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    Tuesday, February 23, 2021

    To those wondering about bootcamps, learn programming

    To those wondering about bootcamps, learn programming

    To those wondering about bootcamps,

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:13 AM PST

    I'll share my experience.
    Bootcamp: Trilogy now 2U.
    Cost: 10,000.
    Attended: January 2019-May 2019.

    I was on the fence about attending but the admissions sales rep was extremely persistent, and pushy. I told her that I may wait and save up at my current job before attending so I didn't have to take out as high of a loan. She insisted that I shouldn't wait because the sooner I get started, the sooner I can begin living the life I want. She also acted as though the seats were highly coveted and if I didn't go now, I may not be able to get in later.

    (Me - a background in retail with the highest level of education an associates, living in the middle of nowhere with no experience/connections in Tech or corporate culture.)

    So I took the plunge, quit my current job (that I didn't really like anyway) and dedicated the next two weeks preparing for the bootcamp, doing the prework course assignments. I eventually got my old job back before this one and worked it at reduced hours while attending because I knew I still needed an income.

    The class starts out with HTML and CSS, that lasts about two and a half weeks. Just past the refund cut off time. (During this time we barely touched CSS and I don't recall ever discussing semantic HTML or HTML5. - Which they've apparently adjusted their curriculum for since then at the behest of employers interviewing their graduates.)

    The curriculum itself says that it's "up-to-date" and led by intense market research to give their graduates an advantage in the market. Angular is much more popular in the local market of the bootcamp, but I assume the bootcamp went with React because it has an easier learning curve. (As seemingly all of the bootcamps tend to teach React.) I've learned a bit of Angular since and I can definitely understand this decision, as a week and a half to learn a framework is a short amount of time to learn Typescript and a beast like Angular.

    Anyway - back to the program. We had probably 10 or more people drop out, one poor woman that barely knew how to use a computer and was just doing this to learn how to make websites for her own business. Many people didn't do the pre-coursework, and about 2 months from graduation we had 20 people at risk of failing because they didn't turn in homework assignments.

    The instructors stopped caring about halfway through, the ta's didn't grade homework for nearly 3 months at times. You could get an A for having a pulse and one guy spent the entire class distracting others, nearly got kicked out for plagiarizing, and still got his certificate. (He was also one of the first ones to land a job due to having connections in the industry and being a natural salesman.)

    Career services was a woman reviewing a resume (for a format the bootcamp provided), reviewing Github which consisted of ensuring that things had ReadMe's and that project names during the bootcamp were disguised and any scent of it being a school project was scraped clean, and a LinkedIn review of ensuring that you had a bio summary and a photo. You also have a career advisor that sends you weekly emails to completely irrelevant jobs requiring higher education than you currently have, more years of experience than you have, or tech that they don't even teach in the bootcamp. Also, a weekly reminder that there's always "Revature" as a potential opportunity to get your feet in the door.
    Oh, and projects. You do learn about version control and git, and learn about collaborating. You do learn, and it goes without saying that you get what you put in. But you could wind up in group projects with people where only 2 out of 4 people do actual work, your projects suffer and wind up not being good pieces for your portfolio, and those 2 people that didn't do any work wind up landing jobs before you because they're have connections or are good enough salesmen to wade through the shallow know-nothing recruiters and hr reps running rampant in the industry and have no issues with lying their way through the first 4 arbitrary gates in the hiring process.

    (A little salty.)

    So, that's my coding bootcamp experience in a nutshell. It's 2021, and I've had a few interviews, a few phone screenings, and about 2 dozen recruiters tell me they'll "look for something and get back to me" followed by ghosting after ghosting after ghosting.

    I was in a bad place when I went into this, and only had a little bit of experience with programming from an online Game Design associates I attended a few years prior. I knew I was curious, and despite all of this I did enjoy attending the bootcamp. I did learn, but I didn't learn enough to warrant a 10,000 dollar private loan that I've now halfway paid off before even landing my first dev job.

