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    Thursday, August 6, 2020

    My game got an offer from a legitimate publisher, PLEASE help me understand if it's a good offer

    My game got an offer from a legitimate publisher, PLEASE help me understand if it's a good offer

    My game got an offer from a legitimate publisher, PLEASE help me understand if it's a good offer

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    I'm using a throwaway account because my main is connected to our game and its other social media. I've been developing a pretty large sized game for the past year, it's coming along very well and recently a publisher reached out to us after following our twitter account for a couple months.

    We've been talking for a few weeks and today they made the official offer to publish our game. I've researched the publisher a lot (not going to name them here) and they've published a few notable games and about 30 other successful but non-mainstream indie titles. It's not like Devolver or IGF or anything but I'm confident that they are the real deal. In addition to their past games, I would be joining two other 'upcoming titles' they have in the works.


    (the good -- and this is basically their pitch to me, not purely objective)

    They handle all of the marketing and PR for the game, pay for advertising, supply promotional art, pay for booths&attendance at trade shows (GDC, Pax, Gamescom are where they show most), Q&A testing, localization, provide dev kits/certifications for console ports, they've got a huge mailing list, social media accounts have 30-50k followers, they have loads of industry contacts from press at kotaku/RPS/gamasutra to influencers on YT/twitch; they have relationships with people at xbox/steam/GOG/humble and have had a lot of success getting feature spots on those stores/platforms in the past, finally they will run full kickstarter campaigns for their devs and have an 87% success rate with kickstarter.

    (the bad)

    They are not a publisher that supplies actual funding (or very, very rarely). If I need something specific, like some art assets or something that they can take care of in-house, then they can be accommodating but it sounds like they will not ever be providing cold cash to hire an independent contractor or anything like that.

    (the maybe)

    The deal would be a 60 / 40 revenue split (60 for us 40 for them).

    I don't know whether this is good or not. On the one hand, it feels a bit like 40% of my game's entire revenue for them to leverage their existing resources without providing any 'actual funding' seems a little unreasonable. But the reality is that with their help we'd be reaching a MUCH wider audience. We've had some success posting on Reddit with most posts having a couple hundred upvotes, and we've recently started on Twitter and have accumulated a few hundred followers, but the kind of reach a publisher can provide would likely be a game-changer.

    Please help me think this through. I've been working 50 hours a week for almost a year on this game. I've dumped my savings into having the runway to develop it. It is my baby and I'm having trouble thinking clearly about this potentially huge decision because I'm also just excited that a publisher approached me with an offer at all.

    submitted by /u/gamdevthrowaway1
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    Localization into Italian

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Hi all! I'm Gerardo, I'm Italian, and I recently completed my bachelor's degree in Language Interpretation and Translation. I'd like to translate a video game from English/French into Italian for free to add it to my portfolio. Do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested :)

    My LinkedIn profile: Gerardo Talamo

    submitted by /u/gerardo000
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    Epic Games Closes $1.8 Billion Round

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    10 great open source games from GMTK Jam 2020

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Sid Meier's Civilization Encyclopedia

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Does anyone know which book was referenced for the research of Civilization?

    Gamesutra mentions "timeline history type books".

    Artstechnica mentions "children's history books" .

    I've been looking through almanac's and encyclopedia's.

    submitted by /u/kebp_reality
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    Introduction to the Console and Types of Logging in Unity

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Business News: "I literally cannot sell units on Switch. It’s heartbreaking, and it makes me really sad for the eShop." – Why indies are struggling to be seen on the Nintendo Switch eShop

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    Where to look for feedback besides reddit?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    Hey! I'm working on a demo for a VR game project and I plan on making a post about it on reddit soon to see if anyone would be interested in it.

    Are there other places I should look for to get feedback/opinions about a game project?

    submitted by /u/Johmian
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    Need a little help with localization formatting. Please help me understand!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    In my game I currently have each dialog divided up into dialog boxes. Each dialog box's text exists as a table row in my table document. This works pretty well, but I've been thinking that maybe doing an exact translation of each dialog box isn't the best solution because it might not flow as well. Maybe allowing the translators to define their own dialog boxes would be better. That way, the translator can still communicate the same idea without maintaining the same rigid structure I used for english. Let me give a made up example:

    Let's say my character says 3 different (serial) dialog boxes:

    1. "Wow, it sure is hot out!"

    2. "Did you know there is an icecream shop down the road?"

