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    Sunday, December 20, 2020

    I can't even solve the easy problems on Leetcode without watching tutorials/solutions. What do I do? learn programming

    I can't even solve the easy problems on Leetcode without watching tutorials/solutions. What do I do? learn programming

    I can't even solve the easy problems on Leetcode without watching tutorials/solutions. What do I do?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 09:40 PM PST

    I don't know how to go about this stuff if I have to get help for the bottom od the pile

    submitted by /u/EasyShare5458
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    Not sure if I should take Java or C++ (university)

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:10 PM PST

    Hey everyone. Last summer I took a beginner's Java course. It was fast-paced, being in the summer, and I managed to pass with a C. My advisor is suggesting I retake the course in the spring and get an A. She believes it will look better to the computer science programs I want to apply to.

    My college is offering both Java and C++. I am wondering if I should take C++ instead or stick to Java.

    As for what kind of programming I want to do: I am most interested in computational neuroscience. In the spring I will be starting a bioinformatics internship where we will use python. I don't have a handle on any language in particular and I don't know a lot.

    submitted by /u/saltxburn
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    How to write a program that interacts with the Google chrome and that uses mouse and keyboard

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 09:52 PM PST

    I took intro to computer science and AP computer science in high school, there is one website Edgenuity on which I do my school assignments, since I know Java very well I was thinking if there is any way to write a program that can interact with the website for example copy paste the question in google and search for the answer (do it couple times for the same question and if couple answers match each other mark the correct one on Edgenuity) I am not sure if I only need Java if not then I can start researching other languages, I will appreciate your help

    submitted by /u/davidgod98
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    Advice needed on direction to take.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 09:48 PM PST

    I have an idea for something but have no idea where to start. Looking to write a code that can measure input from a microphone and display the measurement in decibels over a looping image. I have very little knowledge in coding but if someone can point me in the right direction with what language would be best for this and which concepts I should research that would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Beat_Meaterr
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    What do frontend developers work on?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:42 PM PST

    programming noob here so please be descriptive if you can.

    submitted by /u/grouptherapy17
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    problem python

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 11:42 PM PST

    basecapturerate = 0.33
    cpmultiplier = 0.75
    ball, curve, berry, throw, medal = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
    baserate = (1 - (basecapturerate / (2 * cpmultiplier)))
    multipliers = ball * curve * berry * throw * medal
    probability = 1 - baserate ** multipliers
    print(round(probability, 2)

    submitted by /u/Global_Mycologist278
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    How to remember dark mode for the session

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 11:25 PM PST

    Hi ! I am trying to implement dark mode on my website using java script. Now when I try to refresh or redirect to "/" the default color scheme appears. How can I make it remember for the whole session or until user presses the button to change again. My project has python, flask, sql, js, css and html in it.

    Code for css:

    .dark-mode { background-color: #121212; color:#55ffaa; } .dark-mode td{ color: white; } .dark-mode h1{ color: white; } 

    code for html:

    <label>Change Webpage Background To:</label> <button type="button" onclick="darkth();">Dark</button> 

    code for js:

    function darkth() { var element = document.body; element.classList.toggle("dark-mode"); } 


    submitted by /u/Rickydonne_
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    How do i escape this fabled "tutorial hell"?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:39 PM PST

    So ive wanted to learn to code and now that im in college obviously theyre gonna teach us not just programming and DS&Algo but general cs concepts as well. But obviously in the first year stuff goes very slow and i wanna learn to code in c++ and python(python was also part of my high school curriculum) and i also want to learn machine learning and computer vision.

    Now i see alot of posts mentioning this term "tutorial hell"....what is it? how do i escape it.....?

    cause i have a lot of books that i found online for free (paid books for free) and then thres multiple courses that i have saved in edX and coursera and youtube(the youtube ones are by freecodecamp)

    do i or do i not use them???(please take an assumption when answering this question that im not in college and wont have acess to professors to your answer is best suited to self learning)

    is freecodecamp any good?? do i use google's machine learning crash course??

    submitted by /u/GamerLegion2612
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    C - Press enter to exit

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 11:03 PM PST

    So, I had a C program -


    include <stdlib.h>

    include ...

    int main() { //Code

    char x; scanf("%c", &x); } ```

    Now, the code worked but it immediately closed. So, I tweeked the code in many ways and found doing this solves the issue -

    ``` int main() { //Code

    char x; scanf("%c", &x); scanf("%c", &x); } ```

    So, why and how does repeating the same line twice make it work?

