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    Friday, February 26, 2021

    Do people going for principal programming jobs have to do coding questions? Ask Programming

    Do people going for principal programming jobs have to do coding questions? Ask Programming

    Do people going for principal programming jobs have to do coding questions?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:09 AM PST

    Like, how would those interviews differ from junior interviews?

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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    Took a few years off to travel and take a break, how would you portray that on your resume(US)?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:36 PM PST

    I've been coding professionally for ~25 years and was stack before. A bunch has changed in my short break, but I did keep somewhat up to date. Personal projects where I did poc's with ang/react/vue, along with .net core. Debating how to describe it all.

    Dealt with many new hires/resumes over the years, but never from 1 that took a real break. Most Americans fme, basically look down on it.

    Would you like to see a job post for those missed years? What I did coding wise personally...

    Or would you prefer to see a description of what I learned from my travels? Not necessarily code.

    Don't get me wrong, I can get someone to vouch for me and completely ignore the break; I'm not a dishonest person tho. That may be my best option for getting an American based job tho.

    submitted by /u/VirtualLife76
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    Scheduling Dynamically Created Scripts on Heroku

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:22 PM PST

    I'm building an application in Heroku where the user can define parameters for a Puppeteer script that is to be ran at 8am on a predetermined date. What I am trying to determine is the best way to schedule jobs in Heroku that are ran using parameters that will change on a day to day basis.

    Heroku has the add-on called Scheduler, but from what I have read that looks like the scheduling process is not as automatable/dependable as I would like it be. The other option I'm looking into is the Heroku custom clock process. The clock process consists of adding a worker and a clock to your Procfile. The worker will handle the script code and the clock will schedule when the worker will run.

    web: node web.js worker: node worker.js clock: node clock.js 

    This seems a lot more suitable for me. But where I need some advice is on the best way to dynamically update the script that is to be ran. I am thinking, that after the user schedules the script that the parameters will get posted to a route like "/jobs/jobdate" in a json object. Then on the day the script is to be ran, the script first checks the route "jobs/currentdate", and if there is json data from a scheduled job there it populates the script with parameters previously defined by the user. If there's no json data present that means no jobs have been scheduled, so it shuts down and waits until the next day to repeat the process.

    Am I far off base for what I am trying to do here? Ideally I want to scale this application so I want to make sure my program is sound conceptually. I can't really find a lot of resources online as far as scheduling on Heroku goes. Looking for any kind of advice. If there's a more suitable hosting platform for this type of process I'm totally open to looking into that as well.

    submitted by /u/icepick_pauly
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    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:20 PM PST

    Right now I'm in a software development associate degree. I'm not finding much of the info useful. I feel like I'm wasting my time. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/universalcertified
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    Help me think of an applicable programming scenario in a movie I'm developing?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:20 AM PST

    Hi everyone

    I'm a filmmaker who frequents reddit. I co-wrote and produced SEARCHING and RUN. And most recently I'm a producer on JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH which just premiered on HBO Max.

    I'm currently developing a movie that involves a sequence related to programming. I'd love to explain with a METAPHOR of what we're going for, and would love to hear if there is any way to translate the same idea but within programming instead. This may not work at ALL but I figured I'd give it a shot:


    Imagine if our heroes' goal is to enter an exclusive night club. There's a super long line stretching around the block, and there's a scary looking bouncer holding a clipboard with The List right in front of the entrance. Our heroes' names are not on the bouncer's list, and our heroes know that EVEN if they were able to sneak past the bouncer and into the club... at any moment it could be discovered that they're not on the list, and they'd be kicked out. So they realize their goal isn't really to get into the club...

    ...their goal is to get their names onto the bouncer's list.

    So to achieve this goal, they avoid the bouncer and instead access the alley to climb into the second floor window into club manager's office. With the manager temporarily in the restroom, they're able to log onto his computer and pull up the master RSVP list. They type in their names into the master list, and then sneak back OUT of the club and stand in line.

