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    Wednesday, February 3, 2021

    I stopped working in order to dedicate myself to learning to code 60+ hours a week, advice / feedback on my self-study strategy much appreciated! learn programming

    I stopped working in order to dedicate myself to learning to code 60+ hours a week, advice / feedback on my self-study strategy much appreciated! learn programming

    I stopped working in order to dedicate myself to learning to code 60+ hours a week, advice / feedback on my self-study strategy much appreciated!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:03 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I decided a couple of weeks ago to get out of my current industry by stopping work and dedicating myself to learning to code 6 days a week, 10 hours a day.

    I completely missed this sub when I started out because I was focused on "coding" and forgot about "programming", which speaks to the level of my inexperience with all of this.

    Right now I'm simultaneously running through three front-end programs:

    - freeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design (almost done) and JavaScript (much more painful)

    - Zero to Mastery "Complete Web Developer"

    - Codecademy "Front-end Engineer"

    I'm also thinking about running The Odin Project simultaneously as well as I really really like the tone of it and its intro bits, but four programs at once seems a bit goofy.

    Thing is, I've gotten some feedback pointing me towards App Academy and Full Stack Open as well, with Full Stack Open looking (to my inexperienced eyes at least) like an all-the-way pro setup, though it goes pretty far beyond front-end (I think?)

    Right now I feel like the three-pronged approach is working for me, as I'm working ahead in freeCodeCamp, then following up with Codecademy and ZTM which are flushing things after I've had a chance to get used to the code itself.

    (To be clear, I have no affiliation with any camp/academy/program, these are just the ones my research / trial has led me to.)

    Maybe it's wrong, but I'm not thinking so much in terms of "what path lands me a job" but "what path builds the skills I feel I'll want to use". My thinking is that if I can develop and prove the tangible skills (with a bunch of certs completed to boot, everything I'm doing will result in some sort of cert), job possibilities are something I'll start to understand better as I progress in learning and hearing from people in the industry.

    I don't know exactly what the job I want looks like, I just know I want to do something where I learn and create everyday, and I'd like the chance to work in my writing/storytelling skills as well as my basic graphic design skills. Understood I'll have to likely grind away at something more elementary to begin with, and be thankful for whatever job does eventually come my way, but that's the end goal. Front-end developer is what I'm thinking right now, but I'm trying to keep my mind open as I know I don't understand the industry well enough to pick a path.

    In terms of a tangible goal, I would love to be able to get to the point where I could make a living by meaningfully contributing to "story telling" web projects, something like the examples within this list. I know I need to deeply learn JavaScript, and I *think* the next ones after that are something like D3 and React, but again, I'm too new to have confidence in that opinion.

    This is a big change for me, and the family. I'm not doing this lightly, and in my mid-30s, with zero background in computer science or programming, I know I'm up against some bad statistics, but I'm doing this so that I'm not working 80 hour weeks stressed out of my mind, working away from my young daughter, like my current career.

    Anyway, any feedback on my overall gameplan is massively appreciated. I got a few really helpful comments on a couple of other subs, but I'm realizing this is the alpha coding/programming learning sub.

    submitted by /u/learntocodequickly
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    What's the most difficult feature you were ever asked to code at work?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:30 AM PST

    For me, it was building a table sortable by column, in React. We worked on an app for Goodyear company to manage truck fleets, tire pressure and temperature, warning signals, etc. We had to sort columns of truck fleets by id, name and warning labels.

    I only had 75% confidence building software in React at the time. The task required me to figure out how to sort an array of trucks retrieved from our Amazon S3 bucket by object property. I had to integrate that into React render() method and tie it all into callbacks that updated the objects if they were deleted directly from the table.

    It wasn't that the task itself was that difficult, or required lots of experience, but that it was made up of many parts that were not directly linked to each other. Had to write my own sorting function, etc.

    submitted by /u/mutantdustbunny
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    Code then learn

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:54 PM PST

    You might noticed that after some lessons in a course the feel of 'Wow I'm totally lost' is normal but the best way to overcome this feeling is just to start coding using what you already know, think of project that will use all that you know and then start adding small features using things that you don't know.

    You might look at your project and say 'Hey this is the worst code I've ever seen' but that's fine you will have a lot of time to make your code look better I mean 15 days after learning the basics on python I finished a script on python it was horrible one but it worked and I learned ton of things doing that things that weren't in any course, a month later I added some fancy things and made a ton of improvements but that wouldn't have been possible without the horrible code.

