and why you shouldn't trust them

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 07:56 AM PST

    Front-End online certification

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 11:08 AM PST

    hey folks.

    any suggestions for legit front end online certification(React, Js, htmls, CSS). cs50 from harvard has something similar for back end, im looking for the same for front end. Code academy has web app with react course but no clues if its good or not.

    not looking for those 10k boot camps. something short and to the point

    I'm not an absolute beginner.

    submitted by /u/bigly87
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    Cron not running properly?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 02:52 PM PST

    I'm trying to run a cron job every 5 minutes between the hours of 8AM and 10PM but this cron.schedule('*/5 08-22 * * *', () => {}) doesn't seem to work.

    I've tried without the zero in front of the 8 too.

    I have it deployed on a heroku server, but it runs past 10PM.

    I've checked the heroku servers time to make sure that it's not the issue and it's not.

    Any ideas what might be going wrong?

    submitted by /u/OogieBoogie1
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    In an open-source project w/ a database, where do you store the database password in the project?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 07:19 AM PST

    So I've watched a few full-stack MERN tutorials, where the teacher sets up a localhost Mongo database, and stores the username and password in the main file. From what I've seen the username and password has to be in one of the files.

    This seems fine for local projects, but what about real, deployable projects? How would one go about allowing the project to read a username and password of a database, while keeping it hidden from public eyes?

    I'm mainly asking about open source projects, where all files are free to browse on github.

    submitted by /u/The_Emerald_Knight
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    What would be the best way to create a webpage like this (HTML/CSS), where there is a shape in the background?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 08:37 AM PST

    What would be the best way to create a webpage like this (HTML/CSS), where there is a shape in the background?

    Ideally, this background shape will expand according to how long the text is in the section, but just having a background shape is there.

    I could do this with absolute positioning but is there an easier way?


    submitted by /u/-_-avocado
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