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    Monday, August 3, 2020

    Can we stop questions related to “how long until I’m able to get a job”? learn programming

    Can we stop questions related to “how long until I’m able to get a job”? learn programming

    Can we stop questions related to “how long until I’m able to get a job”?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    These are answered- and if your goal is just to get a job it's a pretty well outlined timeline.

    This is about learning how to code- not how long it'll take you to make money. Learn to code.

    Edit: apparently it's not clear enough that this is not an attempt to diminish people's curiosity at a career- rather this is just to say that this isn't the place for such posts. This is a sub related to programming and not getting a programming job.

    submitted by /u/partyinthemind
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    I am having SO much fun learning Python 3!

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    I'm only in the beginning stages of taking an online course right now. I pay $30 a month for the Codecademy pro course and I work on it for about an hour a day.

    I honestly find it to be so much fun that I have to stop myself from going over my allotted time for the day

    I have a google doc where I take lots of notes of terms and definitions, and have screenshots of examples for each.

    I'm still only learning about functions/parameters and stuff but I find the excercises to be fun and intuitive!

    The thing I find most difficult isnt doing the mini tasks, but actually remembering what the textbook definitions of things are: like defining the difference between parameters, concatenation, functions, etc. Whenever I don't remember something I have to go into my notes and pull it up.

    Is this normal? Will more practice help me memorize everything over time, or is it okay to be always referencing my notes and examples?

    submitted by /u/yka12
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    If all programming is logic at its core, is time spent learning any language "wasted?"

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    Honest question. I am thinking of learning a little Unity so I can pursue my passion project of making a game. But as time is a premium for me, will it be "wasted?"

    I have a little programming experience, not enough to be hired. I've done maybe half of FCC, an IRL Python course and some stuff on the side. I begin to see how logic and syntax work, and how all languages are at their base logic-based. I do want to actually continue with FCC as its quite fun.

    I thought I would ask here because people here would know better than me, as I'm not an expert at all.

    submitted by /u/Berabouman
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    Can’t solve math problems is preventing me from being a programmer.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    I can pretty much learn any language and how functions work, but can't even solve basic math problems. Or convert the problem to code. Is there anyway to get better at this? Is there a more specific term than Math Problem?

    Here is a common problem I am working on. There are various names for it: Limiting Reactant, Recipe inventory management, Raw material inventory management, MRP.

    I want to make product inventory dependent on the number of raw materials available.

    So pretty much you have to find the limiting raw material to determine how much product you can make. So we will have multiple product inventory levels dependent on various raw materials.

    I have no idea how to convert this to code. I will be working with Shopify API. I have to create a separate database I assume to hold component inventory levels and then make the Shopify products dependent on my raw material database.

    I am going to use React and Node.

    Edit: I am pretty sure this is a middle school math problem too. Which makes me feel even worse...:(

    submitted by /u/itsreallymedoh
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    How do I learn how to use github to work on a collaborative project?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    My friend and I want to work on a python project together, and I figured we could use github, but I really don't know how it works... all I ever used it for was to work on the same project on either my laptop or desktop, but when someone else is modifying the same file or whatever..... I just don't understand it. How do I learn? What are some good resources?

    submitted by /u/Missing_Back
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    Am I starting my first project too early? Any tips for newbies starting their first project?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    I started learning Lua around a week ago, the manual seems pretty simple, I got most of the basics down, all the values remembered, and how things work together etc.

    But, I am still unsure about a couple of things.

    I feel like I would need to do a project in order to fully grasp the understanding of it and as well as my expand skills.

    So my question is, should I take more time in reading the lua manual or should I go ahead and start my first project?

    And if so, do you guys/girls have any tips on newbies starting their first project?