    The thing of mixing things that you don't understand with another things that you've just learned is something really common in courses the typical scenario is 'You know take this x thing that also does this x:y thing and then wrap in this z thing that you've just learned and it will make this bla bla bla...' If you're feeling lost just head to the documentation, search for examples on internet and think of the course that you're taking as just as a way to learn the basic of new complex things then you will have time to dig deep in them.

    submitted by /u/ckiooo
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    How do you go about writting code?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:51 PM PST

    I see other people programming and they seem to have such an easy time just coding right from the get go, they create classes, data structures and seem to know exactly what to put where. I've been coding for I think 2-3 years now, and I'm still having trouble building my code like that.

    For instance: I was learning a little bit about BSD sockets with C and trying to create a basic wrapper around the ugly parts of the socket creation so i could easily call a function for the setup of a simple server for connection.

    But, as I was writting it, I've noticed I had to keep changing where I was putting things (arguments, intermediate data structures, changing ideas about how to structure things, etc) and it quickly became a mess.

    Planning ahead seems very difficult too. I sit down to think about how to do it, but my mind goes completely blank, I have to start typing something and see how it goes.

    So, did you have/had this problem? How did you overcome it? How do you do it now?

    submitted by /u/ParmesanWithOregano
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    I am new to python, I have a problem with the code below can someone help me? thank you

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:05 PM PST

    colour=input("Enter your favourite colour: ") if (colour==red): print("I like red too.") else: print("I don't like "+colour+", I prefer red.") 

    if (colour==red):

    NameError: name 'red' is not defined

    submitted by /u/Glass-Blackberry6474
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    What's the best way to learn C++?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:08 PM PST

    I want to know if there are any good tips on the most effective way to learn C++? I have been learning C++ for a couple of months now and I really like it, I `am also learning unreal in conjunction with C++ so I can get to work on making games. I just don`t know if there are any effective ways to learn C++, the way I have been learning it so far is by just typing things like switch statements, loops and etc. over and over again. I `am learning from a book mainly and a course that teaches both C++ and unreal, and I feel like my progress is slow because I `am worried that I might move to fast and forget a lot of stuff and I wont be truly learning anything. If you can share any tips on an effective way to learn I would greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/xTHETYRANTGAMRx
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    Any Tips for SQL Performance?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:17 PM PST

    I am getting started on SQL and am looking for tips on writing performant SQL.

    submitted by /u/HaikusfromBuddha
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    How long does it take to learn C++?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 03:47 PM PST

    Quick question for anyone who can answer. To give a little backstory when I was in a community college I took introduction to python as an elective and learn some basic stuff. As I transferred to a university they took that python class as introduction to C++. So now I am in the 2 course of C++ in this university with no knowledge of C++. So I am bit worried because my advisor told me they should do a review of the basics which the professor didn't and was wondering if there is a website or some type of boot camp where I can practice with C++. It doesn't seem to different from python though, I just noticed that C++ seems more specific when typing out the code.

    submitted by /u/KYR_MOSES
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    need help with twitter api auth

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:24 PM PST

    hey, Im making a bot which tweets, retweets and likes posts. The problem is i need to get authenticated and twitter docs is one of the shittiest ive ever seen.

    I wrote this code to get the oauth_signature which i believe is correct - here

    But im getting this error -

    {'errors': [{'code': 215, 'message': 'Bad Authentication data.'}]} 

    I checked the error code in the docs it, says 'Corresponds with HTTP 400. The method requires authentication but it was not presented or was wholly invalid.

    I followed the official docs for auth - for tweeting, for creating signature, general oauth flow

    I know i can use community made modules like tweepy but i want to send raw requests on my own.

    If any one has worked with twitter api before, consider helping. Thanks

    submitted by /u/iMakeLoveToTerminal
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    I need help deciding which way to go. IIS, MSSQL Asp.net or apache, mysql, php

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:04 PM PST

    Need advice and opinion. I am planning to develop a web based integration software to interact between accounting software (myob) and software which will house business needs e.g. customer rental, repairs, etc. The software will be used only locally on LAN.

    I just do not know which way should i go opensource or Microsoft way.

