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    Thursday, December 31, 2020

    Make a billing program from scratch? Ask Programming


    Make a billing program from scratch? Ask Programming

    Make a billing program from scratch?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:37 PM PST

    I need to make a GUI data entry billing software for a small practice. I'm thinking of using Windows Forms C#. I'm new to Forms, but have a basic understanding of programming. I need all data entered to always be saved into a database and to a server I will be hosting. I also will need to use some 3rd party APIs that I've never had to do before.

    I need to know what the easiest route to go about this would be. Is Forms the way to go? Is there a more efficient solution? I am determined and have plenty of time to make this happen, but I need all the help and tips I can get! Thank you.

    submitted by /u/RushBenjamin
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    Environment variables in React.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:57 AM PST

    Hi, I 've just finished my first React app and hosted it on Heroku with no problem. I went back then to hide my API key and seem to be having a problem. I read that you can not use process.env. as it will still show up in the developer tools. I then tried using the config variables inside Heroku but that seems to just throw an undefined error. Been reading all sorts of conflicting information so any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/NJCoding
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    University vs Self-taught Programmer Power/Requirements?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:23 PM PST

    Hello there buddy, I'm a high school graduate and my main passion is programming.

    I have some very small experience in it, and thanks to Allah, I have some problem-solving tiny skill. My researching is also very good. And as a non-native English speaker, I have the very basic language vocabulary to research about programming as I tried it many times.

    I want your advice experienced programmers, please read until the end.

    I have a great relationship with self-learning unlike systematic school-ways, not meaning it's no good, but as a personal preference.

    Anyways, so know you have some background about me. My question is:

    Can self-learning for programming cover LITERALLY the same/more experience than university?

    If that's the case, I will study another specialty in university that I like but require a structured guide ( university teaching ), and on the other side I can study programming on myself and crave more & more about it.

    The thing is this isn't a game, so I want to make sure about if fully self-taught programmer can have a big experience, and please if you will answer cover this part -> what are other self-learning resources along with books/online researching ?

    Thank you for reading and please give your kind answer as a non-biased answer, ( like not only from one perspective or just your experience, more as a deep knowledge ).

    submitted by /u/TH0UGTsW2LKER
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    How do I make my css code a liquid layout?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:22 PM PST

    Hi! I'm a new to HTML and CSS and am trying to build my first website. Halfway through my build I realized that I was using a fixed width layout. I specified the height and width of the elements, along with their absolute positioning, in pixels. Now when ever I shrink my browser window everything overlaps and looks horrible. How can I change my code to make it that whenever I shrink my window, the elements shrink as well?

    submitted by /u/Strawberry_Gene
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    Is it legal to use an API found in a public website?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:00 AM PST


    I found a website that provides data that I need for a personal project (so nothing that I will sell or which I will get money from).

    Then I investigated on the network requests and found a public API (no authorization) where they get those data from; so my question is: "would it be legal to use that URL to get data and use in my project?"


    submitted by /u/juuiruy12
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    Web Dev book recommendation?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:32 PM PST

    Hi guys,

    To preface, I am a sucker for books. I like the flexibility they bring, I can read them lying down on my mattress or more cliche I can read them by the fire, I am looking for a good book but if you have any good online resources that match my search, they would be more than welcome too.

    I've done web dev in college, but it's been a good 10 years ago. I learned PHP,Javascript and HTML5 with CSS but I've retained little of this information. I do have programming experience, I am somewhat of an advanced beginner to intermediate C++ coder/hobbyist. So I'm not totally new to coding techniques and paradigms but I'm not looking for a book that just explains how to write simple HTML5 mark up code or simple PHP and Javascript scripts. I am looking for a book that describes the process, I want to learn how to create a web page using the said languages but at the same time also learn about what is happening at a lower level or behind the scenes such as how the HTML protocol works, describing GET POST in detail and how they relate to the code I'm using.


    submitted by /u/Adam20188
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    Best python skills for freelancing

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:14 AM PST

    I've been learning python for a few months and I've finished the basics and most intermediate topics I could find online. I completed Udemy's python bootcamp and the full python course by Mosh. Now I'm kinda confused on what to learn next. I want to acquire a specific python skill which is high in demand in the freelance market. I'm 19 and I'm not looking for a full time job right now. I just want to make some money through freelancing. So out of automation, web development, machine learning and all the other stuff, what should I learn for entry level freelancing?

    submitted by /u/tnxol
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    How to understand OOP better?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:34 AM PST

    I am a Computer Science student and I struggle big time grasping the concepts of OOP. I almost feel like I need to hear it in ELI5 terms.

