• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    I teach programming and help people get jobs in the industry. I am here to answer your questions today. AMA learn programming

    I teach programming and help people get jobs in the industry. I am here to answer your questions today. AMA learn programming

    I teach programming and help people get jobs in the industry. I am here to answer your questions today. AMA

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:42 AM PST

    TL:DR - I teach programming, if you have a question you're stuck on, ask here!

    Hello everyone. I started a coding bootcamp 5 years ago and have been teaching people how to code ever since. In our classes, one of the things we teach is what to do when you're stuck. Being stuck happens to everyone, for one reason or another. A lot of the methods to get unstuck are up to that person: if you are frustrated, take a break. If you are confused, step back and look at the bigger picture. If you don't know where to start, make a list and focus on a small part.

    When you get stuck because you don't understand a concept, that is much harder for you to deal with on your own. In our school, there are teachers who answer questions and help people get past that wall. On your own, it's harder to find a person to ask, so sometimes you look for multiple tutorials, go over what you've already done again, or end up here asking questions. And so, that's why I'm here today.

    I get a small break between sessions and I like to put at least some of that time helping people who are teaching themselves. I learned on my own way back in the day and think it's a valid way for people to join the industry. I try to jump into threads here when I can, to answer individual questions, but don't always have time for good followup or answering a lot of threads. And so, I've set aside today to hang out in r/LearnProgramming to answer questions people have about programming, working in the industry, interviewing, contracting, whatever. It's also nice to have something to distract me from the absurdity that is happening over at wallstreetbets.

    Other Resources

    As I said, I like to support people learning on their own. Because of that, my school puts out a lot of their resources to whoever wants to see them. One, we stream our classes onto twitch.tv/academypgh - one to support our students so they can go back and watch a video of us teaching, but also to give content out to people who are trying to learn how to program.

    We also do lunch and learn/panel events when we're between classes and the instructors are free to do stuff that isn't actively teach a class. These are free and generally run over zoom at the moment. Even when we're not in Covid times, we'll continue doing a lot of these as a mix of online and in person. You can see our current list of upcoming events here: https://www.eventbrite.com/d/online/academypgh/

    I'll be here most of the day, and hopefully a few of my previous students will be around to answer questions too!

    submitted by /u/uugengiven
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    About to get hired, feel like I know nothing, what to do?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:57 PM PST

    I'm about to get hired into my first coding job ever, as a junior software developer. The job is at a startup and pays really well for my area and experience (none), somewhere in the Midwest. I'm about to work with programming languages I've barely any experience with. I'm honestly not sure what to expect and what I should do: my manager went through all the code and software with me, introduced me to the team and told me who I can help with what. Initially, they mostly expect me to fix bugs and write small code improvements. The thing is though, I feel like I wouldn't be able to contribute at all. During the (quick) codebase runthrough I felt like I understoof half of what was being said. I've never been paid to code before and just feel weird about it. What if it takes me 3 hours to write something productive? What if I just can't come up with something and am stuck? They introduced me to some of the tech they're using and with some of those things I'm barely familiar. I have honestly no idea what to expect from my coding job (yes, writing software, but it's so vague), how my days will look like, how much time I'm 'allowed' to put on things. Due to covid, it's all WFH now, how do I even get going? Do I just pull up the codebase and start doing what my team says, like fixing bugs? It just seems so overwhelming. Any tips/tricks would also be appreciated. I'm a new grad btw.

    submitted by /u/throwaway546710
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    Specifically, what math should I learn to improve my Algorithm solving skills?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 05:02 PM PST

    I have been programming for about five months, and in the past month or so I've started learning algorithms. Algorithms are hard. I am 28, and I find that, although I was once very good at math, I am struggling to remember a good chunk of it. Recently, while searching the internet, I found out that I should learn Proof by Induction to enhance my understanding of Algorithms. Although I don't fully understand Proof by Induction, since starting to learn it, I find it really does make solving Algorithms easier (My math was so rusty, I had to re-learn polynomials to better understand Proof by Induction lol). Anyway, I go in a lot of circles searching for what math concepts I should learn, even though a lot of people say a person doesn't need to be that good at math to be a programmer. I'm sure a lot of people don't, but after finding out about Induction, and how much it benefited me, I would like to learn all the math I can. I was wondering if anyone knows a good path to learn all the math I need to know to write and actually understand the Algorithms on a better level? I know this question maybe vague or hard to answer, but if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. I also know I am asking a lot, but if it could be as specific as possible. For example, I know Proof by Induction is part of Discrete Mathematics, but I'm sure I don't need to know all of it (I'm probably wrong because I have no idea what I'm talking about). But, if possible, could I please get the meat of the math I need to know.