    When they get to the front of the line the bouncer says their names are not on his list. They say that's incorrect, and ask if he can call the manager who will confirm they are supposed to be on the list. The bouncer begrudgingly calls the manager, who then refers to his computer and confirms that yes our heroes are meant to be on the list. The bouncer apologizes to our heroes, says his clipboard list is probably outdated. He pencils in their names and then lets them into the club. Mission accomplished!


    So my question is, in programming language, imagine if the bouncer's list is a computer database. And heroes' goal is to have their names added to that database:

    Is there real life pre-existing programming terminology that would resemble the idea that the only way to get onto a database is to add their names to a separate database which would then 'ping' or 'query' or CONFIRM that the name should be on the original computer database?

    submitted by /u/sevohanian
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    Where do you find junior remote jobs?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:46 PM PST

    I'm on my last year of engineering and recently I've started to look for a job, and would really like to find a remote opportunity, not only because I'm pretty sure that I'll get to learn more and do more interesting things, but also because here in my country the offers for software/web developers are really underpaid, like I've seen offers were they ask for a lot and pay like $2-$3/h USD, that or they pay well but ask for 5+ or even 10+ years of experience

    submitted by /u/cren17
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    Best way to achieve "leave no trace" project

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 05:41 PM PST

    Hey guys, noob question im looking to do a project which will have me installing a bunch of random niche binaries (on my home desktop on linux). What is the best way to isolate my project environment so when its done I can simply delete the project and have all the installed binaries deleted as well. In essence after the project is complete it "leaves no trace"

    submitted by /u/tiltedoffthisplanet
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    Naming Classes for Unit Tests

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:40 PM PST

    I noticed in a PluralSight video by Jason Roberts called "Mocking with Moq and xUnit" that the naming convention for his test classes uses the suffix "Should".

    class PlayerCharacterShould

    The individual tests would then be named along the lines of "what to expect"


    I've never seen this practice before and seems father strange. Possibly because I've been brought up under the mentality that classes should be thought of as objects and maybe my mind isn't open enough (yet) for this difference.

    Typically, I've seen:
    class PlayerCharacterTest

    test example name:

    I know it's a minor thing to quibble about as we should appreciate anyone who actually creates thorough tests and names them somewhat logically and easy to understand.

    I wanted to hear the opinion from other developers in the world and their suggestions or best practices.

    submitted by /u/BarryLonx
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    Is there a language or tool that can allow me to get data from an app(apk or ios) and use that data on a website?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 05:07 PM PST

    I tried googling but it seems google didn't understand my question.

    To be clear, it's not user data. The app I'm talking about is a game and I want to make a website that can get something like a list of players with their game stats.

    There's a website that does it but the stats are always inaccurate.

    Anyway I can go about this?

    submitted by /u/worldbeast001
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    Having trouble with a double*

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:57 PM PST

    Coding in C

    So I'm having trouble with this bit of code, and I have no idea how to remedy it. Obviously looking for help of google has been fruitless because of double pointers (Pointer to Pointer) clogging the results.

    void main() { double* grade = 69.420; BST_TREE* tree = BST_Create(compare); BST_Insert(tree, 12343, "Ben Jones", grade); } 

    The problem is with double* grade = 69.420; as it throws the error:

    a value of type "double" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "double*".

    How do I make this a pointer? I'm rather new to C programming, so any help here would be really appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Ozone294
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    How does a mesh network work?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:34 PM PST

    I have never set one up, but i plan on doing so in the future. At the moment i am trying to figure it out. I want to know how it works on a hardware level. I know most devices have a network card. And usually a device is in managed mode and connects to a device in master mode(like a router). But in a meshnet everyone is connected to each other and i know that a network card can't be in master and managed mode at the same time. So how does a meshnet work?

    I feel like i have to clarify why i posted here and not somewhere else. I tried a r/AskProgrammers, but no one replied. I just attempted to post to r/Meshnet but i need to be a approved user. I don't plan on actually staying at that sub so it feels unpractical to get verified just to have this question answered. On r/programming i can only make link posts. So i don't know where else to post this.

    submitted by /u/el3ctro0yte
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    Function call generates “Uncaught ReferenceError”

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:40 AM PST

    I try to create a userscript to mark some users on forums as "bad" so that I can ignore their messages. For testing purposes only, it is created to work on https://stackoverflow.com/users.

