• Breaking News

    Friday, February 5, 2021

    Feedback Friday #430 - Peer Review

    Feedback Friday #430 - Peer Review

    Feedback Friday #430 - Peer Review

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:05 PM PST


    Well it's Friday here so lets play each others games, be nice and constructive and have fun! keep up with devs on twitter and get involved!

    Post your games/demos/builds and give each other feedback!

    Feedback Friday Rules:

    Suggestion: As a generally courtesy, you should try to check out a person's game if they have left feedback on your game. If you are leaving feedback on another person's game, it may be helpful to leave a link to your post (if you have posted your game for feedback) at the end of your comment so they can easily find your game.

    -Post a link to a playable version of your game or demo

    -Do NOT link to screenshots or videos! The emphasis of FF is on testing and feedback, not on graphics! Screenshot Saturday is the better choice for your awesome screenshots and videos!

    -Promote good feedback! Try to avoid posting one line responses like "I liked it!" because that is NOT feedback!

    -Upvote those who provide good feedback!

    -Comments using URL shorteners may get auto-removed by reddit, so we recommend not using them.

    Previous Weeks: All

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    I've modeled some Medieval Village assets you can use in your projects!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 05:24 AM PST

    Solo Developers who's games did not sell well WANTED

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:45 PM PST

    Hey All,

    I have been working in the games industry for around 8 years now, I have mostly floated around studios but always had a great admiration for solo indie developers. As we all probably know there must be an enormous amount of great games that go unseen.

    So I am starting a podcast with the intention of interviewing one of these developers each episode to talk about the design of their game, the development process, why they think it didn't sell etc. Essentially I am trying to document why good games don't sell whilst also trying to shine some light on games and devs that deserve it.

    So if you are one of these devs, get in touch! I'd love to speak with you :)

    Or alternatively, please reply with any unseen gems that definitely did not deserve to slip through the cracks!

    Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/MTNOST
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    A Tutorial Video for ledge grabbing in a 2D platformer in Unity!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:09 AM PST

    1080+ days spent by 2 men team, on our indie RPG game THE WAY OF WRATH. It's live on Kickstarter!!! OMG @_@ Game is inspired by Gothic 2, Baldur's Gate, and Zelda. really want to know what you think about it ^^

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:05 AM PST

    1080+ days spent by 2 men team, on our indie RPG game THE WAY OF WRATH. It's live on Kickstarter!!! OMG @_@ Game is inspired by Gothic 2, Baldur's Gate, and Zelda. really want to know what you think about it ^^

    Hey Gamedevs! I'm artist from small indie studio based in Georgia. (Country in Caucasus not US state *__*)

    From the very childhood, I had a dream to make my own game. Since than I worked for hundreds of games and animation projects all over the globe and almost 3 years ago I with my friend quite our fulltime jobs and finally decided to make our very own open-world RPG game. No more strict creative guidelines and constraints, only creative freedom, imagination and haaard work. We know it will be crazy step especially when you are from low capacity audio-visual possibilities country, where no one ever made "big" game, but we felt that it was a moment to follow our dream. After almost 3 years of hard works, hundreds of sleepless nights and countless obstacles we are ready to launch our second beta. We've decided to post insights, important news and maybe some making-of guides here on Imgur in the form of a dev diary u/_@ Dear Devs Welcome to the new entry of our development diary. This time we want to talk about Armor Design And production.

    In this diary video I want to tell you about armor design and production in our game. As you know our game is set in alternative pre-historic era, when metal production was not very well developed, and all the armor and weapons in our game there are made from the leather, from wood, different parts of the bones and also some hard materials like Obsidian, copper, rocks, stones and different stuff. I'm starting Armor and weapon production with very rough concept art.

    As you know The way of wrath RPG is made by only two guys. I'm doing all the visuals starting from planning and concept art till the implementation in the game engine and technical art side as well like custom shaders and different stuff. And my colleague and friend Sandro is doing coding, game design and story.

    As long as I'm doing all the chain of the visual production I don't need very well detailed concept art at the beginning. From the very rough concepts I already jump to the modeling stage and starting from sculpting, high poly modeling in zbrush and all the details and all the references are in my mind

    Armors must capture the spirit of the many character archetypes you may roleplay, from savage and brutal warmongers, to cunning and lighting fast tricksters and mystical and terrifying shamans. It has to work with mechanical and tactical depth, is it focused on speed and versatility or maximum defense? is it good or weak against a particular type of weapon like hammers or arrows? Does it protect from cold and other hazards? how much punishment it can withstand before it's torn to shreds?

