I built a collaborative list of resources for developers learn programming |
- I built a collaborative list of resources for developers
- I have my first interview tomorrow!
- 19. Want to self-learn Python - Help me change my life around
- Forgetting code
- 5 Projects For Beginners To Learn Python
- Free coaching for beginners
- Learning to Code Apps?
- What should I do before approving a pull request?
- Reverse Hotter/Colder game where the computer guesses my number
- Are there any good tutorials on using react with cognito to make a log in and registration page? Looking to avoid using amplify.
- Where are the values of the pointer stored stored in a Computer?
- Mindset to learn programming
- Arduino to Arduino Mega 2560 to Raspberry
- Review wanted - Python code for filtering missing numbers
- Should I quit my role for a free coding bootcamp? (To those who completed a bootcamp)
- University teacher who doesn't know about graphs
- How do I automate a process?
- General Assembly in 2021 question about course viability.
- Need some help.
- Is it legal if I rewrite unlicensed code that I found on GitHub?
- Backend Developer Help Needed. Trying to deploy site but having issues with the server.
- Scripting HIDmacros space key
- Longest palindromic substring problem - dyanamic programming .
- What are some unofficial standards on how to code?
I built a collaborative list of resources for developers Posted: 04 Feb 2021 04:00 AM PST Hi everyone! 👋 I'm so excited to share with you what I've been creating, but let me start by explaining how Dev Resources came to be. DR started as my personal compilation of resources for development. After a few years of (messy) bookmarking, I decided it was time to put everything in one place, categorized and most importantly, available for everyone. Since its release (October 2020), many devs have contacted me to add their own creations and favourites, increasing, even more, the number of resources. With that said, you can already guess: DR has all the things I like and find important for software development, but it can also have what you want. Here's a brief of what you can find there: 🛠 tools 🧩 assets 🧪 learning 👨💻 jobs 💰 product offers ➕ and a lot more But you know what makes it even better? The resources list is now open source, so everyone can contribute and be a part of it! 🤝 I hope that together we can create the biggest repository of resources for developers, so we can easily find what we need, share our creations and stay updated with new releases. I'm planning a few more things for the next months: 📬 newsletter with trending resources, deals and updates (already on the making) ⬆️ upvoting to help amazing projects stand out 🔖 bookmarking for a more personalised experience ☎️ communication between devs and makers 🔥 and whatever else you guys find useful, after all, Dev Resources is made from us to us I launched it on Product Hunt today, and I'd love your feedback on it. It's my first time launching something there, and I've postponed it many times, always trying to get some more things done, but I think the current state is already good enough for a launch. Anyway, I'd love to hear what you think of it! Dev Resources: https://devresourc.es Resouces list and public API: https://github.com/marcelscruz/dev-resources Product Hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/dev-resources That's it, have a nice day and enjoy Dev Resources! 🤘 [link] [comments] |
I have my first interview tomorrow! Posted: 04 Feb 2021 04:19 PM PST Ive been learning mostly C# since May. Ive put in for maybe 20 or so jobs and havent heard back from any of them. I finally lucked out and randomly messaged a lead software engineer on LinkedIn and he asked me to come in for an interview tomorrow! I might bomb it but it still feels like a big step. [link] [comments] |
19. Want to self-learn Python - Help me change my life around Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:18 PM PST Greetings everyone, I've been going through a year or less of learning and browsing around what I want to do with my life and what I want to succeed. It drives me nuts everyday, fills me with anxiety and worry for the future, but overall I know where there is life there is hope, and that a career in programming is not only for me but my ticket to a peaceful life; one which I never had. I am currently 19 and have gone through ups and downs financially with my family throughout my entire life, and I know this is the career I want to do and work towards. I've tried a few Udemy courses here and there, I'm good at creating websites and what not, and can grasp beginner assignments in college on languages like Java, C++, JavaScript and Python. However I have not been able to break through the learning barrier yet, either the courses on Udemy just don't see right for me or I'm just lost in my head? I can grasp problems, google my way out of problems, and overall like I said complete basic/medium ish beginner classes. I want to do some sort of bootcamp, or full video course where I can really apply my learning with projects, assignments and things I want to learn everyday. I'm devoted to putting at least 4-6 hours everyday from what I can including school, I just really want to solidify my path once and for all (of course this is the golden question everyone faces). I'm also worried that at my age, turned 19 a month ago, that I'm too late on becoming a real interesting person to hire with crazy skills. I'm currently at a community college and it just feels as if there's a certain limit people with my circumstances can work to. How did you guys learn? What did you guys take? How did you learn? How did you carve out your path? All help is greatly appreciated and hope someone is kind enough to give some motivation, facts and advice. Thanks to all you kind souls! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:52 PM PST So I'm currently learning coding while working as a delivery driver full time. I usually code on the weekends and just work workdays. However I want to maximize my efficiency by coding after work as well. The problem is I only have 2-3 hours to do anything only to realize that I don't even know how my code works from the day before I would think it would be normal to know your own code and not just forget everything. Is this the same for you guys? I want to know if this is normal [link] [comments] |
5 Projects For Beginners To Learn Python Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:24 AM PST I have been involved in many discussions on here where i tell people the best way to learn is by doing but I never mention what to do. Below are the projects i think would be best for Python beginners.
