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    Saturday, July 4, 2020

    What did your first programming job pay? Ask Programming

    What did your first programming job pay? Ask Programming

    What did your first programming job pay?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    I'm more interested in recent salaries, and details about the job.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/icandoMATHs
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    Transitioning from Software Engineer to Web Developer

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Has anyone went from Software Engineer to Web Developer? What are the difficulties? I've been considering a change for the last couple of months.

    Work has become extremely predictable for me right now and it becomes really boring fast. So I began looking into web development and so far it looks very intriguing.

    submitted by /u/mod_god
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    Vim vs IDEs, and which ones?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    I have been using vim for a while now and it is getting more and more useful.

    My programming environment consists of vim, terminal, makefiles and git, (for C, C++ projects at least). Would a professional C++ developer ever use this environment? I dont know how to use any IDEs. Which ones should I learn to use?

    submitted by /u/Icosahedonism
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    Is GitHub source code hosted on GitHub?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    I'm starting to design my own program launcher for Linux. Can anyone give me some tips to help me out?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    I'm struggling on how to handle icons and how to handle searching. Right now my program just looks in one folder for icons and I am planning on using sqlite to store the data in the .desktop files to be able to search it. If you know a bit more about this than I do, can you help me out? Thank you.

    My code in it's current form https://github.com/NicholasStout/Radia

    submitted by /u/ersatzaxon
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    Fast web scraper for infinite scroll pages

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    I want to scrape as many posts as possible from a social media site (think scraping a year's worth of tweets from Twitter) but this website doesn't have an API. I've built a scraper that automatically logs in, scrapes all the current data on the page (~ 20 posts), then automates the "scroll" to get previous posts. It's extremely slow since I have to wait a few seconds between each scroll, and data is generated faster than I can scrape. Any ideas? This is the website: https://weverse.io/

    submitted by /u/stob__it
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    Mods for standalone software (Ableton Live)?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    I have a question re: title.

    There's a stand-alone software called Ableton Live. I'm interested in making a mod that would add an option in a right click menu, and then perform a basic function. I think this feature is lacking in the software.

    How hard or easy would it be to make changes to the core software? Would I run into copyright issues? Would it interfere with DRM?

    Any other thoughts or resources appreciated

    submitted by /u/Representative_Bank8
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    What is next after javascript.info ?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    I finished everything in javascript.info, what should I do next? Start learning a framework or search for intermediate/advances JS courses?

    submitted by /u/shox12345
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    Nonlinear Inequality Solver for Python

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Hey there! I'm an undergraduate who's currently participating in a math REU. Unfortunately, I'm not too familiar with numerical solutions to optimization problems, and my team needs a nonlinear inequality solver to move forward with our project. The inequalities we have to solve involve relatively few variables, and rather than generating a precise set of bounds for each variable, we just need numerical solutions that satisfy the inequalities. For instance, we recently encountered the set of inequalities


    \frac{1 - 2x}{x - y} > \frac{1 - x}{2x - y} > 1


    We're looking for a way to generate thousands of positive (x,y) pairs that satisfy the inequalities above. Also, many of our inequalities involve more than 2 variables, but none of the variables are raised to higher powers. If anyone has any tools that could help us out, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/bebop_blues
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    Wanna good at Competitive programming

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    Wanna good at Competitive programming but taking too much time to think and solve codeforces B and C category problem and find most of the time hard to solve. sounds silly,and Need more practice i know ..But exactly what type of math or logic i need to master to do well and think quickly while solving ..I'm kinda one way thinking type guy...Maybe my post seems silly but i really want to improve the thinking and solving process

    submitted by /u/zahin52
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    Python or C++ for Android + Windows computer vision?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    I have wanted to start programming, but have had no idea what to work towards, and because of that the will to learn has just disappeared in the wind.

    But now i'm certain i want to work towards making a computer vision program that can render point cloud models from video streams, by collecting camera + sensor data from a phone and stream it to a rendering station giving live feedback.

    This would primarily be to ease field work, since i have studied surveying and wish to have some extra qualification in this area.

