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    Wednesday, July 29, 2020

    OAuth — Open Authorization web developers

    OAuth — Open Authorization web developers

    OAuth — Open Authorization

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    CSS3 loaders and spinners by https://twitter.com/vineethtrv

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Different versions of your site can be running at the same time

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    I have a 3-6 month impromptu business going on for the next few months. What’s the best way to create a cheap site to bring in leads?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Hey guys I'll make this quick. I'd rather not hire a web dev as from my previous web des/dev experience (I was like lvl 5 mage you all are like lvl 99) I know I don't need to directly hire a person for this. Thanks to COVID I discovered a new niche and have been making good money off of it and now I want to establish a website.

    ALL the site needs is a few videos on the landing page, an info sheet on the landing page, and 1-2 other pages for reviews and some other information.

    The info sheet should be sent to me once completed and a pop up should have a message I can write in it.

    So my current order of operations is to:

    1. Purchase domain

    2. Purchase non EIG hosting

    (this is where I get lost)

    1. WordPress

    2. Google spreadsheet

    3. SEO (very important)

    The product is a service, so not much action needs to happen on the site.

    I may be entirely wrong or decently right, I don't know, but I'd like to ask the pros. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/casual_redditor_01
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    Wondering how this website was designed

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Anyone knows how an interactive website like that was made?


    submitted by /u/memeandi
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    Newby here, What do you call this scrolling effect?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Beginners/Amateurs to Github! A guide to creating better Github projects.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    I have been using Github a lot more lately, I have seen a lot of awesome GitHub projects and some not so great ones. This has helped me get an idea of what is the difference between a bad and a good project. In this blog, I want to pass those insights on to you.

    To highlight these concepts I have attached my projects where I have attempted to implement these concepts.


    The number one issue I see with projects is the lack of a Readme. Readme is a good way to explain what your project does, it shows your ability to document things and to explain ideas succinctly. These are qualities an interviewer is looking for, it would go a long way in forming a favourable impression of you. Furthermore, it would help people looking at your code to better understand your project. By skipping out on the readme you are tossing away a great tool in your toolbox.

    Use your Readme as a method to explain what problem you are trying to solve, how to set up your project, explain the future of your project and so on. Make sure you do not have any glaring spelling errors in your Readme.

    Eg: Django CMS


    Have a live demo for your website or tool if it is hostable if not have a gif in your Readme. This is important since a recruiter or an interviewer looking at your project is never gonna deep dive into your project code, they will probably try to gauge what concepts you have implemented, a demo helps a long way with this. It also demonstrates that you know how to push websites to production.

    I have used Heroku to host some of my projects mainly because of the ease of pushing to production, I have also seen some netlify being used. Choose any of these platforms and host your project. Make sure your hosted website domain is clean and easily visible in your repo.

    Eg: First Contrib, Remote Machine Monitor


    Pay attention to your Repo, having a.DS_Store in your repository will look very amateurish, this can be easily avoided by adding a .gitignore. Have a clear folder structure for your project, for example, have an src folder for your main code. You can look at other well established open-source projects for inspiration.

    Something else good projects have in common is that they follow a commit philosophy, I have seen a lot of people make commits that wouldn't make any sense if they were to look at it a few days later, don't make this mistake, coding is a collaborative process, you are not writing the commit for yourself, you are writing it for your teammates, keep this in mind while you are writing commits. I try to follow the Angular commit style which is a very clean way to present your commits.

    Another thing to do would be to add a license. A license in your repo increases the authenticity of your project and looks professional.

    Eg: Django CMS


    Ensure your profile has a professional username, this I learned the hard way because I thought it would be funny to have 420 in my profile name. There is no way that comes out looking good. Also in the domain of naming, make sure your project has an easily searchable name, as it would be otherwise very difficult for people to discover your project.


    If you are working on concepts or ideas that do not have a lot of resources online, any information you have gathered, make sure you take notes and consolidate into a blog. This is a good way to give visibility to your projects and ideas and also in the process helps a lot of people.

    Hoping to write more of these based on your review.

