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    What your life will be like as a programmer learn programming

    What your life will be like as a programmer learn programming

    What your life will be like as a programmer

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 06:34 AM PST

    I know a lot of folks are getting frustrated in their learning process, and in their life, so I wanted to talk a bit about what your life will be like once you've landed your career.

    edit: This is a pretty American-centric viewpoint and experience, and one born out of having experienced a decade of struggling financially in stressful jobs working 50-60 hours per week.

    For reference, I'm self-taught, and before programming I was a line cook for 6 years, and IT help desk for 4. I went to school for English, History, and Music. I got my first actual programming job at 29 and have been writing web apps for the state government in America for just under 5 years, but am now moving to Norway in two weeks to start a programming gig there.

    My Entry-Level Pay and Situation

    I started off in a very, very low-end pay structure. About 43k USD per year. But I did get full health benefits and some retirement contributions, which was great. I was able to afford my own apartment at 1350 USD per month.

    The Big Shockers

    First, I didn't have to budget food anymore. Somebody else mentioned this, but woah, this was amazing. I went from strict meal planning around the cheapest meals I knew to basically having whatever I felt like. Granted it's not steaks and lobster for every meal, but I could make whatever meals I wanted without worrying about how much they'd be. I could also eat out at restaurants way more often too. The amount of stress that was removed from not having to worry about how much food costs was enormous.

    Second, I didn't have to worry about where I was at work at all times. Or hardly ever, for that matter. No more "hey can you cover the phones while I go to the bathroom?" Saying "hey can I get the Monday two weeks from now off for a doctor's appointment" instead became "oh I've got an appointment tomorrow at 2 so I'll be out for the rest of the day after that." Oh yeah, I got health insurance, finally. More on that later. I mean I could literally just say "hey I'm going for a walk around the block" and nobody would bat an eye. We would gather groups of folks up for a walk to the coffee shop just to take a breather. Multiple times a day. Your work becomes project-based and you become the person who decides if you've done contributed a good enough amount of work at any moment in order to take a break. And lunch is whenever the hell you want it to be. Meetings throw a wrench in the gears of your break plans but that's about it.

    Third, and pretty closely related to the one above, paid time off is no longer something you have to fight others over. I didn't have to worry about if I was the first one to request Christmas week off or not, because it doesn't fucking matter. Everyone takes it off. I also often took a week or two off in the middle of Spring just 'cause. Same with sick days. For one boss I kinda had to worry 'cause she would set ridiculous deadlines, but once she moved on my guilt over taking a sick day was gone.

    With all of these things combined, life became just fucking easy. I really didn't realize how goddamn caught up I was in survival mode until I was able to leave that lifestyle behind. When I stepped outside of the building after a work day work just totally left my mind, and it was replaced with total excitement for the rest of my day. Removing so much of that stress and end-of-day exhaustion left room for actual, real-life peace and excitement. Holy fuck this was so, so, SO fucking amazing.

    Unexpected Side-effects

    One of the biggest side effects that I didn't really foresee was how much healthier I got. Both physically and mentally. Having struggled with anxiety my whole life, I had always been grossly underweight. 125lbs at 6 feet tall. Couple that with worrying about how much it would cost to feed myself, and suddenly there's a recipe for awful health. But now I could feed myself, which gave me more energy, which meant I could spend that energy on getting healthier.

    Regarding my mental health, when I started my programming job I was 2 months fresh out of a divorce, so needless to say I wasn't doing super great mentally. Luckily, I could now afford therapy! Holy fucking shitballs, therapy was awesome, but I guarantee it would've sucked if I didn't have the extra mental energy I had from having a 40 hour week job that didn't beat my ass with tons of stress. My free mental energy allowed me to confront all kinds of shit from my childhood that I realized had been contributing to making me miserable. And since I was living alone I could work through the crazy physical and mental rollercoaster that comes with dealing with your shit. I didn't have to worry about not crying in front of anybody, because it was just me. I didn't have to worry about rage-punching pillows and screaming into them, 'cause it was just me. My apartment became healing grounds for family shit that had been passed down to me from my parents by their parents and their parents' parents.