    Could you help me decide. If this is wrong place to post let me know where i can ask this question.

    submitted by /u/Mrmastermax
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    Travel api

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:54 PM PST


    Do you guys know any api for a cheap hotel and flight site?

    submitted by /u/Javier_Gold
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    Help with CMake and Wxwidgets

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:48 PM PST

    Hi, I am on linux and I am running Visual studio code with cmake I wish to learn wxwidgets but I am having trouble. First I used vcpkg and integrated wxwidgets than ran

    cmake ../my/project -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake (With the correct directories)

    However I received the error " Could NOT find wxWidgets (missing: wxWidgets_LIBRARIES"

    I do not believe that I am missing another library and if you need to know here is part of my CMakeLists.txt

    set(wxWidgets_CONFIGURATION mswu)
    SET(wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR "/../wxWidgets-3.1.4/")
    SET(wxWidgets_LIBRARIES "/../lib/")
    SET(wxWidgets_LIB_DIR "/../libwx_baseu-3.1.so")
    SET(wxWidgets_CONFIGURATION "mswd")
    find_package(wxWidgets COMPONENTS core base REQUIRED)include(${wxWidgets_USE_FILE})

    I really appreciate any help. I am a c++ noob who is trying to learn how to apply c++.

    submitted by /u/theencomputers
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    Java beginner help

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:38 PM PST

    Hi a few weeks back I start a computer programming course that is using Java. I have been really struggling in the class if anyone can help with the basics I would appreciate thank you!

    submitted by /u/RealiseUs
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    New to Java!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:04 PM PST

    My program runs fine, I was just wondering if there is a better way to do this piggy bank program? (I want to get better! any tips will help) Thank you!

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class LearnCode {

    public static void main(String\[\] args) { Scanner atlas= new Scanner([System.in](https://System.in)); System.out.println("\\t \\t \\tThis program will be used to count the number of Cents you have"); System.out.println("\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t Please enter a correct quantity below"); System.out.println("please enter the number of pennies you have"); float penny= atlas.nextFloat(); System.out.println("please enter the number of nickels you have"); float nickel= atlas.nextFloat(); System.out.println("please enter the numbers of dimes you have"); float dime= atlas.nextFloat(); System.out.println("please enter the number of quarters you have"); float quarter= atlas.nextFloat(); float total= (penny\*.01f) + (nickel\*.05f) + (dime\*.10f)+ (quarter\*.25f); System.out.print("your change is $" ); System.out.print( total); 



    submitted by /u/Ok_Factor4134
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    I am applying for a 6 month developers course that is government funded for people on EI. I happen to know that they’re going to ask me to share my screen and write some code for them. Just looking for some good examples and some simple tutorials to help me prepare for the interview.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:34 AM PST

    The point of the program is to help people find work in a different field that has better job security. Before the pandemic I had already started learning web development. I had got to the point that I could make basic sites that were more or less responsive (with HTML, css, and php), and I had started learning javascript and MySQL.

    It's been a while since I've done any real studying but I do remember some stuff and have been going through some of my old projects. I know that they're not looking for much experience, just that we know some very basic thinks like: functions, variables, inputting arguments, and returning values. Specifically they will want me to write a function that allows me to input an argument and return a value. I'm thinking my best bet is going to be to focus on javascript. How would you answer the interview question? Know of any good javascript tutorials to help me get some practise?

    submitted by /u/JOYOU5
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    Programming with Mosh

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:27 AM PST

    I've been looking at a number of courses that'll improve my programming skills. A particular course offering that has caught my eye and interest are the courses offered by Mosh Hamedani. He offers a a number of courses in different languages and programming paradigms. I was wondering if anyone has gone to through his courses and would like your insight on their worth as this would be a long term investment for me.

    Here's a link to his website with the courses Programming with Mosh

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated 😊

    submitted by /u/Refrigerated_Water
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    Study with me? UC Berkely Composing Programs course

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:55 PM PST

    Hey all!

    I recently completed Harvard's CS50x course (awesome course btw, I highly recommend it). Next up I want to take UC Berkeley's Composing Programs course. I suck at self discipline and don't do well on my own so I am hoping some of you would like to join me in taking this course.

    I'll create a Discord server for our study group where we can chat, help each other w/ problems, work together on group projects, etc.





    This course isn't well suited for complete beginners, though. So please only respond if you have some basic CS/programming knowledge. Again, I highly recommend Harvard CS50x for beginners.