    To block or unblock the user, you need to press the block/unblock button and refresh the page. The background of the user profile will be changed to red.

    My question is how to properly call the bar() function. Currently, when I try to use the function and press the block/unblock button, it generates Uncaught ReferenceError: user is not defined error.

    What I need to fix there? Thanks.

    // ==UserScript== // @name Stack Overflow // @match https://stackoverflow.com/users // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { function bar(a) { var e_user = a.querySelector('.user-details a'); var user = e_user.innerText; if (localStorage.getItem(user) === null) return; a.querySelector('.user-details').style.background = 'red'; } document.querySelectorAll('.user-info').forEach((e) => { const button = document.createElement('button'); button.innerHTML = 'block/unblock user'; e.appendChild(button); button.addEventListener ('click', function() { if (localStorage.getItem(user) === null) { localStorage.setItem(user, 'blocklist'); } else { localStorage.removeItem(user); } }); /* The 1st option is to call the function. It doesn't work. */ // bar(e); /* The 2nd option is to execute the code directly. It works, but I need to use the function instead. */ var e_user = e.querySelector('.user-details a'); var user = e_user.innerText; if (localStorage.getItem(user) === null) return; e.querySelector('.user-details').style.background = 'red'; }); })(); 
    submitted by /u/john_smith_007
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    Does GITLess less efficient than git?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:24 AM PST

    I am using git quite a while, and it still gives me headaches sometimes, even on simple tasks. Recently I heard about gitless and very liked the idea of branching in it, also mental model is just simpler and required less cognitive load out. I am thinking about switching to it for using in managing personal projects and later at my work. But I want to know, does it mature enough to use at production? Any words about hands-on experience will help me.

    submitted by /u/Vorrol
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    What is a good Linux operating system for programming

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:27 PM PST

    I have been stuck on deciding what distro I want for programming and I want your guy's opinion

    submitted by /u/ecdthegreat
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    As someone with no coding experience, what would my employability be like after finishing this course?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:52 PM PST

    Here's the link, topic titles below:


    • HTML Fundamentals
    • CSS Fundamentals
    • User-Centric Front End Development
    • Javascript Fundamentals
    • Interactive Front-End Development
    • Python Fundamentals
    • Practical Python
    • Data Centric Development
    • Full Stack Frameworks

    Leaning towards taking it but would like to make an informed decision.

    Thank you for any advice you can give.

    submitted by /u/Kathalian
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    What's a good library Vector Space Model matching of records (not full text)?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:48 PM PST

    Do you know of any library that can match records in a database table based on the similarity of field values?

    We want to write a search algorithm that matches applicants to job positions. (Not really what we're doing, but close enough.) We want to match desired attributes within a job to the attributes of applicants. Examples include location, skills (multiple-choice), experience, education level, certs, start/available date, job type, etc. We want to vectorize all these values and execute an efficient algorithm to find which applicants are the closest match for each job.

    Full text search algorithms do this for by vectorizing individual words, so a documents or a set of text fields can be found that match a free form text query string. But we would like to match on field/column values of various types (geo-location, scalar, multiple-choice, true/false)

    Most things I've found are only for full text search or are too low-level mathy. Our primary database is postgres. It has "tsvector", but as you can imagine that's for "text search vectors"

    submitted by /u/funbike
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    How do I make my own local package easily installable and usable system-wide.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:48 AM PST

    I've found a couple dozen different ways, and most of them aren't really what I'm looking for.

    I have a small package made up of about five python files that wraps some matplotlib stuff and file readers into an easier format, and I want to give it to some co-workers to use, but not so they have to keep copying the files into each directory they want to use it in.

    Everyone uses different dev environments. I use Pycharm with Anaconda, some use Jupyter, or VSCode. It's a mix of Macs, windows, and various Linux flavors.

    I just want to make it so they download the package to one spot, and then can just import it from anywhere.

    I tried adding it to my PYTHONPATH environment variable, which didn't work. This is the level of "simplicity" I would like if possible.

