• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 31, 2020

    Pure Digital CSS, Swiss made, clock. No JavaScript, no HTML web developers

    Pure Digital CSS, Swiss made, clock. No JavaScript, no HTML web developers

    Pure Digital CSS, Swiss made, clock. No JavaScript, no HTML

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:26 AM PST

    How The Web Works For Aspiring Developers (Part I: URLs)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:57 AM PST

    Hi 👋🏽,

    If you are a code newbie, you probably wondered at some point how the Web works. You may have tried to read about it, but boring articles discouraged you.

    Guess what? It's not as complicated or tedious as you think 📷.

    In a series of articles, I will explain how everything fits together (+ how to create your first website).

    My first blog post explains everything about URLs - the strings you enter inside the browser navigation bar (ex: https://frontendjoy.com).

    Check it here => https://frontendjoy.com/blog/how-the-web-works-for-aspiring-developers-part-one-urls

    submitted by /u/joyancefa
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    Which one has more job opportunities for a junior, front-end, or back-end?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:16 AM PST

    Also, can I become a front-end developer even if I'm REALLY REALLY bad at design?

    submitted by /u/devbrk
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    What are some of the best user/role permission (ACL) management systems you have seen?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:04 AM PST

    What are some of the best user/role permission (ACL) management systems you have seen?

    I'm currently working on permissions for a new project where there can be multiple users and roles and multiple pages or items that have different permissions. Throughout the years I have seen many many different implementations but I'm not sure I can think of one that is really great.

    Starting with one of the worst, some just handle permissions by editing the database directly which is terrible in my opinion.

    table showing user id, project id and then several columns that give permission to different areas of the application.

    A better implementation is a grid like this where you have roles on one axis and the different areas of the application on the other axis.

    roles are at the top going across with features in a left column. the other columns are then filled with green checkmarks or red x's depending on if a permission is allowed or not.

    The above grid is sometimes further extended to also show individual users or it may be possible to modify users to have certain permissions that differ from the role. However, this table can get huge if you have hundreds of roles and features and for me I want whatever I do to be future proof.

    You could also have roles in its own table and clicking a role lets you edit the features that role has permissions for but it lacks the overview which the above grid has.

    Do you have any good examples of applications that handle roles and permissions really well?

    submitted by /u/uberswe
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    Where is a good place to be able to chat with other programmers?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:59 AM PST

    Hello, I want to talk with other programmers online, what is the best place to do that? Reddit, IRC, Discord?...

    EDIT: LIVE CHATTING, not forums.

    submitted by /u/PrivacyOSx
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    Is the move away from Flash proof that web standards *CAN* change quicker than we think?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:42 PM PST

    Now I know that there are still sites that rely on flash and will break without it. But I can't help but notice that flash dropped from the Internet very very fast. I always hear from people that web standards take forever to change, yet this seems to show us otherwise.

    I guess there are many examples of standards that took a long time to change. Wordpress-style websites are very prevalent, IPv6 is taking forever, x86 is still prevalent, etc. Maybe those aren't all good examples, but I'm sure you get the idea. So then why did the change away from flash happen so much quicker? Could there be lessons learned for us from this?

    submitted by /u/oxamide96
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    API design tool

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 12:19 PM PST

    Hi all. I'm trying to find a tool to help our team design a new API.

    I am aware of swagger.io, but am looking for something more conceptual. What we are doing is gluing together a bunch of data. So we want a place to document fields that will be in the API and where that data will come from. It would also be nice to have some kind of version control and status for different fields so we know if the data is ready or not, or where we will get it.

    Anybody aware of something like this? Right now we are using a google document but it's obviously unwieldy.

    submitted by /u/caseym
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    Is it easier to build my cms from scratch or use wordpress as my cms.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:54 AM PST

    My php course The course im taking teaches me how to build a cms. Is it easier to build my cms from scratch or use wordpress as my cms. Since I'm learning to program and I'm new. The big thing I'm worried about is security. Is it easy to have good security if I use my custom cms, or should I use WordPress built-in security functions. The udemy course touches on security but not sure if it covers everything I need to know. So what would you do in my shoes use wordpress or build my own

    submitted by /u/__Loot__
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    What tech do I need to learn for this project?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:15 PM PST

    Here's the project:

    I'm working on a personal portfolio website. The classic features like a link to where all my projects will be and a link to a resume and etc will be there. For that part, I've been using django and creating static html/css pages.

    But this next part, I'm not sure what tech I need. I want to create a page in my website that allows the client to play chess. The chess ai they're playing against is going to be around my elo level of strength.

