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    Thursday, January 14, 2021

    I help inmates get resources behind bars, and I'm looking for a good coding book you think would be the most instructive for people who don't have access to computers learn programming

    I help inmates get resources behind bars, and I'm looking for a good coding book you think would be the most instructive for people who don't have access to computers learn programming

    I help inmates get resources behind bars, and I'm looking for a good coding book you think would be the most instructive for people who don't have access to computers

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 06:27 AM PST

    The book would have to show examples of the code (because they don't have computers), and be written in simple enough terms for regular people to understand.

    Any ideas?

    EDIT: thank you for offering your advice. Someone mentioned learn level https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-teach-programming-to-people-in-prison-without-computers-c455baca7f19

    I spoke with the director / co-founder there after ya'll mentioned it and if you want to help in this cause generally, please visit their website they are producing programming material that's boiled down in simple terms and easy to learn without computers https://learnlevel.org/

    submitted by /u/Dresslerj1
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    MIT Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python starts on January 27th 2021

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 01:01 PM PST

    MIT's popular Python course is open for enrollment. (learn Python 3.5). Over million people have taken this course, designed to help people with no prior exposure to computer science or programming learn to think computationally and write programs to tackle useful problems. Join for free.
    - Credit to a post a year ago who mentioned it when it occured last year, just copied and pasted his tl;dr (https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/bk9zrc/mits_introduction_to_computer_science_and/)


    submitted by /u/hollowness818
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    Is it worth it to learn php or can you just use node instead?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 09:29 PM PST

    I wanna build a web app in the future and I am just starting my programming journey, I was just wondering if its worth it to learn php or can I just use node? I am a complete noob and I dont really even know the difference between them.

    submitted by /u/Matrix10011
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    Returning to School to Finish My Comp Sci Degree

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 05:14 PM PST

    After 10 years out of school, I'm returning to complete my BS in Computer Science in a couple weeks. I'm starting out slow with a course in C and Linear Algebra as well as a couple electives, but after that things will get much more difficult.

    Any advice for getting the most out of the experience/what's changed in the last decade/resources that may be useful??

    submitted by /u/madoo14
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    Am I crazy dumb or is this a weird error in my textbook?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 09:07 PM PST

    It's a section about converting between bases (from binary to octal, from binary to hex).

    There are two examples, which I did: https://imgur.com/a/4fNYPxA

    And then there is a figure below showing the answers (???): https://imgur.com/a/f5YUTJk

    Now I'm pretty sure I understand these concepts well, but this figure makes no sense to me. The first one, sure. That's the answer for converting 11010110.00111 to octal. I got the same answer.

    But for the second one??? The number given above in the second example was 111000110.001 but in the picture it uses the number from example 1. okay weird.... But then in the actual "demonstration" part, it's the number given in example 2. But then as far as I can tell the fractional part is incorrect??? How does binary 0010 become 1 instead of 2??

    Overall really confused by this, which is funny because I was totally following until I looked at the answer they gave.

    Am I dumb and missing something or is there an error by the textbook?

    submitted by /u/Missing_Back
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    Hello I m new here

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 01:30 PM PST

    Hello I started learning C# few months ago and I m happy that I made a choice to learn programming. This is one of the things that puts smile on my face. Even though I have one lesson in school for a week I still spend time learning C# when I m free. To everyone who is learning C# too I wish good luck.

    submitted by /u/borissukzzzXD
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    Best way to learn game networking that is game engine agnostic?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 10:00 PM PST

    As in, I want to learn about it in general, not just for a specific game engine.

    I don't mind using any language to learn this, even if I've never used it before. If you think that a specific game engine's networking solution is actually the best way to go about it, then I'm interested in your answer.

    submitted by /u/HawaAsna
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    I want to build apps for the Web and Desktop. Where to start?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 07:29 PM PST


    I am currently a CS undergrad and have a few app ideas I want to eventually develop.

    I am not a beginner in terms of programming so I do not need resources for learning how to program.

    However, in school, we are focusing on the more theoretical concepts (i.e. loops, arrays, data structures, algorithms) rather than building real-world applications.

    I want to actually build real-world apps for the Web and possibly Desktop (Mac).

    The obvious answer I am seeing is HTML/CSS + JS and its associated frameworks. However, I do not like programming with HTML/CSS and find the cognitive load of knowing how to use possibly 10+ frameworks/libraries to high. It seems like this is still the best option though, so I might plan on learning more of it anyway for the purposes of this. Though, the reason for this post is, I want to know:

    1. If I want to build a web app right now, is it advisable that the "best" way to do so from a developer standpoint is to learn JS and the frameworks (React etc.)?
      1. I also want to learn how to build things like APIs and chrome extensions... so I am guessing jS is a must there?
    2. For those who don't prefer the above option, what are the alternatives available? I hear about Flutter, Project Catalyst, etc.
    3. My school offers a React Native course... can this be used to build Web/Desktop apps? If not, is this React Native syntax highly transferrable to ReactJS?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you so much in advance!