    Same with weapons. Equipment is fragile and breaks down with use. Good materials for crafting are rare, and as you are besieged and locked down in a hostile environment, you cannot buy and re-supply yourself with unlimited items from merchants or stores. You rely only on yourself and what you can find. You will need to think tactically about what equipment to craft and when to use it in battle.

    3 years of hard game development work later and I just launched my first Kickstarter. A very scary feeling releasing something we worked for so long, but also very exciting. Wish us luck!

    submitted by /u/DatoKiknavelidze
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    Reminder: Always save after you finished working on your Project for the day!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:34 AM PST

    Because I just lost my complete Project....

    submitted by /u/Puffley5
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    Does anyone else have trouble connecting story and gameplay?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 10:00 AM PST

    I've worked on a number of game projects over the years, but whenever I try to work on a solo project, I have a hard time coming up with a complete idea. For example, I'll make a little sandbox for a fun mechanic, but then have a hard time thinking of a story or world to go with it. Or I'll start writing out a story, but then have a hard time thinking what the actual moment-to-moment mechanics would be.

    So I'm wondering, has anyone else struggled with this? Or does anyone have general advice for starting new projects? Do you generally come up with the story or the mechanics first? Or do you come up with them at the same time?

    Any thoughts or suggestions are much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/m0nkeybl1tz
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    I want to pursue a career in Game Design/Creative Writing for games. Where should I study?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:08 AM PST

    I'm currently looking for colleges, universities and web pages like Skillshare or Udemy where I can learn as much as I can. I'm currently living in Argentina and the access to this kind of career paths is extremely scarse. I've completed a tertiary college program for Game Developtment (not to great, to be honest) and I'm currently working in QA for a AAA project, so my involvement in the industry is there but is small.

    submitted by /u/MechaSloth_
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    How hard is it to make the multiplayer aspect of a game?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:47 AM PST

    Just as an example a game that has servers of maybe 4-12 players max and can he joined at any time like any multiplayer survival game. Are there somewhat prebuilt parts of code Available for this or is this a huge endeavor that takes years?

    submitted by /u/Autisticeagle
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    1080+ days spent by 2 men team, on our indie RPG game THE WAY OF WRATH. It's live on Kickstarter!!! OMG @_@ Game is inspired by Gothic 2, Baldur's Gate, and Zelda. really want to know what you think about it ^^

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:19 AM PST

    Hey Gamedevs! I'm artist from small indie studio based in Georgia. (Country in the Caucasus not US state *__*)

    From the very childhood, I had a dream to make my own game. Since than I worked for hundreds of games and animation projects all over the globe and almost 3 years ago I with my friend quite our full-time jobs and finally decided to make our very own open-world RPG game. No more strict creative guidelines and constraints, only creative freedom, imagination and haaard work. We know it will be crazy step especially when you are from low capacity audio-visual possibilities country, where no one ever made "big" game, but we felt that it was a moment to follow our dream. After almost 3 years of hard works, hundreds of sleepless nights and countless obstacles we are ready to launch our second beta. We've decided to post insights, important news and maybe some making-of guides here on Imgur in the form of a dev diary u/_@ Dear Devs Welcome to the new entry of our development diary. This time we want to talk about Armor Design And production.

    In this diary video I want to tell you about armor design and production in our game. As you know our game is set in alternative pre-historic era, when metal production was not very well developed, and all the armor and weapons in our game there are made from the leather, from wood, different parts of the bones and also some hard materials like Obsidian, copper, rocks, stones and different stuff. I'm starting Armor and weapon production with very rough concept art.

    As you know The way of wrath RPG is made by only two guys. I'm doing all the visuals starting from planning and concept art till the implementation in the game engine and technical art side as well like custom shaders and different stuff. And my colleague and friend Sandro is doing coding, game design and story.

    As long as I'm doing all the chain of the visual production I don't need very well detailed concept art at the beginning. From the very rough concepts I already jump to the modeling stage and starting from sculpting, high poly modeling in zbrush and all the details and all the references are in my mind

    Armors must capture the spirit of the many character archetypes you may roleplay, from savage and brutal warmongers, to cunning and lighting fast tricksters and mystical and terrifying shamans. It has to work with mechanical and tactical depth, is it focused on speed and versatility or maximum defense? is it good or weak against a particular type of weapon like hammers or arrows? Does it protect from cold and other hazards? how much punishment it can withstand before it's torn to shreds?

    Same with weapons. Equipment is fragile and breaks down with use. Good materials for crafting are rare, and as you are besieged and locked down in a hostile environment, you cannot buy and re-supply yourself with unlimited items from merchants or stores. You rely only on yourself and what you can find. You will need to think tactically about what equipment to craft and when to use it in battle.