    I don't want to use stockfish. I want to create my own chess engine. I want to be able to create the chess board. But I don't know how I would embed it, and if I'm going to need Machine Learning technologies to make the chess system play like me (One thing I thought about was some sort of neural net that looks through every lichess game I played and using that as reference, but I don't know how effective that would be).

    I also want to add dynamic features. Adding some sort of counter for how many times the chess system has been beaten, etc.

    The idea behind this is adding a sort of fun twist on my portfolio website that might be semi-impressive to employers. It would be provocative, like "Can you beat me at chess" in the scenario that the client plays chess.

    Anyway, any advice?

    submitted by /u/shelwin_
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    From Design to FronEnd in React - Tips

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:43 AM PST

    Hello colleagues,

    I'm new to React but not new to programming, have experience in the backend and I am starting to learn front End more. I want to go from a design in Figma to a simple static Front End Site in React. Being new I feel I am missing some stuffs and don't really know how to organise the site. Should I go like a classic html+css site or try to create components for Header, Footer and every Section? Can someone that went through this give me some advices? I haven't found a big guide and I don't know best practices... I will try to update the post as I advance and be a guide for future React Devs.

    I am thinking to do the following:

    • Create higher order components for the links
    • Header Components
    • Footer Components
    • Components for buttons, forms, input
    • Create a sass file for each component
    • Hero Content section code + sass
    • Sections one by one code + sass
    • Mobile friendly with flexbox

    Any thoughts?

    At the moment:

    From Design to FrontEnd in React:

    • Created react app with create-react-app
    • Added dependencies for react-router-dom and node-sass
    • Creating components for header and footer
    • Higher Order Component with layout

    EDIT: Updated the thoughts on what to do. Let's do it guys!

    submitted by /u/Bleednight
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    Looking for Drupal support

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:26 PM PST

    Hi all, hoping you can point me in the right direction.

    We have a Drupal based website and a form that is misbehaving as it is no longer sending entries along to us. Aside from that we are due for some website tweaks and security patching and that's just not our area of expertise. Could you point me in the right direction on where to go to hire someone to assist with this? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/BostonMSP
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    What is the best practice for Refresh Tokens with Express REST?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:55 PM PST

    I've been googling examples in an attempt to find the most optimal workaround and have seen various implementations.

    My TypeScript code is based on the following JavaScript example — you can see that we defined const tokenList = {}

    By default, we declare a global object titled refreshTokens in /src/types/global.d.ts

    declare namespace NodeJS { interface Global { refreshTokens: object; } } 

    From now onward, this object is accessible anywhere in our node/express app

    global.refreshTokens = {}; // init on start 

    This is how we store Refresh Tokens

    global.refreshTokens[refreshToken] = refreshToken; 

    I'm new to Refresh Tokens and not entirely sure what's the benefit of having such an object. But I'm pretty sure it serves like a storage in RAM — if so, then the problem I see with this approach is the refresh tokens will vanish on back-end restart.

    Would you recommend keeping Refresh Tokens in RDBMS / NoSQL database?

    Also, in this example I see we declare and set refresh token in the exact the same way as with JWT Access Tokens

    ... const token = jwt.sign(user, config.secret, { expiresIn: config.tokenLife}) const refreshToken = jwt.sign(user, config.refreshTokenSecret, { expiresIn: config.refreshTokenLife}) ... 

    Would you recommend some other approach to generating a Refresh Token? Could you also provide code samples, please?

    submitted by /u/alexherman_rdt
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    Templates: automatically replace href="/public/index.css" with href="/public/index.a2b41950d4.css" as emitted by Webpack

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:54 PM PST

    I don't believe everyone is doing manual replacements, so what's the common solution to this? (aside from removing checksums)

    submitted by /u/foraskingdumbstuff
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    Dealing with chains of object references in JavaScript

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:14 PM PST

    What is the best way to deal with a chain of object references that I will call multiple times in a JS script? For example:


    Is it best to use the full chain of references every time? Or should I create a variable that describes the value I want.

    submitted by /u/Risk_Metrics
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    Is the doctype declaration HTML or SGML?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 12:29 PM PST

    Doctype declaration is not a HTML5 tag nor element, but is it HTML code? Some of my peers told me it is HTML still because it is part of a HTML document, but others told me it is instead something called SGML. Can someone please clarify?

    submitted by /u/viralsanjeev
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    Adding a website to an iOS app (interfacing with Firestore)!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:56 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    Long story short, I've built an app that makes you forfeit money if you don't complete a task.