    I'm still trying to learn something each day, and I did go through a pretty rough patch where my depression was at an all time high. Rejections still feel like knife wounds, I still have the "I made a huge mistake and I should just give up" at the back of my mind everyday, fighting it back as best I can, and I struggle to even apply to jobs because I know they're either going into a void or I'm going to have to answer some pre-screening questions about my previous experience or education that will just immediately kick me out of ATS. I don't bother with recruiters anymore, and if you're new to the industry you shouldn't either... unless you have a personal connection to them and they have a reason to treat you like an actual human being.

    I would say, if you're thinking of attending the bootcamp, don't. Unless:
    1. You have connections that can get you past HR and recruiters.
    2. You have a bachelor's degree. (Because there are training programs that will consider you but only if you have A bachelor's degree. Not necessarily CS related.)
    3. You have experience with corporate culture, are a good salesman, and know how to sell yourself.
    4. Are passionate enough about the material that you live, breathe, eat, make youtube videos, blog, and make daily social media posts about it that help you stand out and your passion drives you enough that you don't even care if you land an actual paid job doing it.

    Those are my tips. Everyone has different experiences and it's largely based on location and luck. But if you're coming from a string of low-end jobs, curious about programming and don't already have a strong passion for it, you're wasting your time and money. (I got into this late in life, at 31 years old, and only have my time since the bootcamp that I was actually interested in programming. The game design degree I was more interested in 3d modeling and animation.)

    If you are coming from a similar background as me and still want to pursue this, just know that it's going to take lottery winning luck to get your foot in the door, a high degree of salesmanship, networking that you've never had to do before, being extremely careful about how you present yourself (only positive, hustle-minded, and live to code), hours upon hours upon hours of self-study that make you continuously question how much you actually learned during the bootcamp, and a never ending wave of rejection compounded with imposter syndrome.

    A bit lengthy, but that's my experience and what I've seen so far during this nearly 2 year journey.

    It's been an incredibly daunting and defeating journey, and despite something deep down telling me that I should give up, I've yet to give in. I've came this far and I refuse to accept that it was all for nothing.

    I want to warn people considering this as a viable alternative to formal education, especially if you're coming from a pretty rough place like I was originally and letting those admissions reps fill your head with ideas that this is going to be as easy as attending the program for six months. They will tell you repeatedly about the shortage of developers and the job opportunity in the market, but what they won't tell you is that that opportunity is only for seniors. MAYBE mids. They won't tell you how superficial the industry is at large, or how automated the hiring process is before you ever even get to a "whiteboard" challenge.

    If you're going into this as a fresher, especially as a self-taught or a bootcamp grad, you're going to have to either work 30 times harder than everyone else, or you're going to have to work people with whatever tools you have - being a bubbly personality, flirting, checking the right diversity box, or leveraging personal interests and relationships.

    With that said, you will hear wild success stories from bootcamp grads. You may only hear those. But you know why? Because the rest went back to their previous jobs, defeated, and too ashamed to tell their story because they assume that it is entirely their fault. To some extent, it is. But the majority of these bootcamps run on the same philosophy as the Youtube Guru's that advertise "financial freedom," "dreams," "life-changing experiences," and that if you don't succeed it's because you didn't work hard enough. They aren't accredited, they aren't regulated, and they push out thousands of dough-eyed "junior developers" a month.

    Anyway, long post and I need to get back to being productive. :)

    submitted by /u/ctdev89
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    What kind of portfolio should you have before applying?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:54 PM PST

    I know regions matter,. I'm in western Canada, Alberta to be exact.

    I've started learning C# about 6 months ago. In the first 3 months I focused on learning theory and building tiny little tic tac toe type stuff. In the past 3 months I've built some simple asp.net websites. This opened me up to learning a bit of SQL, HTML, CSS, And JS.