    submitted by /u/golden543
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    Can every problem that can be done iteratively also be done recursively?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 08:54 PM PST

    Can every problem that can be done iteratively also be done recursively? Also, does solving coding assessment questions recursively make you stand out?

    submitted by /u/More-Veterinarian-33
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    is it good for me to switch from [react+express] to [angular+nestjs] ?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 12:11 AM PST

    as a hobbyist looking to learn full stack webdev, I naturally chose mern at first as it seemed so popular and beginner friendly. but I felt that it was so messy and bloated. being unopinoinated wasn't really appealing to me because it only made me feel lost and don't know which modules to choose, how to structure from scratch. and I also heard that I better go for rdbms than nosql in most cases.

    so after some research, I wanted something opinioinated this time and the alternative tech stack I chose is [angular + nestjs + postgres]. I know this stack is generally for enterprise-level-big-scale-applications but since I hated the concep of being unopinionated, I want to give it a try. I'd like to hear your opinions about my decision. thank you very much.

    submitted by /u/AsianSmallD
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    How important is the “~” key in programming?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 12:04 AM PST

    I have a 60% keyboard (ducky one 2 mini) and it does not have a ~ key. I just had a lesson in Codecademy that involved that key, and I was not able to do the interactive learning because of it lol. I'm curious if it is an important enough key to have to justify me buying another keyboard

    submitted by /u/qhartz_
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    How do I return the head of the linkedlist I created in this program?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 07:58 PM PST

    Hi, I'm trying to finish this problem right here:


    My solution for my code is as follows:

    # Definition for singly-linked list. # class ListNode: # def __init__(self, val=0, next=None): # self.val = val # self.next = next class Solution: def mergeTwoLists(self, l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode) -> ListNode: head = ptr = None while l1 != None and l2 != None: ptr = ListNode() if l1.val < l2.val: ptr.val = l1.val l1 = l1.next else: ptr.val = l2.val l2 = l2.next ptr.next = None ptr = ptr.next return head 

    The problem is when I move the ptr I think I'm also moving the head as well. Is there a way to move ptr without moving head as well? I thought all variables in python are pointers in a sense, so wouldn't setting ptr = ptr.next make sure the address of head does not change?

    submitted by /u/octopus20914
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    There seems to be a mix-up on the horizon.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 11:33 PM PST

    Thank you in advance for the replies. I know everyone is busy. I find it rather kind that someone stops to answer, no matter how silly.

    I closed my food business in January, 2020. A microscopic spec started killing people and that is the long story short.

    I decided the food industry was becoming de-stabalized. High overhead, low worker quality, and falling profit margins. So i switched to web dev.

    HTML,CSS, JS. Basics over at freecodecamp. Bless up.

    The odin project. Ran through the entire stack for javascript. Also did a few JS projects from youtube and challenges from code pen. My git-hub is getting Thiccc. My laat project showcased a Vanilla js project management app. ES6, Modules, classes, IIFs, clean global scope, local storage, the works. I have arrived to using frame works. The odin project wants me to use React. Side note, I love codewars.

    Here is my delima. Vue.js and Svelte are sexy sexy alternatives.

    My goal is to freelance and build my portfolio until i feel confident enough to get a job. I quit my job 2 weeks ago to strictly focus on coding. I feel the pivotal moment is here. I need advice. I am too aware that i am ignorant compared to people who already are where i want to be.

    Which framwork should a new web dev/mobile dev learn today? Which stacks are trending in 2021? Can i get a detailed pros and cons for React, Vue, Svelte. A recommendation for how to think about moving foward works too. I am a big fan of philosophy.

    submitted by /u/Pancakw
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    I need help.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 11:27 PM PST

    Hey Guys,
    I need help in deciding which Java book/resources available on online that I can refer to improve my knowledge on OOPS concept.

    submitted by /u/kratos_03
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    Changing my carrier as a software developer Which programing Language should I learn first ??

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 10:24 PM PST

    I am planning to changing my carrier as a software developer

    Through My Self learning PATH little bit confused with where can i start which programming i want to start to learn first ?

    JavaScript Or Python ?? or any other

    submitted by /u/varun-pandian
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    Made a search algorithm, send help.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 01:36 PM PST

    TLDR: i would like help on a self made pattern matching algorithm, it's in C and should be easy to pick up. I mostly would like someone to check my work for dumb mistakes because I wasn't formally educated.

    I've been working on this project by myself for about 2 years now. I could really use an outside point of view. I have a friend that I talk to and that helps jump start ideas and consolidate ideas but i could use someone with more experience. I personally don't have much a formal education in CS so I'm worried that I've overlooked something or I've made life complicated for no reason.

    It's a pattern matching algorithm written entirely in C. I designed it after human search methods based on a lot of research so it should be conceptually easy to pick up. A good portion of the process happens at the binary level but can be abstracted fairly easily.

    I mostly need someone to look over my work, I'm not asking anyone to put in large amounts of time on this project. However, if you are interested I would be happy to talk about it. Please let me know if you're interested. Chat, message, and comments are all welcome.