    3 years of hard game development work later and I just launched my first Kickstarter. A very scary feeling releasing something we worked for so long, but also very exciting. Wish us luck!

    submitted by /u/DatoKiknavelidze
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    Check out the College Game Jam, 3/29 - 4/4! Featuring workshops + guest judging from professional devs @ Riot Games/Blizzard Entertainment

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:09 AM PST

    Publishing a video game development Roadmap?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:50 AM PST

    Hey, fellow game devs!

    We shared with our community our Roadmap of the development of our MMO: Fioresia Online and we'd like to have your opinions on it.

    The plan is to release Fioresia Online in a few months (Q3 2021).

    We have 2 questions:

    Did you published your dev roadmap to your community and did it turn? did you receive support or negative comment on the run?

    And some of you can give us their expert opinion on our Roadmap, that would be great!

    Can not put the image here so I believe a link to the tweet with it will do: https://twitter.com/FioresiaOnline/status/1357699379277279233

    submitted by /u/Fioresia_Y
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    Is it okay to start with one engine and switch to another down the line?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 10:24 AM PST

    I'm not asking about switching mid game. I'm more asking about learning one and trying some games and then switching later for different projects.

    I'm only familiar with RPG Maker and Game Maker 1.4. I currently have Godot, Unity, and Game Maker installed. I've been trying to research and collect information and tutorials regarding each engine, and it's caused me to bounce back and forth between engines and ideas.

    But, I have 2 end goals in mind. I want to start small,emulating games from my past, starting with NEs and working up to current, if possible. For instance I want to try to recreate RC Pro Am or Cobra Triangle from NES, or combine the two. Then make a game like Mortal Kombat 3. These are not meant to be games I want to release, but just practice. But these are 2D games, which I can use any of these engines for. But once I get to 3D I'm going to need something a bit more powerful. But then I'd have to learn a new engine all over.

    I have zero programming experience. But I want to learn, so I don't mind trying out Unity.

    But then comes the question of different versions. Most of the tutorials are for slightly older versions of Unity. It's been difficult to find good relevant tutorials that are recent. I do realize I can do the same things regardless of version, and that it's mostly down to location of those options, so finding the new stuff might take time but not impossible.

    Also, I want to make these games for Android and Windows since that's what I have. But I am just finding it hard to commit to an engine.

    submitted by /u/toadsanchez420
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    What exactly are loading screens?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:46 PM PST

    I must confess I'm a self taught programmer (been to school but didn't really consider that learning), and a very early indie game developer.
    A lot of the 2D games I made have almost no loading screens and I don't even know how I'd make one nor why I would need one.
    I finally made a 3D game and I notice it takes AWHILE for my game to start, objects and audio also have a delay. Obviously that's loading right?

    So here are my questions I suppose:
    How does one know when loading occurs?
    How does one implement a loading screen?
    How do you know when everything is finished so you can move from the loading screen into the game?

    submitted by /u/isloomer
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    Learn UE4 Multiplayer: Build a multiplayer FPS from scratch with me in like 4 hours

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:21 PM PST

    State of Select Unity features in 2021

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 02:28 AM PST

    I've made this list to evaluate Unity features in 2021. It is not an exhaustive list, only has features relevant to our use-case. It may or may not be accurate since the main source for it is forums + light testing. I also removed some of our specific requirement notes.

    I'm only posting this since what I've seen on reddit on forums doesn't seem to reflect the true state of these features. Take this with a grain of salt.

    Unity Features Status in Feb 2021


    • Unity Recorder – Started on Dec 2017
    • DOTS audio: Tied to DOTS.
    • No other improvements detected?


    • Mecanim, Playables, Animation Jobs will receive QoL improvements and bug fixes only.
    • Animation Rigging package became verified in 2020.2. QoL improvements and bug fixes only.
    • Kinematica (Experimental Package) temporarily suspended and will not be supported in new versions.
    • DOTS Animation: Complete rewrite and the only focus for new developments since Feb 2021.
    • Notes: Animation team will not be active on forums for the upcoming months until they finish the foundation of DOTS Animation. Public roadmap for animation will arrive in the coming year, after devs build up the foundation for DOTS animation.


    • Has official and preview versions available. Last update Jan 2021.
    • Notes: Some users are building their own simplified bundle managers in place of addressables. Main complain seems to be that addressables are overengineered?


    • Enlighen Real-time support is being readded.
    • Features nearly on par with UE4, only some jankiness left.
    • Writing/replacing shaders is very time consuming due to lack of documentation and constant breaking changes. Complexity seems on par with writing custom shading models for UE4.
    • Favored child.


