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    Wednesday, December 23, 2020

    Small accomplishment with self studying learn programming

    Small accomplishment with self studying learn programming

    Small accomplishment with self studying

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:33 AM PST

    So, for some time I have been struggling with things, and wasn't really able to reliably learn anything daily, usually I stopped after a day or two

    But this time, so far I have been managing to learn daily, at least a bit by bit, for over week!
    Granted, it isn't much for some, or even anything worth posting, but for me, it is big.

    And the fact that I am managing to go through the exercises without looking up the answers makes me happy ( Just ended Chapter 5 in Haskell From First Principles, really liking the language! )

    submitted by /u/QueenOfHatred
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    Finally experienced the “click”!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:13 PM PST

    Recently I finally internalized the idea that discipline is far more productive than motivation, so for the past couple weeks I've been programming for an hour a day on very basic projects to teach myself.

    I started with a simple guess the number game, another program that generates 10 numbers in an array and sorts them from lowest to highest, etc, and my most recent project has been a calculator.

    A basic one, like you'd find in a dollar store.

    For the past week, I banged my head against a wall trying to figure out how to write a function that, when a button is clicked(tkinter), would assign the value of the button to one variable and then when another is clicked it would assign that number to a different variable.

    I tried so many different methods and just couldn't wrap my head around it until I realized that I didn't need to use just 1 function to "do-it-all". I wrote an individual function for each button named "setval1" or "setval2" etc. Once I realized this I almost zoned out, just coding and coding and coding until I had a finished product.

    The elation I felt when I first clicked "2 * 5 =" and it actually spit out 10, was indescribable. Then I clicked the C button and gave it different numbers and operator and it worked again!

    Just felt great and wanted to share. I'm sure the code can be simplified far more than what I've got written but it felt good to finally find a solution and, really, it was as easy as "Screw it, you can have as many functions as you want."

    submitted by /u/daBEARS40
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    Learn about Blockchain

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:41 AM PST

    I am a junior studying computer science looking for resources on Blockchain, preferably a mix of technical and more general applications such as with cryptocurrency. Also preferably free.

    submitted by /u/craftycrafter1
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    How do i learn the proper strategy for dissecting a problem on paper and working out a solution? Is it necessary to take a more mathematical course in algorithm design to develop such skills?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:55 PM PST

    I am not able to solve new leetcode problems that I haven't seen before, and it seems that I'm just pattern matching when I do. Where do I develop the deep problem solving skills? Is a book like: 'Wengrow - A common sense guide to data structures and algorithms', that doesn't cover the math but breaks down a heuristic approach to a problem good for learning problem solving or does this come from a book that goes deeper into the mathematics? If that book is not the best can you recommend something better? My background is in Math (Bachelor's degree), but I'm relatively new to CS.

    submitted by /u/gtboy1994
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    Best language to use for developing an AIO reselling bot with a good UI?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:09 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm fairly new to programming, and also brand new to this sub.

    Me and my friend are working on a project to develop a full AIO bot (we're both resellers) to compete with the leading bots out there (such as Cyber, Wrath, Velox, and more to name if you're into the reselling market). I have a fair amount of experience with Python. Problem with Python is, it's too slow. In our case, milliseconds mater. I've been doing some research and have found out that although some bots (mostly for single-use, not deployment full scale) are coded in Python, but most are programmed in C# or node.js. I want a good, modern UI to go with my program, and also cross-compatibility with macOS and Windows. With all of those factors taken into account, and given my (somewhat) knowledge of Python, what language would be: a) the fastest, b) the easiest to come across from Python, c) has the best options for powerful, modern UI's that run as excecutables (not on the web).

    Also, by the way, I intend to have this bot work with Shopify powered sites (such as Yeezy Supply or Kith), Supreme, and eventually footsites.

    Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/BlackWogPki
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    How can I use discrete math to solve my programming problems?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:56 PM PST

    Just like the title says. I thought it would make sense to post on this sub.

