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    Monday, February 22, 2021

    The best way to learn programming is to jump in face first--take it from someone who started a job heavy in programming weeks before the pandemic hit and had learn everything remotely on her own learn programming

    The best way to learn programming is to jump in face first--take it from someone who started a job heavy in programming weeks before the pandemic hit and had learn everything remotely on her own learn programming

    The best way to learn programming is to jump in face first--take it from someone who started a job heavy in programming weeks before the pandemic hit and had learn everything remotely on her own

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 06:07 PM PST

    Hi! I started working in a comp bio lab right before the pandemic hit, and ever since then navigating through it has been really tough, especially since I had to work remotely and solve problems myself. Most of my tasks include creating and debugging programs and I was just launched into it completely naked. I have absolutely no background in programming whatsoever (major was biology/math, I thought I wanted to be a doctor), and being around people who literally eat, sleep and breathe coding makes it very intimidating sometimes. Especially when they start rambling a bunch of jargon to me and expect me to go off and make a program that does what they need it to, makes me overwhelmed and frustrated at times.

    But it has been extremely helpful because I started off learning the basic fundamentals of python and bash scripting and command line and git and all that before I even knew what any of it actually was. I still feel stupid when I ask basic questions about things, but I can definitely tell that there is a huge jump in progress compared to where I was a year ago and didn't even know what a for loop was or even a Boolean or string. And I think it's because they had me start programming things instead of learning to program things. I did instead of watched. Action was done instead of passively staring. Yeah, I watched videos explaining things, I still do in fact, but a large part of my time was spent creating scripts and if I got stuck, Google was my friend if I didn't know how to do something or asking a fellow co-worker. This helped me acquire the phrases I needed to clarify and explain things, and be more comfortable in the language/lingo. I think it's easier when you have to learn to do something for yourself without being spoonfed because it makes you have to think, and thinking outside of the box is want makes a good programmer. You can't think linearly, you have to think of all the different ways and methods of getting to the end goal, and all the different things that could happen and cause it crash or not perform as you want it to.

    I still have a long way to go before I'm anywhere near the same level as my coworkers, but I feel a strong sense of accomplishment everytime I make a program or script that runs and gives me the output I need instead of giving a ton of errors(even though it looks like a 5 year old wrote it compared to the complex ones they write that look like beautiful works of art!! It's like looking at the statue of David or the Mona Lisa whereas mine looks like someone banged on the keyboard and somehow it managed to form coherent words lol). I think about how little I knew before, and how crazy far I've come since then! The little victories are worth it. It makes me want to keep going and growing!

    submitted by /u/JammingScientist
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    Is Web-Scraping a good skill to learn as a Beginner?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:08 AM PST

    I'm a python beginner and up till now I have only made some games and GUI apps in python, now I'm looking to expand my skill set in python, I wanted to know is Web-Scraping a good skill to learn in python and would it help me in my CS degree which is starting soon or should I go for something else if you guys have any other option I am ready to learn and anything that would help me in the long run.

    submitted by /u/SadFrodo401
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    5 rules to put your mind in the right place (for beginners)

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:45 AM PST

    1. Don't get frustrated - know that anything you don't know can be learned and can be improved, you just need to find the right learning method for you, or simply just take a break and come back later. As long as you're making progress consistently, things will get easier day by day. The rest of the rules is for helping you to make progress. To make progress consistently, you just have to apply these rules everyday (until you're no longer a beginner).
    2. Don't waste your ammunitions (1) - Your time and your motivation are your ammunitions, don't waste them on things that are not productive. If you have no clues on how to approach a problem, move on to other problems, there are plenty of other problems you can try. Or you can just look at the solution and follow the solution, try to do it yourself once you've gotten some ideas. Getting stagnant and frustrated in something is a sure way to diminish your time and motivation.
    3. Don't waste your ammunitions (2) - anything you don't understand or isn't clear to you, google it, just because one learning material isn't explaining something the way that you can understand doesn't mean no learning material can, there are plenty of stuff on the internet, googling for info is an essential part of a programmer's life.
    4. Don't just understand - you have to actually write code, programming is an art of thinking and doing, so you not only have to understand something, you still have to do it in order to "obtain" it. Whenever you learn something new, try it out by actually writing the code. "understand it" + "have done it" = "know it"
    5. Don't get ahead of yourself - Don't think about making cool apps/websites with react.js or jump into sorting algorithms, data structures, object-oriented programming prematurely, any one of these activities requires a solid foundation of basic programming techniques. If you want to make sense of the QuickSort algorithm, you need to have a solid foundation of array, conditional, and recursion. If you want make sense of the Linked List data structure, you need a solid foundation of object, conditional, and recursion. Getting into these more advanced subjects prematurely can confuse and discourage a beginner. You can still check out what react.js is all about or how a QuickSort algorithm looks like, but don't be too hard on yourself for not being able to understand and utilize these advanced concepts. Put your focus on the fundamentals. The fundamentals will always be relevant. Having unrealistic goals is another sure way to diminish your time and motivation.