Write your answers to 1 & 2 in the comments. If you struggle with any of these projects we can provide guidance and solutions in the comments. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:16 PM PST I'm a full-stack dev, I've worked mostly with MVC Backend frameworks with Ruby and PHP and some Front end Frameworks (React and Vue). Anyhow, I like to encourage anyone who is starting or stuck in the basics, so I'm offering to help for free. I'm open to giving small lessons on things like git, tricky concepts, etc. I'm also willing to make code reviews about projects. Anyhow if someone is interested or needs help with HTML, CSS, JS, Ruby, PHP, SQL, Git, Figma or something related please comment or DM. Happy Coding [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:42 PM PST Are there any apps that can help me learn to code? So far I have, Grasshopper, SoloLearn, and Mimo. Anything other free apps to help me and others out there? [link] [comments] |
What should I do before approving a pull request? Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:27 PM PST I think I should git pull, switch to their branch, test changes manually and/or with any provided test cases. Then review their code for style and adherence to team conventions. Then approve. Or is that missing something? Thanks for any suggestions. [link] [comments] |
Reverse Hotter/Colder game where the computer guesses my number Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:35 PM PST I am stumped trying to help my friend make their program. I can't figure out how to 'teach' a program to guess my number by telling it 'warmer' or 'colder'. For example, say I pick 74. If the program starts at 50, then the PC guesses 75, I can say warmer, but how would the PC know where to prune? It is indeed warmer, but how can I change the range of the next guess to perform a binary search of sorts for the PC to guess my number? I feel that it prunes properly when I say 'colder', but the 'warmer' thing makes no sense to me. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Feb 2021 04:42 PM PST I have tried finding tutorials on how to do this and either they are too basic (basically very minimal HTML and don't show full login/registration/logout cycle) or use amplify. I have concerns with using amplify given that it is a script and seems to require you to turn off security on your computer to run it. Is there some good tutorial on how to manually make a cognito login and registration system with a website, that is actually complete and not half way done? [link] [comments] |
Where are the values of the pointer stored stored in a Computer? Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:36 PM PST I guess it requires 4 bytes to store a pointer (Since the largest pointer value in a 32 bit system is 2^32, and 32/8 (since one byte has 8 bits) = 4) So where are they stored in a Computer? I don't think its in the RAM.. Is it in the ROM? If yes then how does the computer know which pointer is associated with which byte of the RAM? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:34 AM PST I have always wondered if learning to code is only for those who are passionate about it. For me, i always feel excited when i see some success post in this sub reddit and also feel interested when i start to learn or buying a course and coming up with an plan to finish it. But this desire eventually fades away. I feel like i can be easily motivated, but making the learning process as an habit seems to be harder and harder. At the end of the day, i would always feel disappointed for not putting my efforts. My question is how do you try to stay disciplined and possibly force yourself to stick to the plan. [link] [comments] |
Arduino to Arduino Mega 2560 to Raspberry Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:30 PM PST I have my codes for my Arduino Uno and also another codes uploaded for Arduino Mega 2560. They are connected through their RX TX, then Arduino Mega is connected via USB to Raspberry Pi 3 model B. My question is, is it possible to call my codes from Arduino Uno in Python? [link] [comments] |
Review wanted - Python code for filtering missing numbers Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:29 PM PST Hey programmers, I'm trying to make a small script that can be used to filter missing numbers from an excel sheet. The format of the numbering in the sheet is A* (where the * is a number ranging from 0001, to 5000). I'd like to have my code reviewed, and get some advice to make it better. I do have a few questions: - As said before, the numbering in the excel file starts with an A, does this have impact on the sorting, and if so, do I need to change the code? (Yes or no is sufficient. Small explanation would be appreciated.) - For the import, can Python recognize the words separately? (ie. extra device webshop, instead of extra_device_webshop (Yes or no is sufficient. Small explanation would be appreciated.)) Thank you in advance! My code is at the bottom: import extra_device_webshop lst = [extra_device_webshop] [link] [comments] |