    I just want to know how I can use concepts from discrete math to solve code challenges and general programming challenges.

    submitted by /u/breaded_turds
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    How is the following a dangling reference? C++

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:55 PM PST

    So the following results in a dangling reference, but I am confused as to how?

    #include <iostream> const int& returnByReference() { return 5; } int main() { const int &ref { returnByReference() }; // runtime error } 

    So this is described as:

    In the above program, returnByReference() is returning a const reference to a value that will go out of scope when the function ends. This is normally a no-no, as it will result in a dangling reference. However, we also know that assigning a value to a const reference can extend the lifetime of that value. So which takes precedence here? Does 5 go out of scope first, or does ref extend the lifetime of 5?

    The answer is that 5 goes out of scope first, then the reference to 5 is copied back to the caller, and then ref extends the lifetime of the now-dangling reference.

    I want to make sure I understand this correctly:

    1. returnByReference() is called
    2. Because const references can be bounded to r-values/literals, you are able to return 5;
    3. The function returns 5
    4. You bind const int &ref to returnByReference(), which is 5. returnByReference() is a a const reference so you are able to bind the two
    5. However, after this line: const int &ref { returnByReference() }; The function is popped of the stack and now returnByReference() is referencing nothing

    Why does 5 not get binded, but if you return by value, it will get binded to an int. For example:

    #include <iostream> int foo() { return 5; } int main() { int five = foo() ; // runtime error std::cout << five; } 

    5 gets assigned to int five before foo() gets popped off the stack without any error? So is there a reason const references do not do the same?

    submitted by /u/Stock-List-5330
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    Can anyone help me in generating a signature of a jwt token using python . I am having the private and public key, header and the payload and want to generate the signature for the token with RSASHA256. For example please have a look at the below code ...

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:16 PM PST

    Y = Base64URLEncode(header) + '.' + Base64URLEncode(payload) JWT token = Y + '.' + Base64URLEncode(RSASHA256(Y))


    submitted by /u/_JatinChopra_
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    Do you ever waste time trying to solve the wrong problem

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:55 PM PST


    I wanted to get a sense of an issue I have run into a couple time recently is shared with over people learning to program, or even those out working in the industry. I've been self teaching for a year, consistently sticking to a schedule. I just wasted more time than I care to admit over the last two days trying to solve the wrong problem, when what I wanted to do was annoyingly simple. Basically, the project I'm working on requires me to use celery to run a background task in flask. I needed access to the username inside the function. I got tunnel vision trying to use Flask-Login's current_user object to access the username, when I could have just passed the username to the function. This took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize. On the bright side I read plenty about the application context and request context to figure out why I was getting an error in my log effectively stating that current_user was None type. Is this common among working as a developer or learning to code? Or is this a personal weakness for me that I should be aware of. I'm guessing it's some combination of both.

    submitted by /u/travismoulton02188
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    Free Intro to AI/ML Course for Beginners

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 05:16 PM PST

    Hello everyone!

    Over this summer, my friend and I developed an Introduction to AI/ML course geared towards middle school students. Throughout eight classes, our students were able to develop a fundamental understanding of machine learning and even develop their own independent projects by the end of the course. Our course goes over various topics including CNNs, NLP, and other common topics. We have open-sourced our material in a Github Organization. We would really appreciate it if you could star our lesson repository so we can grow and expand our course. If anyone has any questions, leave a comment and we will answer! Even if you didn't end up using the course, a star would be greatly appreciated so that we could grow the lessons and the course.

    Here is the link to the repository: https://github.com/Intro-Course-AI-ML/LessonMaterials


    submitted by /u/ayaanzhaque
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    Where the real "fun" begins?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:01 AM PST

    As a title.

    I'm currently at vectors, and i'm only learning language for about week straight (5-7 hours). Though, with current understanding i don't think i could even make the simplest game (yeah, maybe depending on "if" like yandere dev. would be plausible lol). Is it GUI's or what that makes programming this giant tool to make something complicated?

    submitted by /u/MarxistPlato
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    How do creating games with the language C++ work?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:11 AM PST

    Sorry if the question is kinda dumb, but I'm a newbie here, and I'm getting quite confuse on how creating game with C++ work, let me explain.