    Thank you for your time!(Even if you only read this, because I know it's a lot!)

    submitted by /u/CorbettKnoff
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    Am I too dumb for programming?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 05:45 PM PST

    I just started the CS50's introduction to computer science. Before starting this course, I had no experience in programming, or computer science.

    The course started out well. It explained some simple concepts, and with good examples and actual code examples.

    They started with the language C#(in the CS50 IDE it says C# and C++, I'm confused about that I thought it was only C#) and at the beginning it's very basic, they teach you how to print hello world, make some operations, build a Mario pyramid and things like that.

    Although it was challenging for me since I had no background it still wasn't imposible. The following weeks, kept getting harder, and harder. But it wasn't imposible, after some long hours and the help of others taking the course, I was able to resolve the problem sets.

    But now, I'm on week 3 and the problem sets consist of plurality, runoff and tide man. And honestly I feel like it's too much for a "introduction to computer science".

    The problems just seem unresolvable, I just stare at the code they give use and have no idea on what to do. I'm I too dumb for programming? Is it just not for me? At this point I'm questioning everything.

    Has anyone who has completed this course here, been in the same situation as me? If so how did you overcome it? What helped you understand what you needed to code, how you needed to code it, the syntax and everything else about the course? Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated.

    I'm just lost right now, and don't know what to do...

    submitted by /u/Sir_nana
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    Crash Course On Python

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:30 PM PST

    Over the past few days I have been working my way through "Crash Course On Python" as a part of Google's "IT Automation with Python" Certificate. I have been able to get through just fine for the most part, until I hit the section on Recursion. Can anyone recommend some good supplemental learning resources to help me through this class?

    Edit: ALSO... I have found that my math skills have deteriorated severely since I graduated HS like... 8 years ago. That's what I get for not going to college I guess, but I'd love for some help in that area as well.

    submitted by /u/LambDuhh
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    I do not have a clear path and I do not know what to do next....

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:25 PM PST

    I have been learning programming for a while but I keep switching between various topics.

    • I initially started with ATBS and gained some confidence in Python.
    • Then I found web dev interesting and tried some articles on freecodecamp.org.
    • During this time I also found about the CS50 course for Web programming
    • After this I heard everyone saying DSA is the future so I tried to learn some DSA and DAA but quickly switched again.
    • REcently I took up Competitive Programming on sites like Codeforces and Hackerrank but the everyone there uses C++ with STL
    • So immediately I started learning STL from YouTube and tried some questions with C++.
    • If I learn something on day 1, I immediately check the syntax on the next day because I keep forgetting. I am not able to remember simple syntaxes easily..
    • Along with this I got my college stuff like exams and assignments.

    Also another major problem is the vast amount of resources present online. If I learn one I feel like I am missing out on another topic...

    As you can see I am not able to focus on one path of programming and I feel anything that I do is so insignificant, like I learn a topic and I feel this is something others can do so easily and it's a waste of time spending so much effort into this.. I do not know how should I continue my journey into programming as I am at a point where I am literally stuck now. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated... Thanks for reading this far. Peace

    submitted by /u/Pilot_Natural
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    Maybe this is a stupid question; but how the hell is Reddit able to handle a subreddit (like wallstreetbets...) with 1.2 million (or higher) concurrent users?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:25 PM PST

    I'm a junior web developer, but only really work on web apps for internal use by the organisation I work for, so, we're talking a dozen to a few hundred users at most.

    One of the things that is making my jaw drop about the wallstreetbets situation (other than what is going on with the stocks itself...), is simply how many users are on "online" on the subreddit - In my 5 years on reddit I've never seen close to that many online at once.

    I'm aware of some techniques that allow for scaling, like having multiple instances of your API behind a load balancer, having a CDN for images and video - but I have no idea how Reddit is able to handle this on the database side...