    So, my life started to become amazing. I gained 40 pounds, finally settling into a healthy weight. I started making better friends. I started getting back into the dating world. Life became pretty goddamn good.

    And the OPPORTUNITIES. I mentioned I'm moving to Norway. After you've got a good 3-5 years of programming experience under your belt, you can go pretty much wherever you want. Literally wherever. And your new job will be super grateful to have you. And with the options you have, you really get to decide what you want in life. I thought maybe I wanted lots of money so I applied for a job at 140k USD per year, but I ended up turning it down, showing the offer to my boss, who then raised my salary up to around 80k per year. I took the 80k per year. When I was struggling, I would've slapped future-me in the face for turning away 60k per year, but once you're out of the struggle, you get to choose the lifestyle you want. I like a slow-paced gig, not tons of pressure, and I would've had to give up a couple of work-from-home days, which I didn't wanna do. It's really hard to explain this decision to somebody struggling, but I hope that everyone here gets the opportunity to choose between the two.

    The Only Problem

    Soap box time.

    After living the good life for 3 or 4 years I started to reflect on my life beforehand. I had a lot, a LOT of gratitude for my situation having come from shit, shit jobs and a shit, shit life. I became my own superhero for getting myself out of all of that. I had these awesome connections with co-workers who had done the same. People who got their families out of dangerous neighborhoods. People who moved from secretary work at 45 and into programming, finally being able to exercise their creative, problem-solving minds.

    The problem comes from realizing how goddamn hard we all had to work to get here. Like, these are all people who were dealt a shit hand, and the only hope they had was to spend 1-4 years ruining their relationships and friendships and shirking all other aspects of their lives in order to get out of it? How the fuck is that fair? These brilliant, amazing people had to forgo meals so their kids could have a babysitter for 2 hours a day while they studied programming.

    You realize after a little while that these were just the people who made it. Who were luckily enough to find the time, the money, or the mental effort. We are all so grateful for where we are at, far more than anybody else could be, and you do have that to look forward to. But we look around at our close friends and family members who will never escape the rut they're in, and it's pretty soul-crushing.

    A job should not be the thing you need to escape the Catch-22 of I-can't-get-better-because-my-life-sucks-because-I-can't-get-better. But, if you're like me and it's the only option you have, for the love of GOD do it. Put your own airbag on before you help the others around you.

    submitted by /u/MeedleyMee
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    I tried coding after some time off and I ended up breaking down. I'm terrified of failing.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 09:39 PM PST

    At the beginning of 2020 right before Corona started, I took a boot camp to learn full stack web development. I expected to get an internship and a job straight away but because of the corona situation I wasn't able to. Ended up spending a few months doing Udemy courses in JS and React. I even eventually got a web development internship.

    After spending months looking for jobs with no luck, I decided that I needed to be bringing in money for my wife and I so I decided to get a local job in security, which doesn't pay a tremendous amount but it's something.

    I want to give myself a few months to settle into my job before I decided to jump back into programming and look for jobs like that again. Yesterday I gave my first real concerted effort to try and jump back in and build some kind of project.

    I open my laptop and tried to start a simple JavaScript project and I could barely do anything. I was trying to manipulate the DOM and nothing was working and I just broke down. I've been dealing with heavy anxiety for the last few months and I've always been very worried about my future and working and making money.

    Since I've started on my programming journey I've never felt confident in my own abilities. I really do want to get better and I was trying to start working on some independent projects which I've been hesitant to do. I ended up turning everything off and breaking down to my wife about being a failure and my fears of never being able to get a job as a programmer.

    Looking back on it now, I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew thinking I could make an entire app from scratch after having been away from coding for a few months. I'm going to try and get back into Freecodecamp to get down to the basics again and go from there.

