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    Saturday, December 19, 2020

    What have you been working on recently? [December 19, 2020] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [December 19, 2020] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [December 19, 2020]

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:00 PM PST

    What have you been working on recently? Feel free to share updates on projects you're working on, brag about any major milestones you've hit, grouse about a challenge you've ran into recently... Any sort of "progress report" is fair game!

    A few requests:

    1. If possible, include a link to your source code when sharing a project update. That way, others can learn from your work!

    2. If you've shared something, try commenting on at least one other update -- ask a question, give feedback, compliment something cool... We encourage discussion!

    3. If you don't consider yourself to be a beginner, include about how many years of experience you have.

    This thread will remained stickied over the weekend. Link to past threads here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How do you learn to actually develop software/apps/websites as a CS undergraduate?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:29 AM PST

    I'm a CS undergraduate. My school's CS curriculum obviously teaches the basic CS theories, like algorithms, OOP, discrete mathematics, database theory, etc, but not much about the development aspect. We have multiple modules that teaches things like software development life cycle, project management, design principles and part of the assessment would be a group project to develop e.g. an app. But learning how to develop apps is not part of the curriculum, so most students would have to self-learn while juggling with the module's content at the same time.

    I am not sure if it is just my school curriculum, but if not, how do you guys learn to develop software/apps/websites while juggling with the content-heavy CS curriculum?

    EDIT: While I'm at it, is Git or any form of VCS taught to you guys in school?

    submitted by /u/GutsyGallant
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    33 year old executive chef.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:41 AM PST

    I made a post on r/kitchenconfidential a few weeks back about my fear of never seeing my kids..And the fear for my future in the industry. It got a few thousand upvotes.and hundreds of comments from people going through the same thing.

    I make good money. But. No healthcare. No vacation time. Super long hours where I never see my family. I just can't do it anymore. I have another baby due in June and I want to be around.

    I originally went to school in 05 for computer science(dropped out after 2 years). I started cooking and fell in love with it . Been doing it 10 years as well as touring internationally in a band . It was fun as hell.. but I can't do these hours anymore ...

    All through high school I took every programming and web design class I could. I spent hours working on projects. I have about a year of c++, python, html, css, and other random stuff. But this was all 10 years ago. I have a solid foundation of understanding of how coding works. Im a computer nerd and know how computers work. Not fully starting from scratch.

    Just started in the last week on free code academy and automate the Boring stuff. It's all coming back to me pretty quickly and it's incredibly exciting.

    Just wanted to say thank you to this sub. I hope my journey will progress in the next year so I can get outta this industry.

    submitted by /u/ALXNDRWVLF
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    Any programmers with ADHD?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:48 PM PST

    How do you organize your workflow? What strategies do you use to stay on track?

    I find I have trouble working in a very structured way, so usually start implementation too early. I also get hyperfocused when programming, which is better than tasks where I can't concentrate. But it also means I become fixated on details.

    The result is that I spend way too much time perfecting parts of the code that aren't immediate priorities, when I should just move on and come back to them later. Even as I recognize myself doing this in the moment, I find it very challenging to force myself to switch focus.

    submitted by /u/upstairsdiscount
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    Help making a HTLM/CSS gif in Codepen io

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:55 PM PST

    Hello. As the title says, I'm trying to make a gif in codepen.io using HTML/CSS. Here's a link to the code so far: https://codepen.io/Nylffn/pen/BaLZPYE . For the most part, this is what I want, however there are two issues I have with it that I just can't figure out.

    • I want it to draw in the opposite direction, and when I use the reverse command (on line 9 after forwards) it reverses the whole thing, making it disappear rather than be drawn.

    • I want it to start from a different point. Rather than part of the 'L'/curly-que thing, I would like it to start at the point of the beak. I think it might be somewhere in the HTML, and it's so dense that I'm a bit scared to mess with it. If there's a way to do this without messing with that, Amazing! If not, I'll grit my teeth and hope for the best.

    Just to let you guys know, I don't program. I know lot of people who do, I've taken classes, but it's just not for me. This is the first time in a long time that I've done any coding (and I am super proud of what I have done! Even if I can't get it to work right on my own). I've been trying to figure this out for hours, both what this animation type is and how to get it to work. So if you have ideas, or references, or examples, or anything you guys think might help, it would be much appreciated!

