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    Tuesday, February 2, 2021

    ICE texture - Seamless/Tileable (100% Substance Designer)

    ICE texture - Seamless/Tileable (100% Substance Designer)

    ICE texture - Seamless/Tileable (100% Substance Designer)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:05 PM PST

    What's the right way to design code of your game?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 07:14 AM PST

    Hi Guys,

    I'm professional programmer with some indie background in gaming industry. I have some game idea which I'd love to work on after hours. I've already prepared GDD + some hand drawn mockups for particular systems and now I'm wondering about coding aspect. So far, my all game projects which I was involved in, were like "start coding and we will think about code structure after". I hate such approach and I'd like to design whole thing before coding it (design -> tests -> code). Do you have any articles/sources where I can read about good coding practices, code organization and biggest No-No's? I was searching through https://www.gamasutra.com/ but didn't find what I was looking for.

    Just to give better insight:

    Game engine: Unity

    Platform: Mobile

    Game genre: something a little like Rise of Kingdoms

    MVP: Single player game with three separate screens - one for country management, one for town management and one for battling.

    I'm planning to develop MVP by myself, get feedback and check if it's worth to involve more ppl. However I'd like to make it as solid as possible + ready for potential networking so I won't have to throw it away and start from beginning. Thank you for your answers.

    submitted by /u/Kaszniam
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    Coding Vent

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:42 AM PST

    So I've finally decided that I want to start making my own games. Mainly just for fun because I have tons of ideas juggling around in my head that I'd love to actually play around with one day. I'm an artist, not a programmer and coding is really the only thing holding me back. I just keep sitting here in a cycle of wanting to make games and stopping myself because I can't code.

    To me it's so intimidating, there's just so many parts and it's super overwhelming. I've had a ton of people telling me to just jump in and start, but the problem is I don't know where. When looking up tutorials there's just so many, and half of the time I end up learning absolutely nothing after finishing reading or watching a video.

    Not only is starting a struggle, I'm not even entirely sure how to go about learning it. I tend to over think most of the things I end up doing, so it's not really surprising that I'm struggling with this.

    submitted by /u/fallouts128
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    Here is a royalty free music and Sound pack I made (Chiptunes, Metal and symphonic coming soon!) Best wishes game devs!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:21 AM PST

    Around 50-60 of my original music compositions and songs in the metal genre with elements of retro electronic music and chiptune over the past 7 years. All of them are available for free under Creative Commons, and free to use for any purpose, including commercial. Enjoy listening.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:28 AM PST

    How does collision really work in games?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:22 AM PST

    I am using unity for over a year now... The collision system seems pretty good for making the player staying on top of the ground and collide with terrain in general.

    In some other case, you would also wanna use raycasting, for faster-moving objects, which is also a form of collision

    This is what I want to learn:

    1. Is the box collider that is used in many game engines like unity just a raycast?
    2. When it does detect a collision, how does it make sure the player stays out of the collided object? Does it apply a force? Does it change the velocity of, does it change the position of the player?
    3. (optional) How would you build a collision system? Is it worth it? Is it too difficult to do?
    submitted by /u/EternalStud3nt
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    Can I use real places in my game?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:57 AM PST

    I am creating a game set in Chernobyl and I was wondering if I am able to use the name Chernobyl in my game as well as the places around it? I looked online and couldn't find much on it.

    submitted by /u/CornedBeed
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    Good day good Gamedevs of Reddit! I created a new tutorial for 2D lights + real time 2d shadows + Post Processing under 5 min

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:57 AM PST

    Want advice regarding my job as a game developer

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:40 AM PST

    I have been working at this company for 11 months, it was my first job experience working on a game(was 3 years into development unit it released) which was a startup kinda thing, the lead developer made us work in multiple aspects of game development, from modeling to rigging, texturing, even coding and sometimes data entry. I remember copy pasting character coordinates for a month cause the game had static animations(recorded from kinect that weren't even cleaned up) and we had to make sure these animations didn't lead to collision in different environments so we aligned all the character animation according to each environment and set spawn points manually for like 300 characters in 15 different environments. we also rigged 900 characters but there were only 8 original characters in game, but each character had like 10 shoes, 25 shirts so we rigged each character for each clothing on the body(is this normal)