    Hope this is helpful to you.

    submitted by /u/mmremote
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    Learn Python in <1 hour with free NBA-themed course! ��

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 06:10 PM PST

    I spent the past few weeks making a course to 'announce' the starting lineup of the 1998 Chicago Bulls using Python, including getting the code to play their intro song (Sirius) before listing all the names!

    As a huge NBA fan myself, I thought it would be fun to teach Python using NBA data. I love teaching coding (spent the past year teaching at General Assembly) and want to make it more accessible to beginners. The course takes less than an hour and is totally free.

    I put a ton of time into this course and am pumped to share it with you all 🏀 My main site is likeiamfive.com but you can access the course directly from this link.


    submitted by /u/mattyba11
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    Geeksforgeeks not a good place to get started with programming

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 01:02 AM PST

    I have seen many people recommending GeeksforGeeks to get started with programming.
    But the truth is, many article is very poorly written, along with poor UI/UX design.

    From what I have seen, Its just a place where code from different website and books are copied and compiled on a single website.

    Let's just take example of method 4.
    It's been a year since the method 4 has not been removed, this was one such code I found out today.

    https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/length-of-longest-subarray-in-which-elements-greater-than-k-are-more-than-elements-not-greater-than-k/?ref=rp-Wrong approach

    https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/longest-subarray-count-1s-one-count-0s/?ref=rp - Logically incorrect.

    Many article with wrong time complexity, slow approach, poor explanation have just ruined the quality of content.

    Would not recommend GeeksforGeeks.

    submitted by /u/aniketsinha101
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    I have ADHD will I be able to learn how to program?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:34 PM PST

    I really wondered were to put this, but I figured this would be the best place. I struggle with several mental illnesses and the one that affects my life the most is ADHD, my country is not advanced on mental illness so there is really not much opportunity for therapy or medications.

    Have any of you struggled with something similar and came off winning? Or should I just give up?

    I understand if giving up is the only option, I just really don't want to waste my time.

    Sorry for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language and please don't be mean I'm literally in the verge of a breakdown, thank you :)

    submitted by /u/regular-soul
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    How Do You Remember?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 10:39 PM PST

    I'm trying to find methods of retaining knowledge better as I get older. Maybe this is the wrong place for this question, so sorry in advance. What I'd like to know is when you're learning new technology (languages, databases, frameworks, etc.) what helps you remember what you're learning? I know it's ridiculous to expect to remember every single thing and never need to look something up or refer to documentation, but I find myself struggling to really let things sink in as I'm getting older.

    I'm 30 years old now, I'm wondering if any older programmers have any valuable input and some tips on helping to retain new knowledge effectively. I know I'm not an idiot, I'm self-taught in everything I do from learning piano to learning programming and getting a career doing so. I spend about an hour or two a day following along with Udemy courses or reading books on programming, so I have no issue with dedicating time to continuing to educate myself. I'm just noticing that less and less of it is sticking with me other than knowing what I need to lookup to figure out how to do it.

    Is this a common problem with programmers in general as they get older? I feel like I used to learn a new language overnight and could start writing production apps immediately. Now I have to limit myself either to an hour or two of learning/practicing, or X number of videos and reflect on them afterwards.

