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    My unconventional journey to learning code learn programming

    My unconventional journey to learning code learn programming

    My unconventional journey to learning code

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    First off I want to thank everyone that contributes to this thread. I've learned so much from everyone else's experiences that I also wanted to contribute my journey to becoming a self taught web developer, and now fortunate enough to be 6 mos into my second web dev job.

    By no means do I consider myself a senior dev or anything like that – I've only been coding for a little over three years, but I'm proud that I was able to find my first job just 14 months after I learned what a closing <p> tag was, and I feel like I've really come a long a way these past 3+ years.

    I guess I'll start off by saying that my path wasn't the conventional path a lot of people take to learn how to code. Oddly enough, my key to success was actually living abroad.

    I had lived abroad before as an English teacher, and as luck would have it, I actually discovered code at the very end of my travels, right around the time that I wanted to be heading back home to the US to settle down again (the universe works in mysterious ways). I had always been searching for that career plan I could go home to, so I figured I'd give this HTML thing a shot with the little bit of time I had left abroad.

    Very quickly I realized that I actually enjoyed it, and the hours flew by as I worked, so I definitely saw it as a career path for myself. Very quickly I also realized that I wasn't going to be able to learn how to code in just a week, and I was right – I ended up needing over a year to finally get that first job.

    With the long game in mind, I decided to stay abroad and go back to Colombia to work with the same teaching program that I had worked for the previous year with the Colombian ministry of education. The job was low stress and just 20 hours a week, so I was able to teach myself web dev with the rest of my ample free time. I was able to devote 20-40 hours per week to learning and building practice projects (including weekends) with that schedule. I tried to be pretty relentless about it, but Colombia can be a pretty fun place to live sometimes.

    Anyways, it went on like that for about a year. I was consistent about it and I stayed the course, but I doubted myself a lot during that year. I always felt lost. I still feel impostor syndrome sometimes, but it has mostly faded away by now.

    I kind of felt like I was ready to start applying for jobs after that first year of learning. Actually, I didn't feel ready at all, but the youtube channels and articles I followed said that I should be applying by my level, so I just sort of blindly followed what they said and moved back to the US. Actually a lot about self-taught code I think is just blindly feeling your way through the learning process. I just tried to always take it one day at a time, and as long as I could do something today that I couldn't do yesterday, then I took that as a sign that I was making progress and heading in the right direction.

    When I finally got back to the US after that year in Colombia I started applying to jobs immediately. I used job boards, discussion forums, I even emailed people to offer to work for free. I got rejected a lot. I hate looking for a job. Fortunately after only 2 months and hundreds of rejections someone brought me in to do a paid "6 month front end developer internship" which I later stayed on for longer than the 6 months. I ended up only making like 43k that first year. Even though that salary wasn't great, I was ecstatic about it. I was willing to work for free and someone paid me!

    That job was so important to bring me to where I am now. I learned that you have to work with other developers if you really want to level up after that initial push of self-learning, but you can certainly advance far enough to get that first job all by yourself, and I am proof of that.

    I also learned that I need to stop doubting myself so much. Maybe if you're reading this you're new to learning code and you have the same problem. My advice would be: learn to fail better at something until you succeed. Get good at failing without criticizing yourself and eventually you'll be able to learn anything. Just have the courage to try again and fail better next time. My journey through learning code definitely gave quite a few opportunities to become an expert in that field.

    submitted by /u/chewybmyman
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    Feeling discouraged about how I program

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    I'm finishing up a BS in Computer Science so I've been testing and practicing my skills with things like leetcode. Only thing with this is that on leetcode while I feel that I understand the problems and implement good code, I always end up with issues like exceeding the time limit.

    I understand time complexities and work to minimize them, but even when I try my best to do so, I still end up with such issues. I feel that while I can write something that works, it's not something that someone would want at their company. I feel like I won't be able to pass an interview or find a good job due to my shortcomings here. Is there anything I can do to help the way I approach coding problems?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Gamerhead
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    What’s the best place to relearn python efficiently?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    I picked up some basic python last year, but haven't used it since. What's the best online course I can take (Free or cheap) to brush my skills up?

    submitted by /u/HyonTroll
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    ASP.NET / C# - How to get out of the junior role and become more independent