    A slideshow that gives a basic overview of the process

    The GitHub link <- I've added comments to the code so people hopefully have an easier time understanding it.


    submitted by /u/detoursabound
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    Seeking Assistance In Designing a Payroll Database.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 10:12 PM PST

    I have been presented with a spreadsheet template payroll report that will serve as my guide in designing and developing a payroll Application. I am currently full of doubts as how I should approach the database design.
    Here is the Situation:
    In the spreadsheet template, each column can be a deduction or an "addition" field.
    Let's say Employee has deductions such as loans, insurance contributions, and tax.
    Now, if I create the payroll for that Employee, should I create a record of a single row? Or Do I approach this by placing all deductions/additions in another table.
    Kindly refer to the link below for the picture.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Picture in Google Drive(public)

    submitted by /u/maxwellkurt
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    What is a good kyu for learning fundamentals of a language on codewars?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 02:33 PM PST

    I just want to know what kyu would be good to learn the building blocks or the fundamentals of a language. In addition, I would like to know if there are any other resources that do similar things.

    submitted by /u/Akane34
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    I have 1 semester of Python under my belt and wanted to learn c# to use unity what resources are best for this?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 09:23 PM PST

    Title says it all, want to use unity to develop games and want to know what might be the best way coming from Python experience

    submitted by /u/Hugh_Jass5
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    advice for local testing

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 09:23 PM PST

    crossposting from r/devops

    I'm using MacOS catalina for local testing. I'm testing SDK's used for a NOSQL database.

    I have a database cluster running in docker containers. This is working just fine.

    I need to test SDK from 6 languages (Java, C, nodejs, python, C#, Go). Unfortunately I cannot simply run the code from my machine because there some test cases that won't work. Let's say I have two query nodes and need to run queries against both nodes. I have to open port 8093 which is used by the query service. Due to the way docker for Mac works, I can't expose the same port on multiple containers (otherwise I get a port is already allocated error).

    What I've done for now is build my own docker image with runtimes for 6 languages. This is also working. However this image is large (almost 2GB). I feel like I'm doing it wrong. Shouldn't container images be small? How would you folks approach testing?

    By the way, the only reason I'm using docker for the database as is it's very fast to spin up a cluster (I have a bash script that does this). I suppose one simple solution is to use vagrant instead of docker (then I wouldn't have port conflict issue), but it would be slow and I'm not sure how to do this. If vagrant (or anything else besides docker) is a simpler/better solution I'm willing to explore it.

    submitted by /u/AlienGivesManBeard
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    How did the search functionality of Google Photos app become so good?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 09:05 PM PST

    It amazes me how well it identifies objects in photos and even videos. Searching for stuff like "passport", "driving licence", "drone video", give spot on results. So a few Qs came to mind:

    1 - how does their algorithm work? Did teams of people sit and manually tag millions of photos (at least in the beginning) over 4-5 years and then the computer eventually picked up the patterns?

    2 - What aspect of programming is responsible for this magic? Machine learning?

    3 - If I ever wanted to make a similar search functionality for my own custom photos app, what should i learn? I know a good amount of python & just a bit of JavaScript.

    Any pointers and suggestions would be highly appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/SnowdenIsALegend
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    Is it normal to want to pursue further education following a coding bootcamp?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 05:08 PM PST

    I am approaching the end of my bootcamp and realize just how much I've learned about MVC and building web applications from scratch. It's incredible what we've learned in a short period of time and I do not regret my time in the course so far.

    I also realize how little I know about CS principles and computer architecture. I'd love to know if anyone else has enrolled in a bootcamp and has had a similar experience. Did you pursue a degree in CS following your bootcamp? Maybe a degree in graphic design if you decided to pursue front-end development or UX/UI? Why or why not?

    submitted by /u/x3sweat
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    Books I read in 2020

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 01:17 PM PST

    Hi, I wrote a post with a list of books I read in 2020 and some summaries about them. A bit about me for context of this list - I started coding in 2018 (previously had done a few classes here and there and was a math major so I wasn't starting literally from scratch), but not to switch jobs, so I wasn't trying to prep for interviews or impress employers or anything, just improve at coding to be able to do my job better. I write code for a MediaWiki site, so it's web/frontend and there's a lot of design/UI/UX books on the list, but there's also a lot of database design so there's books about that too here, plus also there's just "random topics I found interesting." I'm also our community manager so I try to read some how-to-deal-with people books from time to time.

    I'm going to write a follow-up post next week called "Books I read in 2019" because this blog is just a year old and I didn't think to make a post like this when I first started it. I have a bunch of stuff on my reading list for 2021 already but I'd love to hear any recommendations you have based on this list, or hopefully this helps other people find recommendations as well!

    submitted by /u/RheingoldRiver
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    What is the major application for programming and scripting language and difference between them ?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 08:38 PM PST

    I am so embraced to ask this
    still I cant understand the major difference between scripting and programming language
    why scripting language used for and programming language used for
    what are the applications those languages used for examples

    please help me out of this !?

    submitted by /u/varun-pandian
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