    The advice is very-much appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/jdywood
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    Those of you who do not use C# for creating a desktop GUI application fast, what else do you use and why?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    I am curious to know what other options you use if you are not using C# for a desktop application quickly. What languages and tools do you use to make a GUI desktop application as fast as possible?

    submitted by /u/Akidus
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    Best way to become competent at new languages?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I'm an alright programmer. I've built android and desktop apps, as well as implemented several relatively complicated algorithms in Java. I'm alright at javascript but nowhere near as good as Java. I'm also pretty young. I want to branch out into other languages because they're just better at certain things. Specifically I'm targeting C++ and C for embedded systems/microcontrollers, and Unreal Engine, and MATLAB because I'm planning to go into engineering in university. I have MATLAB and I know the syntax, same with C/C++, but I have trouble solving problems in those languages. Is there a way to improve at problem solving in different languages or should I just practice?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/FatherOfGold
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    Using smart contracts to award a prize to first person to solve a problem

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    I want to offer an award a prize to the first person to come with a solution for a geometric problem. They need to send some points and if the points are correct then they get the award.

    Is this a problem that can be solved using smart contracts?

    If yes, what concepts do I need to learn in order to implement this?

    I don't really know much about blockchains but a friend told me that ethereum could help me. Skimming in Wikipedia I almost got convinced but I don't really know how to award only the first person with security.

    submitted by /u/BarbaBlannk
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    Data Structures and Algorithms?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    I think I have reached the stage in my programming journey where I am ready to take on data structures and algorithms. First of all, I know that this topic is language agnostic, but I have also heard that people recommend C/C++ if that's an option since that makes it much easier to adapt in other languages (?).

    So what are the best online resources and courses that I can refer to? I am comfortable in Python and JavaScript. Kind of okay in Java and thinking of starting C. I wouldn't really prefer to learn DSA through JavaScript since web development isn't the path I want to follow.

    submitted by /u/Arsenic0614
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    How are driver emulators written?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    I'm a rookie in terms of programming, but I was genuinely looking forward to learning how an emulator for drivers works. For example, QEMU, Android Emulator, Nvidia driver emulator, etc.

    What's the code logic (from a high level) behind writing an emulator software? Are there any resources available to learn how to build emulators?

    Thanks for all the help, in advance.

    submitted by /u/ScrotumHair
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    Want to give a simplified and EASY explanation of a full stack developer.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    I've read a decent amount of questions regarding what full stack developers do. As of late, my goal has been to push/promote the coding field in a fun way. I never knew anything about coding before I got into college. Once it was introduced to me, I didn't really come in contact with individuals who seemed thrilled about their craft. Which was interesting because after I got into the field, I was exposed to all types of possibilities, and that was exciting.

    Having said that, I'm trying to explain aspects about our field in a fun and creative way. A made a video explaining what full stack devs do, and what skills they have (from my experience).

    I love to hear feedback on the effectiveness of the video.

    Many thanks.

    submitted by /u/awicks44
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    How do you plan a project out in the beginning?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    I am terrible at actually planning out my projects, I just start coding and go from there. I know a lot of programmers have very deliberate and elaborate planning phases before they begin their project, I am curious to find out the most popular techniques!

    How do you plan out a project before beggining? What techniques/methods/software/etc do you use?

    submitted by /u/Used_Phone1
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    How do you go around solving these types of problems

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    CAN IT BE DONE !!!

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:16 AM PDT

    Briefly i intended to attempt become a web developer in two months with no proir .

    More precisely after sitting home for two years with a diploma i dont want coz in Uganda you study what the economy decides for you not what your good at . I have decided to take responsibility and do some thing i love. I currently have 13.45 United States Dollar for an internet connection and my faithful but banged up T420 Think pad to my name and the questions what path can be achieved in 2 months. Advise criticism is recommended



    submitted by /u/CavalierGhoul
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    C++ Visual Studio 2015: How do I link the compiler to a file?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    I have to link my compiler to winmm.lib in order to call the PlaySound() function. How should I go about doing that? Do I need to use the terminal?

    submitted by /u/lowiqbaldingsubhuman
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    MySQL Help Needed!

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    I am having some issues adding constraints to a MySQL project I am working on.