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,
    a little background on my career, I've been at this consulting company for about a year and a half. First 4-5 months I was a web dev intern doing wordpress stuff then I was "promoted" to full time due to someone else quitting so I filled in their shoes with Analyst work (IE - Excel , client meetings / work etc ) with a side of continuous wordpress developement. Finally about a month into COVID, I wanted to work on our Saas product which is built in ASP.NET / C# and they started giving me simple UI / UX tickets for the front end and slowly some back end stuff.
    Fast forward to now, another dev quit and I was told by my boss that the next step up would be to transition out of the unofficial junior position and more into a regular dev. Basically more independent and taking in harder tickets.
    My boss was super cool about it, telling me that whatever I need to take these next steps he would gladly help out but ultimately it would be on me on figuring out how exactly I would get there. He told me to take the weekend and we'll sync up on it again on Monday on what kind of roadmap we can develop whether it be doing paired programming or doing tickets together while talking through the logic.
    Here is where the problem is - I personally feel like I'm not learning fast enough or even good enough in order to do these tickets and I'm terrified that I will Sink instead of Swim. I want to get better as a developer but I just dont believe in myself I guess. I dont know how to get "there". I just wanted to see what kind of advice you guys had.

    P.S - I also posted this on r/cscareerquestions

    submitted by /u/lethalsid
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    What are some general ways to make your programs faster in C++?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    The speed of my programs have always been one of my weaknesses. It's not awful, but my classmates always seem to find ways to optimize their code and have crazy fast runtimes.

    Edit: thank you to everyone who has given advice! I left my phone for a few hours not expecting the amount of responses I got. I definitely have to look more into Big O notation, as my curriculum hasn't covered that yet. I recently took data structures, so I do have a better understanding of containers and their efficiencies.

    submitted by /u/_Syd_knee_
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    Advice needed. What would you choose between University of London, Goldsmith online CS program and Auburn University online CS?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    Hey all. I'm seeking advice from those in the industry as well as anyone else who has any input or an opinion on what I should do here. Any and all opinions welcomed.

    I'm an American adult who has some college but never got my bachelor's degree but am looking to work in the tech industry in the future. For this effort, I've decided to learn what I can in regards to manual testing to break into the industry (since I heard that I was the quickest route in), but also to finally get a bachelor's degree in CS.

    Because I am working full-time, an online degree is my only option. From research, I discovered that the University of London (which is a federation of colleges in the UK) is offering a distance learning bachelor's in Computer Science "under the academic direction of Goldsmiths", and the teaching is conducted under the education platform of Coursera. The total price of this program for an American is approximately $20K and it runs for 3-6 years depending on if you take a full or partial course loads. If you graduate from this program, there's no indication that it was an online degree on the diploma since it's the same as an on-campus degree.

    I have been accepted to this program for this fall under the "performance track" for the Machine Learning/AI specialization (where they offer multiple specializations): https://london.ac.uk/courses/computer-science#specialisms

    Auburn University as well offers a relatively new online CS Bachelor's. You can actually finish in 2 years due to accelerated courses (you can take 2 courses every 7.5 weeks for a full course load with only 20 required courses). The price for this program is approx 35K. If I apply for this, the soonest I can start is Spring 2021.



    • Cheaper

    • More comprehensive, more foundational knowledge

    • Offers specializations such as Machine Learning/AI which I'm interested in


    • Takes more time to complete

    • Very new, unproven program


    • Shorter duration

    • Well-known and regionally accredited program within the US


    • More expensive

    • No specializations

    • Less foundational knowledge due to the small amount of classes relative to UoL. The Auburn degree is not even a "BS in Computer Science" but just a "Bachelor's in Computer Science"

    If I wish to get a good job in CS in Silicon Valley after completing either program which program would you choose or recommend between the two? There are many anecdotes that I found of people who had success with UoL distance degrees in the US because any British university sounds exotic and prestigious on a resume (once you factor out the elite schools like MIT, Caltech, Harvard, etc).

    Whereas an Auburn degree is regionally accredited though not known as an intellectual powerhouse.

    I've also contacted grad schools like Georgia Tech, and they have stated that they would accept a British 3-year degree or Auburn's CS degree in applications for their masters CS program.

    If you were me or if you were a Silicon Valley employer, which school would you choose seeing all this?

    submitted by /u/HawkofDarkness
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    So what do I do if I just can't seem to get JavaScript?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    I've been a web dev for 10 years. I've mostly stuck to design, PHP, HTML and CSS with a bit of JQuery.