    I just found OpenCV, which seems just like what i need to get started, i think. I assume C++ is cabaple of doing everything that might be needed, but is it suitable for android devices? Or might it be easier to use some other language for the phone end, since it would be "only" for collecting and transferring data?

    submitted by /u/FaxDwellerCat
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    Please suggest me some good Unity 2D courses (free)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    So I'm a student looking for free courses/tutorials/any learning resource which is free and teach me making 2D Unity games from scratch. Please recommend some.

    submitted by /u/Deathvenom54
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    Lookup object attribute via variable?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    In python, I need to write a method that searches through a list of objects based on it's attribute. The object has 10 attributes, so rather than either writing 10 lookup methods or a series of IF - ELIF, I'd like to do something like this:

    python def lookup(list, attribute, value): for object in list: if object.attribute == value: return object

    Is there a way to do this in python, or any other language? I feel like this is a feature that I've always wanted but never see.

    submitted by /u/Eternal_Practice
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    Why am I failing to train Google's Teachable Machine audio model to differentiate between 'some sing' and 'something'?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    Hey programmers,

    I'm struggling to figure out why my Google Teachable Machine model is failing to pick up the pronunciation difference between 'some sing' and 'some thing'.

    (I'm a native English speaker with clear differentiation between 's' and 'th')

    Here's what my project looks like.

    I'm using essentially the default code exported by the system, and picking out the result array item with the highest confidence score. At best the model always assumes what I'm saying is the word "something" and almost never "some sing".

    Any tips on what might be going wrong?


    submitted by /u/Proud-Masterpiece
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    Language/platform suggestions

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    Hello! My company wants to develop a way for multiple parties to edit, read and act on information at the same time. As an example, we have the following;

    We write/print an employees instructions Of what to do throughout their day (away from the site) Due to logistical uncertainties, these plans often change and we, at the office, need to be able to change an employees instructions and receive details about each stop along the way. We rely on them texting or us calling thought the day which is time consuming and creates more work. These handwritten documents are then scanned to PDF but look far from professional.

    My current idea is to use PowerApps for employees to submit data through forms which would then update an excel spreadsheet which can be edited/read by other staff continually. One of our clients is interested in developing this with us, and want something less informal than Power Apps.

    What would you suggest for this? I'm au fait with some programming but have a small budget to hire a team for the project, if I can build a decent project document to persuade our client.

    Thanks for any info you can offer

    submitted by /u/StraightenedSlinky
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    Question regarding the Berkeley Pacman CTF AI project

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    The project in question

    I asked about this project a couple of days ago, but now that I've actually gotten some work into it I've ran into an issue. I'm using an approach with the mini-max algorithm including alpha-beta prunung. Given the complexity of the game, I had to limit the depth of the game tree. However, since the rules of the project state that an agent should make a decision in less than one second, the highest depth I can go to is 2 before decision times just become too long.

    I wrote to my TA about this and he hasn't responded yet, but he told me that the mini-max + alpha beta prunung approach would be ok in an earlier correspondence. So is it possible that I'll just have to leave the depth at 2? Is there anything else I can do to improve the time? I just don't know how effective the algorithm is at such a low depth.

    submitted by /u/electrius
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    How to I shuffle values in a specific range without overlapping

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I basically what to do the following but without the array and for big numbers (572382720) x = { 0..100 } shuffle(x) y=x[42]

    submitted by /u/oj002
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    need some advice

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    i am going to start a study in bioinformatics next year but what type of laptop do you guys recommend? Windows or Mac?

    submitted by /u/jeroenn98
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    What are step by step instructions on getting into a career with programming? Is college required?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    I fucked around with messing with the shit a tiny bit here and there. Writing shit in Google Sheets (not sure if actually programming but it gave me the feeling I was.) And enjoyed it. Writing it was fun, but solving issues when something was wrong was even more fun. Felt like a computer detective. I know the more I do it, the less "fun" it may become but id like to explore it.

