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    Tuesday, July 28, 2020

    Path of Exile Then and Now (Or: Don't be ashamed of your coders art)

    Path of Exile Then and Now (Or: Don't be ashamed of your coders art)

    Path of Exile Then and Now (Or: Don't be ashamed of your coders art)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    A look at the Plant Simulation in my game

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    A look at the Plant Simulation in my game

    Thought it'd be interesting to give you a look into the plant simulation I'm building for a game. The game uses a lo-fi/low-poly/pixel art aesthetic, so after picking a type of plant, I try to quickly mock up some pieces of the plant in blender and slap a pixel art texture on it to see how that works.

    First mockup of cactus parts in blender.

    The plant growing sim works by taking "branches" and basically plopping them on predefined places on other branches.

    Different parts of the cactus

    Then there are a few different parameters on each type of branch that determine how the plant will grow. The game is not very physically based, the plants do not take simulated light or nutrients into account, I've approached the plants more from an aesthetics standpoint: what shape should the final plant have.

    Part of the settings for each branch

    For the cactus above, a lot of different settings yield believable results, I guess cacti are just random like that.

    Three cacti

    For a bamboo, however, it makes quite a lot of difference whether they try and grow upwards, and whether they are allowed to bifurcate:

    Bamboo with different growing parameters

    What all plants have in common, though, is that they use the physics engine to do quick tests about where they have space to grow, and whether there is a surface for them to grow on.


    The final result with a bunch of different Plants.

    I'd be super happy to post more in-engine screenshots or explain other things :)

    submitted by /u/noio
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    Assets free to make a platformer game :D

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    Assets free to make a platformer game :D

    you can give me the credit, but it's not necessary.

    You can use them in commercial games and edit this assets.

    Link to download


    submitted by /u/TOGUDV
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    What do you think about this hand-tracking experience? Full video in the comments

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    Designing good UI takes an ungodly amount of time and is deceptively hard. Is anyone having the same experience?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I just need to vent. I never anticipated that such a huge portion of my time making my game-project would go into just conceptualizing UI. I'm not talking about drawing the UI-assets or implementing the UI into the game, no I'm just talking about designing/making concepts for how it will work.

    I've been working on a customizing-stats menu for over 14 hours (over 2 days). 14 hours! For visualizing just one UI-window. To clarify when I say UI-window I'm referring to things like the "Inventory"-window, or "Stat"-window or "Settings"-window. The game I'm making has around 15 different UI-windows planned and so far designed maybe 8 of them. I already feel like I'm loosing my mind, they've easily taken me over 10 hours each! It's shocked me because I never anticipate UI to be so hellishly difficult and time-consuming.

    Thinking about it it makes sense that UI takes time/is hard. I think I heard someone say that UIs are like windows into interacting with games, that they often give players both information and agency. So it makes sense that designing UI in a way that's not only logical but also enhances player experiences requires a lot of effort. However, I'm still shocked and feel like I'm loosing my mind whenever it's time for UI-making lol.

    Is anyone having a similar experience with UI-designing? Are you shocked by how hard/time-draining UI is?

    Edit: formatting

    submitted by /u/Gnodima
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    Hey! Created a small build & defend demo in Unreal Engine with C++.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Tips & Tricks for Creating Colorful Stylized 3D Characters for Beginners

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    Does technical artist need to know how to code?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Im 3d junior artist with 5 months of experience. But i also like to try to make some shaders/ lighting on my own. The aspect of how things are more or less optimized for the scene and whole workflow is very interesting to me. I think i might try to pivot more to the technical side of things in the upcoming years, or at least im thinking about that.

    Can u call 3d artist - hypothetically - who can do 3d enviro/lighting/shaders a technical artist? Or its still a just 3d artist?

    Does technical artist need to know how to code? If yes - which language for specific tasks? Or just doesnt matter? Or maybe technical artist only need to know how to read the code?

    I guess he needs to know how to find solutions for optimizng assets/textures and all the compile./shader things ?

    What should i focus on if i want to become technical artist coming only from the 3d environment/prop side? What skills should i improve? What kind of knowledge to get about what? Is the math necessary ? (i hate math : D )

    I know it all depends from what the company needs. I just want to read ur thoughts

    submitted by /u/sprawa
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    What I learned from a failed game pitch (and how you can ace your next one)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Opening Doors both ways tutorial

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Hey fellow Unrealers!