    With the uptake of big libraries like React., Vue and Angular I've forced myself to revisit JavaScript.

    I don't get it. I've done a couple of courses on Udemy, heaps of online tutorials and have even engaged a few paid mentors. But it just isn't clicking - it feels like every little quirk or JS is obscure and unique to an individual situation. There's no pattern or logic.

    It's feels like the equivalent of: "This function works but only on Mondays, but, note, not Mondays when there is a blue car parked outside. However, it can work on Wednesdays if you wear a green shirt. On Fridays it can work randomly - we don't know why."

    Just remembering all these thousands of little illogical (to me) quirks is nearly impossible.

    What's the pattern with JS? How do you discover it? And more importantly, what do I do if I just can't learn it?

    submitted by /u/TotalFeature4
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    How do you properly learn CSS positioning?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    I still don't understand how CSS really works I just google solutions and copy and paste then mostly hope it works. People have all these explanations about how to combine all these CSS tags like position, margin, overflow, width, height, there's probably a hundred combinations if you include all their properties how do they learn all that?

    submitted by /u/SnooHamsters6219
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    Variables/For loop-How does a for loop in C++ "int i = 0 increase by 1 if it is always set to = 0?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    cout << i << "\n";

    I am trying to understand the basics. I understand that i increases until 5 but how does the computer know to change 0 into a 1 and so on until 5? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/DragonCode2020
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    The sensation of *CLICK*

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    I've read many excelent advices on evolvement of programmers throughout my 4 years of programming. But there is one thing that is rarely found and there aren't many real world examples of. And that is CLICKING.

    Beginners often try to learn something, but it is just not budging. They spend large amounts of time trying to grasp something but it can't find it's way to their head. So they come to this subreddit saying I can't learn/understand XXX/am too tired..., and people generally answer: Take a break. Which is awesome advice. But beginner programmers usually don't see point in that, they feel like I must constantly write code so I can improve!!

    Taking a break, what will happen? It will suddenly CLICK.

    The CLICK can happen when you're in the bathroom, riding a bike, running, going to groceries, at absolutely random moments of your life, but also by studying same problem from different aspect. Suddenly you understand EVERYTHING you didn't understand before the break. It's almost guaranteed to happen. When it happens, boy o' boy will you sense it. No way of missing it.

    But watch out, sometimes it can happen that the first click isn't the right one. Don't get discouraged. You will recognize it when you simply cannot translate it in code. But that burst of adrenaline of "Can't wait to get to my PC and test this" will make that moment more memorable, and you will learn from your mistake better. After that, study a bit more and another click will eventually happen (unless you experience the click while studying at that moment).

    I have three real world examples of mine.

    1. I met with my older friend programmer (more like sysadmin) and he explained me ZeroTier app. He didn't explain it to me once, he did it FIVE TIMES. I still didn't get it. That was 16 days ago. 2 days ago, I was reading about hosting and how freelancers handle hosting. Suddenly, I came accross a SO link about connecting remote PCs into single virtual local network. I didn't need that before so I didn't know it even existed. I understood that. And after few more google searches it suddenly CLICKED, that was exactly what he was saying. Basically just a VPN.

    2. Not tied directly to programming, but CS: my probabilty class. I couldn't solve one assignment if my life depended on it. I spend decent amount of time on it. But i let it go, forgot it, moved on. Two days later, CLICK. Lo and behond, not just I knew how to do it, but I understood why it was done that way. Aren't our brains weird...

    3. 6 months ago, I was trying to learn OAuth. I couldn't understand the most simple and basic terms of it. I gave up. Few days ago, I was trying to fix my poorly written authentication for some app. I found something called JWT. It was very simple to grasp because I found practical tutorials of it in PHP. During those tutorials, I learned about the very basic terms of OAuth without knowing it. After learning JWT, I accidentally came accross OAuth once again. You guessed it, CLICK.

    So yeah, don't worry if you can't grasp something. It will either come by itself or you will find another way of approaching the problem. Another small thing to add: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LEARNED IN PROGRAMMING WILL GO TO WAIST!! It will, if not directly, then indirectly help you in the future.

    submitted by /u/__rusmir__
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    Help with React js, specifically methods from a class being passed as a property.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    I'm following this react course https://youtu.be/DLX62G4lc44?t=9740 (the link is at the time I'm referring to) by Bob Ziroll, and so far it's been wonderful. But now I've finally come to a part I just don't understand.