    We modelled multiple things that aren't even in the game for whatever reason

    After the game released it didn't do well at all cause there was barely any gameplay and all the mechanics were broken, like the most basic thing if you pressed the escape key and got to the menu the game wouldn't pause(not like dark souls doe) After that he started another game and 2 months since and there's nothing solid even concept wise, and he just scrapped everything we did for 2 months

    I am sick of working here, low-key confident in my modeling and coding skills, but well I am not a expert in anything thinking of taking some time off and am confused about what should I focus on, are my skills and experience worth anything, should I focus one thing or continue branching out

    submitted by /u/samDsmith
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    How To Make A Multiplayer Game In Unity - Character Selection

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:11 AM PST

    Hiring a game dev — Best practices? What to expect? Things to look for (or avoid)?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:40 PM PST

    Hello. I want to make a game.

    I've taken up programming (C# and Unity) about a month ago. And while I enjoy the challenge of doing it myself, lately I've been thinking of hiring someone.

    Is there anything I should know about hiring and working with a game dev?

    I'm 39 years old and have been playing games since a child. I think I have a solid grasp and what makes a good/bad game. I also started my own advertising business and have experience with hiring remote workers and managing projects.

    My end goal is to turn my ideas into an engaging mobile strategy game. The concepts behind the game are simple, but get more complex as the player progresses. It would take concepts from two of my favorite mobile games right now, Forge of Empires and Hades Star.

    Any advice about the following would be appreciated:

    • Expectations on pay/time to complete tasks
    • Where to find a game dev
    • What to look for when hiring

    I should also note that I want to program the game without meshes, animations, etc. Just very simple concepts that I can update later. I need help creating the structure I can build upon. I'll eventually hire someone else for graphics, audio, etc. once the core of the game is ready.

    Thanks in advance, Reddit.

    submitted by /u/rayraytime
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    Finite State Machine in Godot · GDQuest

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:13 AM PST

    UE4 Tutorial -- Stabilize Chains of Physics Objects (with free project file)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:19 PM PST

    Benefits of Owning Source Code?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:04 PM PST

    Hello Reddit! I have read many articles comparing and contrasting the different game engines and some comparing and contrasting other tools used in game development (Blender, programming languages, etc). One unique property that I discovered in this research was the concept of owning your own source code. Another was being able to modify certain engines' source code (GoDot, Unreal?, custom engine).

    My question is, outside of the NIH (not invented here) fallacy, what are some good reasons for

    1. Owning your own source code?
    2. Being able to modify your tools? <Ex, GoDot being open source and apparently modifiable>

    I wasn't able to really find anything online about directly modifying GoDot, or how that process could even be started, just that it's possible. I'm wondering if there is any value in 2021 in owning my source code, why, and if there is any value or reality in modifying major projects like GoDot or Unreal through source code, or even building a custom engine- outside of the good feeling of having learned something new. I hope this makes sense!

    submitted by /u/Astralnaught_3D
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    "Runtime or it didn't happen"

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:52 AM PST

    Video proof of you completing a task for doing a new thing

    So that someone has to prove that it works at "runtime"

    submitted by /u/grievous-bot
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    Game Engine suitable for Sandbox and has very accurate measurements (up to centimeters)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:41 AM PST

    I haven't tried a 3D Game Engine before, but I have good background on programming and did some stuff in Game Maker (2D). I have some idea I want try and I am looking for 3D Game Engine suitable for Sandbox and has very accurate measurements (up to centimeters), the measurements can be scaled obviously between real-life and what displayed in the screen, but the important part are the boundaries of the 3D objects. For example, putting an object 10cm long on top of another object 12cm long, you should see the difference. Player should also able to zoom-in/out.

    submitted by /u/salanalani
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    The Very Beginning In Development

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:36 AM PST

    Introductory Info; I'm a bachelor's student in Computer Engineering with basic knowledge of Python and VBA. I'm currently taking classes on C++ and Java. On my own I started to teach myself a bit of C# (but of course, everything with moderation, because there is no rush nor is this a race to learn 3 languages poorly.)

