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    Saturday, September 19, 2020

    Portfolio Feedback. Am I job ready? learn programming

    Portfolio Feedback. Am I job ready? learn programming

    Portfolio Feedback. Am I job ready?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Hello dear friends,

    For the past 7 months I have been focusing on learning front-end web development. I have completed first 4 certificate programs on freecodecamp and watched some courses and tutorials on Udemy, Scrimba and Youtube.

    Currently my tech stack is Javascript, React, HTML5, CSS, Sass (SCSS), Bootstrap, D3.js, Git. And I have some understanding of Redux, jQuery, BEM. And also some basic knowledge previously learnt in Python and SQL.

    So I have created a portfolio site with all my front-end projects and hosted it on Github Pages. It is basically the main portfolio website that has links on separately deployed 16 projects that I have worked on (everything should be mobile friendly and work well on bigger resolution screens as well). All projects were built with React and using Create-React-App.

    Could you please checkout my portfolio website and provide some feedback? Please let me know if you find any bugs or design issues.

    And also based on what you see, could you tell me whether am I ready to start looking for a job as a junior developer or there are some things that you would recommend to work on (whether some other technology to learn or improve my knowledge in my current stack).

    Deployed website: konstantinkrumin.github.io

    My code and documentation: github repository


    Konstantin :)

    submitted by /u/konstantink1
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    Finally I understand Git and GitHub!!

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    First of all I'm not making any promotion, I just want to share with you a tutorial that I found very helpful.

    As self taught I finally end my first web app so I decided to share it with the world trough GitHub. I already had an account but I haven't created a repo, so I decided to read the GitHub instructions but I find out very complicated for me, specially because I'm don't feel very comfortable using the command line.

    I went to YouTube to look up for some Git and GitHub tutorials also I made a quick google search. I found a lot of information and guides but all were very confusing for me. Few days ago I started to follow the freeCodeCamp YouTube channel so I went to search if they have any tutorial about this subject I find this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGOj5yH7evk&ab_channel=freeCodeCamp.org

    This was the best Git and GitHub tutorial I've found so far, explains everything in a simple way.

    Hope this could be useful for someone.

    submitted by /u/MHCYR
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    Free udemy courses! Act Now!!

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    came across this link on twitter for free programming courses. i saved $400!!

    topics like CSS, JS (ES6) and React


    happy coding guys!!

    submitted by /u/overdoseone
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    How often did you feel stupid while learning? What did you do to get over it?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    I have tried learning to be a programming many times. Even got my associate's in the field, but I can never buckle down and do it. At a certain point I always just feel like I'm too dumb to become a competent developer. I understand that with practice and discipline you will eventually conquer, but these discouraging feelings always throw me into a depression that causes me to drop everything for months, and by the time I come back I've forgotten a lot. Is this normal? How often does it occur? What do I do to beat it? Can you teach yourself to be excited that you aren't getting something instead of beating yourself up about it?

    submitted by /u/R_Squared1672
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    What is the best c++ tutorial?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    What are the best online courses for c++?

    submitted by /u/Ae12_musk
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    Frustrated with finding solutions to problems

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    I understand the syntax of java and I'm familiar with everything our teacher has taught us so far in our intro coding class but when he gives us a coding assignment to do I cant seem to think of a coding solution to the problems that he gives us. The most frustrating part is that the problems are pretty simple and easy to understand but thinking of the individual steps and every little thing is so difficult to lay out.

    submitted by /u/hotbeefinafrica
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    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    Do you guys have any tips for reading recursive functions and understanding where they lead? Everytime I try, I seem to miss or totally mess it up.

    submitted by /u/jesswu0126
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    Another I hate recursion post again

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    Yep, I'm learning python/programming for the first time, and I feel like a complete idiot trying to write my own recursion code. I'm able to read someone else's recursion code, but when I'm asked to write my own about a certain problem, I can't figure out how to f-ckin do it. Damn, I haven't felt this stupid in a long time, especially when the problem is as basic as calculating the value of a ** b. Like damn, there's a gotta be a rough guideline on how to write this sht down.

    submitted by /u/chandyego84
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    What in the gods name is REST?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    I have watched many video, read many thing but still couldn't wrap my head around it. I tried to understand the concept but I always get lost mid way only to find out I know nothing.

    submitted by /u/prabeshdai13
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    What are the main things you need to know before showing up at a programming interview?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    So I have some experience with programming (matlab) and I am learning Python and C at the moment as well to add to my portfolio of skills. I would like to get a job in numerical computing after finishing my phD in theoretical physics (don't ask me why I won't work in academia, it's a long story) and I am not entirely sure about what depth of knowledge I need to have with certain programming languages.

    For example, in Matlab I can do all kinds of numerical operations, like linear algebra, numerical integration in multiple dimensions, Monte Carlo simulations (including Monte Carlo integration), regression analysis, solution to ordinary differential equations and Boundary-value problems using Runge-Kutta methods and Finite-Difference Methods, solutions to Partial Differential Equations using Split-step integration and Crank-Nicolson methods, and some 2D animations.

