• Breaking News

    Monday, September 21, 2020

    Why does Draw.IO need access to DEPLOY KEYS, access to CODE of PRIVATE repo's, collab invites? Only for drawing simple diagrams? Or am I something missing here? web developers

    Why does Draw.IO need access to DEPLOY KEYS, access to CODE of PRIVATE repo's, collab invites? Only for drawing simple diagrams? Or am I something missing here? web developers

    Why does Draw.IO need access to DEPLOY KEYS, access to CODE of PRIVATE repo's, collab invites? Only for drawing simple diagrams? Or am I something missing here?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    A Friendly Introduction to Spring Physics

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Wes Bos has launched his latest Javascript course on Gatsby

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    REST API, PHP or NodeJS?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Hi there folks. We will start develop a REST API for our main product. In the first few months, only third-party vendors will use it, basic stuff like send a user code to check if is everything ok with their payments.

    Later, we will use the same API to our app (using React Native).

    My question is, what you guys/girls recommend to build the API? NodeJS or PHP (probably with Laravel). Our database is Oracle 19.

    submitted by /u/JohnOliverIsReal
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    What's your impression of Deno?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    I've mostly been using node for all of my projects and recently learned about Deno. Is it worth making the switch over?

    submitted by /u/bhayashi
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    Any grid system for heigh/rows like is it for with/col in bootstrap

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Any grid system for heigh/rows like is it for with/col in bootstrap

    In bootstrap there is a rule that the cols should be up to 12. With that i know that for exemple if i want to divide between 2 divs, i should place the cols with number 6.

    Is there anything similar for the heght? Because alot of the times i use pixels, but if i want that the content stays on the page heigh like the cols stay with the page with i cant.

    Like this:


    The rows have to be up to 12 for exemple. With this i know how to size the heigh of my cols.

    I have some problems with widh, because i dont want my website to be scrolable.

    submitted by /u/drking100
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    I want to get into web development, what should my web dev roadmap be?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    I want to get into web development, and I want a clear roadmap on how I'm going to approach learning web development. By doing some research, I've came to conclusion that web development is separated into few sections.

    1. So first I would need to learn the basics, which is basic HTML, HTML5, CSS and Javascript
    2. Then I learn responsive web design with HTML and CSS
    3. Afterwards, I choose a CSS framework, which will probably be Bootstrap
    4. Then I'd need to choose a front end framework, I choose from React, Vue and Angular (maybe React? idk)
    5. After learning front end I guess I'd move to backend. For backend, I think I'll learn Node.js
    6. Then finally for Databases, MySQL seems to the best choice

    So the question is: do you think this roadmap is good? What would you change about it? Which CSS / Javascript framework would you choose?

    I also know Sass and Typescript exists. When should I start learning these two languages?

    Oh and also is freecodecamp a good series to learn from on Youtube? They seem to have very good and resourceful tutorials on each language I mentioned above. Or alternatively I can use their website, which grants me a certificate, but I'd need to learn every language in their website which seems like an overkill. What do you think?

    Last question, but what IDE should I use? I have a Jetbrains educational license and so I can use their paid IDEs. This makes it so I can use either: Visual Studio / Intellij Idea / Webstorm / Phpstorm. Which one would you recommend?

    submitted by /u/fungigamer
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    How Mercado Libre optimized for Web Vitals (TBT/FID)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Is there a way to embed a window of my Whatsapp group messages into a website?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    I would like to be able to open my web page and be able to view a box which contains my whatsapp group message window, allowing me to respond and receive messages. Is this possible?

    submitted by /u/Ohayward
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    V8 release v8.6

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Queries about connecting a site to a MySQL db

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    So I have a simple website for a family member who is a writer / editor. As per her request, the site consists of just one page which has a static list containing info on all of the articles that she has written. As a learning project I would like to make it dynamic by putting the info into a database so the end user has functionality to search and sort. Unfortunately I need a push in the right direction as I'm not sure where to start and I have some very noob-ish questions...

    Current setup: The format is that each entry / row is its own flex containers, and inside each column field there are separate divs/classes for:

    • Type (ex. Book, Review...)

    • Date

    • Title

    • Publisher

    Clicking anywhere on a row links you to an external site to read the article.

    Target: - Create a database table and populate it

    • Display the table on the site (showing all records by default)

    • Add a search bar where the user could, for example, type "Washington Post" or even a date, and have it display only the matched rows, ideally without having to click submit or hit enter

    • Ability to click a Type (ex. Review) on any of the rows and have it show only the selected type.

    • Ability to click a column header to sort the whole list or perhaps sort the results of a search


    1. Is PHP the best (or only) way to do this?

    2. Is my understanding of the process correct for the search function? User types into a HTML form element, which sends a request to a PHP file, which runs a query on MySQL server and the results are sent back where they are able to pick up CSS styles and be displayed?

    3. Do I need any JavaScript for the select function, to wait for when user clicks a 'type' which then runs a PHP/SQL query?

    4. To have the search be 'live', would these requests need to be triggered by every keystroke?

    5. My hosting (Hostinger) has a phpMyAdmin plugin thing which looks helpful. Should I be using this to create the tables or is it best to create the DB in MySQL workbench then upload the files to the host's file manager?

    6. There would be nothing sensitive in the table, but could a user type a SQL query into the search box and actually modify the table?

    Hope someone can help


    submitted by /u/komokino
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    Does anyone else get those "you are running an ad blocker" notices when actually running a stock browser?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    I primarily use a fairly stock edge (redux dev tool only), actually haven't installed any adblocking stuff at all.

