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    Monday, February 22, 2021

    Are there any signs in the gaming industry of c++ being replaced as the most used language by anything else, anytime soon? (Not referring to phone games) Ask Programming

    Are there any signs in the gaming industry of c++ being replaced as the most used language by anything else, anytime soon? (Not referring to phone games) Ask Programming

    Are there any signs in the gaming industry of c++ being replaced as the most used language by anything else, anytime soon? (Not referring to phone games)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:20 AM PST

    Library crashes on Android but not iOS

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:18 PM PST

    https://i.imgur.com/DDJX7kC.png Screenshot is my code (snippets of the ones in question)

    So the function is called and the unique_lock is created. When it tries to call the lock function on it, I get a null pointer dereference error. This works just fine when using the library in my iOS app, but not on the Android app. Anyone have any ideas why? I tried multiple versions of Android, no changes.

    submitted by /u/hockeymikey
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    Combinatorics Research Update (Also Code Review Request)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:25 PM PST

    Hello friends! I've made some progress and have found some interesting results. I'm not formally educated in Mathematics, so please understand my limitations in conveying my results and the purpose my research (code in the comments). My research asks, "What patterns can I find when rolling dice with all the primes on their infinite sides?". So far, the answer has been, "Well, plenty, but a few are special". This is one of those patterns.

    The number 7 and its multiples appear 1 in 7 times on the number line. If you roll a prime die and multiply your roll by three, then roll another die until you get a different number than you originally rolled, the sum of those rolls will be to be equal to 7 or one of its multiples more than 1 in 7 times. I can't prove this for all P, but the data I've crunched looks - at the very least - interesting.

    If my code is running as intended by summing all combinations of 3Px+1Py (where x /= y) within a sample list of primes, then you are about 1.36 times more likely to roll 7 or a multiple of seven with these prime dice.

    submitted by /u/SomeoneFor
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    What is the best way to convert video frames into images using C++? I know that FFmpeg and OpenCV are two options, is there anything better suited for the job?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:20 PM PST

    For some additional context, I want to load in videos and .gifs, and extract the frames so I can render them as sprite animations using OpenGL. My understanding of OpenCV is that it's mainly for computer vision, but can also use FFmpeg as a back-end for video-related operations. I'm not sure that I need most of what OpenCV comes with though.

    I have no experience with either, so I'd really appreciate any advice. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/YouHadItComing
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    Why are US programmers so against unionizing?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:44 PM PST

    Are "good practices" worth pursuing if they mean more work and no obvious gains?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:03 PM PST

    I work in a small startup and I was tasked with taking charge with the embedded side of our system. I designed an architecture following some things I consider good practices (e.g. modularity, and Single Responsibility Principle and others). But I'm in a situation where a more senior dev with some experience in embedded (they work on cloud stuff now though) is being very vocal about my approach making things unnecessarily complicated, and suggests an alternative which would result in faster development at the cost of "not doing things entirely properly" (I won't get into the details but if you're interested here's a post I made about it on r/embeddedlinux).

    Obviously my boss likes the sound of "It'll be less complicated this way and so we'll finish it faster", and then I also feel like it's not a good look for me to be arguing with someone more experienced who sadly seems only able to communicate in a "my way is the best way" fashion.

    The thing is... There are no strong technical reasons why doing things his way shouldn't work. It feels wrong to me to go against some design decisions I'd consider good practices. But I can't use "that's not how you're supposed to do this" as an argument against something which offers solid business benefits (getting done sooner). Why bother going shopping for a hammer if pounding nails into the wall with a crowbar you already have works just fine? The only concrete, technical argument for doing things my way is that it maybe might make things simpler for us our spec changes in the future in some way to to mean the crowbar is no longer appropriate and we have to retool the whole thing for hammers.

