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    Monday, December 21, 2020

    Focus on what you love, not what you think you should be doing for the sake of others. web developers

    Focus on what you love, not what you think you should be doing for the sake of others. web developers

    Focus on what you love, not what you think you should be doing for the sake of others.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:37 AM PST

    I'd always known that I wanted to dedicate my entire career towards the front end. Back end is cool but is not my thing. However, I felt that companies would want me more if I would be capable of doing full-stack development, so I spent the past seven months in quarantine working on making a full-stack project. In the end, the project is super janky and unappealing. I learned a lot, but I wasted so much time. If I had spent all that time working on front-end-related projects, I would've gone so much farther in the direction I had wanted. I feel like the past seven months were such a huge waste, and I regret all of it.

    At the end of the day, the biggest lesson I learned is not to do something I feel companies would want out of me but, rather, do something that I'd want out of myself. That way, not only will I have more fun working on side projects for my resume, but I'd also be able to create higher-quality work. Focus on what you love, not what you think you should be doing for the sake of others.

    submitted by /u/roynotto
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    Is there a built-in HTML element that shows/hides collapsible content for you, without the need for JavaScript?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:57 PM PST

    I thought there was a built-in HTML tag that most browsers already supported in order to render a collapsible <div> that can be opened/closed with a button/arrow next to it. Am I imagining that?

    I swore I saw this a few years ago and mentally filed it under "cool HTML stuff I might use one day".

    It's usually done with JavaScript, and there seem to be several approaches to doing it with CSS as well. But wondering if it's one of those rarer less-used HTML elements that would be nice to use.


    submitted by /u/UnderwaterPenguin
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    Introducing Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:26 AM PST

    SVGBox.net: Use any icon with just copy 'n paste! Free service made by me

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 09:46 PM PST

    Hi Webdevs,

    I have always found using icons a big PITA.

    Font-awesome is great, but what if you want to use another icon? The pipeline to generate your own icon font is hardly an easy task. What if want to use an animated/multi-colored one?

    External SVGs work, but you have to search for the right icon, download it, upload it as your own asset, and you still can't customize the fill color.

    Inline SVGs are awesome, but they make code verbose, they are hard to use as backgrounds, and increase the page weight with non-cacheable assets

    With SVGBox, you can pick any icon and use it as an image with customizable color, as an externally loaded SVG, or as an inline SVGs. It's all documented here.

    There are current 3,500+ icons and I am continuously adding more.

    Happy to hear any feedback.

    submitted by /u/TheNerdistRedditor
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    I built an issue bounty platform for open source development! (rysolv.com)

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:35 AM PST

    Difference between CSS Reset & Normalize CSS

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:41 PM PST

    I'm looking for any guide, blog post, comment, tutorial that tells me the difference between CSS Reset and Normalize CSS.

    I'm kind of having a little trouble understanding the difference, why I would use one instead of the other. I have seen a quite long confusing Medium article that tells you that you could end up even using them both in the same project but I don't get it yet.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/aeum3893
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    I just came by a site , which happens to be a site to practice css .it is just too cool ,where you try to replicate a image just using css.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 06:50 AM PST

    Here is the sitecssbattledev .i am in no way promoting the site. The author of the site created iphone image just using css ,its too realistic.here is the link iphone. I am guy who hates css because i feel its too hard to find the fix .the site encourages to learn css in a creative way if you are intrested.

    submitted by /u/sahiluno
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    Backend development: When should you use a frontend framework on top vs HTML templating (Razor, Blade etc?)

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 02:12 PM PST

    When you're developing a web app with a backend framework like Django, ASP.NET Core or Laravel, what factors do you think would justify using a frontend framework like React/Angular/Vue to handle the UI (assuming you know how to use one of the above frameworks, of course)? When should you switch from using backend HTML templating like Razor, Blade, embedded Ruby or Django HTML to using something like React? I know frontend frameworks are faster since they don't reload the page, and you can quickly change the display (filtering products, for example), but is it worth the extra hassle to implement it (particularly if you have already created pages in a backend templating language)?

    submitted by /u/KiwiNFLFan
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    Extending Android Device Compatibility for Let's Encrypt Certificates

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:36 AM PST

    How to do web hosting for my clients?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:58 PM PST

    I'm trying to implement the most seamless process to provide web hosting to my clients through third party hosting sites like Amazon AWS, etc. Mainly I'll be doing web design and development though. I'm not really sure how to best do the hosting? The two options I'm mulling over:

    1) Purchase my own third-party server and host multiple sites. This puts me in a greater scope of accountability/responsibility but there's opportunity to make more $.

    2) Have each client purchase their own hosting. They're responsible for it but can pay me for setup, ad hoc maintenance, etc.