    I've never wanted something so badly but been so afraid to work at it. It was hard enough for me to even open my IDE and start writing a few lines, but hitting a wall so quickly on something that I've done many times before and should know just made me shut down.

    I don't want to give up, but I'm terrified of failing. I know it's part of it but still...

    Do you guys feel this way sometimes? Have you ever feared messing up so much you don't try at all? I feel stuck in this mindset and want to change and get better.

    submitted by /u/Shlano613
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    I always feel like an imposter

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 06:44 PM PST

    I've been coding since I was like 14/15, I'm 23 now, I started by writing websites, I don't remember anything other than html and css, I moved on to creating a few mobile games with unity when I was around 17-18.

    I got into python last year and have built really cool bots with selenium, I feel very comfortable writing selenium applications and am very good at it, I've automated most of my job and work like 30 minutes a day.

    Now, I feel like it's easy, like being able to write bots in selenium is something anyone can do, I feel like a fraud when I say I'm a programmer, my role in the company is SEO and data management which most of it is done through my bots.

    I want to know whether my current knowledge is actually useful, I sometimes see these complicated codes people write on stackoverflow and I get absolutely demotivated you keep learning... I don't plan to go to a college, I like learning myself but I feel like I'll never be able to do it.

    submitted by /u/OrangeJews42
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    Where do I start

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 05:32 PM PST

    I am 14 and I want to start learning how to code but, there are so many different resources out there I don't know where to start. I want to start off by learning HTML and CSS then, eventually JS so I can start web development. I do not want to spend money on anything because I want to test the water first.

    submitted by /u/Cwickey
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    vim cheat sheet

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 11:02 PM PST

    One of the most informative cheatsheets I've seen so far. I even like it better than that green motion wallpaper cheatsheet.

    A useful collection of Vim 8.2 quick reference cheat sheets to help you learn vim editor faster. https://quickref.me/vim

    submitted by /u/Extra_Discipline_644
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    4 simple systems to help you learn programming faster

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 08:15 PM PST

    1. Learn in public

    It helps in keeping you accountable, consistent and motivated. You increase the surface area of getting feedback and networking with other.

    Here are a few things that you can do to get started

    • Tweet everyday about your progress
    • Write blog posts on whatever you have learnt

    2. Solve the problem on the paper

    One of the biggest problems with newbies is that they are just so excited to write code that they jump into the text editor the minute they have a problem statement. The problem with this approach is that you are actually not taking the time out to understand and think about the solution of the problem.

    Resist the temptation of writing code straightaway. Always keep a pen and paper handy when you are learning. Anytime you get a problem, understand it, break it down. Write. Draw.

    3. Find a feedback mechanism, someone to give you feedback or do code review

    If you are not good at something how do you know if what you are doing is actually good or if you are improving at all?

    What helps is having someone senior to give you constructive feedback. Feedback on what you are doing right, wrong. Feedback on how to improve the structure of your code.

    When you have someone to get feedback from, you know what you need to fix and thus your pace of learning increases. This idea of getting feedback and then acting on it and again seeking feedback is called feedback loop. The shorter the loop in time frame, the faster you learn.

    4. Actually build something. Don't be in tutorial hell.

    A problem with newbies that they keep switching from one tutorial to another, one course to another, without actually using the knowledge to build something. This is partly because most of the courses just focus on delivering concepts via video or text. Assignments and projects are missing.

    The actual learning happens when you are using those concepts to build a project.

    Pick a good course that has everything in it and then build stuff. Building accelerates your pace of putting things together. Building is where fun and learning is.

    The longer piece of this article is here, do checkout - https://altcampus.school/community/posts/4-simple-systems-to-learn-programming-faster

    submitted by /u/dprank
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    Coding challenge website for classes?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 11:52 PM PST

    Does anyone know if one of the many coding challenge websites has some kind of classroom capability? I would like to be able to set some tasks as homework (python programming) to classes / groups of students and be able to check which tasks they have succeeded (in a similar manner to Dr Frost for those who know it). Thank you.

    submitted by /u/CrabHomotopy
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    Is there a website/program that randomly generates project parameters?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 06:38 PM PST

    I have OCD. I struggle big time. I have been coding for a long time, and am good at it, but I can never make programs cause I can never choose what to do. I am too perfectionistic. Is there an app or website that randomly generates projects with specified parameters to achieve?