    Thank you so much!

    (PS: I don't know what kind of flair this constitutes, if you do I'll add it.)

    submitted by /u/Nylffn
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    Random number program

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 07:08 PM PST

    I have created this program to practice the use of randint in a loop. The program is working well and it does what I want it to do. It basically produces two random numbers and then compares the two. It does this in a loop a certain amount of times. It then tells you the % of times the two random numbers were the same.

    For example in a thousand loop cycle with the computer only choosing between number one or two.

    the result will always land around 50%, makes sense. The more loop cycles the closer to 50% it will get.

    If I only chose 10 loop cycles the result will not be as accurate, once again makes sense.

    So I have two questions. Once again I just did this for practice.

    Question one, is this program applicable in anything or is it just 'worthless' and only good for practice?

    Question two, If I would up the cycles to lets say 1 million or 10 million the program takes quite a while to calculate the result. Is there a way to streamline or shorten the code so that it produces a result faster or would I have to write the program in assembler to achieve this? or am I simply just limited by my processor?

    I have written the program in a function, just to practice functions. Does this slow down the computing speed of the program? (I guess that's three questions now :))

    Thanks :)

    #CODE def random_number_comparison(): count = 0 true = 0 while count <= 10000000: random_number = random.randint((1), (2)) random_number2 = random.randint((1), (2)) if random_number2 == random_number: true = true + 1 count = count + 1 else: count = count + 1 percentage = ((true / count) * 100) print(percentage,"%") 
    submitted by /u/Typhann
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    Free Data Science Courses with certificate?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 07:11 AM PST

    Hello all,

    I am studying psychology and business administration and for fun I tried to calculate my statistics and math exams with Python.

    Much to my delight, it was very easy for me and since then I've been practicing daily with Youtube tutorials and am amazed at how quickly I can progress.

    To test whether the profession of a Data Scientist would be interesting for me, I would like to attend an internationally recognized course or acquire a certificate.

    Unfortunately, the courses are usually very expensive and are aimed more at clearly advanced programmers.

    Does anyone know of a cost-effective alternative that is internationally recognized?

    Thank you in advance!

    (I'm new on Reddit, I hope I'm allowed to post this question just like that? Also, English is not my first language, I apologize if I made mistakes)!

    submitted by /u/Andre_Mies
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    First Attempt At Learning Programming, Advice?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:27 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    As the title states, im looking into learning how to code mainly because of how much I see it mentioned around me and figured it would be a fun thing to do on the side. Im an engineering student but a tad behind in my math classes (Just finished pre-algebra, moving onto calculus next semester). I'm not sure how math heavy programming is so I figured Id mention it.

    After reading the FAQ, I've chosen Python as the first language id like to learn because automation/ data analysis sounds pretty neat. Also because I couldn't really decide as they all seem great and the little text under the section stated its a good beginning language with very versatile applications. Because of this, Im wondering what the best approach would be to learn the fundamentals for this language and eventually moving on to more complex things. I vaguely browsed the recommended exercises links below the post and clicked on the "codestepbystep" website. There seems to be exercises already in place but im not sure how to start or if I need to find something easier just so know how to work my way around the computer.

    If you guys have any recommendations id really appreciate it. Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/flexrollei
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    Is CSS even needed to become a front end developer in 2020?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:15 AM PST

    I've spoken to a few front end devs, and most of them were asked Javascript/React in their interviews. One of my friends was asked to explain Observables, implement the pub/sub pattern, higher order components, render props, closures and ofcourse was asked a few questions on data structures.

    Some of them were asked more generic questions on design patterns. Example - How would you design Facebook, WhatsApp?

    I've heard they won't really ask CSS questions like, how would you vertically center a div?..., Unless you explicitly highlight your CSS skills on resume.

    It kinda makes sense, because most companies use component libraries such as material-ui, AntD or their own, so you don't really have to write any CSS, unless the UX team screws up.