    The only thing I need reviewed is the ALTER statements at the bottom. The constraints I need to add are:

    - STUDENT- ZIP–only 0-9 and '-' only valid characters (US zip code standard, ie. 45693, 45693-1234)

    - STUDENT- PIN– Any character set AND NOT NULL

    - STUDENT- MI– Valid characters(A-Z) or NULL

    - SECTION- DAYS VALID VALUES 'M''T''W''R''F''S''U'(can store multiples e.g. MWF)



    - COURSE - CREDIT HOURS <= 6.0

    - STATUS– 'A' or'I' except below

    - STUDENT Table – Valid values are'C', 'T', 'I'(Current,Transfer, Inactive)

    - FACULTY Table - Valid values are 'F', 'A'(Full-time, Adjunct)

    I am having issues with the STUDENT PIN, MI, and SECTION - DAYS (And possibly more if my code is wrong)

    CREATE TABLE COURSE ( COURSE_NUMBER int, COURSE_ID varchar(15), CourseDescription varchar(250), CreditHours int, COURSE_NAME varchar(50), ); CREATE TABLE FACULTY ( Experience varchar(10), WorkPhone int, FacultyID int, DOB varchar(10), Email varchar(100), ); CREATE TABLE LOCATION ( City varchar(50), Building varchar(50), State varchar(20), Address varchar(50), Zip int, LOCATION_ID varchar(50), ); CREATE TABLE SECTION ( ROOM varchar(25), EndTime varchar(10), Days varchar(25), Status varchar(25), SeatsAvailable int, SECTION_ID varchar(25), SECTION_NUMBER int, StartTime varchar(10), Capacity int, ); CREATE TABLE STUDENT ( STUDENT_ID varchar(25), PIN int, LAST_NAME varchar(50), Rank int, HomePhone varchar(15), FIRST_NAME varchar(50), MI varchar(5), Email varchar(50), CellPhone varchar(15), ); CREATE TABLE REGISTRATION ( STUDENT_ID varchar(25), FIRST_NAME varchar(50), MI VARCHAR(5), LAST_NAME VARCHAR(50), COURSE_ID varchar(15), CONSTRAINT PK_STUDENT PRIMARY KEY (STUDENT_ID, COURSE_ID), FOREIGN KEY (STUDENT_ID) REFERENCES STUDENT (STUDENT_ID), FOREIGN KEY (COURSE_ID) REFERENCES COURSE (COURSE_ID) ); CREATE TABLE CourseInstructor ( COURSE_NUMBER int, COURSE_ID varchar(15), CourseDescription varchar(250), CreditHours int, COURSE_NAME varchar(50), STUDENT_ID VARCHAR (25), CONSTRAINT PK_Course PRIMARY KEY (STUDENT_ID, COURSE_ID), FOREIGN KEY (COURSE_ID) REFERENCES COURSE (COURSE_ID) FOREIGN KEY (STUDENT_ID) REFERENCES STUDENT (STUDENT_ID), ); CREATE SEQUENCE course_id_seq START WITH 1000 INCREMENT BY 1; INSERT INTO COURSE (COURSE_ID, COURSE_NAME, COURSE_NUMBER) VALUES (course_id_seq.nextval, 'CSCI', '2370'); CREATE SEQUENCE student_id_seq START WITH 1000 INCREMENT BY 1; INSERT INTO STUDENT (STUDENT_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME) VALUES (student_id_seq.nextval, 'Ryan', 'Kramer'); CREATE SEQUENCE faculty_id_seq START WITH 1000 INCREMENT BY 1; INSERT INTO FACULTY (FacultyID, EMail) VALUES (faculty_id_seq.nextval, 'rkramer3@cscc.edu') CREATE SEQUENCE location_id_seq START WITH 1000 INCREMENT BY 1; INSERT INTO LOCATION (LOCATION_ID, Building, City) VALUES (location_id_seq, 'Aquinas Hall', 'Columbus') CREATE SEQUENCE SECTION_id_seq START WITH 1000 INCREMENT BY 1; INSERT INTO SECTION (SECTION_ID, ROOM, SECTION_NUMBER) VALUES (SECTION_id_seq, '325', '1245') ALTER TABLE STUDENT ADD Primary Key (StudentID); ALTER TABLE STUDENT ADD CHECK (REGEXP_LIKE(Zip,'^[[:digit:]]-[[:digit:]]$'), CHECK (Status='C' OR Status='T'); ALTER TABLE COURSE ADD Primary Key (CourseID); ALTER TABLE COURSE ADD CHECK (CreditHourse <= 6.0), CHECK (Status='A' OR Status='I'); ALTER TABLE LOCATION ADD Primary Key (LocationID); ALTER TABLE LOCATION ADD CHECK (Status='A' OR Status='I'); ALTER TABLE SECTION ADD Primary Key (SectionID); ALTER TABLE SECTION ADD Foreign Key (CourseID) REFERENCES COURSE(CourseID); ALTER TABLE SECTION ADD Foreign Key (LocationID) REFERENCES LOCATION(LocationID), CHECK (SeatAvailable < 100), CHECK (StartTime < EndTime), CHECK (Days = 'M' AND OR??? 'T' ALTER TABLE FACULTY ADD Primary Key (FacultyID); ALTER TABLE FACULTY ADD CHECK (Status='F' OR Status='A'); 
    submitted by /u/Beginning-Bet3499
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    I was offered an internship and a part time job