    If not, I will make THIS my project. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/DisabledScientist
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    How Do I Listen To Multiple Ports With Sockets?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 09:39 PM PST

    Hello friends, I've been very frustrated with this issue, and could really use some help.

    I'm trying to create the most basic multiple client-to-server program, and am having a lot of trouble doing it. Currently, I have 2 clients, Alice and Bob, and sometimes 1 will connect, and the other won't. However, they'll never both connect, which is what I want.

    From my understanding, the server listens on specific port numbers, and the client reaches out on that port number. I've made sure that the ports are matching up, and I uninstalled my antivirus, so I'm not sure what the issue is.

    Thank you so much

    submitted by /u/boomshakalakaboom122
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    Intermediate coder, what to do next?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 09:26 PM PST

    I am a statistical programmer in my work, so the extent of the programming I do involves R,SQL, and Python. I am great at manipulating data and solving data problems but know nothing about actual software development, and I find myself lost when looking at actual projects and things on github. I obviously don't need another hello world tutorial- what's a good resource for an intermediate programmer who wants to start learning how to build software? I would like to contribute to open source and dive right in to making things for a portfolio. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/doomer0218
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    Learning a new technology feels like watching a very complicated and intricate TV series. You power through it the first time picking up the big beats, then on each rewatch you understand and love it more and more.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 06:26 AM PST

    I've seen the Sopranos and the Wire three times each now. The first time I watched it a lot of the stuff went over my head, but each time I rewatch it I pick up more and more nuances, and see how the little details play into the whole. I can say the same for technologies and concepts like NodeJS, React and RESTful APIs. The first time I powered through these technologies, managing to get things to work although not truly understanding how and why. Now I'm building my third react project and it's a cakewalk - the big beats like components, state and props has by now well and truly been internalised, and I get to focus more on the finer details that I previously glossed over.

    Does anyone else relate?

    submitted by /u/StephensInfiniteLoop
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    need a hand w intro programming javascript random number generator

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 12:07 AM PST

    I've spent all day on this assignment and am not even halfway done despite that it's probably simple to someone else.. I can't figure out these questions and have a midterm in another subject tomo I've yet to even study for. I feel so awful about myself and dumb that I can't figure this out

    Basically I need to write a function that returns a random number after prompted for 2 inputs from the user to make an output, and then 5 random numbers or an amount the user chooses.


    It's absolutely messed up I'm so stuck!! I dont know what to do...

    here is my code so far:

    function GetPositiveInteger(promptString){

    while(isNaN(num)|| num <0 ){


    num= parseInt(num);

    if (!isNaN(num) && num> 0){





    let num;

    function GetRandomInteger(a, b) {

    a = Number(a), b = Number(b);

    if (a > b) {

    let temp = a;

    a = b;

    b = temp;


    var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * b) + a;

    return x;


    function ShowRandomInteger(p,q){

    var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * (q)) + p;


    r= Math.floor(Math.random()* q + p);}

    return r;}


    Any and all assistance is great I don't know what to do, I tried

    let p= GetPositiveInteger("Enter first digit here");
    let q = GetPositiveInteger("Enter second digit here");
    console.log (ShowRandomInteger(p,q));

    but I keep getting the first input pasted into the console, and no second prompt just NaN. I'm SO embarrassingly lost it's sad

    submitted by /u/foxsealune
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    How should a 14-year-old programmer make money?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 08:21 PM PST

    I'm a 14-year-old programmer and know multiple languages such as Python, JS, and Java. I love programming algorithms to solve complex problems. Yet, I've run out of fun ideas. I've been investing for a while and would love to throw some more money into the market. I don't have any other valuable talents and was wondering how someone like me would make money?