    I've linked the proper time to see what I am talking about but essentially the setup is this.

    In the main class you write a method to handle onChange on a check box, you pass that method as a property to the check item component. In the check item component you add a onChange event listener.

    Why can't I call the method I passed down to the component like onChange={props.handleChange(props.item.id)}?

    I have to type it as onChange={() => props.handleChange(props.item.id)}

    This looks the exact same to me. Why do you have to call an anonymous arrow function that calls the method instead of calling the method outright?

    Also how can you have an onChange function toggle the state of checked, when the change the onChange is referring to is the check being toggled??? Real chicken and the egg right there. Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/Schwanz_senf
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    (C#) Finding the index in a 2D/Embedded List

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm relatively new to programming, and I'm making a new project in c# where I work with an embedded list and I was wondering if using for loops is the fastest method to find the index of a string, or is there a faster method?

    static List<List<string>> Names = new List<List<string>>(); private int indexGame(string user) { for (int i = 0; i < Names.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Names[i].Count; j++) { if (Names[i][j] == user) { return i; } } } return -1; } 
    submitted by /u/TheBromie
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    I need help from someone who has experience with Perl

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:37 PM PDT

    TLDR; I want the code to create an output file that will compile ONLY the subtitle text and remove time stamps but I don't know how to fix my code.

    So I am a beginner in coding Perl and I'm trying to create a code that imports subtitle text file data and create an output file that will generate ONLY the subtitle text (no time stamps and random info). And despite the countless efforts to fix it I have no idea what I am making a mistake in because when I run the code on iTerm2, it just goes blank.

    The text on the subtitle file looks like:


    00:01:16,400 --> 00:01:17,680

    He's made our life hell.



    00:00:49,120 --> 00:00:51,088

    <i>We are under attack!</i>

    any advice or help is appreciated


    submitted by /u/lalalalostyou
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    Favorite source/resource to learn debugging and testing

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! Apparently it's really important to know how to debug and know unit testing. Can you share your favorite resources/courses or guides? Where can I learn it?

    submitted by /u/Snation77
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    Trying to understand Generics in Java

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    So what makes a normal class, method vs a generic method or class is that the constructor for the class or method definition can take any type of argument value for Generics? I also read about and not sure about this but how all of the Generic argument values end up compiling to the same data type somehow in this concept called Type Erasure?

    Also, if I did two instances like this

    Test <String> sObj = new Test<String>("GeeksForGeeks"); Test <Integer> sObj2 = new Test<Integer>(4); 

    Assuming Test is a Generic class, I understand both are two different instances of Test class, but could I say these are two different types of Test class since both use two different Generic parameters, or would it be safe to say they both are same type of Test class objects if they end up compiling the same through Type Erasure I believe?

    submitted by /u/bayermovi
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    Python: My solution to the minimum size subarray sum problem passes 13/15 cases, but I cannot seem to find the bug in my code

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    For this Leetcode question:

    Given an array of n positive integers and a positive integer s, find the minimal length of a contiguous subarray of which the sum ≥ s. If there isn't one, return 0 instead.

    My code works for almost every case, yet Leetcode rejects my answer. I cannot for the life of me figure out the bug in my code. Could you guys help me out? Thank you in advance. I have opted to use the two pointer method for this problem.

    This is the case that does not pass:

    s = 697439


    class Solution: def minSubArrayLen(self, s: int, nums: List[int]) -> int: if s in nums: return 1 if sum(nums)<s or nums==[]: return 0 ptr1=0 ptr2=len(nums) while True: if(sum(nums[ptr1:ptr2])<s): break else: if nums[ptr1]>nums[ptr2-1]: ptr2-=1 else: ptr1+=1 return len(nums[ptr1:ptr2])+1 
    submitted by /u/YOLOGUY012
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    rand() giving error with vector.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    std::cout << x[rand() % 13] << std::endl;

    gives me an error after I call it a certain amount of time saying vector subscript out of range.


    submitted by /u/NutSunny69
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    Setting up a Makefile to use different compiler/interpreters for testing

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    Right now I have a Makefile that has two variables like:

    SCM_LOG_COMPILER = $(GUILE) AM_SCM_LOG_FLAGS = --no-auto-compile -L $(top_srcdir) 

    that it uses to run tests. What I want to do is make it so the value of these variables is conditional so I can do make check guile to run the tests with the above variables, but if I do make check gambit or make check racket it runs the tests with those interpreters and their flags.

    submitted by /u/SpecificMachine1
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    Wanting to learn efficiently

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    Hey All.