    If #2, this seems like a stupid question but how do I set it up for client, given I need their email address and credit card. Do I have them go in and create the account and ask them to enter their billing info?

    I've searched other posts about this but looking for a more tailored answer.

    submitted by /u/BoredGuy11011
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    How Adblockers work & can get detected

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:04 AM PST

    What is the best platform (WordPress, etc) for a multi structured e-commerce website.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:55 PM PST

    I have a business that has 3 businesses within. Photography studio, print/sign shop and a candle/essential oils/CBD supplies. Looking for a website that people can order retails/book a photo-session/design and order banners and canvas, pictures on acrylic and metal, etc. I need to also change out products and pictures easily. I know it alot but what platform would you recommend.

    submitted by /u/craigwojo
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    Project Managers: what are some simple tips to organize a lot (6-10) of projects into a good workflow?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 05:07 PM PST

    I currently use ZenKit to make lists, G Suite for collaboration/communication.

    I have been winging it for years but I feel it's time to take a step back and slow down to set up proper systems and processes to make everything run smoother with less stress.

    submitted by /u/-AMARYANA-
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    how does Google apply sso?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:41 AM PST

    I may be using the wrong term here. I'm not asking about the social login that lets us login to other sites using Google account.

    I wanna know how we can switch between the many google apps (like drive, meet, etc) without having to login again.

    submitted by /u/zephyr_33
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    Making pure HTML/CSS/JS site easy to edit for end-user (Lightweight CMS?)

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:01 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I've been in web design for some time now, created lots of sites in pure HTML/CSS/JS and lots of them in WordPress. One thing I never actually figured out, is how to make my website, created with pure HTML/CSS/JS (no frameworks!), easy editable to end-user, something like WordPress. Damn, doesn't even have to be end user, I sometimes wish I could just change few fields without going to the actual source file every time.

    Let's say I'm making a website for a local business, they will have basic portfolio site with Home, About us, News, Contact pages. How to make content on About us page, easy editable to my Customer? Throwing bunch of .html files at them in Cpanel is not an option ...so what is?

    I've done some research and my best guess would be a lightweight CMS. Something like WordPress but for smaller projects, where only couple of files and actual functions need to be loaded. It will help with speed and simplicity of the actual interface.

    One other, maybe important, thing, would be Posts page. So I know I'm not talking any more about only editing static content but also producing some new (posts), but I'm curious to see how would that be doable?

    Those of you who used and are using lightweight CMS, what are your recommendations? Any other solutions? I'm looking at this more like a discussion than searching for actual answer, so please share your thoughts.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Ryu-The-Sick
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    Need advice regarding my web design business and its process with clients

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:21 AM PST

    I've been doing web design for about half a year now. I have my own website, I've had a few clients, using adwords to drum up business. I'm looking for advice regarding my process with working with clients.

    I get clients from adwords, I then reach out to them to discuss their needs briefly before getting them to fill out a questionnaire. This questionnaire allows me to find out what I need to know about their business and what they want for their website.

    Using the information gathered in the questionnaire, I write a webs design proposal. A few pages in a word doc detailing my suggestions for their website (I detail the pages and what content they should have). Using this proposal I can get myself and the client on the same wavelength when it comes to the direction of the website. I do this because I want them to know what I'm planning to do, so that when development begins I don't waste time on something they don't want / like.

    Once the client and I agree on the direction of the website, they send me a deposit and I make the website.

    Adwords is going great, my website is converting well. The issue i'm running into is speaking to clients on the phone and them ghosting me before filling out the questionnaire. Or if they do fill out the questionnaire, they then ghost once I send them on the proposal. Like 50% of the people who send me a contact request through my website looking for a website end up ghosting at either of the 2 above stages.

    My proposals are really detailed and professional, and I dont think the issue is how I speak to these clients on the phone. I'm just looking for feedback from you guys with web design businesses on how my process might be hurting me. What is your process like? A fix i'm thinking of implementing is to get the deposit prior to writing the proposal so I'm not wasting time on clients who ghost after. But the ghosting in general suggests my process is screwed up somehow right?

    submitted by /u/PotentialDayTrader
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    Question about scraping with selenium, when I get links to pages from a site and make another request for that page, I get the output from a POST request instead of getting any data for that page (previously posted on r/selenium)

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:23 AM PST

    I have a python script set up that launches a chrome web driver and is supposed to iterate through a list of URLs pulled from a main page. After a while, the script just rapidly displays a bunch of output from POST requests and doesn't seem to make any requests to load any of the URLs I gathered from the main page. What causes this? Heres the output I get

    Edit: For anyone wondering, This is the site im scraping I have it setup to click the search button, when it loads jobs, it gets the link to them and loads them in a second chrome driver. Once it goes through the first list, it finds the "Next" button at the bottom, clicks it, loads more jobs, and does the same process again. It does this well for a few thousand listings, but then it just starts spitting out the output linked above.

    submitted by /u/dingusamongus123
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    Can I effectively web develop on a Mac with an Apple M1 processor?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:53 PM PST

    I just bought one as it looked like this was a cheap option to get a Mac laptop with high performance. In my previous job I had a Macbook Pro with an Intel i5 and had no problems getting stuff to run.