Should I quit my role for a free coding bootcamp? (To those who completed a bootcamp) Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:47 PM PST I was offered a free coding bootcamp focusing on full-stack. This offer includes a guaranteed placement after completion.. seems too good to be true, I know. Trying to decide if it's worth leaving my current role and pursuing. Currently taking freecodecamp online to prep for the camp, IF I enroll. Any advice (pros, cons, experience) is appreciated ☺️ [link] [comments] |
University teacher who doesn't know about graphs Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:44 PM PST I had an assignment where I had to write a code for real world application of my topic which was BFS. I chose shortest path between two graphs as it was easy. We can't use BFS to find shortest path in weighted graphs which needs djikstra algorithm which in turn is not BFS. So I wrote a code after trying so much to find shortest path between two nodes in an unweighted graph. Here's the real deal, my teacher can't belive that we can find a shortest path in an unweighted graph. She keeps on saying how can u find shortest path if there are no weights on edges, you can't use BFS as it's only for traversal. I keep on saying that I altered BFS code to find the shortest path by keeping track of all nodes visited, but she doesn't accept my answers, and will not even try to understand this what I was saying. Who knows what marks she'll give at the end?:( [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:40 PM PST I want to scrape emails of certain people on a certain website and save them in a txt file. How do I do this. You don't have to explain the whole thing just guide me what exactly this thing is called and where can I learn this. I use Ubuntu 20.04. Thank you. [link] [comments] |
General Assembly in 2021 question about course viability. Posted: 04 Feb 2021 04:33 PM PST Looking into taking either the Software Engineer Immersive Flex course or the Javascript Development course. I would be using my GI Bill for it. I have done the FreeCodeCamp course and finished the Javascript part. I do have a full-time job but looking to change my career. Which course would be more useful? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:37 PM PST I want to learn to code about firewalls and security. I'm a beginner and would appreciate any help. Please DM me with anything you've got. [link] [comments] |
Is it legal if I rewrite unlicensed code that I found on GitHub? Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:20 PM PST Title. I already emailed the author but I am not very hopeful he will reply to me as his last activity was 8 years ago. [link] [comments] |
Backend Developer Help Needed. Trying to deploy site but having issues with the server. Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:13 PM PST Thank you in advance to whoever is willing to read this and I would love some assistance with the backend part of my website. I wrote a website/app using react to help my wife keep track of her tutoring sessions but can not get the server to run on gh-pages. I built the website using react, express, and passport. Locally the website is fully functioning where I can authenticate/log a user in, create a new user, log out, create clients, create sessions with clients, review session history, edit clients/sessions, and delete sessions. I have pushed the code to github and deployed a production site via gh-pages but I can not get the server to run. I am unsure if I need to upgrade my mongodb account or if I am deploying the site or server incorrectly. Right now when I try to log in as a user on the gh-pages site I am getting an error of "405". I believe I have made the necessary updates to not run into any CORS issues and that it's failing since no server is running or I am failing to update mongodb to accept the connection request. If anyone is open to jump on a zoom call, happy to walk through what I wrote and talk out the problem. My github: https://github.com/storres86 TutorHelper: https://github.com/storres86/tutorhelper GH-page site: https://storres86.github.io/tutorhelper Short video of site running locally: https://youtu.be/1hb-ZRgjRoA Thanks again! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:03 PM PST Hi, I'm creating my macros for clip studio, but one of the actions presses the space key, but I don't know how to put it in code. The example would be: Ctrl+Alt+Spacekey but when I put it, it does not recognize it and says that it is misspelled Could you help me [link] [comments] |
Longest palindromic substring problem - dyanamic programming . Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:56 PM PST why doesn't my code work for length 2 palindromic strings . like "aa","baa". [link] [comments] |
What are some unofficial standards on how to code? Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:51 PM PST For a while, I coded on my own without any proper lesson (just learning from reading documentation and asking google). But I'm trying to make it more professional and was wondering if there are certain unspoken rules (aka naming classes / functions / variables) that could make my code look neater? How should I organize different classes? Each in a different file or all in one file? I mainly use Python or C# (I did notice that Visual Studio suggests a certain way to name the class and function). Any practical advice will help. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
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