    I made it a PIP package following https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/how-to-create-a-python-library-7d5aea80cc3f but Anaconda/Pycharm doesn't see the package. I don't know much about package management, so I don't want to add it to Conda-Forge or PyPl or anything like that.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Rayat
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    Azure related - would you set solution up in your own tenet or at the customers tenet?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:53 PM PST


    I have sort of build a RPA system which evolvs around serverless services in Azure. More specific, Azure Functions, Logic Apps, and storage accounts.

    The solution code is build in python and offers solutions such as reading pdf orders and transfering the order details to the companies ERP, creating automatic reports made from data pulled from ERP, making warehouse reconciliation, creating and reading excel sheets, etc.. All what python can offer :). All functions is controlled through e-mail, so it is very user friendly, and custom functionallity can be added as needed.

    Now that i have made this framework, i am comfortable that i can recreate it in a new tenet, using ARM templates and other scripts, but would it be correct to set it up at the customer or to just have the system in my own tenent, and then ask them to run it through my system.

    My gut feeling tells me to set it up at the customers tenent(and if they dont have one, set one up for them) Because if it is their data then it is best if it runs through "their" system and not "my" system.. but I am not sure if that is the best way to do this. Because if i set it up in their tenet, then i guess they have full access to my source code...

    How would you go about doing this? What are pros and cons using their system vs having my own system containing all customers

    submitted by /u/thor123321
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    Senior Project Web Ideas

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:50 PM PST

    It's my final year and I need a project idea ASAP, i have 2 days to come up with a project and finish its requirement analysis phase then present the idea, technologies used etc.. . Please give me any idea simple, complex, dumb doesn't matter, it might help me connect dots and come up with something just drop em down.

    submitted by /u/OsamaNA_dev
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    beginner problems

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:15 PM PST

    function shoppingList(){

    let r = random(columns+1);
    r = int(r);
    let s = random(rows+1);
    s = int(s);

    if (myArray1[r][s] === 0){
    myArray1[r][s] = 1}

    shoppingList() //want it to retry if guess is wrong

    submitted by /u/TraditionalComfort17
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    What is your favorite music genre or song to code in?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:16 AM PST

    Qr Code Help Pleaaw

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:13 AM PST

    Hi. I know this is a long shot but I thought if anywhere can help me, its reddit.

    I got a Tshirt recently with a QR code on it. My dumbass didn't realise it wasn't a free QR code site and it wants me to pay a subscription to keep it active. Is there anyway to link the now unlinked qr code to the site it was linked to? If not I've learnt my lesson and will reorder my Tshirt lol. If it can be done please let me know and how to do it Thank you

    submitted by /u/KamikoYukimura
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    Python3. Calling class functions on passed object

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:47 AM PST

    I know this is a basic question I just can't figure out exactly how to find the answer.

    Want to do this. For reference Im doing tkinter stuff.

    def Foo(anObject):


    In Javas strong types this is never a problem but in Python I don't know how to handle this.

    submitted by /u/pixelfixation
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    Autocomplete API as desktop application?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:44 AM PST

    I have an online tool to enter travel information (flight number, time, origin, etc.). Right now, it's all manual entry. There are numerous API providers for flight autocomplete data, where you enter the flight number and the other boxes are automatically filled. The owner of the online tool won't implement the autocomplete API. So my question is: is there a way, preferably using an off the shelf solution, to have a desktop application that connects to the autocomplete API and fills in the boxes on the online tool?

    submitted by /u/travel_MC
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    Sending images from server to client on Node JS

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:44 AM PST

    I'm creating a Javascript client-server webapp using Express as server framework. The server has a folder containing various images. The client needs to be able to request a specific image or, given an image, request the next image or the previous image in the folder.

    I'm having some doubts on how to manage this situation. Express lets me send the image using the res.sendFile function but it sends a Blob without any metadata (like the name, which would be useful to retrieve the next/previous image). Therefore, the client receives the image but it doesn't know which one it is, and it can't request the previous nor the next image in the folder.

    What could the solution be? Am I thinking it wrong and need to move the folder in a public folder client side? I also thought about sending an array of image names to the client so that it can know which image to request, but I thought that maybe it wouldn't work well if the image list is really really big.

    submitted by /u/suchiz95
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