    PS : I am just a beginner.

    submitted by /u/hhellloo
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    learnsql offering scholarship to do their courses for free

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 11:01 PM PST

    Best Tutorial(s) for Elderly Learning to Code?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:12 PM PST

    Sure, there's a huge swaths of tutorials and and products aimed at teaching people to code. From what I can tell, these fall into one of two main categories:

    1. For Kids. These are aimed at getting kids interested in coding and include Scratch, the offerings at Khan Academy (excluding AP Computer Science; that's geared towards the already technically inclined exploring possible career), and the initial push by RaspberryPi.
    2. For Adults wanting a career change. These are aimed at teaching adults coding for a career shift. This includes the various boot camps and other products such as Lynda.com, Udemy, CodeAcademy, etc.

    However, I've been unable to find materials geared towards the elderly / retirees who may find coding rewarding, but aren't looking for a new career and don't want stuff aimed specifically at children.

    What, if any, resources geared to this group, who have typically lower digital literacy, but are otherwise mentally sharp and have a lot of free time with isolating during the pandemic?

    submitted by /u/AnAccount4AReason
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    If I want to be a full-stack dev, which part of a stack should I start learning first?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:44 PM PST

    Frontend, Backend, DB, Server, OS? I know the basics of programming like OOP, Design Pattern & Multi-threading.

    As a side note, if anyone who answers don't mind, could you also comment your qualifications? I'm having a very difficult conversation with someone about this process of learning, and someone with some experience backing up claims would be very much appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/DungPornAlt
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    Pandas DataFrame from Nested Dict

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:29 PM PST

    Hey guys, fairly new to programming. Need help turning a nested dict to df. I've tried following a few posts on StackOverFlow but cannot get it to work properly.

    Here's what the dict looks like:

    {'Key1':[{'Variable1':'Str", 'Variable2':'Str", 'Variable3':'Str", 'Variable4':'Str'}, {'Variable1':'Str", 'Variable2':'Str", 'Variable3':'Str", 'Variable4':'Str'}],

    {'Key2':[{'Variable1':'Str", 'Variable2':'Str", 'Variable3':'Str", 'Variable4':'Str'}, {'Variable1':'Str", 'Variable2':'Str", 'Variable3':'Str", 'Variable4':'Str'}]

    So it's a dictionary within a list containing another dictionary.

    I want key1 and key2 to be index and the 4 variables to be the columns.

    pd.DataFrame(dictObj) returns the internal dict as rows. I want al those rows unpacked.

    Does the write-up makes sense?

    submitted by /u/nemean_lion
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    Javascript "this" not functioning in VSC

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:15 PM PST

    Good day to you redditors

    I am learning how to code using javascript as my first language so my knowledge is limited

    I looked online for a solution to the problem but could not find a single source that addressed the problem, as such I decided to ask here.

    Simply put "this" is recorder as a normal string and does no function.

    So if I make a variable called age and try to call it using "this", it doesn't work and "this" is recognised as a normal string instead of a function operator.

    Any suggestions, fix, extention or something I can do?

    here is some code as an example

    const mark = {

    fullName: 'Mark Miller', mass: 78, height: 1.69, calcBMI: function(){ 

    this.bmi = this.mass / this.height ** 2;

    return this.bmi;



    submitted by /u/KratistoDiadochi
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    Can someone help me understand this line of code? I know that it's appending to a list but I don't quite understand map() and 'int,'. Shouldn't it be int()?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:13 PM PST

    for _ in range(n):
    arr.append(list(map(int, input("Enter values for row: ").rstrip().split())))

    # Python 3 code

    submitted by /u/idontskiplegdayy
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    What practice did you follow to get comfortable with LeetCode Medium to Hard level problems?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:05 AM PST

    Is it just as simple as grinding for hours per day or is there a more nuanced strategy to it?