    Let me know if you're interested!

    submitted by /u/wberner
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    Suggestion on tech to use for football match simulation on web

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:10 AM PST

    As per the title, I'm looking at trying to create some sort of football match simulation - I'm doing an app that is played in browser/mobile, and everything front-end is done in React as that's what I work with daily. Additionally I will have a backend that hooks up to a mongo db for storage.
    My question is what might be nice to use on the backend?
    We run everything on node here, so I can set that up fairly okay, but would that be preferable for the match simulation logic? Should there be a second server that handles only that and use node/graphql for data from db -> app -> simulation -> db ->app?
    I don't mind which tech it is as it's just a side project I'd like to spend random free time on, happy to learn something new!

    submitted by /u/xenophTheFirst
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    First-time Learner

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:57 PM PST

    Hi, I'm new to coding in general and wanted to know the best way to teach myself before I am off to Community College. I am a Senior in high school and it is about to end in May. After it ends, I am off to a Community College and will be taking a class there revolving around CS/Software-Development since that's the only class it offers. Would this class be beneficial for what I want to do as a career which is become some type of Gameplay Programmer? Also, what is the best way to learn? I just started learning C# yesterday as my first language and it is a great experience so far. I am just stressed over the idea of not learning or going to this community College for the right stuff.

    submitted by /u/ColeCoder
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    Decimal Variables to Integers

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:03 PM PST

    Can someone tell me why even diameter numbers get rounded to a whole number but with a odd number, even if the decimal is 5> it gets displayed as the whole number without getting rounded.

    Ex.) (diameter of 12) = 8.00688425 answer displays to the user: 8 slices AND (diameter of 22) = 26.9120276 answer displays to the user: 27 slices.


    (diameter of 15) = 12.5107566 answer displays to the user 12 slices instead of 13, why?

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click

    'Declare variables for calculations

    Const decAREASLICE As Decimal = 14.125D

    Const decPINUMBER As Decimal = 3.14159D

    Const intDIVIDE As Integer = 2

    Dim decRadius As Decimal

    Dim decArea As Decimal

    Dim intSlicesNumb As Integer


    'Calculate radius

    decRadius = CDec(txtDiamPizza.Text) / CDec(intDIVIDE)

    'Calculate area of pizza

    decArea = decPINUMBER * (decRadius * decRadius)

    'Calculate the number of slices

    intSlicesNumb = CInt(decArea) \ CInt(decAREASLICE)

    lblNumbSlices.Text = CStr(intSlicesNumb)


    'Display error message

    MessageBox.Show("Error: Input numeric values only.")

    End Try

    End Sub

    submitted by /u/messchessyess
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    Cannot Scrap Website

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:44 PM PST

    Hello fellow redditors,

    I was assigned a task where I need to list down the products and their prices in an excel file. And the best way (as far as I think) is to do a web scrapping. I've done this before and it works. But this time it doesn't.

    I use Python with Beautiful Soup and requests as usual but it's like I cannot pull the HTML code from the targeted website. I tried few other methods but it seems like it's not working.

    Can someone tell me why? Python isn't really my thing actually. I just use it for web scrapping once and that's all. I do intend to learn it a bit deeper but I don't know where to start.

    # Import Libraries import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import csv url = 'https://eshop.tesco.com.my/groceries/en-GB/shop/fresh-food/fresh-vegetables/all' print(url) #Request URL page = requests.get(url) #Fetch Web HTML soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser") print(soup) 
    submitted by /u/Diaruys
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    custom shape created with fabric js getting clipped after a certain distance !!!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:43 PM PST

    I have created a shape (using the fabric js library) by inheriting from the fabric.Polygon object, i have also rendered a triangle on that shape. Now the issue is that the shape that is being created is getting clipped, when i am changing the points of the polygon on mouse move. This clipping is done from any point on the canvas.


    This is a jsfiddle link where you can test the code, and see what is happening and maybe figure out why this is happening.

    submitted by /u/stoik-0_0-brah
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    How to put API result (with key) into html document?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:40 PM PST


    How to put fnbr.co API result (with images) into html document?

    submitted by /u/CyganCygani
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    First-time Learner

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:38 PM PST

    Hi, I'm new to coding in general and wanted to know the best way to teach myself before I am off to Community College. I am a Senior in high school and it is about to end in May. After it ends, I am off to a Community College and will be taking a class there revolving around CS/Software-Development since that's the only class it offers. Would this class be beneficial for what I want to do as a career which is become some type of Gameplay Programmer? Also, what is the best way to learn? I just started learning C# yesterday as my first language and it is a great experience so far. I am just stressed over the idea of not learning or going to this community College for the right stuff.

    [link] [comments]

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