    I would like to migrate the same skills into Python and C, but I am not sure what else I might need? What are the essential things an employer in software (in general) would be looking for when hiring a programmer? Do they want you to know specific things like ``sorting algorithms" or "global optimization"? Are you gonna get tested on such things during the interview?

    submitted by /u/James_Colberg
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    Opening Files in Read/Write

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    Is it bad practice to open files in read/write mode ('w+' in Python, for example) even if its possible you may only read from said file?

    submitted by /u/willyfc678
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    Best way to pick up a new language?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    So for context I'm a CS major in my second year of college and so far I've picked up java and python, and have established many essential CS concepts. In my college, I joined an organization where we are creating a map to connect mental health and trauma services to people who need them, and it uses a lot of web development concepts, such as JavaScript.

    I was wondering what the best way to pick up this language would be, as many tutorials start off with things like variables, if else statements etc which I already know the concepts of. Am I better off just learning from reading the persisting code of my project and working with it or should I actually dedicate myself to a course or book to learn JavaScript?

    submitted by /u/Escapee_Cheerio
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    Where to start learning react?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    I watched a YouTube tutorial but it didn't cover a lot. I still feel like I don't know how things function. Would be helpful If the course is for MERN as that is what I will be working in.

    submitted by /u/aayush_1118
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    really confused with loops. both while and for loops in every programming language

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    i just can't get the logic in my head to stick. do you guys have any tips to understanding it? or any resource online (could be a youtube video that helped you or an article) that might make it make more sense to me?

    submitted by /u/notabarb
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    website development cheatsheet

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    This cheat sheet will be useful for people doing research on website development to develop websites, write web development tutorials or web development blog. Visit


    submitted by /u/penta5hexa6
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    Where would one find good practice assignments for Javascript?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    I just passed my code102 class! (An A yay!) Its through code fellows, like a bootcamp! These intro courses were hard, but I get it!

    They use a sandbox learning technique to force us to learn how to solve problems.

    I have a deep passion for this type of work. The reward of finding a puzzle hard, and finally solving it (freakin loops man) is so mezmerizing!

    But my next set of classes are set up to hard hard, and I have a little time between them. Id like to practice basic javascript in the meantime to hone skills and begin to think and talk in the language.

    I want to do some self paced practice, but the ones in bring up on google look too difficult!

    Do you have any reccommendations for me?

    I have git and github, and Ubuntu and all those goodies. So give me a challenge please?

    submitted by /u/chuchu-chu
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    What is the best Laptop for HTML/CSS/ Python?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    Hey all , am certainly new to the big world of programming. I have dabbled here and there in HTML on my current Desktop, but it is completely slow and unstable at most times. What would be my best option with a budget of $750? Would this be enough or would it be recommended to spend more? I am looking to do complicated Web Development & building Mobile Apps with Python. Thanks in advance!!

    submitted by /u/ifIwasAdemoN
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    Suggest a language

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    Been through like 90% of Python and looking to move to a lower level language. I'm super picky so there might not even be any that matches my requirements:

    -Statically typed


    -Must have garbage collection and it must be possible to turn it off


    -Lot's of different paradigms, I generally like to use more features instead of writing more code. In other words, it should be as high-level as possible without sacrificing performance, ex. C++ > C.

    -Something close to NumPy, GPU acceleration is ideally an option

    -Good concurrency and parallelism

    Nice to have:

    -QT bindings

    -Good machine learning library, again preferably with GPU support

    -Stats/scientific/other technical libraries

    -Plotting library

    -Good interoperability with Python as a backup in case the above aren't available

    I've briefly read about D, Nim, Julia, Zig, Crystal, and the Cython/Pythran implementations of Python. Any others I've missed?

    submitted by /u/richardd08
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    Starting with Html - Css , can I have advice ?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    Hi , I'm new started 1 week ago . Lucky to get in a tech bootcamp that show an appetizer of almost all jobs and find my self loving coding it's extremely satisfying. Started with basic Html - basic Css ( easy for the moment and very slow ) watched Youtube and done some basic training on W3s , i'm practicing by coding some web page , after some time I will try to code all the site and learn how to make it work . I'm sure that's not the best ways , i'm open to all your advice on how to practice more effectively ? What path should I take after becoming fluent in these two ? And any thing I should know or expect ?

    Thanks for reading , and thanks for you advice .

    submitted by /u/Frenchallenge
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    Resources for learning javascript

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    What are the best resources for learning javascript? I new to web development, and programming in general. I learned some HTML & CSS basics, and that's it really. What is best for me?

    submitted by /u/VEGwarior
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    storing passwords

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    how long is the expected output for a password that was salted and hashed using pbkdf2 and sha256? also, is using pbkdf2 and sha256 enough? or should I be using something else? what is the industry standard for salting and hashing?

    submitted by /u/Ali-sultan2154
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    How to securely send tokens to REST api and client through headers in HTTP

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    How i send encrypted data such as JWT and other authentication hashes to the client and rest api via headers in HTTP?

    submitted by /u/MRK-01
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    Everything you need to know about Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal Number Systems to get started.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    This is a video I made explaining all the 4 number systems mentioned above and is looking forward to explain more in future based on response.

    Happy learning!

    Link: Binary Octal Decimal and Hexadecimal Number Systems Explained

    submitted by /u/i_nbolt
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