    Recursion roughed me up on a recent test so I'm now trying to do every loop with it to gain comfort. That should naturally lead to trees and maybe also graphs later.

    submitted by /u/cosmosfan2
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    Starting a Web Development Certificate program at a University

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:34 PM PST


    In a couple weeks I start a uni program for full stack web development! I was introduced to HTML/CSS when I was in highschool, I resparked my interest in it during the quarantine so I decided to learn and try to change my career!

    Over the last 2 months ive been building static sites and messing around with JavaScript trying to prepare for this course. Just wanted some advice from any developers that helped them when they started out?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Blacksnake060
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    Need career advice

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 03:16 PM PST

    Hey guys, I'm currently learning programming. I'm 23, and I don't know a lot, but I'm capable and willing to work hard at it. I'm also broke and have a hard time paying for college. I want to build up a solid webdev portfolio with a large project so that I can work programming jobs instead of like shit grocery store and hotel jobs throughout college.

    Anyways, I'm thinking about creating a poker website. I basically have 3 months to work at it full time, I'm taking the semester off to just work on this goal. I don't need it to be a super legit website, and I don't expect it to be popular as an actual product, I just want to show my skills, so like a mock website kinda. I want it to be as functional as possible though.

    Is this feasible? I'm a pretty new programmer but like I said, I have lots of time to work on it. Also I'm not exactly sure how to decide on a tech stack. Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks

    submitted by /u/hawhawhawhawlagrange
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    How to create confusion matrix with image instead of value? Python

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 08:37 PM PST

    Hello, is there a way to create a confusion matrix but instead of numbers, it shows a image of the misclassified images and predicted right? Exemple image of:

    Apple Orange Banana

    Apple image of Apple ... Apple.. Apple

    Orange Orange Orange Orange

    Banana Banana Banana Banana

    submitted by /u/OnlyOneMember
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    Mech Engineer to Software engineer

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 08:30 PM PST

    Hi guys, I'm 25 years old and brand new to programming. I started out learning Java since a knew a bit already, and have been taking the classes on code academy. I've been doing good and learning a lot but don't really know if I should just fill out go with this. I work during the day so I spend 1-2 hours messing with Java at night. Has anyone made the transition from a mech engineer to software? Just trying to see how long it took for people to see some type of oportunities rise for when it came down to job hunting with self learning.

    submitted by /u/tbrazzy123
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    Should I get a job in the IT industry? If yes what kind?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:36 PM PST

    This is a two part question, but here is my situation.

    I am an Informarion and communication technology student and I startes this year in august. I had some experience with programming when I made a small game and when I made some simple websites a few years back, but didn't feel confident in mu skills.

    This year I made my first fully fledged website using html, php, css and mysql. Wich was tough, but it thought me a lot. I also know a bit of c# and python, but I am not as confident in them as I am in html, php, css and mysql.

    Here is the thing, my teacher came up to me and told me I should get a job in the IT industry. When I asked him why? He told me that I had lot of talent and that my mindset when it came to coding was the right one. He told me I needed some real world experience and that that would help tremendously.

    I have been thinking about a lot lately and the idea of me working in the IT industry kind of scares me,but then again my own teacher who has 30+ years in the industry told me to get a job in the industry.

    I do have to say that compared to my fellow group mates that I am far ahead of them in terms of skill even though we worked on the same thing for the same amount of time. I am scared that I am going in prematurely and I want to know if there is way to test if I am ready or if somebody can tell me if I am ready or not. Some form of proof, you know

    TL:DR: MY teacher told me I should get an IT job and I am scared that I am going in prematurely and I want to know if there is way to test if I am ready or if somebody can tell me if I am ready or not. Some form of proof, you know?

    submitted by /u/notmymainbutwilldo
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    Would it be worth learning ARM Assembly to develop for M1 Mac computers, or is C/C++ enough?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:29 PM PST

    I need a little more clarification on what the benefits and limits of Assembly language might be, and if I should do that or just C/C++.

    submitted by /u/GloryToThePRC
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    Does every API call need to be authenticated?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:47 PM PST

    Including ones that don't do anything relating to sensitive information?

    submitted by /u/GarbageFantastic6192
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    Do you recommend the book The Pragmatic Programmer?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:38 PM PST

    I like listening/reading technical and story based books about topics I'm interested in and I happen to like programming so has anyone read this and recommend it?

    submitted by /u/PastaThePasta
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