    I made a quick tutorial on opening doors both ways, always opposite to the character.

    Check it out!


    submitted by /u/kamolescu
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    iPhone app for 3D body scanning

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    iPhone app for 3D body scanning

    Hi gamedev community,

    We released an app for super-easy 3D body scanning. Just rotate in from of the camera. The avatars come with rig. See this video. And here is an app link.

    Some scan examples:

    1. Body scan of a person: link
    2. More examples of scans: link
    3. Head only scan: link (not enabled in this app, but we could probably release this also).

    Would love to hear what you think!


    submitted by /u/dmitry_ulyanov
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    When you have an idea for game logic, as a programmer, how do you reason your way to a solution? Are you a savant who inherently knows how to get to where you need to be? Or are you mostly fumbling in the dark?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    I'm just curious, for programmers, how do you find your way to a solution with code? From idea > writing code > solving the problem. Does it comes naturally or do you need to walk yourself to the answer?

    Because I'm at the point of learning syntax, but I don't know how to get my brain to start it's own puzzle-solving engine. When I watch tutorials I'm like "ah, I see how you did that". And then I open up a text editor waiting to get an idea or inspiration to write anything, and I'm stuck. Like writers block. But it's more like programmers block.

    So it made me wonder if I'm cut out to think like a programmer. Do all programmers reach a level where if they have an idea then they can reason about it to find a solution? Can you train your brain to think in a way that is suited to give a computer instructions? (If that makes sense).

    Update: wow, this community has really given me some awesome responses. My perspective is a bit different now, and I feel more belief in myself. I feel like I want to achieve this goal for myself, to be able to create through code instead of just consume things (like games). Thank you everyone.

    submitted by /u/AcademicF
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    We're Roost Games and we're using Godot Engine to make our own little game called Cat Cafe Manager! What do you think?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Unity 2D Ragdoll

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    Unity 2D Ragdoll

    Decided I would share what I've learned from a few days just working with ragdolls. Buckle up because this might be long. You can also download all the files from my project and place them in your project and edit them however you want if you don't want to recreate all things because they take a lot of time.

    Here is a quick view of what I've made, and what this tutorial is about:


    First, I had to decide what sprites I was going to use(you can use squares and circles if you don't want sprites). I already had my idea in mind. I was going to use MMD characters for my sprites. I downloaded MMD (you can download it from here https://learnmmd.com/downloads/ ). After that I downloaded an MMD model From which I was going to be creating the sprites. I won't be posting screenshots of this part because in unnecessary. So Then I put the model, pose it in a way that when you look at the side of the model, you can see the legs and the hands at the same time, But You will have to pose it a few times so you can get a good shot from every limb and body part.

    For my sprites I took around 4 pictures, and they were in 4k, and I rendered them is PNG format so the background will be transparent =) . here are 2 of them for example:




    (there are 2 more pictures for all sprites)

    So in picture "1" I can see all limbs from the right side, and a bit of the body, but in that picture I can only use the right leg and right arm. In picture "2" I can see the body, and the chest especially, which is really handful if the limb can be torn off, and there is no arm that will block the rest of the chest. From this picture I can use the right leg, the body and the head too because the hair is not blocking the rest of the head. In MMD you can rotate the base of the hair so you can move it in ways that won't block your view. The 2 other pictures are for me to get the sprites for the hair and for the left leg and arm, but you have to know what unless you somehow delete the body you won't be able to get a clean shot from the inner side of the arm and the leg, but you can try to mask them in the photo editor if you need to.

    Second, I had to edit out the sprites from the pictures which was a lengthy process because I tried different ways to export it, In layers for example so they are all different objects in Unity but it didn't work. They were is PSD format which is really big, and crashed Unity a few times, So just do it in PNG format. For this task I used GIMP but the only reason I did, was that I could export in PSD format but that didn't work, so you can just use paint.net or photoshop or whatever is comfortable to you.

    So the ragdoll body parts are: 2 Upper Arms, 2 Lower Arms and 2 Hands, 2 Thighs/Upper Legs, 2 Lower Legs, 2 Feet, 2 Toes, 1 Hips, 1 Stomach, 1 Chest, 1 Neck, 1 Head.