    The first project is just a simple CRUD type site with subgenres,artists,albums etc. Its got some neat little features in it as well like dark mode, search functions, pages, sorting etc.. it even links to artists bandcamps etc. Clicking songs links to YouTube or Spotify and stuff. I'm happy with it for a first "bigger" project.

    The second project that I'm getting close to finishing is an event scheduler with authorization/authentication. Basically users can create events and invite other users. It has the same features as the first project along with some interesting new features that are possible between users. Nothing too fancy though.

    Once that is done, I'm thinking I may make a few more larger projects before applying. At what point is my skill level reflected enough in these projects to be considered for an entry level position?

    It's important to note I am completely self taught, no degree in anything, and 29 years old. I've spent the past 5 years as the sole Division Manager for a large construction company in my city. So I've got that experience backing me at least.

    I know getting a job within 6 months is a bit much, but what kind of portfolio is considered decent enough to start applying?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/elementmg
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    On motivation

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:18 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    For me, a big part of building daily routines and good habits often includes regularly listening to and watching passionate people describe their area of expertise. These are people who are often at or near the top of their game, they offer deep insights into their craft, and importantly not only explain how but also WHY. I find their passion infectious and this keeps me motivated for learning all sort of things from exercise to business leadership and improving my mental health.

    Who are the people you follow online that provide insight into programming and keep you motivated? I'm currently learning front-end development.


    submitted by /u/fungi43
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    Is this school's curriculum enough knowledge to land you a solid job?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:30 PM PST

    I've been looking at schools and came across this website that follows and reviews coding bootcamps. I read through it and the one that stuck out to me was a school called Nucamp. It sounds like everything that I need that would fit my life right now. It's affordable (roughly $2200) and about 26 weeks. They lay out what they are going to teach you in pretty good detail.

    I'm a beginner at coding but really want to dive in to the world of coding and see where it takes me. From what I keep reading, there are a lot of opportunities for careers, self start-ups, or just having fun creating. I would like to take a coding bootcamp course that will lead me to a career as a web developer or something of that nature. I would love it to turn in to a permanent stay-at-home career. A job from home would be amazing cause I'd be able to live anywhere, be at home for future kids, and not having to waste time, money, and energy for commuting. Plus, I hear that an average salary for people who graduate from a bootcamp and find a career in the related field is around $60k. That would be AMAZING! Starting $60k, stay-at-home, work from anywhere! And I could get there in under a year! Sign me up! The idea of that lifestyle sounds amazing and something I can build up from.

    Anyway, enough about me.

    Here is the information on the course curriculum. This first paragraph would be the first four weeks. Seems like a good foundation, but wanted a second opinion.

    This course will teach you the essential elements of web page development, covering HTML, CSS and JavaScript. No previous experience of these technologies is necessary, although it is helpful if you have some prior programming experience. First, HTML together with CSS are discussed and explored. Then we move on to consider the essential components of JavaScript, including variables, arrays, loops, events and functions. Then we explore more advanced elements of JavaScript control, including advanced use of functions, event control, array processing, and DOM manipulation.

    The next 22 weeks is:

    Learn front-end and hybrid mobile development, with server-side support, for implementing a multi-platform solution.The first two courses in this curriculum cover front-end frameworks: Bootstrap 4 and React. You'll also learn to create hybrid mobile applications, using the React Native Framework. On the server side, you'll learn to implement NoSQL databases using MongoDB, work within a Node.js environment and Express framework, and communicate to the client side through a RESTful API.

    ​FRONT-END WEB UI FRAMEWORKS AND TOOLS: BOOTSTRAPThis course will give you an overview of client-side web UI frameworks, in particular Bootstrap 4. You will learn about grids and responsive design, Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript components. You will learn about CSS preprocessors, Less and Sass. You will also learn the basics of Node.js and NPM and task runners like Grunt and Gulp. You will also learn how to use source control tools like Git and GitHub.