    Do they just have a massively clustered database? Lots of caching so the DB doesn't get hit so much? Some kind of DB solution that works at this immense scale?

    Also, How do they scale up so quickly for stuff like this as well? Is it all via the magic of automatically scaling cloud instances?

    I'd really appreciate any insights anyone has in these areas, as it just fascinates me, and I'd love to learn some basics about how services at the scale of millions of users operate...

    Thank you in advance to anyone that comments.

    submitted by /u/die247
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    How do people learn this fast?!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:22 PM PST

    I started learning my first programming language around 8 months ago and have been practicing almost every day. Yet, I still feel very clueless about a lot of things.

    I have read online that it takes around 4 to 6 months for one to learn a language enough to qualify for a job. How do people even learn this fast?

    I have been practicing almost every day for the past 8 months, yet my code still looks terrible and I still struggle to understand many concepts. What am I doing wrong?! I would assume that after learning to program for 8 months, I would at least be somewhat proficient.

    Is there something I am doing that is missing, or am I just really bad at programming?

    Note: I am learning to program to develop games as a hobby, so I am not desperate for a job as of now.

    submitted by /u/GoshDarnz
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    Me and my friend have been trying to fix this code for hours and we have not been able to get it to run correctly, please tell me what we're doing wrong, we've been stuck here for the longest time now. (JavaScript)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:05 PM PST

    we need the images on screen to switch upon selecting an item in a radio button group and pressing a submit button. the starting image shows up but the rest do not appear when clicked on.



    <script language = "JavaScript">

    image1 = new Image

    image2 = new Image

    image3 = new Image

    image4 = new Image





    function getSelectedButton(buttonGroup)


    for(var i = 0; i < buttonGroup.length; i++)



    return i;


    return -1;


    function checkButton(form)


    var num = getSelectedButton(phones);

    var img = label[num].value;

    document.phone.src = img + ".jpg";





    <p>Choose a smartphone to view:</p>


    <img src="SAMSUNG.jpg" name=phone width=300>



    <fieldset id = "phones">

    <input type="radio" id = "samsung" name="phones" value="SAMSUNG">

    <label for="samsung">Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra ($1,200)</label><br>

    <input type="radio" id = "apple" name="phones" value="APPLE">

    <label for="apple">Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max ($1,200)</label><br>

    <input type="radio" id = "oneplus" name="phones" value="ONEPLUS">

    <label for="oneplus">OnePlus 8 Pro ($900)</label><br>

    <input type="radio" id = "sony" name="phones" value="SONY">

    <label for="sony">Sony Xperia 1 || ($1,200)</label><br>


    <input type=button onClick="checkButton(this.form)" value="Select this Phone">





    submitted by /u/dmukyy
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    About a week into C# and I'm feeling confused about how it all fits in. Is this normal, or a sign that I just don't get it and quit without wasting too much time?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:44 PM PST

    I took Code Fellows for a week, the 102 class which goes over HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in 5 days. I already was familiar with HTML and CSS, so I didn't learn anything with that. Then in came to JavaScript and although it was only 2 days, I felt like it got me thinking a bit differently because now I could follow a video tutorial and not be stumped. My next Code Fellows class is in March, however, due to the cost I've been thinking maybe I can learn on my own and hire a tutor.

    I hired a tutor that's pretty cheap (13$ an hour) and he's been teaching me C#. He's doing great, and according to my friend who has gone to Code Fellows, it seems that this guy is teaching what you would learn at Code Fellows. Now here's where I'm having some doubts. So for example I understand what he's teaching me or what I watch in video tutorials, but I just don't understand the reasoning to it. Like, how does it all fit in the end?

    For example, I know what Convert.ToInt32 does but I don't know why you would use that. I see tutorials or this tutor teaching me it showing these examples which I get it... But why? Why would I want to convert that? Why would I convert a string to a Boolean or something like that. I'm just not understanding the reasoning behind things like that.

    The other issue I'm having is that I tend to forget the syntax. For example I know I need to use Substring to do something but I don't remember how it looks in a syntax. So it's like I'm halfway there but not quite.

    I've been about a week into doing private tutoring with this person and watching video tutorials. Those questions I have which I'm being told it will make sense later or I'm just not given it in the video tutorials has me wondering if it's just not clicking with me. HTML and CSS clicks with me right away, then again I learned HTML back in 2001 when I was in middle school where my brain was still fresh.

