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    Thursday, July 30, 2020

    Reconstructing Journalistic Scenes in 3D | NYT R&D web developers

    Reconstructing Journalistic Scenes in 3D | NYT R&D web developers

    Reconstructing Journalistic Scenes in 3D | NYT R&D

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    The science of User Experience. How to use cognitive biases in the development of modern software products

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    The science of User Experience. How to use cognitive biases in the development of modern software products


    Good day to all of you,

    Recently I published a tool and the article which took me for about 2,5 years of research on cognitive science and behavioral economics. A tool called "UX CORE" consists of 105 hands-on examples of cognitive biases use in modern software development.

    Tool link: https://keepsimple.io/en/uxcore.html

    Also, I wrote an article that mainly focuses on how understanding brain errors and human behavior patterns can help to provide high-quality user experience (UX) in software production both for mobile and desktop.

    Medium article link: https://medium.com/@alexanyanwolf/the-science-of-user-experience-b4ae1314712c

    My idea was to lower the threshold for understanding cognitive biases, thereby allowing even non-specialists to know not only the fact of the error but also how this knowledge can be used.

    At the moment, information on this topic is very much scattered across Wikipedia and various entertainment portals in the style of "5 brain mistakes that will make you wonder", however, I decided to move away from the idea of ​​entertainment content, and focus my efforts on showing the topic from a different angle.

    I am deeply convinced that in our time, when at every step people talk about "a thousand amazing possibilities", humanity greatly underestimates the importance of understanding our own mistakes in processing information, which are inherent and will be characteristic of all of us throughout our life.

    Share this information with those who you think would find the topic interesting. Help me expand the discussion. Many thanks.

    submitted by /u/root______
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    How I Built a Serverless Search for My Blog

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Bypassing Date Restricted Website Content

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    I don't want to give too many details about the site, but I signed up for an online sports academy and they only allow you to access a little bit of content at one time and you have to wait for another 30 days to access more of the content. I emailed the company and they said they don't want people jumping ahead so they don't take on too much at once, yet you are required to pay for an entire year up front. I have a lot more time to work on the material right now and I find myself just waiting to access more. Is there anything I can do to trick the website into thinking it is a later date so I can access all of the content now? I already paid for it, so I feel like I should be able to consume it how I want. I am not a programmer, so ELI5 if possible.

    TLDR: I want a website to think it is a later date so I can access date-restricted content that I already paid for.

    submitted by /u/jchristensen24
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    How Can I Set This Columns Block to Resize Responsively Instead of Wrap?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    Cross-posting this here, as it hasn't gotten any responses in the WordPress subreddit, and I think my CSS question is generic enough to post here, under webdev, in general? Any help very appreciated!

    I'm using the WordPress columns block to display a list of three services, just like in this example.

    I'd like the columns to behave so that their contents resize dynamically, all staying in one (horizontal) row, but becoming smaller / shrinking responsively in size as the screen width becomes smaller. What is the correct CSS to modify the columns block and their contents to behave in this way?

    Just setting the block to flex-wrap: nowrap; keeps the columns all on one (horizontal) row, but what is the right CSS to make the contents of the column (example content below) responsively shrink as the screen width is reduced, so they don't all overlap each other as the screen width shrinks?

    <div class="wp-block-column">

    <div class="wp-block-image">

    <figure class="aligncenter"> <a href="[link to page]" <img src="[link to image]" class="wp-image-[###]" width="64" height="64"> </a> </figure>


    <h3> <a href="[link to page]>Service Title </a> </h3>


    submitted by /u/Hastibe
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    How does hiring web designer work?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:16 PM PDT


    I'm trying to start my own business. I will be selling clothes that I design using printful. I want a website where it's responsive and doesn't use parallax effect. What I had in mind was a minimalistic online store. Home page will be video with a shop button in the middle with my logo that takes you to the store page. Using a grid to show the products. I want the header to stick and such. If I hire a website designer to make my website, how does it work? Do I have to keep contacting him if I want to add a product or make any changes? What about sales tax and etc.? Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/The7Devils
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    How Google Ads thought our Shopify app is malicious or unwanted software