    FRONT-END JAVASCRIPT FRAMEWORKS: REACTThis course explores Javascript based front-end application development, and in particular the React library (Currently Ver. 16.3). This course will use JavaScript ES6 for developing React application. You will also get an introduction to the use of Reactstrap for Bootstrap 4-based responsive UI design. You will be introduced to various aspects of React components. You will learn about React router and its use in developing single-page applications. You will also learn about designing controlled forms. You will be introduced to the Flux architecture and Redux. You will explore various aspects of Redux and use it to develop React-Redux powered applications. You will then learn to use Fetch for client-server communication and the use of REST API on the server side. A quick tour through React animation support and testing rounds off the course. You must have preferably completed the previous course in the specialization on Bootstrap 4, or have a working knowledge of Bootstrap 4 to be able to navigate this course. Also a good working knowledge of JavaScript, especially ES 5 is strongly recommended.

    MULTIPLATFORM MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT: REACT NATIVEThis course focuses on developing truly cross-platform, native iOS and Android apps using React Native and the Expo SDK. React Native uses modern JavaScript to get truly native UI and performance while sharing skills and code with the web. You will learn about UI development with React Native UI and layout support and access the native mobile platform's capabilities from Javascript using the Expo SDK. You should have already completed the Bootstrap 4 and the React courses in this specialization before proceeding with this course.

    SERVER-SIDE DEVELOPMENT WITH NODEJS, EXPRESS AND MONGODBThis course deals with all things server-side. We base the entire course around the NodeJS platform. We start with a brief overview of the Web protocols: HTTP and HTTPS. We examine NodeJS and NodeJS modules: Express for building web servers. On the database side, we review basic CRUD operations, NoSQL databases, in particular MongoDB and Mongoose for accessing MongoDB from NodeJS. We examine the REST concepts and building a RESTful API. We touch upon authentication and security. Finally we review backend as a service (BaaS) approaches, including mobile BaaS, both open-source and commercial BaaS services.

    This all sounds like a lot of information, but there is a ton of code out there and I'm new to the game and wanted an experienced opinion on if this is enough to take to an employer and get the kind of job I want? (Stay-at-home, good start up pay, web developer or something of that nature) Or is it not really quite enough and would need to learn other necessary things, so don't bother with this one and go for a more in depth bootcamp?

    Thanks for reading through

    submitted by /u/Fakecar
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    I can't decide between C or C++ as a second language...

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 10:58 PM PST

    First, some background. At work, we have a small group of programmers who do in-house developement for us. Its primarily full stack development in Javascript using Node, Electron, React, etc. While I'm not technically one of the programmers per se, a large portion of my job involves writing scripts in Javascript for bulk database changes. I'd consider myself a step below an intermediate programmer...maybe like, an "advanced beginner". I'm very comfortable with all the core concepts like variables, loops, conditionals, functions, objects, etc. and most of what I do boils down to making HTTP requests and performing CRUD operations on JSON data. The breadth of my programming experience isn't particularly wide, but I do feel like I've got the basics down pretty solidly. On top of that, in the coming months I'll be slowly transitioning into a developer position....my boss is super chill and totally supports me using work time to become a better coder and contribute to our coding team.

    So that's all well and good...I'm perfectly happy using a high-level language like Javascript. Our software doesn't require blazing fast execution speed, and its nice to be able to quickly get a cross-platform app up and running. That being said though, from a hobby perspective, I'm much more interested in low-level operations, which is why I'm looking into learning either C or C++ as a second language. In particular, I'm interested in learning how operating systems work. I'm also interested in the cybersecurity side of things....finding kernel vulnerabilities, malware analysis, reverse engineering embedded systems and IoT devices, etc. My initial instinct is that C is more suitable, but I see pros and cons to both languages and can't really decide which one to pick.

    C Pros:

    • The language is comparatively small, and given my prior experience with core programming concepts, I don't think it'd take me long to learn C.
    • C is pretty much THE go-to language for the type of low-level stuff I want to do.