    Is this normal for people who learn programming? Especially at a later point in their lives? Or is this a sign I should back off from an object oriented language and perhaps stick to HTML/CSS and get better at that instead?

    submitted by /u/Thenamesarealltaken_
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    Researching the nerve gear/full dive vr

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:35 PM PST

    I'm someone who's really interested in full dive vr and always researching about it. A goal of mine is to focus my career into developing it. Yes it's extremely hard and might take more than 50 years but I know i'm not the only one. Who's down to make a group to go over our research, talk and just pre much half discussions every week about it. Great to hear others progress on it.

    submitted by /u/unbuiltduck
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    Looking for website to learn vb.net

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:29 PM PST

    I've found many websites which teach you python, C# etc. but i havent found a single website that gives little challenges similar to edabit or grok but in vb.net. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated


    submitted by /u/MrCrabsta_
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    How to get counter to average all guesses per all games at the end of program?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:12 PM PST

    So on lines 57 - 59 I have the average calculator. But it only calculates a single game's guess # divided by all games played. What am I missing? At the end of several games it's supposed to average out all guesses by the amount of games.


    submitted by /u/Nik_Owl
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    How to deal with all empty lists input for Leetcode merge k sorted lists? (Python)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:58 PM PST

    # Definition for singly-linked list. # class ListNode: # def __init__(self, val=0, next=None): # self.val = val # self.next = next class Solution: def mergeKLists(self, lists: List[ListNode]) -> ListNode: result = ListNode(0, None) resultHead = result if (len(lists) == 0 or not lists): return None while (len(lists) > 1): values = [] for i in range(len(lists)): if (lists[i] != None): values.append((lists[i].val, i)) else: lists.pop(i) minTuple = min(values) result.next = ListNode(minTuple[0], None) result = result.next lists[minTuple[1]] = lists[minTuple[1]].next if None in lists: lists.remove(None) result.next = lists[0] return resultHead.next 

    This works for a normal input but for the input where all the ListNodes in lists are None I get list index out of range in line

    if (lists[i] != None): 

    kinda lost on how to deal with this input

    submitted by /u/epicboyxp
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    I’m learning c++ after having used java for about 4 years. Is the cherno on youtube a good place to start to learn fundamentals

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:51 PM PST

    I do learn best by doing projects so I want to take what I learn and then do side projects with them. Wondering if anyone has done this. This is because I want to learn as well as the fact i'm taking a c++ course for the first time next semester in unix without having any previous experience so I thought this would be a good place to start for the basics.

    submitted by /u/Hhmoney26
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    Been learning programming off-and-on for years and feel barely functional as a programmer.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:10 PM PST

    I've been learning Java off-and-on for years now, even taking multiple courses innit. Indidnthe Helsinki MOOC, I've done a course on Udemy, and I've taken multiple programming coursees from the actual college that I am currently enrolled in.

    However, my actual ability seems so juvenile. I mostly only write programs that output to the Java console, I've messed with GUIs before but Swing feels so unnatural to me. I don't know any real 3rd party frameworks or libraries, I don't know any backend or how to interface with other programs or databases, I don't really know any algorithms or data structures, I basically don't know anything at all that a jobbwould want from, AND I have no work experience.

    It feels like I just have been stuck in this beginner's space for so long and everytime I learn, I am just relearning all the basics once again.

    The problem for me is that I don't know how to progress. I'm not sure what to learn, how to learn it, or when I've learned it. I mean how, as just a guy at home, do I learn to interface with a database? Or create a fullstack development when I have no problem to solve? I don't even know how to package my software or upload it to GitHub.

    I feel like all I learn in college is just theoretical stuff and actual basics of programming, but I never learn any practical knowledge.

    I just want to be able to get a job and I don't feel marketable at all. I honestly don't feel I have the stuff to even be an intern.

    I know I'm cut out for it though, I have confidence in my ability to learn, but I just don't know what to learn.