    I'm pretty sure that C++ is used to create how a game works and how everything inside it act, but if this is the case how does completing a game work?
    For completing I mean, for example stuff like texture, sounds, models, images and this kind of stuff, is it all done using C++ or is it something that can be done just with the help of tools such as Unreal Engine 4 and Unity?

    Thank in advance and sorry another time if it is a dumb question, but I'm really clueless on this question.

    submitted by /u/The_Enemy_Spider
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    Recommendation for 10 year old to start coding (other than Scratch)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:20 PM PST

    I'm sure this has been asked hundreds of times. He's played around with scratch a bit, and I see some of these other coding for kids sites but worried some might be too basic for his age, which is why I'm asking here.

    I ordered Python For Kids book for him for Christmas, but not sure if that's where to start or not. From what I read, Python is a great place to start but it seems more math/scripts that I don't know if he'll enjoy it. Like most kids he's about the games.

    I just found Code.org after searching here, and that looks like it could be educational and fun.

    He also really likes Minecraft and always wanted to mod, and I found codekingdoms through search as well and wondering if maybe that is a good place to start? I can't find many reviews or feedback on it though.

    I'd like to get him into something that isn't too easy for him but also isn't too hard for him.

    My original plan was for us to learn Python together, but I don't know if it'll be too hard with the age difference and I have a bit of experience.


    submitted by /u/doogie88
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    What the heck is Summit Tutoring?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:59 PM PST

    What the heck is Summit Tutoring? Is it just some pricey tutoring place? Well, not really. Obviously, it is tutoring, but for free.

    But what does Summit Tutoring do? As a student-run organization, we believe in peer-to-peer tutoring, and we can help you with essays, algebra, science, and more, especially the SAT and college applications!

    But why Summit? Well, since you̢۪re not convinced, we̢۪ve: -Amassed over 2,000 members and reached out to over 4,000 people -Have a community of over 30 tutors -Partnered with Harvard University through a program named ENC (Educational Non-profit Coalition). -Unlike certain organizations, we network with Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, and many other students on a weekly basis due to ENC, potentially making this a great way for you to network with the nation̢۪s future leaders! -Expanded the organization to international students. Around 25% of our students are based outside of the United States! -Offer expanded benefits & telehealth discounts to our volunteers.

    Discord Link: https://discord.gg/HCNxC94 Yes, we work on discord!

    Would you like community service hours? Potentially gain some teaching skills? Maybe you just want to be helpful to other students? Perhaps becoming a tutor here at Summit is a job for you!

    Would you like to be a tutor? See this: -Have at least some amount of high school completed -Grade "A" in the subject area(s) you are interested in tutoring for -90% percentile and up for standardized tests you are interested in tutoring for -The ability to communicate clearly with students and possess critical thinking skills to navigate difficult topics -Familiarity with Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Forms, and Discord

    Tutor Responsibilities: -Spend a minimum of 3 hours a week of directly tutoring students, through either messaging or audio calls -Stay in close contact with supervisors and other leadership -Create learning content for students via live lessons, articles, and answering frequently asked questions

    Remember, this could be the place for you, whether you seek to tutor or be tutored!

    submitted by /u/rajis99264
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    I am sorry if this seems basic, but please read my post and bear with me

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:13 PM PST

    I am sorry if this question is not appropriate or might seem extremely simple and I look stupid. I am under a tremendous amount of stress right now with deadlines over deadlines and I simply do not have the necessary time to figure this out on my own.

    Short version: A small part of one of my tasks is to give examples of Assembly code that can perform specific actions, just 4 basic things. I will post the question here for anyone who is in a charitable mood and does not mind helping me.

    (Note, although this may seem like assisting me cheating, you are only helping me complete a single question in over 30, and I was not provided adequate time or materials to learn this on my own due to various circumstances.