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    Where can I find a template similar to the New York Times Coronavirus “Those we’ve lost” page ?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Here is the website: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/obituaries/people-died-coronavirus-obituaries.html

    I need a template similar to this. I am not skilled enough to make it from scratch yet but I would be able to edit an existing template if it's close enough to this. Any suggestions or tips for how I can do this are also appreciated!

    submitted by /u/7850443Reddit
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    LinkedIn image issue for YouTube link. Help appreciated!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    Hi all, I am having a new issue for a YouTube video I created on LinkedIn. The inspector website says that there is no metadata for the image that is the video thumbnail. There is no issue when I post it on any other site (including my website where I embed the code). How can I fix this?

    I prefer not to pull and reupload the actual YouTube video as that would delete all of the video views etc. I've tried to figure this out on my own and am at a loss. Thanks! 🙏

    submitted by /u/perplexed_pragmatism
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    Why do Companies ghost you after giving all the interview rounds??

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    I recently gave an interview for this product based company, it consisted of three technical rounds which went great. I waited for the final update, also sent them an email regarding that. They said internal discussion is going on, we will update you. Didn't hear from them after that. Been over a month.

    Then few weeks ago, gave another interview consisting of 3 technical rounds as well. Grilled me on Data structures, Advanced Javascript, polyfills on Promise, detailed architecture of a server side rendered react app without using Next.js, etc. Rocked the interview. Last round was with the architect, at the end he said we look forward to have you in our team. So I was pretty sure, I was selected. I asked them for the update, they said we are having internal discussion(again lol). Ghosted me after that. Stopped replying to my mails.

    I don't get it. You waste your time on your interviews. The least they can do is give you a proper feedback/update at the end.

    submitted by /u/sid22m
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    Company covering membership fee to an online course, which should I go with?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Do you guys have any recommendations for which subscription platform (Treehouse, codecademy, etc...) i should go with as someone looking to expand my webdev knowledge?

    Luckily my company will pay for the subscription.

    Main areas I'm looking to learn more are html/css, Javascript, React, Databases (MongoDB), node for web development. Primarily front-end but would love to grow into full stack in the future.

    Much appreciated

    submitted by /u/Ayydos
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    Autoplaying back-to-back videos on the web using a Media Pool

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Natively Format JavaScript Dates and Times

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    How did you choose the right thing to learn?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Hi, I hope everyone is having a great day, I know there is a learntoprogram Reddit but I wanted to ask people who already know how, my question is, how did you decide on what to learn? I am at a place where I am stuck, I really want to be in web development, I have pretty good JS skills, I am looking for my second language, and can not decide between C# and Python, I have looked up so many articles, and I figured the best thing would be for me to ask you all, what made you decide what to learn? I looked up the job market, it seems to be bigger where I am for C#, but then I see Python seems ot be bigger for Freelancing.

    It always seems to be a close race and nothing is giving me a clear idea of what to choose, feel I am driving my self crazy over this. It is actually starting to affect my mood. I really appreciate any answers or stories you can give me. I thank you very much.

    submitted by /u/CodedCoder
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    Six JavaScript Console Methods like Taylor Swift folklore Lyrics

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Need guidance on how to proceed to build a portfolio.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    A little background about myself: I've been in the Defense industry working on embedded software for the past 3 years. I've recently been diving into webdev, mainly JS, HTML, CSS, React, and Node with the desire to switch industries. I was laid off from COVID-19 back in April, and now I have questions to break into the webdev industry.

    I have a Social Network project written in the MERN stack. I want to add another project to my portfolio. Should I build another project, possibly an Online Shop project, using the MERN stack? Or should I build it using another stack? I'm thinking if I use the MERN stack again, it would solidify my skills with the MERN stack, but if i used another stack, it would diversify my skillset.

    submitted by /u/boxcarcoder
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    Having trouble getting Spotify's Authorization Code Flow to work with flask web app

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    I am running an AWS EC2 instance with ubuntu 20.04 using flask. I am trying to create a web app that will prompt users to log in to Spotify so that the app can create playlists for them. I am running into an issue.