    3. "I'd go get some icecream but I had a bad experience with the staff"

    So, I'm communicating 3 different (semi related) ideas. 1. it's hot out 2. there is a shop 3. the character had a bad experience at the shop. Would it be better to have each dialog translated independently, or should I clump all 3 dialogs into the same cell and have a seperating character for each dialog? So the formatting for a single cell would look like:

    "Wow, it sure is hot out!" | "Did you know there is an icecream shop down the road?" | "I'd go get some icecream but I had a bad experience with the staff"

    That way, the translator could use any number of boxes and make it fit the languages flow better. I'm not sure if this is necessary? Also, is this asking too much of translators to define their own dialog boxes and stay within the character limit for each box?

    submitted by /u/Imbadatcooking
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    2D Overhead/Side Scrolling

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    I have an idea for a 2D game, and i want to know if its possible to have both side scrolling and overhead mechanics. I want some levels to be side scrolling and some over head, not a switching mechanic like some other posts have had. I am using Unity for this project.

    submitted by /u/Bubba656
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    Blender Low Poly Game Assets for Unity

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    Career/Skill Development Advice

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Hello all!

    I am looking for a bit of advice and discussion on ways to approach skill development for a game programmer. I currently work as a software engineer on slot machine games for a company in Unity (custom Unity version for slot machines for 1.5 years, Unity 2017 for mobile games for 1.5 years).

    When I play around with side projects and learning in my own time, I tend to stick to Unity since it's what I know best. I am looking to ramp up my skill development in my personal time, and was wondering if people think that it's better to polish and grow my skills in Unity, or to broaden my horizons working in other engines? Seems like it is the classic "breadth vs depth" kind of thing so I'm interested to hear opinions on what may be best for the long term for a career.


    submitted by /u/jakej1020
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    STRIDE Early Access August 2020

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    How is this Game Rendered? Link in the comments...

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Make an enemy move forward and shoot while a coroutine is active...

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:50 AM PDT


    So, I'm currently trying to make a boss in a 2D platformer who has the same attacks and abilities as the player (it's basically an evil doppelganger). I've already set up a state machine action tree, and am now working on his individual attacks.

    I've already managed to create things like melee attacks, a short dash, jumping and basic shooting, but I'm having a problem trying to make the enemy move forward a few paces. All solutions I've found through searching have either given me the result of a simple short step (which is what I already have anyway), or basically making him teleport on top of the player, which isn't what I want.

    Here's my coroutine:

    public IEnumerator AdvanceShootCo() //Coroutine for when the doppelganger advances while shooting


    advancing = true; //To control how much the doppelganger moves

    if (advancing)


    if (thePlayer.transform.position.x > transform.position.x) //If the player is on the doppelganger's right

    GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(moveSpeed, GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity.y); //Move the doppelganger right

    else if (thePlayer.transform.position.x < transform.position.x) //If the player is on the doppelganger's left

    GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(-moveSpeed, GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity.y); //Move the doppelganger left


    shotLimit = true; //Prevents too many projectiles from being fired

    Instantiate(doppelgangerProjectile, launchPoint.position, launchPoint.rotation); //Doppelganger shoots a projectile

    waitBetweenShots = Random.Range(1, 10); //Generate a random time delay

    yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitBetweenShots / 10); //Wait a few seconds before firing

    Instantiate(doppelgangerProjectile, launchPoint.position, launchPoint.rotation); //Doppelganger shoots a projectile

    waitBetweenShots = Random.Range(1, 10); //Generate a random time delay

    yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitBetweenShots / 10); //Wait a few seconds before firing

    Instantiate(doppelgangerProjectile, launchPoint.position, launchPoint.rotation); //Doppelganger shoots a projectile

    waitBetweenShots = Random.Range(1, 10); //Generate a random time delay

    yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitBetweenShots / 10); //Wait a few seconds before firing

    advancing = false; //Halt the doppelganger's movement

    shotLimit = false; //Enables projectiles to be fired again

    aiAction = false; //Restarts the timer for the AI's next action


    What I want the enemy to do is advance towards the player while firing. It's already set up elsewhere in the script so that once this coroutine is finished, he'll do whatever his next action is depending on the player's position.

    At present, the code above will make the enemy dash towards the player a small step, before firing his shots. I suspect it's the WaitForSeconds which might be causing his movement to stop, but at the same time, I need a delay between each shot (so he doesn't instantly fire 3 shots silmultanously). I want him to continue moving while firing, then halt only after the third shot is fired.

    Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/SilverFang180882
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    what're your favourite types of games to design?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:14 AM PDT


    I have a problem with open world sandboxes - I love sandboxes the immersive nature and creative stimulation. but massive open worlds are an issue for me, I get bored and feel like they're just too big...

    look at myst vs shadowman vs tomb raider (2013 - handholding)

    and eve online, no man's sky (an exception somewhat because they've dealt with the core issue or at least tried to), spore (original concept - was awesome because the mechanics were as big as the world was going to be)

    and homeworld, X4 vs you are god/universim/crest

    favourite types of games to design:

    Sims, God games, precision platformers, sweeping epic stories I can write (3rd person shooter adventure or 2d isometric adventure and rpgs), rulebooks or a thick set of rules – though for me it's about the mechanics and finding the sweet spot between the player having no clue what to do in a completely open system; where it only looks like you could do literally anything with no guide or intrinsic intuit-able journey – and (I do hate these) hand-holding mechanisms.

    When I started writing a rulebook for an rpg as a teenager, (my first written game design documentation) it began with the characters, then I started making up cool and relevant features/abilities. But it was in the mechanics where I found the best part; how the character operates in my world. And how the characters interact with each other and the environment.

    Of course I love digital trading card games, digital miniature wargames (like Blood Bowl), indie MMOs (like 8bitmmo by Robby Zinchak), Hybrids, slice-of-life drama strategy games (because life has infinite possibilities, so lots of inspiration.)

    submitted by /u/raijnesart
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    Question: An explanation about Perlin Worms.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:32 AM PDT


    I'm trying to make a procedurally generated world in unity, and I'd like to generate caves with Perlin Worms. I haven't found however any in-depth explanation of the concept Googling it, only barebones.

    Ideally, I'd like to know how it is supposed to be implemented, in a way that you can now if the 'chunk' you are generating at that moment has a cave, even if the head of said cave is in a chunk not yet generated.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/elveszett
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    A pie chart showing where people found out about the public test of my game as of today, thought it might be interesting to share. The Reddit section is so large because of a post from r/unrealengine, before said post, Reddit took up about 20% of the votes (traffic from my own subreddit).

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Storing variables VS calculating them on the fly

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    I don't know if this is a dumb question or not, but for example if my game UI is "responsive", and would change based on the screen's aspect ratio, then should the code make up it's mind before the gameloop, or should it recalculate every frame? (The game run fullscreen all the time)

    submitted by /u/LNQHuy
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    This Month in Rust GameDev #12 - July 2020

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    I wrote a blog about how to market an indie game. It's a blog about new indie developers who are new to marketing that needs some guidance on what to do.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    Here's the blog post. I hope it's educational for you! If you are a developer and have had success in marketing your own indie game, please reach out to me!


    submitted by /u/yol3ob
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    Does anyone recognize this matrix math?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    I'm reverse engineering a game and I found what I believe to be code involving a 4x4 matrix. I'm not sure what this operation is though. If it helps, this game was released in 2001.

    I don't know specifically what v0 or v1 are yet, only that they are most likely calculated from the x and z components of a 3 component vector. They're set like this:

    float some_inverted_value = ...; float v0 = local_168 * some_inverted_value - something.z; float v1 = local_170 * some_inverted_value - something.x; 

    From what I gather from the rest of the decompiled code, it looks like local_168 and local_170 are also the z and x components of a 3 component vector.

    And here is the operation I don't understand

     ( ( ( ( ( (mat[0][0] * v0 + mat[1][0]) * v0 + mat[2][0] ) * v0 + mat[3][0] ) * v1 + ( (mat[0][1] * v0 + mat[1][1]) * v0 + mat[2][1] ) * v0 + mat[3][1] ) * v1 + ( (mat[0][2] * v0 + mat[1][2]) * v0 + mat[2][2] ) * v0 + mat[3][2] ) * v1 + ( (mat[0][3] * v0 + mat[1][3]) * v0 + mat[2][3] ) * v0 + mat[3][3] ) /* ------------------ reformatted from above ------------------ */ float a0 = (mat[0][0] * v0 + mat[1][0]) * v0 + mat[2][0]; float a1 = (mat[0][1] * v0 + mat[1][1]) * v0 + mat[2][1]; float a2 = (mat[0][2] * v0 + mat[1][2]) * v0 + mat[2][2]; float a3 = (mat[0][3] * v0 + mat[1][3]) * v0 + mat[2][3]; float b0 = a0 * v0 + mat[3][0]; float b1 = a1 * v0 + mat[3][1]; float b2 = a2 * v0 + mat[3][2]; float b3 = a3 * v0 + mat[3][3]; float result = b0; result = result * v1 + b1; result = result * v1 + b2; result = result * v1 + b3; 
    submitted by /u/blastocladiomycota
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    3 SFX websites and 3 Royalty-Free music websites

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:27 AM PDT

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