    C Cons:

    • Coming from an OOP background, not being able to use objects seems...weird? I mean that in the sense that C programming is a different paradigm than I'm used to and it might take awhile to wrap my head around it.
    • While you can make anything in C, it's not always practical to do so. For example, if I ever wanted to make say, a GUI desktop application where speed and resource management were important, doing so in C would probably be pretty tedious, but falling back on Javascript or another scripting language wouldn't be particularly suitable either.
    • I don't really have any project ideas I could implement in C right now....most of what I want to do is stuff that seems way above my current skill level (ie - write my own operating system or make an emulator for the 6502 processor). On the other hand, a lot of beginner exercises, like incrementing a variable with a loop or writing a function to perform some math operations, are too easy for me. I also often see suggestions for making a simple game...for whatever reason, at this point in my life, I have no interest in coding games. Maybe I will in the future, but right now, idk, its just not really my thing. So that leaves me in a state of limbo where I want to make things in C, but don't have any practical project ideas.

    C++ Pros:

    • C++ supports several paradigms, so it might be a better at bridging the gap between high-level and low-level programming. I guess in my mind, C++ is more of a jack-of-all-trades language. For example, you wouldn't use a scripting language for low-level programs, and you wouldn't use C for something high level like a REST API....C++ feels like it lives somewhere in the middle and gives reasonable access to all levels.
    • Having access to OOP features would make it easier to come up with project ideas. I could spend time building things I'm more familiar with, and then take a stab at the lower level stuff once I have a better grasp on the language.
    • Although C is the go-to language for kernels and operating systems, C++ still seems perfectly suitable. I've been following a project called SerenityOS by Andreas Kling, which is a Unix-like operating system written from scratch almost entirely in C++.

    C++ Cons:

    • C++ seems like a comparatively large language with a steep learning curve. I've seen lots of posts from experienced C++ devs who, despite having used the language for years, are still learning its features and nuances.
    • I get the feeling its really easy to shoot yourself in the foot with C++ (also true with C, but more so with C++).

    One final thing I should add....in similar C vs. C++ posts, I often see people recommend C because it teaches you how a computer works. I'm a fairly computer-savvy person, and I already feel pretty comfortable in my understanding of how a computer works. I built an 8-bit computer kit from Ben Eater on Youtube, so I'm familier with CPU's, registers, memory, etc. and I understand how programs get turned into instructions that a CPU can understand.

    tl;dr - I have some programming experience with Javascript but would like to add a lower-level language to my skill set....I can't decide whether it should be C or C++.

    submitted by /u/SyntheticRx
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    Finished CS50s Introduction to Computer Science and Web Programming with Python and JavaScript that came after it. Now what?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:51 PM PST

    There aren't any other courses on edx for me to take in the series, and I'm not sure where to go from here. People say just build things but I liked having structured learning, and while I am making things on the side I want to progress through a curriculum. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/vaguely-humanoid
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    Java programming language.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 01:24 PM PST

    I just finished a 3 hours long java tutorial on YouTube, and boy I gotta admit I'm really liking it, I've had some web development and python experience , but until now, Java tops them all, I don't know, there's something about it, I feel like I'm really coding.

    submitted by /u/PapySnake00
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    JavaScript exercise succes YAY

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:23 PM PST

    Just wanted to flex. Did this exercise for days and couldn't wrap my head around it. I didn't wanna check the solution, so it took me days to figure it out & nothing I found online was very helpful. I did it today!!! Yay!!! Feels good man. Good luck to anyone who struggles with something, keep it up and sooner or later it'll work!

    submitted by /u/aliltraveler
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    Lack of motivation

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:46 PM PST

    I have genuine interest in programming, and what I've done so far is really fun. My end goal is to come out the other side with fluency in Python, C++ and Java. But, I've had some serious lack of motivation and I find it hard to just sit down and study this stuff for a while, let alone the hour that I've decided to dedicate to it per day. Any tips for getting started and staying motivated?

    submitted by /u/Aedan3068
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    Learning Through Doing

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 03:58 PM PST

    I've always been so much more receptive to understanding how something works by just doing it and retroactively identifying how each individual piece works, extrapolating from that, and then being able to utilize it for my own means.