    TLDR; 1. Add a Readme.
    2. Add a Demo.
    3. Add .gitignore, follow commit philosophy.
    4. Have a professional username.
    5. Have a blog.

    submitted by /u/krishnanunnir
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    Personal Website: Design Choice or Just Flat-Out Wrong?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    tl;dr: I have a design-influenced statement on my hero image that does not have capitalization or punctuation. Would it be better for me to change this to follow appropriate grammar and syntax?

    I'm making a personal website that contains my CV, a bit of information about myself, projects I've worked on, a blog and contact information. Pretty standard stuff.

    Now, I've always thought I was keen on design and I find something appealing about lower-case statements. When you enter my site, you see a hero image of me with the words, "i am beardiest software engineer", all in lower case, no punctuation, sans-serif font, and "i am", "beardiest", and "software engineer" are all on different lines and different sized fonts (with my name being larger for emphasis). I'll admit it's a little hokey, but I didn't think it looks bad.

    I showed my wife and she immediately got out her red pen and started telling me that "I" should be capitalized, my name should be capitalized because it's a proper noun, and asking me if I plan on adding a comma and a period for the statement.

    This put me in an awkward spot. She was looking at this as a complete sentence and that it should follow appropriate grammar and syntax while I was looking at this as a design-influenced statement. However, whenever a potential employer looks at my site, I do not know how they'll see it.

    Should I "trust my gut" in the design? Or is just about everyone going to look at this and think I have a poor grasp on grammar? I can redesign it to as a complete sentence, but I don't know if that would look weirder?


    Here is a screen of my website, minus the picture of myself and my real name:


    submitted by /u/Beardiest
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    How to improve the organization of a monolith application?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    I started on a new team 6 months ago, and the app is kind of a hybrid monolith / microservice architecture. Parts of it are dispersed among individual microservices, but the bulk of the features reside in a Java Spring Boot monolith.

    Because of the many Resource, Service, DA, VO, helper, etc. classes, this monolith is pretty big and unwieldy to navigate. The specific features aren't partitioned into organized folders either, so you have to sift through it and judge by class name what something is doing.

    I would like to try and improve on this, but I'm not sure how and in what would be a meaningful way. Would this even require any development, or just re-organizing packages?

    Any other suggestions + side effects I'm not seeing are welcomed.

    submitted by /u/calltheambulampssir
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    What is one of the better online courses to learn web development?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Are there any Udemy courses in specific or websites in specific that are recommended to get comfortable with modern web development

    submitted by /u/AcademicF
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    How to add like button on blog articles?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:29 PM PDT


    How do I add a functionality to like blog posts like there (with Enjoy button) or there?

    Is there any free plugin (Javascript/Jquery) I can add on my website to do that or it's only with PHP?

    Can you make something like the same computer can't like multiple times?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Nic727
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    Deploying a website?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    I'm still learning but my mom needs a basic static website for her home clinic, I offered to make it, she agreed

    Question is, how do I deploy it. Should I go the buy and register a domain route, or use something else like AWS, heroku etc.

    submitted by /u/Jacc1708
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    Need help forming a Javascript fetch request for uploading caption in Youtube Data API

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    I am trying to make a little personal project client-side only web app that adds a caption to a YouTube video. On the YouTube Studio at least, I can't add multiple tracks for one language nor specify a name for each track. It just so happened that I stumbled upon this YouTube Data API documentation page about inserting a caption track.

    Only that I'm just confused how to make the request. There is stuff there about sending a JSON captions resource in the request but I'm not sure how can I include the subtitle file in the request. I tried appending the file and the JSON metadata to a FormData and it doesn't work.

    I wanted to accomplish this with a single Javascript fetch() request, although I'm not sure if that's possible. I always get a 400 response with this message:

    The request contains invalid metadata values, which prevent the track from being created. Confirm that the request specifies valid values for the snippet.language, snippet.name, and snippet.videoId properties. The snippet.isDraft property can also be included, but it is not required.

    I still get the same error even when I just send a stringified object with snippet having the required properties as the body with the right headers(?). I think I'm at my wit's end. Asking for help on this, thanks!

    submitted by /u/jp0678
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    Microfrontends — should I care?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Business logic in your DB vs your backend

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Currently, all examples of backend architecture I have seen enforces the business logic in the backend itself. With NoSQL databases like Mongo, which are inherently schema-less, we do have to enforce the shape of data along with the business logic in the backend itself, and that is the only way to do it.