    Here's the basic flow I want: example.com/spotify --> prompted to sign in --> redirected back to example.com/redirect (From here I will continue with the application.

    When a user navigates to http://example.com/spotify, they receive a 500 internal server error.

    If any more information is needed I can provide it.

    I have been following the Authorization Code Flow guide here, but I'm having trouble. Here is my code:

    import json from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, url_for, request import credentials import requests import startup import base64 import urllib from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode app = Flask(__name__) #client credentials CLIENT_ID = credentials.clientid CLIENT_SECRET = credentials.clientsecret #spotify links SPOTIFY_AUTH_URL = "https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize" CLIENT_SIDE_URL = "http://www.example.com" PORT = 80 REDIRECT_URI = "http://www.example.com/redirect" SCOPE = "playlist-modify-private" STATE = "" @app.route("/") def home_function(): return render_template("home.html") @app.route("/spotify") def spotify(): payload = { 'client_id': CLIENT_ID, 'response_type': 'code', 'redirect_uri': REDIRECT_URI, 'state' : STATE, 'scope': SCOPE, } return redirect(f"{SPOTIFY_AUTH_URL}/?{urllib.parse.urlencode(payload)}") @app.route("/redirect") def redirect(): startup.getUserToken(request.args['code']) return render_template("redirect.html") 

    I've made sure that on my spotify app dashboard, the redirect URI is exactly the same, however I'm not even able to get to the user login page before the redirect so I don't think that could even be related.


    submitted by /u/Hdg56
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    How to sign in to this website with Powershell?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    I know this isn't a Powershell sub but I think my issue is more web-related.

    The login form is here https://www.greytrunkrfid.com/frontend/register

    This is my Powershell code:

    $uaString = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::FireFox #try to authenticate $webrequest=Invoke-WebRequest https://www.greytrunkrfid.com/frontend/register -SessionVariable my_session -UserAgent $uaString $loginform = $webRequest.Forms | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 'login_form'} $username = "******" $password = "******" $loginform.Fields.emailid = $username $loginform.Fields.pwd = $password Invoke-WebRequest -uri $loginform.action -method $loginform.Method -Body $loginform.Fields -WebSession $my_session -UserAgent $uaString 

    This doesn't throw any errors, but if I am signed in, I should be able to do

    Invoke-WebRequest https://www.greytrunkrfid.com/frontend/asset -WebSession $my_session -UserAgent $uaString 

    And get something different than the login page. But I don't.

    I figure there must be something about the structure of the login form that I'm not understanding. Any help?

    submitted by /u/nylentone
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    Working from home during COVID-19, is it unprofessional for someone to walk past in your background? I received this message from my project manager today. The person was professionally dressed and didn't interact with me, they simply walked to the bathroom. Is it unreasonable for this to annoy me?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Does anyone use codyhouse templates/components? Experience?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Considering them for a project and wondering what your experience is if you have used them.

    I like how clean the design is and how simple it is to integrate.

    submitted by /u/obviousoctopus
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    Need tool to detect DOM/CSS Changes

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    I need a tool that can monitor multiple websites for subtle DOM/CSS changes.

    Background: I am attaching Segment.io event listeners to dom elements on 2500+ webpages. The developers of these pages (there are multiple teams) don't always tell me when changes are made, which sometimes causes Segment/jQueries to fail.

    I'm not so much interested in content, which tools like Distill.io and ChangeTower appear to focus on, rather I need to know if the ID or classname (for example) on a normally static site has changed. Scanning once a day/week is fine, these pages are not supposed to change often; getting an email or text alert when they do change, possibly highlighting the change somehow (especially as a code diff) would be a huge plus.