    You have to add in an activity you want to do, the deadline that you want to do it by, and how much you'll forfeit if you don't do it, or you forfeit the money. To give an example, I can say I will "go to the gym" at "7am tomorrow", or forfeit "20 dollars". I would then have to submit a photo of myself at the gym before 7am, or I'll forfeit the 20 dollars. All the photos will be manually verified by myself (and then outsourced). All the money goes to charity.

    The issue I've hit is that this isn't allowed by the app store. My method of forcing the payment is to lock the app and require an IAP to unlock it. This was rejected by the reviewers, and from a call, I was told it wouldn't be allowed. I also tried a credit system, and that didn't work.

    I now want to switch this to payments outside of the app, and it automatically withdraws the amount from a card that they add on a website. For instance, when they go onto the app and try to use it, it'll say ("you haven't got a card set up yet"), and they'll have to go onto the website and set it up. Then, it'll automatically withdraw the amount when the forfeit is rejected (this is all done through Firestore, btw).

    The thing is, I've got no web development experience, and want to set this up as quick as possible as it'll likely be rejected. Can anyone recommend me some next steps to do this? Ie, learn this, watch this video, use this service etc.

    Thanks again!

    submitted by /u/fruityloop1234
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    Wish Spotify had a visualizer? Here's 16 of them, all customizable. [OC - Vue/D3/Three.js]

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:32 AM PST

    Where do I find the "SUPER NEW USER" section?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:34 AM PST

    I can't for the life of me understand this "easy install" tutorial. I feel like I've reinstalled my server at least 8 times starting over. I love the challenge so I want to get through it but there are just some things I feel like I'm missing and not sure how to search for it on the interwebs.

    So I'm trying to install Tiny Tiny RSS on a Vultr server using CentOS7. I heard that CentOS7 would be a good OS, considering I'd like to eventually have a portfolio page up for my designs, maybe some sort of FTP for some files in case I need to transfer and just various personal things. Mainly a playground I can learn in. But Tiny RSS is my #1 project.

    I'm following this guide to install it : https://www.vultr.com/docs/how-to-install-tiny-tiny-rss-on-centos-7

    This is the first time I EVER work on a VPS, so I know I may be a little ahead of myself here but I feel like maybe I'm just arms length from completing it. I've worked on hosted servers a bit in the past.

    I'm getting to the point where I need to edit a few of the files on the server but.... how?

    I'm using PuTTy but there's no edit button. And I can't find the files list in the Vultr dashboard.

    Do I need an FTP to log in to the backend and download, edit and reupload?

    I feel like there must be a better way that I just don't know about.

    Any help would be super appreciated.

    Also, if you guys recommend a different VPS or a different OS, by all means... As I said, my super first time dealing with any of this and my experience with web hosting is back when GoDaddy and Wordpress 2.0 was brand new.

    submitted by /u/el_LOU
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    #RRGGBBAA or #AARRGGBB for color transparency?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:20 AM PST

    What is the HEX equivalent of rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)?

    I keep seeing mixed answers but no explanation for it. Is it that different processors read different formats and it just depends? If so, what is the benefit of each?

    I see #AARRGGBB suggested on Stack Overflow for example, but W3schools editor reads #RRGGBBAA.


    submitted by /u/Variableness
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    What are some common mistakes I should avoid for my first professional work?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:57 AM PST

    I got hired part-time in a company with little to no presence on the web. I'm in charge to design and publish a site from scratch.

    I'm going to create the web server with Django and host it through Heroku. I have one year experience with both , I'm pretty confident with them but what are some common mistakes that I should be aware of?

    submitted by /u/Carminepo
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    What plugins can I use for a website made from scratch (just like the plugins WordPress offers for analytics, SEO, and others)?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:09 AM PST

    Hello everyone!

    I have started work on my first website using HTML, CSS, JS and Jekyll (thank you very much for the ones who recommended to use a static site generator! It is great for a blog!). I wanted to see if anyone here knows if I can add plugins, such as for:

    • SEO
    • Google Analytics
    • Comments (I'm not sure how I could add a comment section, because there are no databases with static site generators)
    • other things that may be useful but I am not currently aware of...

    Thank you very much for your patience and answers in advance!

    submitted by /u/Alex_The_Android
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    I have updated my Web Development Course Guide. Over 300 courses to learn web development, and more, in 2021

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 05:55 PM PST

    Earlier today, Brad Traversy uploaded his annual Web Development roadmap video. As such, I have also updated my Web Development Course List which contains well over 300 of the top Udemy courses you can take for learning all there is to know about web development, and more.

    You can watch the video here, and check out the repo here.


    submitted by /u/CanadianWhisk3y
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