    Can someone offer some advice, or maybe even a roadmap of what to learn?


    submitted by /u/Mudpill
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    How can I make my script print every tenth number?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:21 PM PST

    Sorry if this sounds like I stupid question, I used to know how to do this but I've forgot. I have a script we're it prints a lot of numbers onto the terminal but I don't want it to spray the terminal, how can I get it to print only every tenth number? The variable that I'm printing is a integer if that helps.

    submitted by /u/-Robdog-
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    Curious how people deal with anxiety when asking questions

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:19 PM PST

    Outside of work I have no problems asking questions. This is my first dev job, and before this I was homeless for a long time. So I feel a lot of anxiety about not wanting to end up where I was. As a result, I'm kind of terrified of asking questions.

    I'm curious how y'all get past this feeling/how y'all ask questions (literally, how do you phrase it) on the job of you do have a technical job.

    Thanks in advance. ❤️

    submitted by /u/bigheartbigmouth
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    Are there any good programming sites for python?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:09 PM PST

    I'm having a class in 30 minutes and the sites we usually use (trinket) is down, i'm just wondering if there are any good sites for running python

    submitted by /u/Lopsided_Ad_4514
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    Site where you can post multiple solutions to the same problem?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:08 PM PST

    I had an idea for a site where devs could post a problem they ran across during their work day (real world problems) along with their current solution. Other programmers would then post their solutions and the best would be upvoted to the top, or downvoted if it did not solve the objective or had bugs.

    All problems would be organized by their framework or language, and it would probably use something like CodeSandbox to allow for a more true-to-life coding environment than something like CodePen. I imagine all answers to be quickly viewed and comparable within the same window.

    The goal is to create a repository for solutions to complex, real-world problems.
    Think Stack Overflow, but with a more intuitive UI, and only for problems with a solution. It wouldn't be a site asking for help, but rather a platform for finding the best solution to a given problem.

    Stack overflow has a really bad UI to view code (doesn't utilize more than 1/5th of my monitor's width) and it doesn't work for something like the concept above. I often think about whether I solved a problem in the past with the best solution, and if we had a site like this, it would make learning and refactoring old code a fun experience.

    It would not be similar to the many existing sites that focus on solving classic coding problems, interview algorithm questions, or code-tests-to-get-hired type platforms.

    Is there anything similar out there already?
    If I build this, would you be interested to use it?

    submitted by /u/Synapse709
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    What does linear algebra have to do with computer science?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:59 PM PST

    I'm taking linear algebra right now and I'm trying to connect the dots here. I'm halfway through a CS degree and I've taken data structures and all the lower level classes, still have automata and operating systems (and other classes) to take though. In what field is linear algebra applicable?

    Right now we're doing vector proofs. Linear algebra = sadness

    submitted by /u/throwaway161174
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    How to make an interaction b/w the C and the python files to copy the data?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:51 PM PST

    In this code, I am trying to copy the data from the first path to the second path and I am using ctypes to call the C file in python. I used sprintf and snprintf but the data was not copying. I also used .so and .dll files but nothing worked. Although when I run the code only in C, it copies the data. But when I run the code in python, it gives me the following error.

    Note: Don't suggest me to copy the data using python instead of C


    hello_lib.transfer(ctypes.c_char_p("/home/bilal/Pictures/New"),ctypes.c_char_p("/home/bilal/Music")) TypeError: bytes or integer address expected instead of str instance 


    #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> char *transfer(char *f1, char *f2){ char cmd[500]; sprintf(cmd, "rsync -av %s %s", f1, f2); // snprintf(cmd, 500, "rsync -av %s %s", f1, f2); system(cmd); } int main(void){ transfer("/home/bilal/Pictures/New", "/home/bilal/Music"); return 0; } 


    from ctypes import cdll from ctypes import c_char_p import ctypes hello_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("/Path/to/practice.so") # hello_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("/Path/to/practice.dll") hello_lib.transfer(ctypes.c_char_p("/home/bilal/Pictures/New"), ctypes.c_char_p("/home/bilal/Music")) 
    submitted by /u/ibilalkayy
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    Need help!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:36 PM PST

    Not sure if this is the right subreddit but I am programming for my class that we need to enter any integer to add up with 1. My problem is that we need to output any integer we enter + 1 = answer but I can only get to show the answer. For example 1 (the number we enter) + 1 = 2 but mine always get the answer only whatever I do on my inputs/codes. I can really appreciate the help.

    submitted by /u/BC_Train_Heartnet
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    How to open this project more conveniently without having to open a .js or .json one by one into visual studio 2019?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:31 PM PST

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