    I've recently decided I want to delve into the scene of game development. My question is; I already have a simple idea for a game that can pivot the rest of my future developments (for said idea; if everything works well and seems practical); how/where do I start and how big/long should "daily" or "weekly" milestones be for this progress?

    My idea is a simple combat game with the opportunity to change weapons (so ATK values) and playable classes (so different stats in general). I may be aiming to high, but at the very least, I would like to get the concept of combat nailed down (be it as simple as taking DMG and doing DMG to another entity.)

    I understand that I must pace myself as for I am in the very early stages of programming, but let's take into consideration tutorials and outside help.

    Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

    TLDR; I'm new at the programming scene and game development; where/how do I start?

    submitted by /u/fswilliama
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    How to make a ladder in unity (Unity platformer tutorial)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:19 AM PST

    Process.Start not launching game, Log stops at reading GPU

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:18 AM PST

    Can someone pls help?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:59 AM PST

    Ok so,i was working on c# basics and i installed .NET now im working in unity and turns out it does not cope with Unity i wanna know how i can disable it pls and thank you

    submitted by /u/maybe_alex
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    Offering free writing services for any game developers who need a scriptwriter

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:47 AM PST

    Hey guys, what's up? Like a lot of you, I am trying to get into the game industry, specifically as a scriptwriter since I, well, love writing! Unfortunately, a lot of companies out there (even indie ones) have minimum requisites of like 1 year in the industry, so I've been getting stonewalled everywhere. Getting experience here + helping out an indie developer would be doing two great things at once!

    In terms of my qualifications, I have a Bachelor's Degree in English, so you can be assured that my writing will never need extensive revising (on the contrary, I can always do an editorial overview of any pieces you wish to be reviewed!). While I do not have any relevant experience with regards to scriptwriting, over the past years, I have done many freelance writing gigs and jobs that have given me experience in a diversity of fields ranging from journalism to interviews to listicles to news pieces to analyses to advertising to, yes, even video game reviews. Because of this, I can safely say that I can adapt my writing accordingly to any medium and tailor it to the primary party's specific needs, no matter what they are.

    In addition to this, I am one of the Editors for the website Flickering Myth. Flickering Myth is currently ranked the #1 entertainment blog in the United Kingdom, and because of my position there, I can guarantee your team free publicity in the form of news coverages, interviews, and potentially reviews should you and your publisher grant us review copies. My video game reviews for Flickering Myth also hopefully showcase my understanding of game design, narrative design, and the industry at large.

    Links to reviews:




    Links to Flickering Myth's credentials:


    submitted by /u/RedtheGamer100
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    Please help me choose a laptop -- Acer Nitro 5 vs Legion 5

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:43 AM PST

    -> They both have the same specs:

    CPU : AMD Ryzen 5 4600H

    RAM : 8 GB

    HDD : 256 GB SSD (+ 1TB HDD in legion)

    Screen : 15.6" FHD LED (1920 x 1080) 144Hz (120 Hz in Legion)

    Graphic : NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1650Ti 4GB

    -> They both are the same price.

    -> Mostly using it for blender, photoshop, programming, flstudio, gamedev.

    -> I have to choose from these two laptops because these are the only laptop having ryzen affordable cpus available in my country.

    -> I value longevity (my laptop should last preferably 6-7 years), battery life provided by nitro 5 but legion is less GAMER like and design is solid.

    please help me choose one.

    submitted by /u/Aye_xx
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    Making your own sound effects on a budget

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:26 PM PST

    Unity license keeps disappearing

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:19 AM PST

    Every time I start Unity Hub, my license disappears and I have to get a new one to start developing again. I'm using the free license, so that would be a minor inconvenience, but it also means I just can't work without an internet connection. Why does this keep happening?

    submitted by /u/Do_you_like_MEMES
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