    I'll take any wisdom here.

    submitted by /u/Sanuuu
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    Temporarily took over a ticking time bomb of a project, how can I communicate this tactfully?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:24 PM PST

    I recently started a new job that's a 6-month contract to cover someone on extended parental leave. The position is a 1-year-old very niche role at a FAANG company working on a small-scale project as a solo researcher/designer/dev on a non-engineering team.

    The person I'm covering for worked alone for the past year and hasn't been a dev for long. Got things just far enough where if you run some basic testing, it seems like it does the thing, but then it really starts to fall apart once more data is saved (e.g. major latency because of how the data is structured, saves to and loads from the API on every input change). The UI is super confusing with no loading icons, things you just have to know, clears input updates on delayed load of data, etc. That's just the tip of the iceberg on bugginess and decisions made that have set things up for more and more issues as more options are added on top. The team I'm on that are meant to be using it don't actually seem to be using it. The stakeholder users driving the project are pointing out a bunch of bugs they think were introduced with my new feature that are all actually unrelated and have been there well before I started. I also just came across results from a survey sent to the team a few months ago describing the app as "buggy" or it "doesn't work". The project is frankly a mess.

    I've been there about a month, and I finally feel pretty comfortable with my familiarity level of what's in there so far, where the biggest issues are, and how things can be improved. Some people have been demanding when this new feature will be released, assuming I'm responsible for pre-existing bugs, etc. I'm getting the sense this place/team has a culture of urgency, ticking boxes asap, people generally exhausted and stressed. The few stakeholders I work with are my only connections so far, have discouraged my interest to connect with other users to gather more context and better define the requirements, and have next to no time themselves to spend on this. I am extremely frustrated, because all I care about is building the best tool I can for the users that could benefit from it, and it feels like I am constantly under pressure and blocked by other peoples' stress, insecurities, and power plays. It's all so unnecessary and counter-productive, and it's like they don't actually care if this project turns out well or not.

    I can release this first feature right now, and it'll contain a bunch of improvements to what was there but still have some major pre-existing bugs in the shared code and actually add to the latency issue with additional data. I'm trying to push for some time with the stakeholders to at least make them aware that the foundation we're building on needs work if the idea is to get people to actually use this, and if we want to avoid having that much more to redo down the road that is more and more difficult to backtrack on. I can do a lot with a few basic things, e.g. time allocated to fix up what is there now before loading in a bunch of new stuff and users to talk to regularly to get context, requirements, user testing.

    How the hell do I tactfully relay this? Am I an idiot for actually caring as opposed to trying to fly under the radar for these next five months? I know I'll feel shitty about myself if I'm not honest and don't do what I feel like has the best chance of making this work well, but I feel like I'm gonna look like a real buzzkill compared to someone nodding and smiling and covering it all up until people ultimately finally realize it is not actually a usable product, all this time and money was wasted, and the users missed out on something that could really have made their lives easier with just a bit more time and care.

    submitted by /u/plzhalp5000
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    What are the topics of Linux that developers need to know?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 02:45 PM PST

    Im applying for a job at Intel, and I had an informal talk with one the team leader and he was telling me one of the 5 things they are looking for is "Linux understanding". What are the topics I should research to give me the fundamentals for Linux that a developer would need?

    I have developed on Linux before but all I did was run tests and debug tests using the terminal

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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    I can’t explain in a title.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 06:31 PM PST

    Does anyone know how to make a system like in riddle school, where you drag an item onto another and they combine. And it you can't combine that item it goes back into its item slot. In macromedia flash 8? It can be done of flash 3 so I know it is possible, just can figure it out. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Own-Web-9254
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    Please help me brainstorm through this project. Super new to SQL.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 05:23 PM PST

    Can someone please give me some suggestions baba ideas on how to best automate this task in Access Database. Based on some of the material that I read, I may have to write code for SQL (completely new to this) or a macro in VBA.

    Thank you in advance for reading this post and making suggestions. My problem: Task1: I have a big data table in access that I need to extract specific fields from. Let's say columns 1 through 15. Let's call this Table-Extract.2

    Next, I want to be able to update the Table-Extract.2 whenever there are any changes to the main source (the big data table). For example, when new entries are recorded.