    Please make me feel like I'm not getting early on-set Alzheimer's or something!

    submitted by /u/PaganGodsAreCool
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    Study habit for beginner programmer?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 06:51 PM PST

    I checked the FAQ's before posting and didn't find a relevant one, so I am hoping this is allowed to get a better sense of direction as a self taught programmer. If this is not allowed please let me know where to post to get help

    a little over a year ago I had an app idea (0 experience coding, not even a "hello world")

    I spent months planning it out. Long story short I quickly found out the easiest and cheapest way would be to teach myself to code. I am currently learning Swift because I wanted to focus on iOS development.

    I was finally able to get my computer I needed top begin so the actual study process has only began around 2 and half months ago.

    I bought a book and finished all the lessons in that in a month, then moved to an online course. Some of the topics were more advanced than I needed at the time time so I stopped after I got what i needed out of it, then I plan to return to it when I get my fundamentals down without an issue.

    out of the almost 3 months since i began programming, I would say only 3 weeks ago I began to take it really serious, such as write a schedule out and stick to it. While working, I have been able to dedicate around 18-25 hours a week studying, taking notes, doing practice apps, watching videos, for the last 3 weeks.

    I have gotten to the point where i can read the code that is presented to me and understand (mostly) what is going on, up to the lessons I have learned anyways. However when my course gets to a "Challenge Day" such as "Create a rock paper scissors game for you iphone then style it"

    I am having difficulty building from scratch but can read presented code... I know, "Just code more"


    I am about 25 days into my 100 day challenge while studying about 20 hours per week. I still need to get through the remaining 75 days before I would say I have "learned" the basic concepts well enough to start using them well. Should i be worried I can't do the challenge questions just yet, or should I just just focus on sticking to my courses for the next 3 months for 20+ hours a week, then begin coding practice apps before I jump into the main one I want to build.

    I'm not sure if it is relevant but I am not learning to code to get a job or freelance, It is purely a passion project that I see a need for so it is the only thing I want to work on making it difficult to come up with ideas for practice app without going to a tutorial for ideas

    ( I know it will take me a long time to get my skills up to par)

    I'm worried about getting caught in "Tutorial Hell" and not actually working on my skills, but at the same time I don't even have a real foundation so I figured I'm okay for the time being. Just hoping for some advice from a more experienced programmer, on moving forward.

    for example I have looked into codeWars, LeetCode, TheOdinProject, but found they were beyond what I needed as I was just starting (at the time 1 month in) should I maybe incorporating any of those into my study time(so I get more coding time "under the belt"), so all of my time isn't just reading, notes and tutorial apps/ video(to understand the concepts) or should I stick to my course to learn the foundation before i look at those?

    submitted by /u/xviNEXUSivx
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    Good course for math for computer science?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:25 PM PST

    I've been going through the MIT Open courseware course Mathematics for Computer Science (6.042J), however, because the assignments and exams don't have solutions, it's difficult. Does anyone have any good alternatives?

    submitted by /u/theramstoss
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    The best method to make a form that asks the user for their career?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:25 PM PST

    Hi! I am currently doing a FreeCodeCamp project (make a survey form). In it, one of the requirements is that there should be a dropdown menu. I thought of asking the user for their career. Initially, I thought of using the <select> tag. However, there are so many careers! I don't want the user to just write doctor or programmer. I want them to specify, such as web developer, cardiologist etc. So, what is the best way to ask the user such a question?

    Reminder: use of programming languages is discouraged. Only HTML and CSS are to be used at this stage. The <textarea> element cannot be used, only a dropdown. Should I just change the question or is it possible to do achieve such a task?

    submitted by /u/Moazzam-SK
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    Full-Time Devs/Interns, how do you make time for learning after office hours?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:20 AM PST

    Hi people of r/learnprogramming

    My question is to people doing internships/Full-time work.

    If you want to learn something new, work on a side project, work on something that can be another source of income, How do you allot time to those tasks? What time would you prefer? After a few hours reaching home or early in the morning?

    I'm asking this because I have started an internship in a company. The timing is 8:30 AM to 6 PM. I feel exhausted and drained after reaching home. I really wish to learn something different from the stack I am using in the company( .Net Core and Angular).

    I wanted to improve my coding skills, work on Data structures and algorithms, try solving problems, and grow. But after reaching my room, I don't have the energy to do anything.