    I've trudged through so many courses (stuck in tutorial hell) that just go over all of the principles and technicalities of different languages, but I just zone out and get lost in a sea of seemingly random information that eventually means nothing contextually or just comes off tedious and boring. Are there courses that just throw you into working on a project and convey what each form and function mean from a practical standpoint instead of just droning on through the basics right out of the gate? I need something I can see and do to identify how and why it works like that so I can use it for my own ideas. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Aksurah
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    Where do I start?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 06:50 PM PST

    Hi there. I've recently been looking into coding and I've tried teaching myself but it's been a bit rough. I was wondering if there were any classes/courses anyone would be able to recommend. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/TheWhoDude
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    3 kinda crappy projects on my portfolio, should I start applying anyway?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 02:55 PM PST

    I finished my portfolio site, of which I'm very proud. I only have 3 projects I feel comfortable showing on it right now. The projects are frankly, not so great. Etch-a-sketch, Weather App, and a React CV maker site. So basically all TOP projects lol. Should I just start applying anyway or do you think I should invest that time in making better projects?

    submitted by /u/primularussell
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    Help me with understand what Max-heapfy(a,3) an array means?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 12:23 AM PST


    I understand what max-heapfy means but not the (a,3) part of the problem.

    Thanks in advanced

    submitted by /u/ApostleTheLegend
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    I’m learning python right now and I want to learn C++ after for game development. Is that a smart move or should I stick with python for a while?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 06:17 PM PST

    I've heard that C++ is a much more powerful language as it's considered lower level and easier to process by the CPU, and so I was thinking of learning it after python. I've heard people say that python is good for really basic 2D games, so starting there would be beneficial, and then later move on to C++.

    My question is, how long should I stick with python before moving to c++? Is it wise to even be thinking about a different language this early on? I was thinking of using python for the front end of my game and using c++ for the backend (idk if I'm understanding this right).

    submitted by /u/imhypedforthisgame
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    How do I open a file in ~ in C?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:25 PM PST

    Attempting to access a file in a specific location, such as /tmp/filenamehere, works, but attempting to access a file specifically in the current user's home directory, whether by ~/.programdirectory/filenamehere or /home/$USER/.programdirectory/filnamehere, fails. (I'm guessing the last one is bash-specific, but I thought it was worth a shot.) Why isn't this working, and what can I do to make this work?

    submitted by /u/BlueManedHawk
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    Medicine Timer Webapp

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:50 PM PST

    Been trying to get made for 1-2 years

    a React webapp seems to be the move, web mobile first then web desktop

    old thread with replies and more questions and responses


    Edit I don't know where the conversation had gone that I put in at the bottom before.

    I need help creating a timer for my medicine / any medicine timer

    I take 100mg of Gabapentin and then I need to take 1 day/24hours off before consuming again, then if I take 200mg I need to take 2days/48 hours off. I can only take so many mg.

    I also want it to/an option to maximize how much I can take how often as that's how it's supposed to be and auto-adjust if I adjust the dose for a day or two.

    I basically want it to fill out a/my calendar so I know what to take when. Max dosing for another medicine is 800mg.

    So like I might take 200mg of drug C on Friday, then 200mg Monday, 400mg Thursday, 200mg Tuesday, then I couldn't take it again until Friday but I might not take any for somedays/week/weeks but when I take a dose again I want it to auto fill after I put in my dose.

    If I take like 200mg Monday and then take 200 or like more likely 400mg the next day I want it to let me know to take 6 days off.