    So you just take a picture, open it in your editing software of choice


    Using the lasso tool, mark/lasso out the body part you will be making and copy it. Create a new file with a transparent background and place the body part there. That file, we will call the sprite sheet.


    Here is the sprite sheet for anyone wanting to use it:


    Just like that. Also, remember to select a bit more of the limb/objects/sprite, so when they rotate in game, there won't be gaps. (I messed that part up in the body ^^, everyone makes mistakes).

    When adding the sprites make sure that you can draw a rectangle around them without touching the other sprites.

    Now, you can finally create your Unity 2D project.

    After that import the SpriteSheet.png file, click on it and in the Inspector change the settings so they match these:


    Then click on the button that say "Sprite Editor" and then draw a rectangle with your mouse, by clicking and dragging your mouse. Then Rename the sprite that you've drew your rectangle, by clicking on the rectangle that you've drawn, like this:


    Repeat this for all the sprites in the SpriteSheet.

    Create an empty Root GameObject, and add to it a Rigidbody2D component.

    Then create an empty Hip GameObject, and add a Rigidbody2D component, and a FixedJoint2D, Then you can add the sprite of the hips to it, Then for each next part, create it as a child to the previous part like this:


    Each limb is an empty GameObject with a child sprite attached to it. Scripts and components should only be attached to the empty GameObject. This is that was so you can use the same ragdoll, animations and such on different looking characters.

    Each Limb empty GameObject has: A Rigidbody2D, a HingeJoint2D and a Box and/or a Circle collider 2D:


    The Hinge Joint 2D connection is the parent of the object. The Stomach HingeJoint2D is connected to the Hips Rigidbody2D and so on with the hands. When you are done placing the component, you can start editing the rotation limits.


    Don't worry about break force and Torque. You should only edit them if you want to have the limbs be able to be torn off of the body. What you have to do is click "Edit Joint Angular Limits" and in the Scene Editor set the angle you want to limit the specific body part to, and remember to check the "Use Limits" check box for it to work.

    Its all set and you should be able to see your ragdoll. Now from here on I will be explaining how to make it move using user input, and turn itself into a ragdoll afterwards.

    I made a simple script, which has an array of Rigidbody2D components, and a switch that turns on and off the Rigidbody2D components, And the opposite for the Animator component.

    using System.Collections;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using UnityEngine;

    public class RagdollSwitch : MonoBehaviour


    public Rigidbody2D[] ragdollParts;

    public Animator animator;

    public bool enabled = false;

    // Update is called once per frame

    void Update()


    if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && enabled){

    enabled = false;


    }else if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && !enabled){

    enabled = true;




    void Disable(){

    for(int i = 0; i < ragdollParts.Length; i++){


    ragdollParts[i].isKinematic = true;

    animator.enabled = true;



    void Enable(){

    for(int i = 0; i < ragdollParts.Length; i++){

    ragdollParts[i].isKinematic = false;

    animator.enabled = false;

    if(transform.localScale.x < 0)

    transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z);




    I also have a Box Collider 2D added to the root, but It's not needed, I will be using it in my game for collision checks from attacks and so on but you don't need it.

    There is a Disable and Enable functions that just turn on and off the Rigidbody2D components (turns them into kinematic) and the opposite is done for the Animator component.

    There is also a weird line of code that checks for the scale of the Root Object. The reason is that in my controller script I scale the model in the direction of movement, but when it turns into a ragdoll the Hinge Joint 2D components are not flipped and everything bends backwards, so that's a problem I still have no fix for.

    Now get back to the Editor, click the Root GameObject and place the script in it, set the array size to the number of body parts that have the Rigidbody2D component and drag and drop them there. When you play the game now, you can click to turn off the ragdoll and then again to turn it on.


    I have it set at 30 because I've added hair to my ragdoll, but the hair ragdoll doesn't work when everything else is kinematic so they are with the ragdoll of the character too. I currently don't have a fix for that, and I've tried a lot of things but it might just be me that I'm stupid. If somehow someone finds a fix, please let me know, I'd love to hear it =).

    Now let's make the player move. I've written a simples script that manages animations and all that.