    But I see sites all the time complain about me doing so, even going so far as to instruct me on how to disable the ad blocker I don't have.

    But isn't it really the new default of blocking 3rd party cookies/trackers? If that is so, is there any evidence these sites acquiescing to this new reality? I can't imagine what regular people must be thinking when they receive these notifications and not really knowing what is going on.

    submitted by /u/zzing
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    I'm developing an Angular app backed with Spring Boot. How can I secure access to my API ?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    I used Basic Authentication in my API.

    My problem is: when I open DevTools in my browser, I can see all the HTTP requests, even the request Authorization header is shown. In case anyone opens my website, he can easily copy the Authorization token from DevTools Network and access my API URL and mess with my database.

    submitted by /u/edmdemonz
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    How can I theoretically predict what my screen reader will tell me? ��

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Foldable Media Queries for next gen devices. thoughts?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 02:33 AM PDT

    Tools & resources I use for front-end development

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    How I Build MVPs in Just a Few Hours in 2020

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    DigitalOcean Droplet is consistently at 100% CPU usage. Any

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    How can I troubleshoot this issue?


    I currently use Serverpilot + digital ocean and have 2 wordpress sites on the server.

    EDIT: top -c https://ibb.co/RjRW5qM

    Edit2: https://ibb.co/pZnpX1c hmm it looks like me restarting the droplet fixed the issue. Not sure if it will just get bad again later on though.

    submitted by /u/murkr
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    How come this major breaking bug is allowed to release and still I don't see much discussion regarding this anywhere.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    Redirection when a user is not logged in/autenticated

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I am currently working on a web app that will have different authentication mechanisms depending on how the user wishes it to be deployed. I want to keep the app as a agnostic as possible regarding the backend and authentication used. Sometimes the authentication mechanism used will be an external identity server other times it will just be done through a user and password table on the backend. Obviously my backend-agnostic web app isn't going to know which authentication is being used without having to do separate builds which I don't want to do.

    My idea for getting around this was that there an authentication API endpoint would be called by the client and the backend would then either respond telling the client to redirect to an identity server or it would handle authentication itself. As a REST API, I was thinking something like:

    api.webapp.com/authenticate ------> backend replies with 302 to external.identity.com/login ----> redirects on login to webapp.com with an authentication token.

    Is this a good idea or am I just completely on the wrong track haha

    submitted by /u/JaimieP
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    Would like some help on nested and in-loop Promises

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    It's a question about Promises in loop and some of them are nested. I wonder if Promise experts can give a hand 😁

    I made a gist for better readability. https://gist.github.com/chenxian352/221502563cb8ea337fb5b361fd690f3a

    This is a crawler saving JSON data to Firebase. My goal was to run a clean-up function AFTER crawling but I couldn't make them run in a wanted sequence.

    I've managed to do so by wrapping async/await actions in new Promise and I think now I get a better understanding of Promise.

    But I'm not certain that's a proper way. Cuz I think .then returns a Promise already? Why do I need to wrap it in a new Promise ..?


    The current console log - which is how I want:

    i functions: Beginning execution of "update_local_events" > Parent: collecting promises from a source > Parent: collecting promises from a source > Parent: collecting promises from a source > Parent: Collected promises from all sources i functions: Finished "update_local_events" in ~1s > Collected promises from one source > Collected promises from one source > Collected promises from one source > Crawling Bruce Mason Centre - Jazz Gala Concert 2020 > Crawling Eric Verdonk Memorial Regatta - Lake Pupuke > Crawling Bruce Mason Centre - Te Moana Glow Show! > Crawling PICK 'A' BOX retail customer promotion > Crawling The Pumphouse: Tricks 'n' Treats Magic Show > Crawling Devonport : Architecture of Land and Sea > Crawling Bruce Mason Centre - The Nutcracker and Don Quixote > Crawling Learn to Dance - Takapuna with Modern Jive > Finishing promises from one source > Finishing promises from one source > Finishing promises from one source > Parent: all promises done > Cleaning up old entries <<< 📝This one was almost at the top before I wrap actions in new Promise 

    submitted by /u/ian352
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    Created a simple app for devs to create their "tech stack" profile with. Work in progress but feedback appreciated.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    Beginner-ish question I should probably know...

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    I'm trying to create a one-page site. I've got the menu (which isn't a traditional navbar, so I don't call it that) properly linked to section ids, but what I'm having trouble with is sizing the sections so that I get the proper folds. My second section is starting too high (above the fold), then others do the same, so it sort of all runs together instead of being sectioned the way I want it to be.

    Can anyone help me understand what css properties I need to be using to set this up properly? I have divs, and am using 100vh for height, but this still happens. Would really love some help. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/enlguy
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    move from the subdomain to the main domain?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    I hired a web designer to build me a website. She didn't finish the job, and I already paid. I'm on a deadline and a little concerned.

    I have hosting (and the domain) through godaddy. CMS she's been using is Kirby.

    I own the domain, for privacy let's call it xyz.com. That has a placeholder image right now. I don't know how to access xyz.com.
    Everything that should go there is on test.xyz.com. I have access to this through my kirby panel log in.

    I was advised that I need access to the server or hosting panel of your hosting package. I don't know how or what to do then, as I am an absolute beginner (hence why I had hired someone).

    Can anybody help, please?

    submitted by /u/denimdaddisco
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