    Task2: From the new table (table-extract 2), I need to either: Add fields (columns). Only the new columns will require manual entries. Save it as a new table.

    Task 3: from the new (table-extract 2) again, need to add another fields (columns). Only the added fields need manual entries. Save as New table.

    I know this could be done by creating queries, but I don't know how to add new fields (columns) in a query where only the added fields need entry(using a form).

    One way to look at this, one portion of tables from tasks 2 and 3, will be updated automatically each time new data is added to the main source (large table). The reminder of the columns/fields are updated manually as needed. Kind of tracker.

    I hope this made some sense.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/CuriousMind1917
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    Is there any motion towards having FPGA chips inside mobiles?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 01:07 PM PST

    Battery life is an issue for mobiles. FPGAs are energy efficient for many intensive computational tasks. Is there any push towards having FPGA chips inside mobiles?

    submitted by /u/XiPingTing
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    Doing OOP in C

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:59 PM PST

    A few days ago someone told me that they were doing OOP in C and I was stunned. I was curious so I decided to tried it out.

    I'm currently unable to think of a way to allow the "Class" function to get the instance pointer without passing it in as a parameter. If there are any suggestions (ugly or not) please do say!


    //What I want

    int getLength(){

    return this->Length;


    //What I don't want

    int getLength(struct Rectangle* self){

    return self->Length;

    submitted by /u/N-5304
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    Brokerless messaging

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 04:40 PM PST

    I am looking for some brokerless messaging frameworks but I cannot find much information on it. I am familiar with mesh concept and zeromq but what I am searching is not mesh since mesh is sending the message to almost all the nodes. I am looking for a direct brokerless messaging framework, does anyone know any?

    submitted by /u/van_ozy
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    Counter Epilepsy... video driver? paint event intercept? I have no idea how this stuff works.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:37 PM PST

    So my buddy can't play Valheim because it is kicks off his epilepsy.

    I have very little experience w/ low level video programming and have no idea where to even ask this question but why isn't there a way to sense a level of brightness histogram change and just dark out the output, or keep it the same while it's flashing?

    I assume big daddy MSFT or Alphabet would have done this if it was easy, but does anyone know any projects that would address this? Could it be done open source? What technologies would be invovled? (Where would I start reading about this?)

    Seems like an accessibility thing that should be addressed.

    submitted by /u/52buckets
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    Template Matching an Image with a Video File, any recommended librarys/open source projects?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 03:54 PM PST

    I want to template match a given image with a video file and then just get the Timestamps as an output on where this templateImage was successful.

    For example video ist 5:00 Hour long my template Image was found on minute 20:00-24:23 and on minute 43:10-54:20.

    Hope everything is clear. Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/Menosa
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    Is there an easy way to create a similar player to the one on this page?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:41 AM PST

    link to the page

    I am looking to create similar simple players with essentially just a play button but I want them to not be videos, more like an embedded proprietary player or something if that makes sense.

    I have almost no experience with programming, would that be very complicated to create? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/everwonderedhow
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    Converting an XML object (Datatime) to the right format with Javascript?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:36 AM PST


    So I am currently playing around with Javascript & API and trying to fetch some XML objects that represents Datetime, and I would like to display the information (date and time) in a specific way:

    So the XML objects looks like this " <starttimeutc>2021-02-21T23:00:00Z</starttimeutc> ", and I would like the data to look something like this "Sunday January 21st 23:00:00 " to make it more readable for the user.

    I have so far tried to fetch the XML data (with a simple XMLHTTP request), I parsed the data to JSON format and saved the all JSON objects to a local variable that I then used to display the information on the screen - but it didn't quite work as expected, my output for some reason became "/Date(1613948400000)/ ", etc.

    So what is a simple & effective way to make this work?

    Is there a built in function in Javascript to make this work?