    P.S. I've been interested in data science for a while and would be willing to look into it if its worth it.

    submitted by /u/kpmtech
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    FireO is now available in nodeJS, Firestore ORM Package

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 11:52 PM PST

    FireO is ORM package for Google Cloud Firestore. Previously It was available for only python which get popularity and now this is also available in nodeJS.

    If you like our work please appreciate us by give start on FireO Github Repo

    submitted by /u/AxeemHaider
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    Am stuck with this question

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 11:48 PM PST

    If rbx is 4 and rdx is 7, what is in rdx after running the following command:
    leaq $2(%rdx, %rbx, 8), %rdx

    Please enter digits only.

    submitted by /u/BosnianBeast10
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    A question about keys in Javascript Objects

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 11:43 PM PST

    I'm currently following Colt Steele's JS course on Udemy, and I have a question about accessing data out of objects.

    According to Colt, any keys will automatically be turned into strings, doesn't matter whether it's a boolean, string or number. For instance:

    let midexam = {true: 'poor', null: 'weak'} midexam.true = "poor" 

    However, when I tested with a number,

    let results = {2000: 'weak', 3000: 'bad'} results.2000 

    I got this error message:

    Uncaught SyntaxError: unexpected token: numeric literal 

    Why is that? Colt mentioned specifically that the keys are turned into strings, so I am a bit stumped here.

    submitted by /u/a_HerculePoirot_fan
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    Noob here, having an existencial crisis

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 07:49 PM PST

    I started learning on codecademy like 3 months ago, I'm at 30% on the web development path, should I continue or should I change to code camp?

    submitted by /u/Rich_dev_
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    I want to create an app for all os i.e android, windows, mac ,, linux, ios but I don't want to code in every language. What language should I use?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 07:26 PM PST

    Hello Everybody. I want to create an app that I want to run on all os with one language code. Which language should I use?? I dont want to code in multiple languages like swift for ios and kotlin for android. I want to write code in only one language that will make executable for all os. Which language should I use?? Please Help!!!!!!

    submitted by /u/NoFapper0000
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    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 11:10 PM PST

    python2.7: can't open file 'operative.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

    how do i fix it?(linux sys)

    submitted by /u/Comfortable_Swan_984
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    Pretty good at SQL, feeling limited. What next?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 07:16 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I hope I am not asking a FAQ, please let me know if so and what to do about it, and I apologize in advance if so.

    I'm a pretty competent SQL data analyst.

    Now that I am comfortable using the more advanced aspects of SQL, I am finding it limiting, and wondering what I should do to expand my abilities. It seems pretty clear to me that career-wise I should learn either R or Python, but I am wondering which.

    My gut says go with Python, mainly because it can lead to knowledge easily transferable to other programming. But I also have read the R is easier to learn for "Non-Programmers", and enjoys many of the benefits of Python.

    If it matters, I work in Healthcare and do a lot of financial/billing reporting.

    submitted by /u/imSkippinIt
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    Recursion/backtracking: How should I go about solving this type of problem?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 07:12 PM PST

    Let's say I have an array = [1,1,1,2] and a target number of 3.

    There are two ways I can add the elements in this array to the target number: 1+1+1 and 1+2.

    How should I go about developing a backtracking algorithm that will return 1 and 2 (the shorter subset of numbers that add up to the target number)?

    submitted by /u/MrRobotok
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    End to end testing is confusing

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 12:12 PM PST

    I'm a software engineer of over 15 years and I work on a C# winforms application at my day job. This application also invokes REST APIs. It also uses a database. There's a lot of internal, moving parts that get involved when I start thinking of the scope of an "end to end" test looks like.

    I get unit testing in general. If I write a class, I have a corresponding test fixture for that class that verifies its preconditions and postconditions.

    I think I get integration testing. Class A and B work together, but maybe B depends on a C that I don't care about. I mock C, create a real A and a real B, and give the mocked C to B and test A and B together in various ways.