    How was your interview experience?

    submitted by /u/serious_user96
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    OOP Related Question - How Do You Make A Method That Takes A Certain Object Type As A Parameter?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:35 PM PST

    In Java, how do you do make a method that is supposed to take an object of a certain type as a parameter?

    So in your project, you might have made multiple objects (all from the same class - X) and given them names like x1, x2, x3, x4, etc.

    You now want to make a method can take any of these objects above as a parameter, and then trigger a particular method in the X class so that it can affect whatever object is put in as a parameter.

    So something like:

    public void modify(x){ x.method1(); } 

    The modify method will be able to take in any of the objects listed above as a parameter and affect that particular object.

    I recently learnt of the ' instanceOf ' operator, so right now I've written something like this:

    public void modify(Object xObject){ if(xObject instanceof X) { ((X) xObject).method1()); } } 

    But is this the only way to do it? Isn't there a simpler way that doesn't involve putting a conditional statement in it?

    submitted by /u/RifleRooster
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    [Python] Need help with the os.rename method.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:34 PM PST

    I've been trying to come up with some code that will categorise a bunch of photos using an excel file where the file names are already assigned to a category. But I keep on receiving the FileNotFoundError when I really can't figure where I went wrong. Any help is appreciated.

    import os from openpyxl import load_workbook wb = load_workbook("/Users/Diego/Desktop/SCUT-FBP5500_v2/All_Ratings.xlsx") ws = wb.active print('Complete!') for filename in os.listdir('/Users/Diego/Desktop/SCUT-FBP5500_v2/Images'): for row in ws.rows: print(row[1].value, row[2].value) if row[1].value == filename: os.rename(f'/Users/Diego/Desktop/SCUT-FBP5500_v2/Images/{row[1].value}', f'/Users/Diego/Desktop/Face_Dataset/{row[2].value}/{row[1].value}') print(f'{filename}, {row[1].value} Relocated') print('Finished!') 
    submitted by /u/Busy_Dragonfly7215
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    Learning route for small web development??

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:30 PM PST

    I'll go straight to the point, I wanna make a webpage. I've some python experience developing small programs/scripts to simplify my life and make some money since others have the same problems as me. Python was enough for my first couple of projects.

    Now I have some ideas and want to build a small webpage, What do I have to learn??

    Right now i'm going to watch this tutorial for django


    is this okay?? what tools do I need??should I learn javascript or something like that?

    submitted by /u/ashiente
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    Codecademy Pro Course

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:55 AM PST

    Hey guys, about three weeks ago I started a codecademy pro course for Full Stack Engineering. I'm already enrolled in uni as a bachelor of comp sci but took a break this sem cause of covid. Is codecademy a valid place to be learning Full Stack Engineering. When i'm done the pro course what could be done with it?

    submitted by /u/Nehmoo
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    Paid subscription or one time fee for developing for clients?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:25 PM PST

    Hi. I just called netsuite and they offered me their services. Apparently they charge around $12000 for a year of subscription (or license) to their software on the cloud. I was just wondering that it was pretty expensive and why don't they just charge a one time fee to use a system since that's possible, you just deploy the system and the client can use it. Why do they need to charge annually? Is there a benefit for subscription based services (like after service and maintenance)? I was wondering as a freelance software developer I can also do the same by creating an online system and charge clients annual fees. Is that possible? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/hoy83
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    Is there really no reason to use C++ over Rust unless you're forced to?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:02 PM PST

    I've been more and more intrigued in Rust, with it being the Perfect Languagetm after all. Despite that, I find it hard to believe that there is no actual good reason for people to use C++ over it. All my searches of reasons why C++ developers don't move to Rust is because their work necessitates C++ for reasons such as bureaucracy and that Rust is comparably younger thus implied to be riskier to management/investors.

    Sorry if this is a stupid question.

    submitted by /u/HawaAsna
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    Why is console.log occurring before .then when .then runs first? (javascript promise question)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:52 PM PST

    console.log("immediate logging") const promiseA = new Promise( (resolutionFunc,rejectionFunc) => { resolutionFunc(777); }); promiseA.then( (val) => console.log("asynchronous logging has val:",val) ); 

    The code above producing this output is 100% clear to me

    // immediate logging

    // asynchronous logging has val: 777

    But the code belows output is unclear

    const promiseA = new Promise( (resolutionFunc,rejectionFunc) => { resolutionFunc(777); }); promiseA.then( (val) => console.log("asynchronous logging has val:",val) ); console.log("immediate logging") 

    // immediate logging

    // asynchronous logging has val: 777

    Why is 'immediate logging' being logged before 'val' when 'val' is executed/ran first?