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    Okay so i came home from my mom telling me that one of her patients (she is a dental assistant) was willing to give me an internship and a job after, while i attend school for Comp Sci. Well the company is called Bizagi and i dont know much about it. Im going to be a freshman in college this year and i have just been a long time lurker in this subreddit. I should definately take this opportunity right. Also has anyone heard of this company? Any advice?

    submitted by /u/TheNeonSquirrel
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    resources on javascript functions

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    Guys I'm struggling with grasping the concept of functions in javascript. Any good resources that you have found helpful in understanding them? I'd greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/TheOnlyColy
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    Should I be using third-party libraries on practical projects?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    I've been attempting to expand my portfolio, so I'm creating various applications that utilize common concepts to show potential employees what I learned. Based on this, should I use external libraries that significantly reduce the amount of code needed? Will that defeat the purpose of learning the logic behind, say, setting up a form to retrieve and post data? Or user authentication?

    submitted by /u/Produnce
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    How do I read external files in Python? I'm totally stuck

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    I'm currently learning beginner programming with this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfscVS0vtbw and have followed along pretty well but has lost me at 3:12:40 - the topic of reading files. I created my own file notepad, word for word, and put it in the same folder as the Python file. I wasn't getting errors, however the only command that worked was verifying the file was readable. No other commands returned any information.

    This is the code I used, exactly the same as the guy in the video, however it did not print anything.

    employee_file = open("employees.txt", "r") print(employee_file.read()) employee_file.close() 

    And as a bonus question if you happen to know, what if the files are not in the same directory? What would the code be for opening the file then? He left this out of the video.

    submitted by /u/blackhole4905
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    Beginner - what's the best method to tackle my issue?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    I want to learn programming but I struggle with blind learning, so I've decided to use an existing problem we face at work and set myself a goal to fix it.

    We run CAD software with floating licenses, when a user opens the software it then checks out a license to that user, then when they're done it's checked back in. The problem is that during busy periods (especially during work from home) all of the licenses can be in use, but the software is terrible at relaying that so users think there's an issue and report it.

    There's a bat file on the license server that displays current license state (available/in use) and also displays the PC number of the user who has a license checked out.

    What I would like to do is take that information and display it on a local .html page so the team that uses the software can quickly see how many licenses are available, and if all are checked out, who all has them in use and can potentially liaise with each other to free any up if required. What would be the best way to tackle this, javascript maybe?

    submitted by /u/DarkangelUK
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    Resources for VB.NET & ASP/ASP.NET

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    I recently accepted a role where they expect me to have a functional understanding of the VB/ASP.NET shortly after starting. My only familiarity with VB is within the context of Excel/Access, making simple forms and such.

    I can always follow the official documentation but that's a bit dry for me. I was looking more so at this book but, similarly, it appears dry and that's a lot of content to go through in a few weeks.

    I don't even fully understand the relationship between VB/ASP, I only know that I'm short on time so any advice is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/_Royalty_
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    Different Languages

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    This is for all those people who may have English as a second language. Is Python/Javascript/C/C++ written in a different language or are the functions still written in english? Example:

    Instead of writing in python


    you would write

    {russian} Распечатать ('asdlfkjasdlf')

    {French} impression ('asdfalk')


    submitted by /u/geminimind
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