    Does anybody know of such a tool? It seems like 90% of "page change tools" I see really just focus on scanning news sites and price checks, ie content vs structure which is what i am more interested in.


    submitted by /u/SnauxMobile
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    Price Comparison Website - Non Scraping

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    Hey all, I'm looking for some advise on creating a website that compares pricing from multiple source websites.

    The challenge I'm looking to overcome is 'how do we retrieve pricing in real time without having to scrape prices daily. Mainly because scraping is against terms of service and there are legal issues to overcome'. These can be side-stepped by looking up price by the user.

    YES, you can use services like CrawlerA to get the data and avoid IP banning but they can still come at you with a mis-use of data suit.

    Theoretically the website to be built is just aggregating the user search across 3x sites and showing this data in one place.

    If you compare a site like pricespy.co.nz, they utilize scraped and stored data to show latest pricing from multiple retailers.

    Compared with the likes of www.expedia.co.nz which looks up pricing at the time of search

    I can see one of the major drawbacks of using this method would be the time it takes to call-back the correct search data in real-time?

    The other is the pricing varies by location, the user would have to use their ZIP code to show the closest store from each retailer and pricing would search that database

    Is there anything else to look for? Here is an example site: https://foodme.co.nz/ (I believe they are using scraped data)

    submitted by /u/xxspinalxx
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    [rant] Splitwise API is a mess

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    HEADSUP: you can skip the backstory

    A couple of days ago a friend of mine invited me to try splitwise for our shared vacation.

    So I set up an account, clicked on login with google and immidiatly rolled back, because they wanted access to my contacts.

    After account creation they splashed me with one of those "use our app" screens - I dismissed, because I don't like Apps, but then I saw that their Website is not usable on mobile.

    ~70MB download of the app later it's usable.

    But now I wanted to see what's behind, so I read through their API documentation after joking to my friend that this was probably going to be a fun evening hacking a PWA client for it.

    This is their official documentation: https://dev.splitwise.com/

    That it's already version 3.0 of their API makes the following even less funny.


    • ever heard of http methods? - they could be wrong, better use http methods and specific URLs for each action
    • .../ get_user/:id sounds alot like REST? - nah, we have .../get_users, .../update_user/:id, ... Because having one URL and using http methods wouldn't work
    • nested objects as parameters users[0][id]=... is fun and stuff, but why easy, when you can use users__0__id?
    • search function for users? nah, you need email or email, firstname and lastname
    • comments? go to .../get_comments?expense_id=... (why nur under get_expense/:id/comments?)
    • Queryparameter, Requestbody? Mix and match without a recognizable schema
    • Placing hooks for notifications? - Nah, poll it
    • What kind of Notification? Here is a number instead of a readable string like EXPENSE_ADD
    • Our Currencies are maybe non standard, but we only give you the short name and the unit - guess the name
    • Parentcategories and subcoategories - more like Categorygroups and Categorys, cause you can't use a Parentcategory as a category
    • Don't touch our rate limits which we won't tell you where they are!
    • The API uses oAuth, so client tokens are a thing, but you can't use the API from a 3rd party website, because well, there are no cross origin headers in place, so CORS hits hard.


    submitted by /u/Snapstromegon
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    Thoughts on building a website from scratch vs using a CMS in 2020??

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    Background: I am a jr developer, & have been asked by a friend to build a website for her new personal training business. I am very familiar with HTML/CSS and comfortable enough with JS. My regular job consists mainly of working on ionic apps and website tweaks but I have built out a few websites in the past for friends as a side hustle/gaining xp.

    This particular site won't need anything crazy, just displaying basic info about the training she offers and a couple of other static pages. But I do want it to look nice, modern, and eye catching obviously.

    I am wondering what is the best way of going about developing a website in 2020 given that I do have enough experience to build it from scratch. I have been looking into a few different options like wordpress.com, wordpress.org, wix, and squarespace. I would love to hear thoughts/opinions of other developers when it comes to building basic websites.

    submitted by /u/midnighttoker89
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