    Maybe this could be made in Google spreadsheets or something?

    edit someone's helping me currently whoops they stopped responding

    Yes! Can you send me as much detail on the app as possible?


    So this medicine I take specifically not all do but this one it's really for has a quick tolerance build up so like I can take it two days in a row but the second day so let's say I have to input my first dose so Thursday I put 200mg for (some medicines are liquids and in oz or mL but I'll do mg for example) for Friday to take 400mg if I want the same desired effects as the 200 the day before. Or it'll also show after 2 days so like Sunday 200mg again as I can take that then and it'll work the way it should.

    If I ever have a high stress day and take 600 or 800mg it'd space out 6-8 days accordingly before 200 had the same effects. Now if I take 800 it shouldn't display to take more than that another day because 800 is the max dose for that drug.

    Maybe allow more than one drug at a time too so I can have scheduled all my meds.

    Currently I mostly run on an Android at least a phone like not really a computer so if it can run on that if it could be like a Google spreadsheet or something that would be awesome too.

    That's very interesting. So 200mg increase per day provides the same effect as the previous day due to a tolerance buildup?

    Not exactly like i could take 200mg then if I'm stressed or a major emergency happens and I have to take some then I might take 600 for instance instead of 400 because of how bad it is. I have to take more because the tolerance but also if it's really bad. If I took like 300mg I'd normally wait 3 days before taking 200mg again for full effects.

    I figured you'd have like variable ABCD and so forth or whatever in you could change those so it wouldn't like I could set it to be a hundred mg per day or would not like to take off an average butt I could also change it to like a different amount in a different substance like sometimes I use mL for other meds.


    https://med-timer-app-dev.wonnieraad.co.za/ https://github.com/devosray/MedTimerApp* first one I can maybe get the code if it's not there for you

    React is best with webapps Using graphQL and express/node.js on the backend Every tech company is looking for react devs for front end


    It doesn't have to be a proper program. The calculator I got made in Google spreadsheet for example due to ease of access. And can be run offline etc and easier than whole program from scratch

    It'd be unfortunate, but if couldn't be on desktop maybe there's a way or a browser extension to run .apks in browser or something

    from YMK1234

    [-1] via /r/AskProgramming

    Phonegap, Xamarin, ...

    from SimRijn2000

    via /r/AskProgramming

    You could make an web application and use Flutter to load that website in an Webview?

    from stationear

    [+1] via /r/CodingHelp

    old coder:

    React is Facebooks open source JavaScript

    JavaScript in a Progressive Web App.

    And you can also use materialUI, googles UI framework, to plug and play google UI components and edit/customize them from there

    For the native app you'd have to pay to host it on iOS

    But you can just have a webapp

    React basically allows you to write it once

    And it works on both iOS and andriod

    Will also look a lot better, cause you can use googles UI elements with materialUI

    Try to make like a flowchart if what a user experience would look like

    from apantomathicalbruh

    [+1] via /r/CodingHelp

    You could use react native and electron, which is used by discord and some Microsoft apps, react is optional but web apps in general are probably best with it, react native can be Transformed to apk and ios files so it's not a website. and also do it with electron for desktop app conversion. Wish you luck in your projects and remember to research them before you start fully learning. You can use vue native but it's a bit outdated but said to be easier [–]daggo04

    [+1] [score hidden] just now Python and Kivy Library.

    from an old dev

    "Mobile first development"

    Nah we can make a web app We just want to work well on mobile right, making it work on desktop is easy


    For med scheduler I'd like if you could click in on a med and see the avg. yearly amount you take like how often.

    and estimated amount for schedule you have if you do it every time it's available

    It'd be nice to have a stock/inventory of each item you have and can note and it show how much you have relative to that. Whether Zpak, Inhaler, Gabapentin or what

    For scheduler

    submitted by /u/MedicineTimerApp
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    Struggling with Data Structures and Algorithms