    Thank you so much in advance to anyone who gives this a try for me. Please remove my post if any mod finds it inappropriate, I just didn't have a lot of options at this point.


    Using any Assembly Instruction Set (low-level language) with which you are familiar, give examples of a line (or lines) of code that would -

    1. Add the values in two registers, and store the result in the first register
    2. Compare the value in a register to 0, and jump to another part of the program if that value is greater than 0
    3. Invoke a subroutine stored in another part of the program
    4. Trigger a hardware or software interrupt
    submitted by /u/Leckzsluthor
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    Take 3 integer inputs and put them in ascending order using only if statements?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:24 PM PST

    Is this a tedious task for most people? It's an exercise from a badly written C++ book I discarded.

    submitted by /u/Human12890
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    What is javascript used for besides making your web page smarter?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:58 PM PST

    I'm currently setting my learning goals. I know that it's used to make your web-page smarter, but is there anything else I can do with it? I mean if you look at python - it's a super broad language that can be used in many ways. From coding a video games and web pages to hacking and scripting viruses and many different things. Is it also the case with javascript or it's used mainly to make your web page smarter?

    submitted by /u/Evening_Average
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    Do I really need to learn REST API's

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:57 PM PST

    People keep saying to read Roy Fielding's original paper, and a lot of the position I interview for (even Data Analyst/Data Science) seem to prefer some knowledge of RESTful practices. Is all the hype worth it, is it something I will 100% need to know?

    submitted by /u/lil_faucet
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    Looking for feedback on projectskillet and framework structure to build out development skills

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:55 PM PST

    Im currently a Data Analyst and work with Excel/SQL/Python/DAX/M, but I've been wanting to branch out and learn some development skills. My react app would have a mysql database that feeds into a pandas dataframe that is then converted to JSON and fed into D3JS. The D3JS visuals would be rendered and mounted in react components. The visuals would basically be statistical analysis of the content in the mysql database.

    Eventually I would want to create a full MVC app with a django or flask backend, but for now I thought for phase 1 this would work.

    I also thought as a version 2, I could built out the visuals in Power BI and then embed them so I can have 1 version with d3js and 1 version with power bi, but I already know power bi so d3js would be a total different skillset.

    Any feedback as to whether this would be looked at favorably development skill wise?

    submitted by /u/jerseyse410
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    When creating a Service Oriented Architecture, is it best to separate session management from other APIs?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:40 PM PST

    I have seen that many organizations separate session management (registration, login, logout, etc) from APIs that used to take actions on resources.

    I would think this is good because if you have a bug with an API you can take it down without locking people out of the site.

    To me, the session management is a real cornerstone to a secure app and you want to make sure that your changes to it are small and well-tested.

    submitted by /u/DIYjackass
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    Is Github used for publishing projects?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:09 AM PST

    I understand that Github can be used for version control and working on code with others, where you commit and push your code onto a repository and can make pull requests to make changes on an existing repository. But as I look through this subreddit and similiar communities, I see that people use Github to publish their final projects. How does that work? Is there a download button somewhere to download the application? I'm a beginner to this and I'm having a bit of trouble understanding. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Overcomplacent
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    [c++] how to read a intact double from a txt file?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:17 PM PST


    the txt file goes like [1138.666942949987,0,0 0,0,0] 
    1. How to read 1138.666942949987 as a double entirely without rounding into the a variable?
    2. how to read the rest of it, like they could be in the same line separated with the comma or a different line?

    thank you so much1

    submitted by /u/boydbuilding
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    How would one make an app for android that communicated with your PC?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:11 PM PST

    I'm thinking of starting development on an app where you can control basic functions on your PC (power on/off, close/open programs) directly from your phone. I was wondering if there are any resources that could help me develop such a thing and learn how to connect both devices. I'm also wondering if Visual Basic would be sufficient for such software, or if another language would be more fitting.

    I tried looking up how to connect a mobile app to a PC, but couldn't fins any results, but that may be due to wrong search keywords.


    submitted by /u/bontslimmershoes
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