    So how do I go about learning programming and getting into a career in programming and learning programming? Like do i learn a language, practice it then find work using it? Or, do i go to college? Do i need to take A+ or computer science classes and learn about computers so I can properly program or is programming a stand alone thing and I can program but know shit all bout computers?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Overexplains_Everyth
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    C++ Error "subsripted value is not an array, pointer, or vector"

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Total noob here but trying to learn-

    The code should create a random 100-section array and then put the values into a 2D array to display it (the 2-D array isn't finished because of this error).

    The code in question is below.

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main() {
    int incrd1 = 0;
    int incrd2 = 0;
    int i2;
    int roomDisp[10][10];
    int i1;
    int roomGen[i1];
    for (i1 = 0; i1 < 100; i1++){
    int randNum = rand()%(4-1 + 1) + 1;
    roomGen[i1] = randNum;
    for (i2 = 0; i2 < 100; i2++){
    roomDisp [incrd1][incrd2] = roomGen [i2];
    cout << roomGen[incrd1][incrd2];

    submitted by /u/beansarefun
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    Optimal way to query db for 100,000+ records

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I have a list of more than 300,000 values and I want to know if any value is missing from my table.

    What would be the best way to do this?

    I'm using a dotnet core app, so should I make 1 query for each value? thus 300,000 connections?

    Here is what I'm thinking, please tell me the optimal way to do this?

    string[] extractContents = Directory.GetFiles(downloadFilePath); foreach (string zipPath in extractContents) { FindFileInDatabase(zipPath); } private static void FindFileInDatabase(string fileName) { string sqlCommand = "SELECT [FileName] FROM [Table].[Files]" + $"WHERE [FileName] = '{fileName}'"; using (var conn = new SqlConnection(sqlConnectionString)) { conn.AccessToken = authenticationResult.AccessToken; conn.Open(); using (var cmd = new SqlCommand( sqlCommand, conn)) { using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Read()) { var a = $"{reader["FileName"]}"; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine($"File found: {a}"); Console.ResetColor(); } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine($"File missing:\n\t{fileName}"); Console.ResetColor(); } } } } } 

    All advise is welcome.

    submitted by /u/greenSacrifice
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    Conflicted as to what I want to do as a career

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    I should preface this by saying I'm late(ish) in high school and I've been interested in computers for, essentially, my whole life, I've been using them since I was 4, and I first learned to "program" when I was like 7, while it was HTML, I'm simply mentioning this just to show where I am, and what I feel about computers.

    I've always been interested in building computers, building networks/firewalls, and coding/programming. As I said before I learned HTML at around 7 and then in the following few years I learned CSS, a little bit of JS, and I've tried PHP. I'd say I'm quite fluent in the basic web development languages. As I moved later on in schooling I kind of got busy, however I've recently picked it up again, I've been doing Python and SQL for school, and I much prefer the actual coding nature of Python and other languages.

    Here is my predicament...

    I'm also interested in aviation and most people in the industry that I know will tell me to line up another solid career on the side considering that the aviation industry can be quite fragile and you could lose your ability to work in less than a minute.

    There isn't really anything that I want to study in college to do with aviation as it's more of a practical thing, however I've been considering programming seeing as I'm quite interested in it. As I mentioned before, I've got a little bit of experience already and I'll be doing more SQL in the future as part of the curriculum.

    Is it true that you can get a job with a very solid paycheck for, essentially, knowing SQL and how to use it? Surely there has to be more than that?

    Otherwise, what should be the next language I pick up and what could I use it with. I'm not too proficient with terms but I'm more interested in dynamic languages, should Java be my next one?

    My next question is, what should I study in college? I originally thought about computer science but I've seen in a lot of places that it's less practical and more theory, I'd still be interested in this, however I'm still interested what the best approach would be if I was looking for a career with languages like Python, Java, and SQL? I still do have more to learn with Python such as plugins like Beeware and Django, but I'm still not sure what exactly I want to do with development.

    Any advice would be great. Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/Impression-Candid
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    Is there an easier version for Hackerrank online?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    I just wanna be able to get better at the syntax

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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