    However, when it comes to Relational Databases, like Postgres, which are rich in features and has built-in support for functions and triggers and all that jazz, we can easily enforce the business logic in the database itself. But, most devs prefer to keep the database rather anaemic and keep the business layer in the backend itself. Thus the features of the databases remain criminally under-utilized and neglected. The advent of GraphQL and such have taken the entire focus from the database to the backend. My question is: Why is it that we do not use the database features? Is it because it is another piece of technology to master, and instead it is easier to use the backend itself? Many have argued that it makes you tied to the DBMS you are using, but I would say that with proper abstraction, we can easily make the database-side functions vendor-agnostic.

    An example of what I am asking for: Imagine we have a database and we need commit a sale to DB. We usually wrap all the necessary INSERTs like to the sales table, the stock table and so on , in a transaction and then we commit it. All this is more easily handled by the DB functions itself, and we can actually make the backend schema-agnostic. We can make it so that it only talks to the DB functions and retrieves data from views.

    submitted by /u/Mycroft2046
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    Will a CDN make my website faster?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    I manage our ecommerce website which is available in 8 European countries. The website is currently hosted in Belgium and is quite 'image-heavy'. We've already done a shitload of speed optimisations and now I'm looking looking into CDN's for the finishing touch. I'm trying to do everything within my reach to speed it up and it's OK if that will cost me some (monthly) money.

    Often when I read about CDN's it's about intercontinental traffic. I was wondering: will a CDN be worth it if we stay within Europe. Will a Norwegian customer notice a difference with a CDN (which I assume then serves the content from Norway) vs. directly from the our host in Belgium?

    submitted by /u/Necessary_Mammoth
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    What is the best server logging solution?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    I'd like to log every request from browser, to my web server (nodejs).

    Is there online logging tool you recommend?

    I read this post,


    but I want to hear your opinion.

    submitted by /u/turtlesng
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    What site/app to use to develop a 2D webGame?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Basically, i do not know how to run all those sites like phaser.js, backbone game engine ... and im fairly new. I started with code cademy and learnt javaScript and i knew how to use it site to create easy 2D games but now i want another one more powerful to create even bigger games and im unable to find one. Can you guys help me plz?

    submitted by /u/PotatoLovers7
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    I deployed my first Web Application after 6 months!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    I started web development 6 months ago with ZERO knowledge regarding the field.

    I dedicated at least 2-3 hours per day studying the fundamentals to the advanced topics, from frontend to backend.

    200+ tutorials, 10+ scrapped projects, hundreds of bugs/errors, and thousands of variables later..

    Here I am, deploying my first Web Application while doing my thesis.


    SIGN UP NOW! Happy Datamining! 🤑

    submitted by /u/BRELLIUS
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    How to send n request simultaneously to url ?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:01 PM PDT


    I would like to test my gunicorn setup and would need a program to send 500 simultaneous request to url so I can see what happens with webserver.

    What software should I use, preferably free ?


    submitted by /u/martinktm
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    Creating live streaming for users

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    We run a niche social media website (think facebook but for a certain industry) where the backend is entirely built on Laravel 5.3.

    We want to create a feature where a user can 'go-live' exactly like they do on facebook or the new reddit live thingy.

    We could do it natively but I imagine to encode / broadcast our own video to thousands of users would be prohibitively expensive and I was wondering if anyone had any good experiences with 3rd party providers for this kind of integration.

    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Supermagiccow
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    Generating HTML from natural language prompts, using a GPT-3 neural network.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Best tool to monitor Apache requests (count, path, etc) in real-time/historical

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    I'm just trying to find a tool to analyze the apache logs, or output from apache status to show graphs of traffic over time and currently accessed paths, etc. What is everyone using?

    submitted by /u/FunkDaddy
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    Is there a way to make a web-based app that works like Teams, Meet or Zoom?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    I've got more than one client who are desperately trying to convince me that "I must find a way" to add a videocall service like Zoom and the others mentioned in the title. I am 99% sure I can't without a 3rd party software, am I wrong?

    For the record, I code both front and backend. LAMP stack, but I am open to explore other options if they are viable.

    I've checked various competitors and they all use the above mentioned solutions, usually Meet by Google. I suspect this is the only way...

    submitted by /u/MarmotOnTheRocks
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