    However, the first thing I tried on this, installing Homebrew, I hit a problem saying that it doesn't work on ARM processors. Now there is a workaround for this fortunately. But am I going to keep hitting problems like this and eventually be knee deep in some npm dependency hell that just won't have a workaround? Or with other things like databases, docker containers etc?

    Am I basically just better off sending it back and buying an Intel mac?

    submitted by /u/CuthbertTheDestroyer
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    Is there any practical difference between the start and flex-start keywords for the justify-content property in flex layouts?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:53 AM PST

    Namecheap Email Forwarding Failures

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:08 PM PST

    I could use some troubleshooting advice. I've got email forwarding setup at Namecheap, where I forward an email address on my custom domain to a Gmail account.

    Namecheap has been amazing for everything else, but I've been unable to provide them information to troubleshoot this and I've been unable to troubleshoot it myself.

    The problem is that multiple banks keep sending me paper notices that my email is failing.

    I don't get these bounces myself, so I can't view the full headers, evaluate them, and/or forward them on to support. Instead, I get letters in the mail informing me that my statements couldn't be delivered electronically. They don't include any other technical details, they just ask me to change my email address.

    I also have an occasional provider fail to send me a confirmation email when I sign up for web services, but it happens relatively infrequently. I usually assume this is on the providers side, but it happens just often enough that maybe it's on my side.

    Do you have any advice for things I should check or tests I should run to try to understand this? Any DNS records I should check?

    submitted by /u/joeldare
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    Responsive / Mobile-Friendly

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:47 PM PST

    I'd like to start by saying that I'm not a programmer / developer by trade. I'm a systems engineer doing devops and looking to get into site reliability engineering, so I've been working on my coding chops.

    I took CS50x, and have been expanding on my final project submission. So far it's been going good. The backend works as I'd expect.

    I'm using Flask/Python, and a mixture of bootstrap/custom css as needed.

    Now I am thinking if maybe I need a web framework or something.

    My problem is that, my UI doesn't look like what I want it to look like. Doesn't look terrible, but the design is kind of all over the place, it also renders horribly on mobile.

    So my question is if there's any middle ground books/tutorials or courses that could help make "prettier" and better UX UIs without going "full stack" or full front end web developer. Just something to provide a clean and modern UI that works well on mobile.

    I've been through a google rabbit hole all weekend and saved several links, such as react and flask on realpython.org and others, but it's a lot to take in and I'm curious to know what's commonly used in the workplace these days?

    submitted by /u/ovo_Reddit
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    Ways to not have a www url?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:37 PM PST

    For reasons that are completely banal but necessary I have a website that is only accessed at certain times by a limited group of people. I think the best option is for users to tunnel to a computer that is running the site. But in case that doesn't work efficiently, or is not safe? I want to find alternative options. Such as taking the site down when not in use, but is it possible to mask the url, is there a way to scramble urls or host them elsewhere? If it is masked it cant show a company name in the url, with www or .com etc.

    submitted by /u/RothkoRathbone
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    Thinking about doing some freelance work.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:32 PM PST

    Im considering offering up my services to build/maintain websites for a couple of small companies. For now I think it would be mostly static or require occasional updating.

    I work full time developing web apps using PHP/Symfony, hosted on company servers.

    Does anyone have any advice on good CMS tools or any other advice on getting started?

    submitted by /u/TranquilDev
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    Anyone have experience with user-defined roles?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:22 PM PST

    I'm working on adding user-defined roles based off of a pre-determined set of permissions. For instance, someone would be able to create a new role and select from a list of permissions to apply to it. While I am a bit confused on the schema, I think the bigger question is the tradeoff.

    The way I see it storing the roles in the database makes it harder to add them later, it seems most frameworks have some sort of policy mapping where it'd be easy to add roles and policies after the fact. Putting a base set of permissions in the database seems like it would be a lot harder to maintain.

    Has anyone worked with these? For instance db management applications like mssql have something like this and I have seen enterprise applications that can do so, but I'm worried it would hinder later development. Do you think it's worth the tradeoff?

    submitted by /u/VatistaScrub
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