    Any tip & help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Megnoslaupeins
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    Spam Email Filter for Duplicate Words

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 03:26 PM PST

    I'm receiving multiple spam emails daily from addresses such as:



    They all have repeated segments.

    I'm hoping to make a filter using wildcards that can pick up on two repeated strings of characters separated by "."

    I'm using shaw webmail. Here is a photo of the interface if that helps:


    Thank you for any help!

    submitted by /u/ArdentMeaning
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    Difference between web development and mobile development.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 05:05 AM PST

    Hey everyone, I have a genuine question, is there really much of a difference between web development and mobile development, I've tried web dev but I didn't really enjoy, as I'm not a very big fan of designing stuff (html & css), I enjoy problem solving more. I want to take a shot at iOS development, would it be the same ?

    submitted by /u/PapySnake00
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    Is there a CSV format with types?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 02:21 PM PST

    Hi, I want to create a config file for an embedded system. From this format, I would generate an array of C structs, so that I can e.g. include a CSV file in the code for an embedded system, and be able to access the data without the overhead of a CSV reader library.


    • the file must be plain text

    • the file must be human readable/editable

    I have some data that fits into CSV files very well. The one issue with the CSV format is that I am not able to store the type associated with each column.

    e.g. what I would really like to have is something like this

    Col0 (int), Col1 (uint8_t), Col2 (bool), Col3 (bool), Col4 (int), Col5 (bool) 1896,7,0,0,20,0 1900,78,0,0,55,0 1904,2,0,0,194,0 1908,147,0,0,63,0 

    So this is the same as a CSV file, except I've got type information in the header. I would then write a small program to reformat the data in a .h file like this.

    typedef struct Row { int col0; uint8_t col1; bool col2; bool col3; int col4; bool col5; } Row; Row mytable[4] = { {1896,7,0,0,20,0}, {1900,78,0,0,55,0}, {1904,2,0,0,194,0}, {1908,147,0,0,63,0} }; 

    However instead of inventing my own format, I would prefer to use one that exists if available.

    One format I can think of is the .SQL format for creating/initializing tables. However that is a bit heavy and includes a lot of extra text, and is understood to do something different than what I actually want.

    Another option is to write the table directly in an array of C structs. However that format is not so easy to work with. With a CSV file I could open it up in Excel to change values easily all at once. Even with JSON I would be alright. In the end, I would like to use this text format to generate a C struct that is already initialized, so I don't want to start in that format to begin with. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/anonymousredditor0
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    Food Reviews Dataset

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 01:35 PM PST

    I am looking for food reviews for food items e.g. reviews for items at a restaurant . Surprisingly I couldn't find anything useful everything shows some amazon reviews but I want more restaurant based. (only small dataset will do , e.g. 1k reviews )

    submitted by /u/Hammad1814453
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    How can I make a text field with a button beside of it that saves the text to a notepad file.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:56 PM PST

    The reason I need it is so that I can put code in the text fields and name the button what it does, and then just hit buttons (for some game software)

    submitted by /u/tutunka
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    What dev tool do you wish existed?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:15 PM PST

    I'm currently in a boot camp and we have a month-long project to create a production-level dev tool.

    I was just curious what technologies do you work in and what are some of the problems/challenges you face on a daily basis in your development process and what tool do you wish existed to facilitate solving those problems, or what tool could be better?

    Also I am generally curious what technologies you feel would be good to take a deep dive into as an aspiring junior-mid level engineer. Some options we are considering are Graph QL, React, Docker, Kubernetes, Kafka, and Recoil, but open to any ideas, thank you!

    submitted by /u/colebluefearn
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    Help me pls

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:37 AM PST

    I just wrote my own code in python from scratch to generate perlin noise by given dimensions and octave. Because my code(function) returns the whole texture, I can't figure out how to apply bicubic interpolation. Can you please explain me the basics of bicubic interpolation and implementation for a whole texture simply as much as possible, considering I'm only 13 and English is not my native

    submitted by /u/kerbal_galactic
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