    So, I would like to know how you all are doing it. So that people like me would be able to extract something from your routines and create a suitable plan for themselves.

    submitted by /u/EncryptedIdiot
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    Why do folks here offer others help to their questions here?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 07:34 PM PST

    Well, not only here but in general. I myself ask a lot as a novice, and also see people paste tedious to debug code here. Yet I almost always see folks in the comments identifying the issue, helping out, etc.

    Why do you help? What is the motivation?

    Genuinely curious, also thanks to this sub and many others who have helped me out when I can't just google my super specific issue.

    submitted by /u/Willy988
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    How can I add search to my website?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 10:42 PM PST

    I want people to be able to search across the different pages of my website, what could be a good and easy way to do it? Preferably if I build the search myself without using to much third party stuff


    My website is raw HTML, CSS and JavaScript

    submitted by /u/The_ET_Letters
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    What do you do as a coder in firms that are well established and developed, like Facebook, Amazon, Netflix?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 03:12 AM PST

    ELI5: What do you really produce and why do such companies hire so many people if the apps are... already developed? Can anyone explain to me what is really done in such companies? My current idea of work there is just maintenance of code.

    submitted by /u/WorthFighting
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    if you recently went from self taught with 0 professional experience to your first job, how did you do it?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:28 AM PST

    I've been programming self taught for two years cumulative. I see "yay i got my first job" posts every two weeks or so on this board. How are you guys doing it?

    between August and December of 2019 I received 4 take home tests from potential employers and then suddenly it stopped no matter what I do. I hypothesize the pandemic is to blame but I'm not sure. So I want to know if someone has got their first job recently, what did they do? how did they do it? was it through a job board like Indeed or did they know someone? And how long were they self-teaching for?

    specifically i am looking for people who got their first job in the past 9 months or so to comment what they did. If you got your first job pre-pandemic I don't think your experience applies.

    submitted by /u/Roly__Poly__
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    Storing values for long period of time in Python

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:25 PM PST

    Hey, i would like to ask what would be best way to store multiple values for hours to couple of days to do calculations later. Currently i am thinking of making a list where i store all then needed values and when trigger condition is met i take the values out and do calculations. Is it the good way, or is there a better way. Any tips would be helpful.

    Currently building a program that makes next decisions on based on calculated values.

    Edit1: i am hesitant about this because i have only learned programming from freecodecamp and look how computer reacts to my programs and this is hard to test because of time difference.

    submitted by /u/terandok
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    Can you overload a function in an if statement? C++

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:53 PM PST

    I made boolean functions that return true or false. I made a driver for each function. They all work properly. But when i put them into an if statement they dont work correctly. It outputs if there is only one statement, but if there is more than one, it doesnt work for any. Prolly doing some noob shit but idk.

    int main() { const int cards = 5; int hand[cards]; //Input card numbers cout << "Enter 5 numeric cards, no face cards. 2 - 9.\n\n"; for (int i = 0; i < cards; i++) { cout << "Card " << i + 1 << ": "; cin >> hand[i]; cout << endl; } if (Quads(hand, cards) == true) { cout << "Quads!"; } else if(Trips(hand, cards) == true) { cout << "Trips!"; } else if (TwoPair(hand, cards) == true) { cout << "Two Pair!"; } else if (Pair(hand, cards) == true) { cout << "Pair."; } return 0; } 
    submitted by /u/HousePappas
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    Question : Going from RestController to MVC controller (Spring)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:39 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I created an app using spring and RestControllers.
    Now i would like to recreate the exacte same controller but using MVC controllers instead of Rest ones.

    Is it just an annotation to change like going fom @ RestController to @ Controller ?

    Is there something else to do?

    Thank you for your help !

    submitted by /u/ahouiouiouioui
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    How to learn Tkinter

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:43 PM PST

    To learn anything we required a complete roadmap or learning path.

    Visit:- Tkinter

    submitted by /u/abhigoya
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    Learning coding based on visual models and metaphors. Does this work for you?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:15 AM PST

    It always seems to me that when a person first learns to code, there is a big barrier that needs to be crossed before the person can fully understand the link between the written source code and what gets executed.

    For example, in JavaScript, when you write let arr1 = [1,2,3], the novice programmer may not be able to directly understand that the code written defines a variable, builds an array object in memory, references that object. The object has a length property and a prototype chain, which gives them access to many other methods that can be applied to it. Some of the array methods will change the original array, other ones will not.