    • Point-Light shadows in the latest version.
    • Generally faster than built-in. In some cases? it is slower, mainly on mobile platforms.
    • Less features than HDRP, main focus seems to be mobile. Analogous to UE4 mobile pipeline, just that it doesn't play nicely with HDRP and switching between them is "unsupported".

    VFX Graph:

    • Has a public roadmap released in May 2020.
    • URP Support is limited and only in the planned section of the roadmap.
    • DOTS runtime support is under consideration.
    • CPU simulation support is under consideration.
    • Not supported by built-in pipeline.

    Shader Graph:

    • Not supported by built-in pipeline.
    • General consensus seems to be Amplify Shaders is better than Shader Graph since it also supports the built in.


    • UNET deprecated in Aug 2018. DOTS Networking was the main goal.
    • Community run replacement or other 3rd party solutions are recommended.
    • DOTS Networking making constant progress, but it is DOTS only. ?
    • MLAPU joined unity in Dec 2020.
    • Priority is on GameObject world rather than DOTS Networking in Feb 2021.
    • MLAPI priority.
    • TL;DR Go 3rd part or go home.


    • Built-in navmesh not recommended? Still in docs?
    • Docs suggests newer and better NavMesh components are not included in the Unity itself but needs to be downloaded from a Github repo. Not in Package Manager either.
    • No new features on github repo since its introduction.
    • Many pages of threads dating back from 2018 for feature requests.
    • Pathfinding is single threaded.
    • Doesn't play nicely with DOTS.
    • DOTS projects with navigation rewrote it themselves.
    • Improvements on the navigation system was postponed in favor of DOTS centric navigation (Statement made in Oct 2019, no news as of Feb 2021)


    • Slow but steady updates for PhysX. Regular beta builds and updates to the PhysX version.


    • Update to .NET 5 requires multi-year effort.
    • .NET Standard 2.0 and IL2CPP is default in 2021.1b.
    • Incremental compiling enabled in 2021.1.
    • Domain reloading issue was solved in 2019.3.

    Visual Scripting:

    • Basically Bolt 1.
    • Slower than C#.
    • Ongoing development in favor of GameObjects.
    • Current objective seems to focus on separating front/back ends within Bolt 1.
    • No chance of compiling it to CPP.
    • Very long way to go.


    • IMGUI: Only for editor and debugging.
    • Unity UI + TextMeshPro: Only for final game UI.
    • UI Elements: Only for Editor, debug and final game UI in development. Very long way to.


    • Seems to be "Trucking Along" since its inception.
    • Very active dev(singular) on forums.


    • Major scale back on its exposure.
    • Burst and Job systems are production ready.
    • ECS didn't have major workflow improvements over the years. Still at the stage of API changes. Still extremely rough.
    • DOTS Physics is being written by Havok guys. Very active development.
    • Havok Physics (paid package) is heavily preferred for games that require involved physics.
    submitted by /u/ResponsiblePaving
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    Cafofo's Sound Effects Bundle has arrived! For the next 3 weeks only, name your price for 20 royalty free packs with support to SOS Amazônia and Estimação charities + some fun bonuses and prizes. Thanks for your support!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 12:06 PM PST

    I Need Help Choosing 3D Modeling Software

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 12:02 PM PST

    Hey all, long time reddit lurker here hoping for some information to help me make my indie game. I'll try to keep it short. Essentially I need a 3D modeling software. I bought a course on Udemy for Autodesk Maya, 3DS, and Mudbox. It also teaches on C# for Unity. Very comprehensive course that I am really enjoying, however I would prefer to not spend $200+ on Maya or 3DS Max. So basically my question boils down to, can I get away with just Maya LT, and like Krita for texturing or should I get Maya LT and MudBox? I know there are alternatives to Autodesk software, but I would prefer to stick with it for now so I can follow the course. Any help would really be appreciated.

    Thanks and have a great day! :D

    submitted by /u/yourender22
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    How to Create 3D Handpainted Props Using Blender, Substance Painter and ZBrush

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:49 AM PST

    Is it possible to create a game for dvd player ?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:27 AM PST

    I am asking becuse you know when u insert a cd and you can move to chose wich part you wanna watch of a movie ? And yeah i think that part was made in adobe flash, or somethin and i hope you know what i am trying to say.

    submitted by /u/kosovojesrbija20
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    How does Paradox make its provinces map?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:06 AM PST

    Can you send Steam keys to streamers before the official release of your game on Steam?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:05 AM PST

    Or are keys only usable once the game has officially released or is in Early Access?

    submitted by /u/Bobafettinspace
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    Unreal Engine 4.26 Level Design

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 10:20 AM PST

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