    For the last ~4 years, I have self-taught myself a couple of programming languages (Python, SQL). I've realized recently that there are a bunch of gaps in my knowledge, and I'm not quite sure how to replace them. Part of me thinks it would be best if I were to try and start from scratch, and learn everything the correct way. The only problem is that I don't know what the 'correct way' is.

    As an example, I never actually learned how to test my code, other than running the program multiple times and seeing what error pops up. I tried going and reading through documentation on unit testing, and I felt lost. I have no CS background, so trying to understand the technical stuff sometimes goes way over my head. Any advice/guidance would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/slicklikeagato
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    Looking for a partner to learn PHP from laracast

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    Heya felas, I have expertise in wordpress and designing but my objective is to buy html static templates from themeforest and attached with a backend using any php framework. I am respectful, hardworking and can practice 2 hours per day. pm if intrested.

    submitted by /u/solomun5102
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    executing a tox in linux

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    I'm trying to run a tox file in CircleCI Linux environment and I keep getting an error tox not found. I've install tox

    circleci@53360ebda093:~/project/model$ tox -bash: tox: command not found circleci@53360ebda093:~/project/model$ ls LSTM.py __init__.py model_manager.py preprocessing setup.py trained_model MANIFEST.in __pycache__ model_testing.py requirements.txt test VERSION config pipeline_mananger.py run_pipeline.py tox.ini 

    what am i doing wrong.

    submitted by /u/da_chosen1
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    [React] Trying to invoke callback from infinite scroll HOC in order to async fetch paginated results

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    I'm writing an Infinite Scroll HOC for fun. I implemented it like so:

    InfiniteScroll.js import React, { Component } from 'react'; export default callback => WrappedComponent => { return class InfiniteScroll extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { loading: false, endOfStream: false } this.handleScroll = this.handleScroll.bind(this); } handleScroll = (e) => { const fetch = e.target.scrollHeight - e.target.scrollTop === e.target.clientHeight if (fetch) { callback(); } } render() { const { loading, endOfStream } = this.state; return ( <WrappedComponent onScroll={this.handleScroll} {...this.props} loading={loading} endOfStream={endOfStream} /> ); } } } 

    In a presentational component I am doing the following:

    import React from "react"; import ReviewCard from './ReviewCard'; import InfiniteScroll from "../higher_order/InfiniteScroll"; const ReviewList = ({ fetchResults, params }) => { return ( InfiniteScroll(fetchResults(params))( <div> <ReviewCard /> </div> ) ); } export default ReviewList; 

    My plan was to use function composition to supply a callback to my infinite scroll component with the params of my choosing from the Wrapped Component! But it does not seem to be working :(

    I get this warning in the console.

    Warning: Functions are not valid as a React child. This may happen if you return a Component instead of <Component /> from render. Or maybe you meant to call this function rather than return it. 

    As far as I can tell, my pattern is right (but I know it is not). I call Infinite scroll supplying the callback, then call the returned function supplying the wrapped component, which I believe would set me up with the ReviewList component wrapped in an InfiniteScroll component with my callback in place. Where did I go wrong??

    Note: FetchResults itself returns a function

    fetchResults = (params) => ( () => { return null } ) 
    submitted by /u/11010001101001
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    Cracking the coding interview

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    I was contemplating purchasing cracking the coding interview, just wanted to ask is it worth it or there are equivalent if not better free online resources ?

    submitted by /u/Broad_Astronaut
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    What is the best way to learn Authentication in JavaScript Web Development?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    Hey Everyone,

    I am currently learning Full-Stack Web Development in JavaScript from scratch in React/Node/PostgreSQL, and I was wondering what the best way to learn Security/Authentication tools is for JavaScript?

    I am overwhelmed by Token Authentication/Cookie Authentication/JWT/OAuth/Passport.js/Auth0, and am unsure of what the difference is between any of them and which to learn first and which is unnecessary to learn?

    I am trying to first learn how Authentication works but ideally I want to efficiently be able to implement Authentication in Web/Mobile products using something like Auth0.

    Does anyone have any recommendations for the best path to learn Authentication in JS Web Development?

    submitted by /u/CharmingWriting5
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