    The idea is that to understand our code, we also have to understand the many "moving parts" in the background. These in turn are communicated much more easily using visuals such as models or metaphors and not by showing people more code.

    Do you think that we are doing a good job teaching people how to program when so many teaching resources out there are code-along tutorials. I really hate these.

    Isn't this similar to teaching somebody how to fix cars, by watching mechanics work on youtube. Sure, if you watch enough videos and you can play with your own car, you will eventually get there, but, doesn't it make more sense to watch videos about how engines work and why they work. You will alway ultimately learn the most by working on your own car, but in this way, you will at least understand what you are doing.

    I used JavaScript as an example, as this is probably the language with the most code written by people that don't really understand what happens under the hood.

    submitted by /u/3dCodeWorld
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    How to model grandchild class which can affect grandparent

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:58 PM PST

    I was told this isn't appropriate for stackoverflow so I'll try here instead. I'm working in Python.

    I have a class structure something like the following:

    import uuid from typing import List class Baz(): def __init__(self, baz_type: int): self.id = uuid.uuid4() self.type = baz_type class Bar(): def __init__(self): self.id = uuid.uuid4() self.bazs: List[Baz] = None def add_baz(self, baz: Baz): self.bazs.append(baz) if baz.baz_type == 1: pass # Here I would like to add an additional, new Baz to Foo. class Foo(): def __init__(self): self.id = uuid.uuid4() self.bars: List[Bar] = None def add_bar(self, bar: Bar): self.bars.append(bar) 

    These classes represent a sort of nested structure. The grandparent class Foo can hold multiple children Bar, and each Bar can hold multiple grandchildren Baz. If a certain type of Baz gets added to a Bar, we should add an additional Bar to its parent Foo.

    These classes all work together - it's not meaningful to have a Bar alone, in its practical usage a Bar will always have some parent Foo.

    I'm wondering how best to model this. My current attempt has everything hanging off the Grandparent class, something like:

    class Foo(): def __init__(self): self.id = uuid.uuid4() self.bars: List[Bar] = None def add_bar(self, bar: Bar): self.bars.append(bar) def add_baz(self, bar: Bar, baz: Baz): bar.bazs.append(baz) if baz.baz_type == 1: self.add_bar(Bar()) 

    but I'm not sure if there is a possibly better approach, particularly in a situation where there are many levels of nesting.

    submitted by /u/powerbihelpme
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    Web/Mobile app ecosystem confusion

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:39 PM PST

    Hello all. I'm a bit confused when it comes to a website (maybe a better example would be a social media platform) having a mobile app in both the Apple and Android store. How do all three exist in having the same saved users information, but are built in different languages, e.g. Swift and Kotlin? Are the apps built separately in their respective languages and designed to look similar, but pull from the same database, if that makes sense?

    submitted by /u/Donnshin
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    Help with my first production application?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:32 PM PST

    EDIT: I should add it works fine when I run it locally, and also on a heroku site I deployed it to while I was building it: https://dbbtest.herokuapp.com/. It is only on the cPanel/domain where this error occurs.

    I have just recently deployed my first React/HTML/CSS/JS client application into production yesterday, so it was also my first time having to sort out domain names and all of that newbie jazz. I deployed it to one of my friends server hosting companies which uses cPanel, using this video as a guide to get everything up and running: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waGV8ow_5vY&t=155s

    Anyway, the issue on my site is that when I refresh the page anywhere on the site other than the home page, it throws a 404. If you click through the links like you would when navigating the site normally however, everything works fine. It is only when you refresh the page does the error occur.

    I really have no idea where the problem is so any help would be awesome. Here is the site if you think viewing it would help debug it in some way (and of course to check out the site and let me know what you think or if you spot anything that also needs changing): https://deburnays.co.uk/.

    Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/thenimbleotter
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    Data Structures Question (Java)

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:28 PM PST

    Do the conditions for a double conditional if statement get checked simultaneously?

    for example,

    if ( x == 1 && y == 2)

    Does java check if x equals 1 first and then check if y equals 2 after? Or does it check both at the same time?

    submitted by /u/sSungjoon
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