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:49 PM PST

    I'm currently taking a class in data structures and algorithms and most of the questions are interview style word problems. I try working through them and think I have a good idea but then I hit a roadblock, get frustrated, and end up losing most/all marks on the problems. I want to learn because it seems fun and rewarding, but the pressure of grades and lack of guidance (especially with classes online now) is getting to me. I don't know if this is the right subreddit but I'm pretty desperate for a tutor and/or just someone I can talk through the problems with and explain my thoughts and get guidance to hopefully unblock me. If this isn't the right place and there are proper subreddits for that, please do let me know. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/gozu_
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    What's the best way of learning R?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:20 PM PST

    Hi, I'm a data analysis student and I have to deal with R in some subjects but there's like a lot of functions, like in SageMath, but I don't have problems learning SageMath.

    With R is different, I always forgot what I tried to learn and I didn't find a good tutorial. Right now I use it in a subject where we learn regression, ANOVA, bootstrapping and some other things, so if you know a website or video where I can learn how to work with R to do that, it would be nice.


    submitted by /u/math271
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    Learning Java EE

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 10:55 PM PST

    I am pretty proficient in core Java, and would love to learn how to develop web applications with Java! I've downloaded tomcat, and used jsp a tiny bit, but all the tutorials I look at seem to skip things and I'm left feeling lost... Does anyone have any good learning resources they can recommend, or books to read?

    Thanks for the help

    submitted by /u/Stonezarcon
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    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 10:54 PM PST

    Any advice on finding a mentor to help me on my programming journey? Looking to make a career change. I am just starting out and I am not sure where to even begin. Everything seem so overwhelming with all of the different languages.

    Edit: After some more research I feel like I would be better suited for Back End Development as I am not big on the design/look of things. I am more interested in how things work. and solving problems.

    submitted by /u/wrex210
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    When or why would someone use a programming language (Swift, Java, C++, Rust etc…) over an engine like Unity?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 10:18 PM PST

    Every-time I've read about people asking whether they should write their game in C++ or Unity, Unity is usually the default answer, unless they want to go through the hassle of creating an engine by themselves when Unity already does everything for you. If that's the case is there ever a case where writing a game in C++, Java, Rust etc... is better than using Unity? If so what are these cases?

    submitted by /u/Okmanl
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    Need explanation for simple simple recursion problem [C++]

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 01:26 PM PST

    int f(int x, int y)

    {if(x<=y) return x-y;

    return f(y-x,x-1)+3;}

    For f(7,11) I know the answer is -4, but I don't understand how this program works without an "else". I mean if there is no "else" won't it go on for ever? I know this question isn't even about recursion but I need to understand this in order to make a recursive program.

    Also what will the program return for f(11,7)?

    submitted by /u/NotYourBMO
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    Advice between MIT's 2008 vs 2016 Intro to CS

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:58 PM PST

    This looks like an obvious question, but like many others I've dived (dove?) headfirst into MIT's intro to CS course, only I started with the 2008 lectures and problem sets before realizing there was an updated version from 2016.

    Thing is, I prefer Grimson to Bell as far as professors go. Anyone have any input on whether it's just as adequate to finish off the 2008 class instead of the 2016 class, and reasons to pursue one over the other? I'm 9 lectures in on the 2008 class and have completed the problem sets in C# instead of python, as that's the first language I truly wanted to learn and translating the problem sets into workin algorithms has been an interesting exercise.

    Is this wise? Is this valid or should I jump to the 2016 lectures instead?

    submitted by /u/Takezo_00
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    Taking breaks when stuck?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:45 PM PST

    Hi all, I am in my first developer job and learning while working basically. I noticed few times that I got stuck with the code and was losing my mind, didn't figure it out after several hours and then go to sleep, only to wake up and solve the issue within an hour...

    Should I take it easy and go for a break instead of trying to solve it in one sitting? What is your good practice?

    submitted by /u/pikolak
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