    Here was my explanation is it correct?

    I think its because .then and the console.log or both in the global execution context which places

    console.log on the call stack since its synchronous execution but val is placed in the microtask

    queue and the event loop only clicks to grab val from the queue and places it on the call stack to be

    executed after the console.log is executed from the call stack

    Please clarify, thank you,

    submitted by /u/Schopenhaur1859
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    Best Language to Learn for Backend Dev

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:45 PM PST

    My goal is to become a backend dev at FAANG.

    What is the best language to learn to prepare me for this position? Is it Java?

    Also, would it be better to learn python separately for interviews, or should I just focus on the language that would be best suited for the job?

    submitted by /u/nokizzz
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    Is there an online course like the Java one from Helsinki university for C++?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:05 AM PST

    I mean this one, it teaches you by doing a ton of exercises and I really prefer that learning style over reading books. If not, can you maybe recommend me a course? I need it for scientific computing, and have done the linked Java course, and have a little experience with Python and C.

    submitted by /u/RadonBob
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    What is better concatenation or f-strings

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:21 PM PST

    I am currently learning python and I recently discovered f-strings and i am wondering would it be better to use concatenation instead of f-strings

    submitted by /u/Amin_Abdul_Awal
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    How do you develop an app based on Javascript code?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:21 PM PST

    Hello all! I am a beginner learning Javascript as my first language. As a first project, I wrote some code that will that will transpose guitar chords if the player decides to use a capo. I have the code written and working, and now I want to turn it into a simple app. How would I go about this? Would I need to use a new language or does JS offer the means to develop the app and UI itself?

    Thank you in advance, I would appreciate any input and advice!

    submitted by /u/StemCellCheese
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    What's Programming I university class like?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:27 PM PST

    If you took Programming I or Programing II at a 4 year university, how hard was it?

    submitted by /u/Romano16
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    How to rename every key in the object and keep its values?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:22 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I am using Javascript I have an object that looks like this:

    nutrients = {
    Energy: 170,
    protein: 20,
    fats: 10

    I want to append "_serving" to every key in the object and keep everything else the same.

    This is the outcome that I am looking for.

    nutrients = {
    Energy_serving: 170,
    protein_serving: 20,
    fats_serving: 10

    submitted by /u/Lukasvis
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    What language is the this data format from?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:18 PM PST

    I want to use a data file that is in the format below, please advise how I can do that.

    export foo os fpp ( String1 = 'String' File = ~\File_Name0 A = 0 List = [ Description1 ( quantity = 1 path1 = ~/File_Name1 ), Description2 ( quantity = 1 path2 = ~/File_Name2 ), ] ) export foo1 os fpp1 ( . . . . ) 
    submitted by /u/Send_me_any_pics
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    Have you guys seen the "I'm bored" meme post where it waves down the page in various patterns, how hard would it be to program something like that?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:03 PM PST

    So I thought it would be a cool programming puzzle/task, and I first was approaching it by defining some of the variables, and some of them so far are, how fast the text moves up the screen, the placement of the text in each line, the pattern of which text letters are spaced apart while the repeated comment is printed, but I guess i'm stuck on how to structure the code itself, any suggestions are helpful. I'm more or less looking for general algorithms, not specific code per se. how would you approach it from a big picture? but hey if you can give some pseudo-code that would be even more helpful. If you want to go the pseudo-code route, just use whatever code formatting you are most comfortable with. Thank you in advance for your time.

    submitted by /u/ThatBitchWhoSaidWhat
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    I always want to make my code as dynamic as possible but sometimes it's just pointless?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:25 AM PST

    I'm struggling to draw the line between wanting to write good, dynamic, maintainable code, but at the same time wasting my time and not actually working on the problem instead.

    Do you have any guidelines I should keep in mind ?

    submitted by /u/piiiou
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