    Here it is:

    using System.Collections;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using UnityEngine;

    public class playerController : MonoBehaviour


    Rigidbody2D rigidbody;

    Animator animator;

    float xScale = 0;

    RagdollSwitch ragdoll;

    public float walkingSpeed = 10f;

    void Start(){

    rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();

    animator = GetComponent<Animator>();

    ragdoll = GetComponent<RagdollSwitch>();

    xScale = transform.localScale.x;


    void Update(){

    float inputX = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");


    if(inputX != 0){

    transform.Translate(transform.right * inputX * walkingSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

    animator.SetBool("walking", true);


    animator.SetBool("walking", false);


    if(inputX < 0){

    transform.localScale = new Vector3(-xScale, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z);

    }else if(inputX > 0){

    transform.localScale = new Vector3(xScale, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z);





    It's added to the Root GameObject too.

    As you can see when get access to the RigidbodySwitch script which allows us to see when the ragdoll is active or not. If it's active, we can't manipulate the character position, animations etc. If it's not active, we can move freely, and we have animations for that too.

    Finally to finish off, we create an Animator Component in the Root GameObject. Then you can create animations from the Root GameObjects, or you can use mine, which will be linked at the end of the post.

    Animations and Animator(Animation Controller): http://www.mediafire.com/file/u1bc4kb9pxvslbi/Animations.rar/file

    Character Prefab: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mu1s9fx4jmf3myg/Character_Prefab%252C_SpriteSheet%252C_scripts_%252B_hair_prefab.rar/file

    This is my first post here, so if there is a problem with the post, let me know about it.

    submitted by /u/xXrandomryzeXx
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    if you make a game and it sells decently on steam, is that enough to land a job in a big studio?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    How to expand your game dev peer group?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    I realized tonight that there's so many talented developers out here that are trying really amazing things, but the way reddit is set up isn't exactly conducive with making connections.

    Where do you find and meet those great and talented folks that inspire you to push a little harder and make the best games you can possibly make?

    submitted by /u/chance6Sean
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    Blinking text on Unity

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Blinking text on Unity


    I've been trying to create a blinking text effect for when my Unity game is paused and most of what I found on the internet used co-routines, timers, etc and it all felt a little cumbersome. So with a little more research I came up with this, thanks to robertbu answer on unity forums.

    This is what it looks:


    And this is the code:

    public Text blinkingText; private bool isGamePaused; private Color blinkColor; void start() { //Match with the text color assigned in the editor blinkColor = blinkingText.color; } void update() { if (isGamePaused) { //Use Mathf.PingPong to change the alpha back and forth blinkColor.a = Mathf.Round(Mathf.PingPong(Time.unscaledTime * 2.0f, 1)); //Assign the new alpha to the text blinkingText.color = blinkColor; } } 

    What do you guys think? Is this ok or is there a better way to go about it?

    submitted by /u/mportorodrigo
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    Question regarding N-Gons (Weapon)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Hi guys hope you are well.

    I know in general Ngons are to be avoided for most cases due to them not animating nicely / certain engines throw a bitch fit however im wondering if this would be permissible.

    I'm currently making a weapon in Fusion 360 (Hard surface god-mode software) and I'd like to use it as the primary weapon the player will use in Unreal. The reason I ask is because when exporting as an OBJ / FBX the geometry goes crazy and it would be an absolute pain in the ass to retopo / unwrap.

    There isnt any serious deformations within any animations as they generally tend to be translate / rotate movements.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/saxonn_88
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    Cloth simulation in unreal engine under 7 minutes

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    What size should my pixel art backgrounds be if the game is going for a 1080p look?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:59 AM PDT


    I am making a 2d pixel art adventure platformer game. My character is a bout 23 by 12 pixels in size. The thing I am working on next is the background. What size would be good for my background? I want the quality to be HD at 1080p.

    submitted by /u/Magical_Legends
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    Want to put a web- and touch-friendly game to good use?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    I'm creating a simple gaming platform to showcase simple, fun web- and touch-friendly games. One unique thing: on the platform, when players accomplish goals in any minigame, we'll pay for the removal and recycling of 1kg of otherwise littered plastic waste from the earth. Woot! Spreading positive energy...

    If anyone here has any previous work lying around that wouldn't be too hard to tweak and embed online for this purpose, let me know if you'd be open to chatting!

    submitted by /u/jonahreider
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    We're hosting our next monthly jam for SDC, the Summer Harvest Jam! Come grow some games �� ��

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:55 AM PDT

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