    My two main languages are Java and C++ although i'm pretty sure the concepts of OOP apply across the board. So I understand how functions work and parameters. But I don't see why I would want to have classes most of the time when I could just use functions. It seems like making it more difficult to accomplish the same thing.

    For example, if I am making a simple menu driven program. I could create a function called showMenu and pass the parameter userChoice. Why would I want something like that s a class instead?

    Revising this with the below questions and code.

    Also, let me add on an assignment I had to do for class which was my first assignment involving OOP. The code will be below, but I have a few questions about it.

    1. When I do VideoGameScore gamer1(....) within the main class, to me this seems to be a pointless implementation of using classes. Why not just use a Struct if I am going to do it like this? Would there be a way to instead prompt the user to enter in the player name and score?
    2. Within VideoGameScore.cpp I have multiple questions about what things are doing:
      1. VideoGameScore::VideoGameScore() what is the point of doing this to set the values equal to nothing? This was given to us on the assignment so we had to do it, so I don't really see the point of it?
      2. For my mutators, is this actually doing anything? I don't get what setName is doing for example when it is never even called.
      3. The only part of this I actually understand are the accesors since this is returning the values in my main class.


    #include <iostream> #include "VideoGameScore.h" using namespace std; // Function Prototype void DisplayScore(VideoGameScore gamer); int main() { // Welcome message cout << "Welcome to the video game program!" << endl; // These are instances of a class in the format Class Name, then variable name. // Create instances for the three gamers VideoGameScore gamer1("Kristen Lee", 4500, "No"); VideoGameScore gamer2("Joe Smith", 50000, "Yes"); VideoGameScore gamer3("Tom Hanks", 75000, "Yes"); // Output scores of the three gamers DisplayScore(gamer1); DisplayScore(gamer2); DisplayScore(gamer3); return 0; } // Function to display gamers scores void DisplayScore(VideoGameScore gamer) { cout << "Name: " << gamer.getName() << endl; cout << "Score: " << gamer.getPlayerScore() << endl; cout << "Score Above Ten Thousand: " << gamer.getScoreOver() << endl; cout << endl; } 


    #include "VideoGameScore.h" // Notes - These are all member functions below. //Constructors VideoGameScore::VideoGameScore() { name = ""; // Name playerScore = 0; // Player Score scoreOver = ""; // Score over 10K } VideoGameScore::VideoGameScore(string nm, int score, string over) { name = nm; // Name playerScore = score; // Player score scoreOver = over; // Over 10K } // Mutators // Mutators store a value in a private member varialbe or changes its value in some way. void VideoGameScore::setName(string nm) { name = nm; } void VideoGameScore::setPlayerScore(int score) { playerScore = score; } void VideoGameScore::setScoreOver(string over) { scoreOver = over; } // Accessors // function that retrieves a value from a private member variable. Accessors do not change an object's data, so they should be marked const. const string VideoGameScore::getName() const { return name; } const int VideoGameScore::getPlayerScore() const { return playerScore; } const string VideoGameScore::getScoreOver() const { return scoreOver; } 


    #ifndef VIDEOGAMESCOREAPP_VIDEOGAMESCORE_H #define VIDEOGAMESCOREAPP_VIDEOGAMESCORE_H #include <string> using namespace std; class VideoGameScore { private: string name; // Player Name int playerScore; // Player score string scoreOver; // String to hold if score is over 10K public: // Constructors VideoGameScore(); VideoGameScore(string nm, int score, string over); // Mutators void setName(string nm); void setPlayerScore(int score); void setScoreOver(string over); //accesors const string getName() const; const int getPlayerScore() const; const string getScoreOver() const; }; 

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