    End to end testing is a confusing, blurry cloud. Right now I see it as 100% end to end. In my case: User loads up the Winforms application, clicks through some GUI forms to perform a task, and verifies the outputs by going to some server-side web frontend to verify an operation completed successfully. Behind the scenes the application did a lot:

    1. It presented correctly functioning UI components
    2. The business rules behind the UI (dozens of classes at the top level) all functioned correctly
    3. REST APIs were invoked and executed correctly
    4. Remote servers outside the scope of the program took the data and did something meaningful with it
    5. Local sqlite databases were utilized in certain ways to achieve the end goal

    My gut tells me to mock out the database and the REST API. Don't test the UI directly, instead write a big NUnit test that takes the objects behind the UI and work with that. Make the UI layer as thin as possible. Mock out anything that can make the test nondeterministic.

    But the more I mock, the less "end to end" it becomes. Arguably more importantly: It starts to less accurately reflect what a real user would be doing, and thus people doing manual testing to verify functional behavior would have less confidence in it saving them time by replacing manual testing effort.

    When I google search end to end testing, I don't get a lot of useful information, surprisingly. Maybe I just don't know how to find it. But really I can't tell what "end to end" actually means when it comes to writing NUnit tests at the highest possible level, and what the mocking experience (if any) looks like.

    This is all coming up because the team I'm on is trying to deliver value to the company through automated testing, but we aren't quite clear on what "automated testing" really is. Unit tests are something we already have, but for now they just signal that a build is good to QA, they don't really know what's going on in the tests themselves. There's a mixture of low level and mid level tests that really just show their value when developers are doing maintenance or refactoring, but doesn't help save us time on the manual testing side of things. Or put another way, manual testing happens regardless of what that test coverage is, even if there's some overlap (i.e. wasted manual effort).

    The end goal is to "deliver from trunk/master", or at the very least, decrease turnaround of deliverables by reducing the amount of manual testing we're doing. It's unclear if "end to end" testing can deliver this value or begin to address this issue in a meaningful way. The more I think about a solution to this problem, the more I seriously start to doubt my fundamental knowledge of what unit test coverage is.

    I'd like an idea from the folks here on what end to end testing should be like in my case, and where I should focus my energy. Thanks for reading my wall of text.

    submitted by /u/anime_daisuki
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    Can I be a programmer without being creative?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 11:21 AM PST

    I've been trying to teach myself programming on and off for a few months now, and so far i have had no problems with the theory of it all. I'm learning with a very hands-on online program, and I understand the concepts and if I have a problem in front of me i can solve it eventually. I actually really enjoy the aspect of problem solving, since it's essentially just a series of harder and harder logic puzzles.

    What I struggle with, however, is thinking about things for me to do that aren't these little pseudo-puzzles. I can't come up with problems for me to find solutions for. And that is the first thing I always see around here whenever anyone asks about getting better at programming - build your own stuff and learn along the way.

    Can I ultimately be a programmer even if I lack this creative spark? I feel like I would do fine working on existing code or even building something new to specification, but for the life of me I can't think of something I want to do and grow along with it.

    submitted by /u/skeron
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    How can I resolve this MongoError E11000?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 10:35 PM PST

    The registration portion of my code works fine, but when I attempt to add a new user with the exact same name I get the following error message:

    MongoError: E11000 duplicate key error collection: chapters.users index: name_1 dup key: { name: "Mark Willams" } 

    I have tried playing around with the Mongoose schema such as setting unique to false or completely removing it, but nothing seems to work. I have also tried deleting the session cookie, but that doesn't work either.

    Here is the user schema I'm using:

    const userSchema = mongoose.Schema({ name: { type: String, trim: true, required: true, unique: true }, username: { type: String, trim: true, unique: true, required: true, }, email: { type: String, trim: true, unique: true, required: [true, 'User email required'] }, password: { type: String, required: true } }, { timestamps: true, } ); 
    submitted by /u/AHalfFilledBox
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